alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill reddit vaginas

You won't believe what Reddit's Red Pill ALPHA DOGS are saying about the stolen JLaw nudes. Or maybe you will.


Well, the denizens of Reddit’s TOTALLY ALPHA Red Pill subreddit have weighed in on the stolen celebrity nude pics that have so many Redditors — and other skeezballs — so excited. And they have some, well, intriguing explanations for why feminists are troubled by the widespread dissemination of stolen nude pictures that were never supposed to be seen by the general public.

In a thread with the lovely title Why are the feminazis so buttdevastated about the leaked nude pics?, a RedPill dude with the lovely handle trpmdsrfggts explains that said feminazis are angry because the pics — some of which show the celebrity women looking like, you know, actual women — are driving down the “price of pussy.”

I’ll let him explain, because his logic is obviously more sophisticated than anything I learned in my pussy economics classes in college:

Why are the feminazis so buttdevastated about the leaked nude pics? (self.TheRedPill)  submitted 2 days ago by trpmdsrfggts  Is it because the fig leaf has fallen only to reveal... something quite forgettable and boring?  I have the feeling that they are disappointed because all of the guys have been choking their chickens to pictures of those celebs, heavily photoshopped pictures, pictures which took a looot of make up and a whole crew of professional photographers to find the most flattering poses imaginable but now that we've finally seen them naked naked we just don't care a whole lot.  Honestly, if you had no idea who any of those women were and came across their pics online would you even give them a second glance?  I think that this is the reason for this huge outrage. Slightly saggy tits, shave burn, small fat rolls around their necks, asses that are kinda flat. They are no longer the women on the podium, the women which represent all others. They are just ordinary, boring and forgettable.  There's been a bunch of leaked photos before, Scarlet Johanson is a perfect example, and there was not even a peep. Why? When her photos leaked she just looked OK, just as we all expected, she wasn't disappointing to look at.  However now we have all of those sex-symbols to truly look at and we are told screeched at that this is (of course) rape and a hideous violation of their human rights.  I think that we just witnessed the price of pussy being dropped because of a blunder in advertising and those ungodly screeches are simply cries of protest, of anger that men have one less reason to think that the average woman hides a supermodel underneath her clothes.

Wow. That seems completely ass-backwards to me, but what do I know? I’m just a beta or gamma or epsilon or pi or whatever Greek letter it is that dudes like me are.

Others in the thread expand upon this, er, argument. I’m just going to paste some of their comments in, because, honestly, trying to parse their “logic” in order to think of funny things to say about them hurts my brain. (Clicking on any of these pics will get you to the original quote in context.)


Flaye2 186 points 2 days ago   You see, a woman unconsciously feel bad when sex is associated with a low price, or when the price of sex is lowered.  In the case of these pictures, the men across the internet had gain access to these famous women. Even if it is just their pictures, it drives the price of sex down (no matter how slight), and it annoys them. That's why women are opposed to porn and prostitution.  If a woman can refuse you sex but you have other options, she couldn't use sex as a bargaining tool as much.

trialByException 57 points 2 days ago*   Yep. Two reasons.      As you said, the male sexual gratification market was just flooded with goods. Brings down the price of their own pussy.      But it also gives them a chance to rant on about the horrors of leaked/published nude pics on principle. They hate leaked / published pictures because it lowers the value of their pussy (would a high value man want to be with a girl whose snatch will always be available for the rest of the world to see?) and reveals some truth about their sexual history. Buyers having outside, actual information about your product is gonna hurt your sale price.  Really, their biggest problem with posted pictures is that because it can lower the value of their pussy, the ability to post them gives beta bux boyfriends any leverage over them. It means that they can't be as sadistic as they'd like with BB, even on leaving! Real tragedy for them that they don't get ever get to vent to the beta their actual hatred and resentment of them.

SkorchZang 24 points 2 days ago*   The typical femicunt fully believes that unworthy men looking at her without her permission is a crime against humanity.

Whisper 16 points 2 days ago   Well put.  Men have been masturbating for far too long to the "highlight reels" of certain women. But when their uncut raw footage was exposed, they were revealed to be no more than ordinary women, if slightly on the pretty side.  There's only so pretty that women can get, and pretty much every guy alive knows, personally, at least ten or twenty women who are, in reality, just as good looking as female film stars. The only difference is that the film stars have a PR machine dedicated to making them look good.  Now, pretty is good, and it's important for male happiness. But in overvaluing it, we're created an environment where fake prettiness is shown to us from afar... look, but don't touch (because touching will reveal the illusion). We've created an environment where pretty women have too much power, because we foolishly allow them totally control over their own sexuality (something no other member of society has).  And worst of all, we've created an environment where ordinary women don't strive to be pretty, and pretty women don't make an effort to treat men right.  This is all men's fault. We should have been treating pretty girls like ordinary girls. Instead of selecting the nicest hot chick we can find, we should have been selecting the prettiest girl we can find from among the well-behaved.  Bitches, and even ordinary entitled-feeling hot women, should be invisible to us. If they were ignored in favour of their more submissive (or at least more considerate) sisters, then they'd shape up.  Ultimately, men who boast about their lives of "poppin' bottles and fuckin' models" are overvaluing pussy, because they are making the approval of pretty girls the measure of how much of a man they are. This places women in a dominant position over them,in the same way that co
mplimenting someone is an AMOG move... because he, or she, who judges is the judge.  It is not for pretty women to decide who a real man is. It is instead for real men to decide what women are worthwhile.

Oh, there’s more, so much more, but that’s about all I have time for now, as I need to get back to poppin bottles and, you know, doing whatever else I can to keep up the price of pussy, because, as a male feminist, that’s obviously job number one for me.


