antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage creepy entitled babies evil messy ladies evil sexy ladies female beep boop gamebros homophobia imaginary oppression incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed men penises playing the victim post contains jokes reddit SJWs

Gamebro Redditor laments: "I'm not going to get the job … Cause I'm a penis, and that's all I am."

How women get ahead in the workplace, according to men who hate women
How women get ahead in the workplace, according to men who hate women and don’t know shit about anything

A bitter gamebro wandered into the Men’s Rights subreddit last night to deposit an angry little manifesto on the evils of women and Social Justice Warriors. He didn’t get a terribly friendly reception from the regulars — last I checked he’d been voted down to zero — but his manifesto is such a classic example of self-pitying gamebro misogyny that I sort of felt obliged to bring it to you all here.

Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Then let’s begin.

Tired of SJW's (self.MensRights)  submitted 2 hours ago by SortaSemipr0  Tired of you fuckers. Seriously.  Simple facts are we're living in a world where male sexuality is being assaulted and displayed as not only wrong, but completely aberrant and not acceptable in modern society.  Don't get me wrong, I completely respect the right of women and men to be equal in the workplace but lets be fair, if a girl with the right looks and the right qualifications and a single button unbuttoned on her shirt is going for the same promotion as me and my boss is male..or even female in today's day and age....I am not going to get the job..simple as that, why? Cause I'm a penis, and that's all I am.  I'm tired of this SJW bullshit pushing a massive awareness of the "harassment" of females in the gaming and technical industries while it just creatively ignores all the women that are making twenty times more than a man will ever make off the same industries.  If you want to be treated as an equal, ease up on the eyeliner and stop blowing every dude you meet that you think might increase your personal financial stock in some way.  I'm ex-military, I can't tell you how many guys I saw have women just crawl right up their backs to a guaranteed 50% of their total salaries FOR LIFE. And thats just mil side, civilian side is just as bad.  Simple facts are is women are liars. Their entire lives are built on lies, they're not that pretty without make up, they're not that thin without creative camera angles and the right lighting and they're damn sure as not as well put together if you haven't been to their houses and seen the piles of laundry and dirty dishes sitting around their houses.  The entire argument of SJW's in regards to feminism and womens rights is the biggest lie built on lies I've ever seen, and the media is just legitimizing it.  The entire scenario is disgusting and I'm tired of it. Women are more than welcome to stop being treated as sex objects as soon as they stop treating themselves like sex objects. I think thats a more than fair offer.

I am shocked — shocked! — to hear this about the laundry, as the females I live with are quite fastidious about their personal cleanliness, spending a good portion of their waking moments licking their fur coats clean. But they are cats, after all.

The human females I know are mostly slobs, actually, though I can’t claim to be any better myself.

How exactly did the state of one’s laundry come to be a factor in deciding a human being’s worth, anyway?

Also, I’m thinking that “cause I’m a penis, and that’s all I am” would look really good on a t-shirt. Anyone else agree?

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Julie (ᴍᴄ) Galliard (@mcjulie)

Which reminds me — doesn’t it seem like all the manosphere guys have this idea that back in the day, every single able-bodied white male of at least 18 years of age was automatically awarded whatever lucrative, manly job he wanted, regardless of qualifications?

10 years ago


No self awareness whatsoever

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

Well that was intriguing. According to the man Maude L is quoting, women are dirty Marxist Nazi prostitute sex objects. Are all women all of those things or do individual women have different selections of those traits?

Plus, I guess I could have had kids by now if I would have stopped damaging my body and soul by answering a phone and writing emails and getting paid for it.

10 years ago

I’m trying to figure out how he thinks “male sexuality is being assaulted.” Is it the eyeliner, or the stacks of dirty laundry or the “blowing every dude you meet?” Wouldn’t that last bit be good for hetero male sexuality? As far as I can tell, the bulk of the rant has absolutely nothing to do with male sexuality and is all about how women are using their eyeliner to take jobs away from men and not doing laundry. He’s not supporting his thesis at all.

This might be a stretch, but it might have been his lack of reasoning, writing and math skills (women make 20 times what men make?) that’s to blame for him not getting that job.

