![How women get ahead in the workplace, according to men who hate women](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/officesex.jpg?resize=500%2C678&ssl=1)
A bitter gamebro wandered into the Men’s Rights subreddit last night to deposit an angry little manifesto on the evils of women and Social Justice Warriors. He didn’t get a terribly friendly reception from the regulars — last I checked he’d been voted down to zero — but his manifesto is such a classic example of self-pitying gamebro misogyny that I sort of felt obliged to bring it to you all here.
Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Then let’s begin.
I am shocked — shocked! — to hear this about the laundry, as the females I live with are quite fastidious about their personal cleanliness, spending a good portion of their waking moments licking their fur coats clean. But they are cats, after all.
The human females I know are mostly slobs, actually, though I can’t claim to be any better myself.
How exactly did the state of one’s laundry come to be a factor in deciding a human being’s worth, anyway?
Also, I’m thinking that “cause I’m a penis, and that’s all I am” would look really good on a t-shirt. Anyone else agree?
Is anybody else missing the proper formatting on the page? The white stripe never loads in and the text runs the width of the screen. With the wallpaper background, it looks like a really bad Geocities site. This has been going on all week for me. 🙁
@ tcwill00
Looks fine from here, on Chrome. You try different browsers?
“I’m a penis, and that’s all I am” … I’m thinking of using that as my next blog title.
I love how he goes from “I’m all for equality in the workplace” to “WOMEN ARE ALL GOLD DIGGING LYING SUCCUBI and not even that pretty so there *raspberry*”
So I found an article about the 10 most powerful women in the gaming industry. They don’t talk about salaries, but I’m willing to bet that even these women do not make 20 times more than any other man in the industry. I dare this joker to claim that any of these women slept their way to the top.
His formulation of “20 times more than a man will ever make off the same industries” is just bizarre. In his world, there is a man giving those women money, so he’s not talking about all men. And it’s nonsensical to complain that “there exists a particular woman who makes (insert number here) times more than a particular man ever will,” because that’s true for anybody in any industry.
Alright, which one of you left the massive comment on that post? It’s literally too perfectly bizarre to actually exist.
Nope, not any different on Chrome.
Hey, I just found out I didn’t get the job I applied for last month. Maybe instead of being regular-bummed I should be vindictive-bummed and assume the lady who beat me to it wore a lower cut shirt than I did. That sort of attitude really screams “Hire me!”
Here’s an exercise.
Top ten male CEOs–ranked by pay.
Top ten female CEOs–ranked by pay.
But, yes, a woman can get a job and earn 20x more than a man could EVER earn. Just by being a woman!
If he’s literally a penis and nothing more, I can see how he might have a
harddifficult time finding gainful employment.So wait… if a “girl with the right looks and the right qualifications and a single button unbuttoned” gets a job because of her looks, she is not being reduced to her sex appeal… but he, in being looked over, is being reduced? Whaa? Is this opposite day, where being hired because of looks and cleavage is actually hiring based on merits?
Maybe he should leave his fly undone at his next interview… That will surely get him hired.
Hrm. 50% of some dude’s income, guaranteed to be HIS that he may or may not wish to share, or 100% of my own income, guaranteed to be mine. Decisions, decision.
He makes me think of Todger from the Lucy Lastique comics. Or perhaps Wicked Willie.
Was it the statement “don’t get me wrong, I completely respect the right of men and women to be equal in the workplace” what got him downvoted?
I would totally buy one of those just so I could wear it while I science.
“We’re living in a world where male sexuality is being assaulted”
I bet this guy thinks that rape, sexual harassment like catcalling is male sexuality to him.
“I’m a penis and that’s all I am”
“Women are liars”
That’s a lie right there and everything else you said in your little rant too.
“Women are welcome to stop being treated like sex objects as soon as they stop treating themselves like sex objects”
Dude, everything you wrote… you are seriously a misandrist. We dress for ourselves not for anyone else and that doesn’t make us vain. We don’t want your opinion and/or ‘compliments’ didn’t your school teach you ‘keep your hands to yourself?’ Or ‘treat others the way you want to be treated?’
So you are the lying, narcissist misanthrope who’s just projecting his characteristics on women because you refuse to see us as people.
Whew! And that’s my little rant.
Typing would be pretty difficult, for one thing…and if he’s only six inches high or so, I could see him having a lot of issues.
Oh and also
“don’t get me wrong, I completely respect the right of men and women to be equal in the workplace”
No, you don’t you just wrote a long rant about blaming women for getting jobs because of their bodies so that proves even more that you are a liar.
If you are a penis I suggest maybe finding jobs that hires penises like you. Oh I don’t know can someone think of something that this guy can do?
Lots of tissues, certainly.
Oh dear, this chap. I get he’s angry and feels he’s missed out on something he totally obviously deserves, though I can’t make out what. I’m not sure he can, either. Just that it’s all the fault of imaginary women.
