alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill reddit vaginas

You won't believe what Reddit's Red Pill ALPHA DOGS are saying about the stolen JLaw nudes. Or maybe you will.


Well, the denizens of Reddit’s TOTALLY ALPHA Red Pill subreddit have weighed in on the stolen celebrity nude pics that have so many Redditors — and other skeezballs — so excited. And they have some, well, intriguing explanations for why feminists are troubled by the widespread dissemination of stolen nude pictures that were never supposed to be seen by the general public.

In a thread with the lovely title Why are the feminazis so buttdevastated about the leaked nude pics?, a RedPill dude with the lovely handle trpmdsrfggts explains that said feminazis are angry because the pics — some of which show the celebrity women looking like, you know, actual women — are driving down the “price of pussy.”

I’ll let him explain, because his logic is obviously more sophisticated than anything I learned in my pussy economics classes in college:

Why are the feminazis so buttdevastated about the leaked nude pics? (self.TheRedPill)  submitted 2 days ago by trpmdsrfggts  Is it because the fig leaf has fallen only to reveal... something quite forgettable and boring?  I have the feeling that they are disappointed because all of the guys have been choking their chickens to pictures of those celebs, heavily photoshopped pictures, pictures which took a looot of make up and a whole crew of professional photographers to find the most flattering poses imaginable but now that we've finally seen them naked naked we just don't care a whole lot.  Honestly, if you had no idea who any of those women were and came across their pics online would you even give them a second glance?  I think that this is the reason for this huge outrage. Slightly saggy tits, shave burn, small fat rolls around their necks, asses that are kinda flat. They are no longer the women on the podium, the women which represent all others. They are just ordinary, boring and forgettable.  There's been a bunch of leaked photos before, Scarlet Johanson is a perfect example, and there was not even a peep. Why? When her photos leaked she just looked OK, just as we all expected, she wasn't disappointing to look at.  However now we have all of those sex-symbols to truly look at and we are told screeched at that this is (of course) rape and a hideous violation of their human rights.  I think that we just witnessed the price of pussy being dropped because of a blunder in advertising and those ungodly screeches are simply cries of protest, of anger that men have one less reason to think that the average woman hides a supermodel underneath her clothes.

Wow. That seems completely ass-backwards to me, but what do I know? I’m just a beta or gamma or epsilon or pi or whatever Greek letter it is that dudes like me are.

Others in the thread expand upon this, er, argument. I’m just going to paste some of their comments in, because, honestly, trying to parse their “logic” in order to think of funny things to say about them hurts my brain. (Clicking on any of these pics will get you to the original quote in context.)


Flaye2 186 points 2 days ago   You see, a woman unconsciously feel bad when sex is associated with a low price, or when the price of sex is lowered.  In the case of these pictures, the men across the internet had gain access to these famous women. Even if it is just their pictures, it drives the price of sex down (no matter how slight), and it annoys them. That's why women are opposed to porn and prostitution.  If a woman can refuse you sex but you have other options, she couldn't use sex as a bargaining tool as much.

trialByException 57 points 2 days ago*   Yep. Two reasons.      As you said, the male sexual gratification market was just flooded with goods. Brings down the price of their own pussy.      But it also gives them a chance to rant on about the horrors of leaked/published nude pics on principle. They hate leaked / published pictures because it lowers the value of their pussy (would a high value man want to be with a girl whose snatch will always be available for the rest of the world to see?) and reveals some truth about their sexual history. Buyers having outside, actual information about your product is gonna hurt your sale price.  Really, their biggest problem with posted pictures is that because it can lower the value of their pussy, the ability to post them gives beta bux boyfriends any leverage over them. It means that they can't be as sadistic as they'd like with BB, even on leaving! Real tragedy for them that they don't get ever get to vent to the beta their actual hatred and resentment of them.

SkorchZang 24 points 2 days ago*   The typical femicunt fully believes that unworthy men looking at her without her permission is a crime against humanity.

