A bitter gamebro wandered into the Men’s Rights subreddit last night to deposit an angry little manifesto on the evils of women and Social Justice Warriors. He didn’t get a terribly friendly reception from the regulars — last I checked he’d been voted down to zero — but his manifesto is such a classic example of self-pitying gamebro misogyny that I sort of felt obliged to bring it to you all here.
Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Then let’s begin.
I am shocked — shocked! — to hear this about the laundry, as the females I live with are quite fastidious about their personal cleanliness, spending a good portion of their waking moments licking their fur coats clean. But they are cats, after all.
The human females I know are mostly slobs, actually, though I can’t claim to be any better myself.
How exactly did the state of one’s laundry come to be a factor in deciding a human being’s worth, anyway?
Also, I’m thinking that “cause I’m a penis, and that’s all I am” would look really good on a t-shirt. Anyone else agree?
That man definitely sounds like a pillock. Sex and the City references, rating system, assuming that women who don’t want his attention are really hungry for attention, believing that money will buy him blow jobs (without having to visit a consenting sex worker, that is), insulting the looks of the woman that he was just coming onto after she’s rejected him, rudely accusing a woman of being rude and disrespectful when she politely turns down his advances.
Shit. I think that I’ve met this guy in person. Or at least someone who used exactly the same strategy to woo the ladies.
(To the tune of “I’m Just a Kid” by Simple Plan)
I’m just a di~ck in a feminist nightmare!
I’m just a di~ck, I know that it’s not fair!
Nobody cares, so I’m alone,
and the world is having more fun than meeee~!
@Phoenician- Sexual preference or tastes doesn’t excuse illegal/immoral activities, so it wouldn’t make any different.
I assume that was a joke about autochoriissexualism not being real/just being a useless fancy name for voyeurism, though. Believe what you will.
@WWTH…That guy…oy vey!
Why do guys ANYWHERE think a crude sexual comment WORKS to entice women???
Speaking as a slut, even in my sluttiest days of slutdom…
… That would be like, “EWW!”
It’s the text message equivalent of waving your wiener at me…which, yeah, some guy tried that too IRL. Guy was my neighbor.
….Even though it actually was a pretty impressive penis as penises go, and might have been fun to play with had the fellow properly approached matters, I was totally NOT impressed by having it waved at me.
In fact I started carrying a kitchen knife around openly until he apologized for waving that willy at me.
That is NOT how you do it, guys. Really. Crudeness=turnoff!
I think that they believe that being…er…bold, if you want to use their interpretation, they’ll turn women on. They also seem to think that it’s a compliment, which is why when it doesn’t work, they start trying to make the woman feel about herself. They hope that she’ll give them sex (or at least attention) in order to get them to make her feel desirable again.
WWTH, good lord, that guy. He takes manchild loserdom to new levels.
Ha, I saw that dude on creepypms (one of the few places on reddit I will peek at.) My personal favorite is ‘[Slur], black people always think I’m Ashton Kutcher’. I can’t decide whether to continue laughing my butt off or being completely confused. I assume there is some racist not-logic in there, but it’s just so…I don’t even. I mean, what, do all white guys look the same to black people? Am I suddenly supposed to not be able to tell my boyfriend from other white guys? ‘Oh, honey, I didn’t cheat on you, I mistook James Marsden for you! It happens all the time!’
Also, what is with the obsession with Sex and the City? I never watched it, and these guys seem to think all women everywhere have it on DVD or something. I don’t think I even know the principal character’s names. Whatever.
And my biggest issue with their rating system is that it makes no sense. Not all people find the same things attractive, so a flat system like that is essentially useless, since one person’s ‘6’ is another person’s ’10’.
I actually do like SatC but I don’t know that the show had an influence on me and I’m certainly not obsessed with it or anything. I think they just really can’t stand that a show about women and their sexuality not only existed but was actually very popular. It’s especially misandrous that the characters are in their 30s or 40s and therefore supposed to have long since hit the wall but they still manage to have active dating and sex lives.
You can see the same logic when this breed of douches start projecting their own preferences in women on human genetics, as if all men, everywhere, everywhen, liked the same traits.