Julie (ᴍᴄ) Galliard (@mcjulie)


He probably means to be referring to research indicating that men experience a drop in testosterone when they are directly involved in child care.

This is probably because baby humans are really resource intensive, and the alley cat model of reproduction (deposit sperm, run away) doesn’t actually enhance our species survival. So it’s easy to see it as the guy’s body telling him “take care of this kid for a while before you make another one, okay?” Which I guess you have to be an MRA type to really take offense at.

Not to mention that “staying home” wasn’t really a concept for most of our evolutionary history.

It's A Furret (@RicksWriting)

Alright, which one of you left the massive comment on that post? It’s literally too perfectly bizarre to actually exist.

The same guy who also says you don’t get to criticize OP for relating their own experiences, EVEN IF those experiences consist of attributing motives to someone he’s never met and implying a conspiracy without the vaguest hint of evidence beyond “they didn’t hire me”? “His own experience” can sure cover a lot of things he’s never been party to.

10 years ago

In response to one poster’s advice that the OP stop negatively stereotyping women, our OP’s cheerleader responds:

>>>Do you understand how like a feminist you’re acting, right now? The OP is “stereotyping”, whatever that really means, therefore we don’t listen to him? He is talking about HIS OWN experiences. You DO NOT get to tell him that he is wrong for that, because you DO NOT know him.
Oh, and of course, his stereotype, that women are generall useless in the office, which is based on his personal experience, is invalid, but YOUR stereotype, that women AREN’T useless, is totally cool. Yeah, you’re not making a lot of sense here, sweetheart.<<<

I enjoy it when people don't know the meaning of the words that they're using.

It's fun, like a game. "Pin the Word in the Sentence."

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Semen in my coffee…not the added flavor I was looking for.

10 years ago

Step 1: Deeply internalize an unrealistic standard of ideal female beauty by consuming media that exploits makeup, airbrushing, “creative camera angles”, and plastic surgery

Step 2: Grow embittered because you cannot find a real woman who meets this ridiculous standard and will date you .. while ignoring the fact that you completely fail to live up to even a reasonably realistic standard of male beauty.

Step 3: Call woman liars for using makeup, airbrushing, “creative camera angles”, and plastic surgery.

Step 4: Get pissed at any woman who even suggest that you might be happier if you abandoned your ridiculous entitled expectations and stop consuming media that relies on exploiting your primitive instincts by using these unrealistic beauty standards.


10 years ago

Cause I’m a penis, and that’s all I am.

10 years ago

There are plenty of species where the males focus on hunting and getting food and protecting the nest, while the female gender focuses on children and maintaining their fertitlity. There is a very good reason why white people have dropped in fertility so hard, and it has to do with women damaging their bodies and souls through labor that they were not meant to do. I guarantee you if you asked a man to stay home and take care of babies, his sperm count would drop dramatically, as he is no longer evolutionarily fit to have offspring.

And this, STEM students, is why you need to also take a few biology classes first before you start giving lessons on evolution. I know that biology is a lady science and all, but you wouldn’t want them to show you up, now would you?

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

“Do you understand how feminist you are acting right now?” – greatest manosphere insult since “You play ball like a GIRL!”

10 years ago

Lol, furret, I saw that too. It’s like a Bizarro-world version of the arguments feminists use when people try to erase the experiences of minorities, but applied to a sexist gamerbro.

I always want to believe that people with terrible opinions are just trolls.The account hasn’t been used for three months, before today, and everything posted there is some kind of extreme sexist/racist opinion, worded in the most obnoxious way possible. If somebody were trying to piss off feminists, they could hardly do a better job. Its more likely that this is the alternate account of a Mens Rights poster who lurks here and got really offended over David’s post, and felt the need to vent his anger at the SJWs of the world, I guess?

10 years ago

When a dude only thinks with his dick, he can’t get any respect for his brains. Because it’s obvious he hasn’t got any.

Also, there are qualified women in the world! Who knew???