Whisper 16 points 2 days ago   Well put.  Men have been masturbating for far too long to the "highlight reels" of certain women. But when their uncut raw footage was exposed, they were revealed to be no more than ordinary women, if slightly on the pretty side.  There's only so pretty that women can get, and pretty much every guy alive knows, personally, at least ten or twenty women who are, in reality, just as good looking as female film stars. The only difference is that the film stars have a PR machine dedicated to making them look good.  Now, pretty is good, and it's important for male happiness. But in overvaluing it, we're created an environment where fake prettiness is shown to us from afar... look, but don't touch (because touching will reveal the illusion). We've created an environment where pretty women have too much power, because we foolishly allow them totally control over their own sexuality (something no other member of society has).  And worst of all, we've created an environment where ordinary women don't strive to be pretty, and pretty women don't make an effort to treat men right.  This is all men's fault. We should have been treating pretty girls like ordinary girls. Instead of selecting the nicest hot chick we can find, we should have been selecting the prettiest girl we can find from among the well-behaved.  Bitches, and even ordinary entitled-feeling hot women, should be invisible to us. If they were ignored in favour of their more submissive (or at least more considerate) sisters, then they'd shape up.  Ultimately, men who boast about their lives of "poppin' bottles and fuckin' models" are overvaluing pussy, because they are making the approval of pretty girls the measure of how much of a man they are. This places women in a dominant position over them,in the same way that co
mplimenting someone is an AMOG move... because he, or she, who judges is the judge.  It is not for pretty women to decide who a real man is. It is instead for real men to decide what women are worthwhile.

Oh, there’s more, so much more, but that’s about all I have time for now, as I need to get back to poppin bottles and, you know, doing whatever else I can to keep up the price of pussy, because, as a male feminist, that’s obviously job number one for me.


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10 years ago

Okay, Phoenician, sociopaths would generally not function well in an objectivist society because they would have to work very hard, on their own, to make something of themselves. They could not leech off of everyone else. Leeching (“looting”, if we’re going to use Randian terms) is heavily frowned upon in the objectivist philosophy. Two of the defining traits of antisocial personality disorder (as of the DSM-IV) are “impulsivity or failure to plan ahead” and “consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations”. I would also like to add that sociopathy is much, much more than selfishness and ruthlessness.

These are the criteria for a diagnosis of APD:
A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three or more of the following:
i. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
ii. deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
iii. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
iv. irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
v. reckless disregard for safety of self or others
vi. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations
vii. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another
B) The individual is at least age 18 years.
C) There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years.
D) The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or a manic episode.

10 years ago

Re: Ableism

Personality disorders can also be used for victim blaming. I had a stress breakdown that got misdiagnosed as a personality disorder as I had a couple of the things on the checklist from other sources and a high ranked supervisor that acted in a very nasty and unexpected way. If it were a personality disorder, the three other people (with various personality types from a number of sections) that also had stress breakdowns or were seconded away would have been fine.

After that diagnosis went through, the doctors started treating me pretty badly. Also, a lot of the items used for the diagnosis make no sense when looked at individually, were not predictive and didn’t hold up over the intervening decade.

Grrrrrrr to the just world fallacy.


Gah. That sucks. Hugs if you want them.

10 years ago

Ugh. Sorry, AL3H. That’s awful. I’m so sorry that that happened to you.

What I’m wondering here is why it matters if someone who has abhorrent beliefs or if they engage in abhorrent behaviors is a sociopath or not. Sure, for the purposes of diagnosis and treatment, it’s relevant. However, if you’re going to decide if you want to keep being around another person who’s engaging in such behavior, are you really going to base that decision on whether or not zie seems to actually be a sociopath?

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Article on sociopathy/psychopathy…
I’ve been interested (in an intellectual way) in sociopaths because my first adult romantic relationship was with a guy I believe was/is one.
…Well, romantic on my end. He was happy he’d found a gullible person, I think.
Con artists of the sociopathic and not-so sociopathic variety look at their victims as fools deserving of being conned.

I was taken for under $1000, so I consider that I got off lightly.

The thing is? sociopaths can feel empathy, they just shut it on and off, as the article states.
Feeling empathy with a hurting person isn’t pleasant, so they shut that off….and people kind of become things to them, or at least they can.

Being a sociopath does not=being horrible. That’s a choice on the person’s part. Being horrible does not=being a sociopath. You can be neurotypical and still find reasons to shut off empathy…like “Oh, well if those guys didn’t want to get raped, they shouldn’t have robbed a convenience store.”
Like getting sexually abused, chronically, in prison, is in any way a sane punishment for holding up a convenience store. Non-sociopaths do a lot of fucked-up shit, they just have to do a little more mental work-around to not feel bad about it.