Just want to stand up for @Georgina here; I don’t think “pornosexuality” is a term that’s meant to condemn any kind of consensual sexual preference. From the way it was used, I think it refers more to an idea of what kinds of things are supposed to be sexy that comes more from commercial sources than personal ones. Of course, there’s no such thing as sexual preferences evolving in a vacuum, and liking something that happens to be common in mainstream porn doesn’t mean you’re doing sex wrong, but I would imagine “pornosexuality” is a succinct way to describe our cultural categorization of anything that’s sold as sexy as essentially “sexual,” and anything that isn’t as essentially “non-sexual.” Which is both rubbish and borderline dangerous. For a much better explanation than mine, and a very fair and informative look at the American feminists’ “pornography wars,” see Ariel Levy’s “Female Chauvinist Pigs.”
Also the fact that he’s insulting her by calling her a “6.” “You’re so ugly you’re slightly above average!”
I guess that he thinks that a 6 isn’t hot enough to reject a guy who’s made 32k in the past few months, but he also wants to emphasize that he’s high value enough to refuse to offer his meat up to someone who isn’t at least slightly above average.
@Boogerghost, I think Georgina may need some standing up for. I’d really like to hear zir tell us what zie meant by pornosexuality. I’ve seen zir comment on a couple of threads now, and each time zie’s been met by confused, slightly suspicious reactions. I don’t want to drive zir away if zie’s sincere (and zie’s made some comments that make me think zie might be). But zie drop comments into a thread and then disappears, which is either the sign of a busy person or suspect behavior.
Also, I admire you for giving people the benefit of doubt, but I just have a hard time believing “pornosexuality” is as neutral as you’ve interpreted it to be. I can’t help thinking it all goes back to a “sex in marriage (or at least with love) is good; all other sex makes you a bad person” kind of thinking. (Admittedly, this interpretation I have is based partly on the component parts of the word, partly on context, and partly on a Google search that led me to some rather moralistic comments on a support site for porn addicts, which I’m not trying to mock—at least not out of context.)
Admittedly, I’m pretty new here myself, so Georgina may have been lurking and commenting for much longer than I have. Maybe other people have an understanding of where zie’s coming from that I lack. But most of all, I just wish zie would talk to us a bit more so we could get a sense of where zie’s coming from.
For what little it’s worth, I read “pornosexuality” – which I’ve never seen before – to mean, not literally someone’s sexuality/orientation, but the whole “dude who gets ideas about what sex and human bodies are like from mainstream porn, thinks women are things, and throws shitfit when women-who-aren’t-porn-actresses dare exist”. Bog-standard MRA-incel type, in other words.
What it really means, I have no idea. 😛
Re: Georgina – what Belladonna said. She does just drop a dubious if not outright blah statement and disappear, and she’s not, iirc, been around long. She needs to engage if she’s going to be taken seriously and not as a potential troll.
She may be sincere, but if she drops comments that nobody understands and then doesn’t stick around to explain, she’s not really contributing to the discussion.
Forgot to add, this made me laugh:
Best non-insult ever?
Right? Slightly above average is now apparently alien-like.
Plus of course the usual question is asked: if she’s so ordinary/ugly and you’re so fantastic, dude, why were you pursuing her for sex in the first place?
Well, because, whether I’m fantastic or just ordinary or ugly, I deserve any woman just for being a guy. And fantastic is totally all based on pretty (for women, not for me). And because, REASONS.
These guys usually think they’re being bold or some other such rubbish. What they’re really doing is boundary testing. It’s appropriating a level of intimacy that’s not yet been established.
That sort of joke, a bit crude and not terribly funny, can get by in a relationship while talking about or preparing a meal when we’re just out of bed/ shortly will share a bed again. Lots of couples have their own personal intimate sayings and jokes which would be entirely inappropriate/ vulgar/ baffling in larger groups or with strangers.
Apart from being dopey, this kind of crude sexual remark is yet another in the apparently neverending repertoire of boundary testing, pushing, violating techniques these people rely on. (I’m pretty sure this is the reason for the persistence of this particular social faux pas. If it were a matter of clumsiness, men do talk to each other. Word would get around that this is a turn-off for most women. It persists in the same way as cat-calling, other harassment and groping strangers persists. Everyone knows what that’s about — and it’s not about what women like.)
Or the dick photo.
Seriously, unless someone asks to see that, where do they get the impression “Hi stranger, here’s my peen” brings the ladies to the yard?
@ Marinerachel – did you know that “yard” used to mean penis?
Cos your comment made me chortle.
Oh lawd, now I’m chortling. I had no idea!
Seriously, guys, if I want to see your cock then trust me, I will let you know! If I have not done so that means that I do not want to see it, so put it away, dear.