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

@ alais
He fails to get the concept that people have less children because they use birth control methods. It must be a drastic decline in potential fecundity, he thinks…
Showing us right there that nimrod’s not ever had a serious live-in relationship with a woman, otherwise he’d have an idea how much care it takes to make babies not happen.
Then adds a dash of racism to make himself seem even smarterer.
( alright, gotta go work out, ergh…)

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

they’re not that thin without creative camera angles…

So, no women are thin? It’s all camera tricks? How do they carry around all that camera equipment with them to keep up that illusion? That’s pretty incredible, and if true I am totally behind them making 20 times more than a man.

10 years ago

Ok, I was going through his comment history, and I’m just gonna leave this bit of racist nonsense here:

I mean, come the fuck on. How does he even walk across the street with that kind of bizarre attitude? Don’t the black on white patterns in the crosswalk scare him?

I’m completely fascinated by this guy’s comments. It’s like someone took all of the worst aspects of the MRM and condensed them. He hits so many red flags that I can’t help thinking that he is TRYING to scare people. It terrifies me that in all likelihood, this is a person who actually believes what he’s saying, and hides it well in public, because he knows how repugnant he is.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

The Nazis were experts at this, and its not surprising that other socialist groups, and socialist-influenced groups, would use the same tactics.

The Nazis and the socialists were blood enemies.

10 years ago

So, I believe that what he means when he says, “I’m just a penis, and that’s all that I am,” he really means, “People only see me as a penis.” Now, I could see why he’d be upset if he felt that way, but I’d be more inclined to take his point about being objectified and reduced to his body parts more seriously if he didn’t immediately follow it up with an argument that women are lucky when they get objectified and reduced to their body parts because it gives them so many advantages. By this logic, shouldn’t be reduced to a penis help him? Or is he complaining that he’s not allowed to show off his penis while still fully dressed in order to get his lady-boss to promote him? Is he upset that penises aren’t seen as sexy but breasts are? I suppose that that could be what he’s thinking, but, well, see…women also have this thing called a vagina, and that’s not seen as sexy either, and they’re not allowed to show that in the office. So really, I’m sure that if he wants to get objectified in a way that he feels will be more beneficial to him, he could just wear fitted clothing to show off his manly man muscles. I mean, if you want to compare a male body part to breasts, pecs are much more similar than a penis is.

(Note: not actually encouraging men to seek out objectification because they shouldn’t have to deal with it either and objectifying men more frequently won’t help women)

10 years ago

It terrifies me that in all likelihood, this is a person who actually believes what he’s saying, and hides it well in public, because he knows how repugnant he is.

Or maybe he doesn’t hide it…and that is why he didn’t get the job. And so he goes and blames the Social Justice Warriors® and the Forces of Political Correctness™.

10 years ago


Oh, the OP of that post is just your garden-variety misogynistic jackass. I have no problem believing that there a plenty of people like him, because I’ve met people who really thought like that. I was talking about the batshit-insane rantings of the commenter down below. THAT’S a level of paranoia and hatred that I never want to encounter in real life.

10 years ago

@tesformes, bina

I went to college with someone who had incredibly Islamophobic, homophobic, transphobic, and sexist views that he frequently spewed all over the school discussion boards. He also frequently insulted and bullied other posters. The professors at the college could also see the discussion boards. The result was that when he graduated, no one would write him a job recommendation. (There’s also some debate about whether or not he actually graduated or just dropped out because he was a bio major who rejected evolution.)

10 years ago


Biology is a lady science, but evolution is manly and too logical for ladybrains or to need a good understanding of girly things like genetics, population dynamics, or ethology.

‘Cause, Darwin. And Dawkins. And Manly-Men who hunted the mammoth to feed you.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

@Policy of Madness

Oh, sure, history says the Nazis and communists/socialists were enemies.

But the Nazis had the words “National Socialism” in their name, so, really, they were socialists. Even though they weren’t.

This is the Glenn Beck school of ‘how to call liberals nazis with a straight face.’

And I’m fairly sure these guys all got As in that class.

10 years ago

I heard that in an Eeyore voice. “I’m just a penis. All that I am. Forgot my birthday.”