Socis can still choose to live in a moral fashion. It’s probably smarter to not leave a trail of pissed-off people behind you in a lot of ways. Socis often have problems with impulse control, though. Again, not always. And again, considering the stigma, I think they’d work to keep themselves hidden…so the ones we notice are the ones who don’t quite manage to not act out.

The writing on *here* (and not the linked article) is my opinion, and you don’t have to believe any of it.

10 years ago


I was wondering the same thing. In fact, in the article Phoenician linked on Psychopaths in the Workplace, I kept wondering why it would be necessary to make an unqualified diagnosis of a person as a psychopath before you could take any of the options for dealing with horrifying assholes who make the workplace a nightmare for others that the article outlines.

And this:

What makes workplace psychopaths different from ordinary horrible people is that they are manipulative, egocentric, callous, ruthless, and remorseless. They use “superficial charm”, intimidation and aggression to control others and satisfy their needs.”

I have known ordinary horrible people who were these things. What makes people with actual Antisocial Personality Disorder different is that these personality traits are inflexible; they display them without regard to time, place, or circumstance. So if any of these people go home and are nice to their families or love their dogs or do good works outside the office, they don’t fit the clinical definition. Frankly, if they are managing to be successful at work, keep the same job for a long time, have anything like interpersonal relationships with anyone, and aren’t out committing crimes, from my understanding, they don’t necessarily fit the clinical definition because they haven’t exhibited the required social dysfunction.

I think articles like this that encourage people to start “diagnosing” assholes around them as psychopaths are kind of dangerous.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

In a somewhat loosely related thought, my friend and coworker died a couple of weeks ago. She suffered from chronic debilitating migraines and died of unknown causes. The last time I saw her, I overheard her telling her boyfriend on the phone, “I didn’t think I was high-maintenance; I thought I was ill.”

So in the category of terms to really, really hate, I’d like to put forward “high-maintenance.” I imagine others have done so before me, but talk about dismissive, highly gendered terms.

Belladonna993, I am sorry about your friend. I’d like to see that term disappear too. One can have a high-maintenance hairdo, or a high-maintenance car (like Henry’s Ferrari in A New Leaf) but people are not things to be “maintained”.

Yes, Kittehserf, I was amazed that they didn’t get the element of theft being wrong, And that one comment in protest that I posted has been voted down so bad you have to click to see it. 20-2 against, last I looked.

scarletpipstrelle, my eyes are rolling so hard!

10 years ago

Thank you, kittehserf. She was truly a brilliant, kind, amazing individual.

10 years ago

“They hate leaked / published pictures because it lowers the value of their pussy (would a high value man want to be with a girl whose snatch will always be available for the rest of the world to see?) and reveals some truth about their sexual history. Buyers having outside, actual information about your product is gonna hurt your sale price.”

I hate this the most. It encapsulates all the “woman-as-commodity” shit. We’ll, not encapsulates, just fucking comes right out and says it. I am not a used car! Neither is my “pussy”! I didn’t lose value once someone drove me off the lot. Hubby does not think my value is lower since others have ‘driven’ me. Ever notice all machinery is referred to as her, but every living thing is a default “he” unless proven otherwise. Picked that up from sarkeesian! (Example, there’s a spider, kill him! Aww, look at the bunny, he’s cute.)

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

and reveals some truth about their sexual history

So, it’s not possible for someone to have had nude pics taken for whatever reason, and have no sexual history at all?

::disdainful snort::

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Oh…I haven’t looked into the DSM-5 very much.
When I do I’m sure I’ll have personal, social, and political issues with it.
I’m sure my smarter alter will have even more issues with it.

(checks to make sure we’re in the arguing allowed thread)

A political view is not a permanent condition.

I used to be an Anarcho-Syndicalist. I’ve swung rightward to European-style Democratic Socialism. This in part because it has been demonstrated to work well in reality.
Communism and lassiez-faire Capitalism have NOT been demonstrated to work well in reality.
~ I do not define hobbling along with the majority of the population miserable and struggling to be “working well.”~
Anyway…I think it’s dangerous to attribute to wiring what can be better attributed to social conditioning. Vicious, selfish, ruthless behavior can be a product of one’s socialization alone. It can be a product of wiring alone. It’s probably a mix in most cases.