For some reason that “detachable penis” song/routine comes to mind.
I have to wonder if the “she gets 50% of Mr. Military’s salary” has survivor benefits in mind. Like, women are marrying military men in hopes that they die on the battlefield or something.
Welp, there goes that theory.
Ok, sorry for the huge block of text, but this is even worse. Top comment:
[–]GeauxFakyaszelph 1 point 35 minutes ago
“Tired of you fuckers. Seriously. Simple facts are we’re living in a world where male sexuality is being assaulted and displayed as not only wrong, but completely aberrant and not acceptable in modern society.”
I totally feel you dude. As a man, I have to work twice as hard and deal with twice as much shit than the affirmative action hires I’m surrounded with. Everything I do is suspect because I’m a man, and any accomplishment I make on my own is inevitably attributed to the group of Indians and Mexicans I work with, with me getting a small amount of the credit.
I’m tired of this SJW bullshit pushing a massive awareness of the “harassment” of females in the gaming and technical industries while it just creatively ignores all the women that are making twenty times more than a man will ever make off the same industries.
Lol, BUUBUBUT WAGE GAP, hah. Lying fucking whores.
“I’m ex-military, I can’t tell you how many guys I saw have women just crawl right up their backs to a guaranteed 50% of their total salaries FOR LIFE. And thats just mil side, civilian side is just as bad.”
Thank you for your service. I’m sorry that our country burdened you with the responsibility to fight for 150 million ungrateful prostitutes. I hope you didn’t have to deal with any female military members (I’m not calling them soldiers), during your deployment.
“Simple facts are is women are liars. Their entire lives are built on lies, they’re not that pretty without make up, they’re not that thin without creative camera angles and the right lighting and they’re damn sure as not as well put together if you haven’t been to their houses and seen the piles of laundry and dirty dishes sitting around their houses.”
Absolutely fucking true. Whether its their personal habits, their partner count, or whether the guy at that party raped them or if he just didn’t call in the morning, women can’t be trusted to be truthful because they have no incentive to be truthful. When’s the last time you saw a “good” woman in the business world? Is it a coincidence that well-mannered women choose to stay out of that realm, while nasty, aggressive ans selfish women choose to become HR execs?
The entire argument of SJW’s in regards to feminism and womens rights is the biggest lie built on lies I’ve ever seen, and the media is just legitimizing it.
It’s a Big Lie, in fact. One of those things that if you say it enough times, people start to believe it. The Nazis were experts at this, and its not surprising that other socialist groups, and socialist-influenced groups, would use the same tactics. Feminism is highly dependent on socialist ideas, especially those of Marx, to give it legitimacy in Europe, where such ideas haven’t been stamped out yet, despite the best efforts of right-headed people after WWII.
“The entire scenario is disgusting and I’m tired of it. Women are more than welcome to stop being treated as sex objects as soon as they stop treating themselves like sex objects. I think thats a more than fair offer.”
Dude, stop trying to pretend that women are going to stop being sex objects. They ARE sex objects. It is what they are used for, it is what evolution designed them for, and it is where they are naturally happy and content. It is like asking a teapot to stop being a “tea object” or a car to stop being a “transportation object.” They are designed with a purpose, and do very poorly if used outside of their normal function. It’s literally, ABC common sense.
There are plenty of species where the males focus on hunting and getting food and protecting the nest, while the female gender focuses on children and maintaining their fertitlity. There is a very good reason why white people have dropped in fertility so hard, and it has to do with women damaging their bodies and souls through labor that they were not meant to do. I guarantee you if you asked a man to stay home and take care of babies, his sperm count would drop dramatically, as he is no longer evolutionarily fit to have offspring.
To be fair, other commenters are being critical of the OP.
Yeah, it’s so great to be feeemale in the workplace.
Well, I wouldn’t hire this guy for anything.
Of course. Women are terrible because men are the ones fighting the wars. But when women join the military that’s terrible too.
Um, that’s not how evolution works. Does he think that evolution is guided by a god who just happens to be a misogynist internet whiner?
Mr. FM was SFC FM until he retired in 2006, and that’s pretty accurate from our experience, too. I join you in calling bullshit, Pecunium.
I also chose to put a lot of stuff – grad school, moves for possible jobs, etc – either on hold or into the Nope! File when we decided to get married. If I hadn’t changed my plans, there’s a good chance I’d be pulling in more than Mr. FM’s entire retirement with my single lady salary every month. Some decisions you make aren’t grounded entirely in your bank account balance. If I changed a lot of my life around to accommodate him, his military career, and the kids we wanted, all with my eye on a +- $850 a month prize, I should be held up as a bad example in the Feminazi Boot Camp’s “Golddigging for Fun and Profit” module.