antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage creepy entitled babies evil messy ladies evil sexy ladies female beep boop gamebros homophobia imaginary oppression incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed men penises playing the victim post contains jokes reddit SJWs

Gamebro Redditor laments: "I'm not going to get the job … Cause I'm a penis, and that's all I am."

How women get ahead in the workplace, according to men who hate women
How women get ahead in the workplace, according to men who hate women and don’t know shit about anything

A bitter gamebro wandered into the Men’s Rights subreddit last night to deposit an angry little manifesto on the evils of women and Social Justice Warriors. He didn’t get a terribly friendly reception from the regulars — last I checked he’d been voted down to zero — but his manifesto is such a classic example of self-pitying gamebro misogyny that I sort of felt obliged to bring it to you all here.

Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Then let’s begin.

Tired of SJW's (self.MensRights)  submitted 2 hours ago by SortaSemipr0  Tired of you fuckers. Seriously.  Simple facts are we're living in a world where male sexuality is being assaulted and displayed as not only wrong, but completely aberrant and not acceptable in modern society.  Don't get me wrong, I completely respect the right of women and men to be equal in the workplace but lets be fair, if a girl with the right looks and the right qualifications and a single button unbuttoned on her shirt is going for the same promotion as me and my boss is male..or even female in today's day and age....I am not going to get the job..simple as that, why? Cause I'm a penis, and that's all I am.  I'm tired of this SJW bullshit pushing a massive awareness of the "harassment" of females in the gaming and technical industries while it just creatively ignores all the women that are making twenty times more than a man will ever make off the same industries.  If you want to be treated as an equal, ease up on the eyeliner and stop blowing every dude you meet that you think might increase your personal financial stock in some way.  I'm ex-military, I can't tell you how many guys I saw have women just crawl right up their backs to a guaranteed 50% of their total salaries FOR LIFE. And thats just mil side, civilian side is just as bad.  Simple facts are is women are liars. Their entire lives are built on lies, they're not that pretty without make up, they're not that thin without creative camera angles and the right lighting and they're damn sure as not as well put together if you haven't been to their houses and seen the piles of laundry and dirty dishes sitting around their houses.  The entire argument of SJW's in regards to feminism and womens rights is the biggest lie built on lies I've ever seen, and the media is just legitimizing it.  The entire scenario is disgusting and I'm tired of it. Women are more than welcome to stop being treated as sex objects as soon as they stop treating themselves like sex objects. I think thats a more than fair offer.

I am shocked — shocked! — to hear this about the laundry, as the females I live with are quite fastidious about their personal cleanliness, spending a good portion of their waking moments licking their fur coats clean. But they are cats, after all.

The human females I know are mostly slobs, actually, though I can’t claim to be any better myself.

How exactly did the state of one’s laundry come to be a factor in deciding a human being’s worth, anyway?

Also, I’m thinking that “cause I’m a penis, and that’s all I am” would look really good on a t-shirt. Anyone else agree?

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10 years ago


Georgina Hale
Georgina Hale
10 years ago

The sad thing about this is that he has almost grasped the difference between reality and pornosexuality – almost understood that women are real people who enhance their looks with makeup and whose clothes and crockery require regular washing to stay in good condition.

But rather than make the leap to realising that pornosexuality is a fake, an artificial construct designed by his fellow men to deceive him, he fails at the final hurdle and puts the blame for the whole thing on those evil, unglamorous wimminz with their unlaundered clothes and dirty plates.


10 years ago


I don’t think that is a thing.

10 years ago

“I’m a penis, that’s all I am”

yes, yes you are.

10 years ago


I don’t think that is a thing.

I’m with Lea on this one. If, for some reason, Georgina you’ve decided to call the objectification and distortion of women’s bodies into an unrealistic standard of beauty “pornosexuality,” I get what you’re saying, but I don’t like the term itself. It’s twisting it into something else. It feels moralistic. It makes me uncomfortable. And I happen to be one of those sex-positive feminists who thinks that pornography made by and for consenting adults is okay, at least on principle, even if a lot of the content is problematic.

10 years ago

Your cartoon reminds me of Cecil the seasick sea serpent who was a favorite of mine. Would that the penisd00d were as charming as a sea serpent.

10 years ago

How do you tell they are consenting, Belladonna?

10 years ago

Thanks. Being only aware of human sexuality only or mostly through exposure to porn is not a sexuality.

10 years ago

@thebewilderness, I’m not a consumer of pornography. Nonetheless, I can conceive of the possibility that consenting adults may choose to make it; therefore, I’m not opposed to it on principle. If I wanted to actually become a consumer, I guess I’d have to do some homework first. I imagine I could find some information. It’s not like there are no sex workers out there in pornography and other industries who haven’t spoken out about it.

10 years ago

Xtube kinda shows that there are plenty of people who are happy to be sexual exhibitionists.

10 years ago

Being only aware of human sexuality only or mostly through exposure to porn is not a sexuality.

This! Plus, what are we condemning in “pornosexuality?” Pornography, sexuality in general, or both? I realize pornography is kind of a divisive topic in feminist circles, but this term feels a bit like a moral condemnation of sexuality in general, with pornography only as a particularly egregious type of it to me. Although, as you pointed out, pornography really isn’t a type of sexuality at all. I can conceive of its being something a person could enjoy as a small part of zir sexuality as a whole.

10 years ago

Just a bit of good,news, not directly related to the above. A women won the Fields Medal for mathematics – that is considered the Nobel prize of mathematics.

10 years ago

Gorilla: that’s awesome! Further proof that women can STEM indeed. But how will the manosphere handle it?

10 years ago

Oh, the Iranian woman mathematician? Cool! She’s local!

I bet the manosphere will lose it, since she’s not only a woman but *gasp!* somewhat attractive in an unconventional way, which I’m sure is being done maliciously somehow.

10 years ago

So, the most detailed description for “pornsexuality” that I can find is on Urban Dictionary.

And I’m guessing that the manosphere thinks that Maryam Mirzakhani’s award was some sort of feminazi conspiracy.

10 years ago


Well, that’s a definition I can live with, but I’m having trouble actually getting it to make sense in the context of Georgina’s comment.

10 years ago

My favourite is the suggestion women can only look good, well he just says thin but for most IRAs thin and attractive are inseparable concepts, with the help of camera angles. Who else is guessing this guy still actively seeks out women?

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

oh god why did i draw this

Because somewhere in the executive control centre of your brain lurks a three year old giggling at the thought of rude bits.

I totally encourage that 3-year old…Still laughing….

10 years ago

Typo win. Now I’m going to associate MRAs with the IRA.

10 years ago

Mentions of Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent invariably make me think of one particular line in this song:

10 years ago

I think the guy in the picture is part Grinch.

10 years ago


I agree that it still doesn’t shed much light on Georgina’s comment. I’m also side-eying the term more now that I’ve determined that I can only find a good definition on Urban Dictionary.

10 years ago


I was trying to eat my dinner but now I need to stop laughing first.

I love the I’M A NIIIIICE GUY!!! one

Can we have a penis doodle competition? Maybe an MRA penis-themed meme competition? Can we?

10 years ago

You know your misogyny is out of control when even the Men’s Rights reddit thinks you’re being silly.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

L: Can we have a penis doodle competition? Maybe an MRA penis-themed meme competition? Can we?

“See – first feminists complain about reducing women to only body parts, and then they go do it to men!!!”

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