I look at how a lot of Americans are totally comfortable blaming poor people for being poor and I think that ~this is an example of being culturally trained not to see the social causes of poverty.~

Look, somebody has to swab the toilets, alright? Somebody has to wipe asses in a nursing home, somebody has to mind kids in a daycare, somebody has to wash dishes and cook food in restaurants, and vacuum floors, and pick fruit, and process the veggies, and make the pink goo that gets turned into McNuggets…
And we usually do not value these jobs enough to pay the people doing them a living wage.
But that doesn’t change the fact that the work these people do is necessary!

We then collectively blame those people for not being able to live on what we pay them. I mean, I doubt WHTM people are like that, but a lot of Americans are like that.

Our society likes to blame victims and totally avoid looking at social causes for ANYTHING. Makes me want to headdesk eternally.

10 years ago

and reveals some truth about their sexual history.

How? Are they able to estimate how often someone’s been penetrated based on how her vagina looks?

Okay, never mind. They probably believe that that’s true.

But in all seriousness, this is all kinds of gross. Not only is it treating women like used cars, but it’s treating women as a whole like the housing market. If the “value” of one goes down (in their eyes), then so does the “value” of all other women in the area.

10 years ago

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that was about the false and ridiculous notion that women who’ve had a lot of partners have huge gaping vaginas.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Some people think it’s having multiple personalities or hearing voices–“real crazy” in normal speak, DID or some form of schizophrenic disorder in psychological terms.

DID and schizophrenia are pretty different…Um… *shrug* just saying…

…On the mental health board we hang out at, there is a paranoid schizophrenic who tends to get pretty crabby about this distinction. We like her, but she’s gone off on us a few times-treatment resistant schizophrenia is evil, so we don’t take the explodies personally.

My dad’s pretty much the reason I needed to split off into a small crowd of people inside…and oddly enough, I do not think he is a pure sociopath.
He has displayed guilt and shame…just not related to me. I was sort of a punchable nuisance by default. Nor do I think he fits the clinical definition of pedophile, I think I was just convenient and malleable.

10 years ago

@blahlistic, First of all, thanks for the link to the interesting article earlier.

Second, about DID and your dad, that’s an amazing amount of awful. I want to think of something to say to you about how amazing you are to have become such an insightful, intelligent, funny person that won’t sound trite or like some kind of stock sentiment. But well shit, words are limited sometimes.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

blahlistic, would it be appropriate to say Hi to your system members? Feels rude not to acknowledge them even if you’re the only Mammotheer.

10 years ago


Seconding everything that Bella and Kitteh said. You’re a pretty awesome and strong person, and I love reading your comments here.

10 years ago

He has displayed guilt and shame…just not related to me.

Was it real, though, or was he faking it? My experience with the one person I knew with that diagnosis was that he was very good at faking emotions when it was useful to him to do so. With people with whom it didn’t benefit him to fake it he didn’t bother. It was one of the most disconcerting things about him, the way that he could turn what at first appeared to be emotions on and off like a light switch.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


OK, seriously? What the ever-loving… The “logic.” It buuurrrrrnnnnsss!

If these guys had their own nude pics posted, without their consent, would they complain that they look too normal and that it lowers the price of penis?

I just… nope. I got nothin’.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


alfalfa male reddit dudebros

Oh, man! I need to clean my screen!

Also, now I’m craving sprouts.

10 years ago

Vicious, selfish, ruthless behavior can be a product of one’s socialization alone.

I know. I watched a woman introduce her youngest child to the idea that snatching things away from other people was a fun thing to do.

He was under 2, maybe quite a bit under — this happened almost 30 years ago so my mental picture is of their hands not of the people themselves. He had a book which his mother literally snatched out of his hands, he looked a bit startled and upset about this. In the space of a few minutes, she had him hooked on snatching the book out of her hands himself, laughing, and then letting her snatch the book back in turn. My youngest was not much older. I was glad she wouldn’t be going to childcare with him.

For all I know, he might have had a kind and generous nature which could withstand growing up in a family where this sort of thing was not merely tolerated but encouraged. But it didn’t look promising.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


Do you, for example, really think that all of the Nazis were sociopaths?

No, not all Nazis were sociopaths. In fact, there were at least some who were simply pressured into joining, as a survival tactic. War is hell, and sometimes, it’s pretend to be a predator, or be targeted as prey.

Also, there were a surprising number of double-agents and the like, who were officially members of the Nazi party, and seemed to agree with it, but were secretly working to save as many of the targeted people (Jews, homosexuals, Romani, political dissidents, mentally ill, etc.) as they could, by working within the system.

What the Nazi party stood for, its tenets – absolutely heinous. My experience from living in Germany is that most of the people who live there now are heartily ashamed of that history. In fact, people who live in the pretty little town of Dachau have to routinely change their license plates, because they are targeted, simply for living in that town, such is the social stigma attached to it. With good reason. Still, the Germans I knew really *feel* about their history, in general, and that, in particular.

Granted, most of the people I knew were younger-generations, who either weren’t born for decades later, or else were just babies at the time of the war. I did, however, know some people who lived through the war, as adults, and the ones I knew were very kind, indeed. They were my grandparents’ age. It seems so long ago, for me, yet at the time I lived with, and socialized with the people there, it wasn’t really that long ago. Not for them. For them, it was still raw.

Of course, I also me a few truly world-class jerks. But you know? Jerks happen everywhere.

Please understand, I am not in any way defending Nazis or Nazism. l just don’t like the term sociopath slapped onto some people who were just trying to survive.

Did I mention war is hell? I don’t know why, but for some reason this is just hitting me so hard right now. I’m just thinking about my old friends, and sad about their suffering. I want to cry. I had a friend who lived in Dachau, and she was always afraid of being killed, just for living there. Her parents were just children when the war broke out, but she still lived in danger because of it.

Meanwhile, people are using the term “feminazi,” and comparing people they don’t like with Nazis, and basically just deflating the “value” of the Halocaust, if you know what I mean. It reminds me of making rape jokes, in a way. I’m having trouble putting all this into words, probably because it’s 4:30 in the morning. I’m just really emotional right now, and want to cry, because, yeah, once upon a time, I knew some really nice Nazis. They didn’t identify as such anymore. Not like the Neo-Nazis who wear the swastika and proclaim their hate for the world to see. But they had been in the party, at the time.

And then there were some who did believe, at the time, all the propaganda and horrible lies, and then, later, realized just how wrong they were, and turned their backs on their old beliefs, and embraced goodness. It can, and does happen. I believe in redemption, and that people can change for the good. It happens. It’s rare enough, though. Too rare.

But it’s the fact that so many of the people involved were basically good, and got sucked into such horrible actions is what horrifies me so much about World War II, in the European theater. I’m not so familiar with the Pacific theater at the time, but I know the repercussions of that war, and of the mass-gas-lighting that happened to put the Nazi party in power, are still felt there. Or at least, they were still felt when I lived there, two decades ago.

Wow, I feel raw right now. I’d better go to bed.

10 years ago

The one and only time I felt like using the term sociopath to describe someone was a former colleague-then-boss, and then only because his office behavior matched the description in the book “Snakes in Suits” by Babiak and Hare who are recognized experts in the field. Sociopaths have a spectrum of severity, just like any other human characteristic, and most of them will never even be arrested much less imprisoned.

Because of him my workplace turned into a combination of “Gaslight” and “The Twilight Zone.” Yes I was able to document, but if you are up against a highly skilled and charming one, that won’t matter.

But I think the important thing is for people to grow to the point where they can tell when their buttons are being pushed and be able to take appropriate action for their own well being. That will vary a lot, and they may or may not need help, but that’s ok. In other words, I worked on myself and my own situation since there was no organizational way to deal with him – he’d charmed the people who could’ve stopped him and enforced workplace fairness.

Might he not be a sociopath? Sure. But I have a whale of a tale that has astounded other workplace psychology professionals I have shared it with.

10 years ago

Lots of people who served as Nazis had no choice and even more had no idea what was going on. Not every Nazi soldier was high-ranking and it’s not like the internet existed at the time. They thought they were doing the right thing.

Most Nazis weren’t Goering.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@blahlistic – Yeah, what Kitteh and Bella said.

I can’t pull myself away right now. I am so gonna pay for this in the morning.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@marinerachel – THANK YOU!

I think I have put my finger on what bothers me so much about the whole “Nazis are bad” thing: It usually winds up being code for “Germans are bad.” And darn it! I have loved too many Germans to swallow that. Also Austrians. Damn Hitler for being Austrian!

I almost never swear, people, but… DAMN HITLER!