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10 years ago

I think I speak for all feminist when I say my number 1 concern, at all times, is the price of pussy. Namely getting it as high as I can by whatever means necessary- ponzi schemes, insider trading, whatever- I just want to get that price up!

THAT is why I have a problem with prostitution. It has nothing to do with the psychological, emotional, and physical trauma that many prostitutes go through. The fact that many of them will die because of the abuse and danger of their profession. And the fact that most prostitutes are from a lower economic level and have very little choice about which profession to go into. No, obviously all that is secondary to the issue of “price of pussy” which is obviously foremost in everyone’s mind.

10 years ago

I think it’d have to be a male gyno. A woman is incapable of judging the worth of any female body correctly.

10 years ago

Maybe someone could set up ‘reality tours’ for these guys, take them to cafe’s and pubs and other social gatherings, show them how normal humans interact with each other. I think they’d be rather shocked. Of course they’d have to wear hazmat suits (for everyone’s protection) but it would definitely be an illuminating experience for them.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Props to Fibinachi, Phoenician, cassandra.

Totally off topic, but how does Vox Day reconcile practicing Christianity and Pick-Up-Artistry?
…does he take home drunk women and… ruthlessly proselytize them?

IDK, but could it be that he just uses PUA to mean generic bossing over women in relationships? Or maybe he thinks that any woman who’s even remotely open to casual sex is a slut and spoiled anyway? Or maybe he suffers from logico-ethical disconnect between promoting male promiscuity and condemning female promiscuity?

10 years ago

Ok, I concede I don’t know exactly what I’ve stumbled upon here but these people are crazy!

I suppose they are looking at women as gold diggers? But in all my life I’ve hardly seen any except for very few who appears to be mentally disturbed women. But I don’t suppose they get approval for their behavior by feminists or anyone else for that matter anyway…
Are gold diggers more prevalent in the US or something? Anything that may explain this? I’m from Sweden btw. 🙂

Anyhow, their point is moot because the shit they spew “market value on pussy” is A. absolutely insane B, Something like a completely economistic view on relationships and human interaction – precisely like the mentally disturbed gold digger (hypocrisy)

If that was all there was to life, transactions like “I did the shopping and cleaned up the kitchen, now you owe me a backrub and a blowjob”, I think I’d kill myself, but luckily men and women in relationships aren’t like that. But maybe THESE guys are..

Has this anything to do with that psychobitch Ayn Rand? I’m getting a sort of vibe from these guys.

PS: And if a guy sneers at, or beats off to someone’s leaked nude photos, shitty. But at least have the common decency to shut up about it. Weaving it into some sort of social political point, or openly comment on the pictures.. You deserve to get smacked.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Ok, I concede I don’t know exactly what I’ve stumbled upon here but these people are crazy!

No, they aren’t crazy. They are terrible people, but crazy people are not automatically terrible, and terrible people are not automatically crazy. The terms are not synonymous.

I understand what you were trying to say there, and I agree with the sentiment, but by calling them crazy you are lumping crazy people together with them, and in the process saying that crazy people are awful and we should all avoid them. That’s pretty insulting to the crazy.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Karl, hi, welcome!

Just a couple of tips: we really don’t like the ableism (eg. calling people crazy when they’re simply hateful, bigoted pieces of shit) and using gendered slurs (psychobitch) really only adds to it. Nobody here’s got any time for Ayn Rand or the randroids; just insult ’em with stuff that doesn’t (accidentally or not) swipe at people who aren’t total arseholes.

10 years ago

@Karl, you might want to take a look at the commenting policy for this blog.

people are crazy!

Please don’t equate assholishness with mental illness. These people have made deliberate choices to do and say these horrible things and people with mental health issues should not be insulted by connecting them with such behaviour.

I suppose they are looking at women as gold diggers? But in all my life I’ve hardly seen any except for very few who appears to be mentally disturbed women.

Yep, about that ableism, again…

absolutely insane

Nope. Illogival, horrible, self-deluding, completely without basis in fact. Not insane, please.

You deserve to get smacked.

Maybe re-phrase that to leave out the violent response?

It probably sounds like I’m being pretty mean to you but this is a social justice site and you need to think a bit more about what you’re saying before commenting, please.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


10 years ago

Oops,been ninja’d. Twice. Hangs head in embarrassment.

10 years ago

And again – this is getting meta!

10 years ago

I have four pussies, they are all very fluffy and two are Persian. Plz appraise.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

saphy, they obviously have All The Cute so are supreme, because kitties.

(Sorry, I get squicked out by “pussy” for genitals, hence not playing this game much.)

10 years ago

Meanwhile, the supposedly more reasonable Price is just as clueless. Words inserted in brackets below are my comments on his screed;

“Guys probably find themselves confused by the conflicting messages feminists put out about nudity, empowerment, victimhood, male gaze and so on. While men generally agree that it isn’t appropriate to violate people’s privacy, we see images from [voluntarily shared in public] slutwalks and feminist breast-baring demonstrations that leave us wondering why a few nude photos [stolen from what was supposed to be a private place and shared in public] are such a big deal.”

Notice the complete absence of any understanding of why an individual person’s ability to control access to their personal stuff would be a real concern for that person. So, if someone, somewhere feels comfortable being a nude model in an outdoor photo shoot – that means I shouldn’t be upset if someone upskirts me or my daughter?

Gosh, a world ruled by MRAs? – no thank you!

10 years ago

@POM @kittehs & @titanblue

10 years ago

That was supposed to say “applauds” before the nyms but it was in angle brackets and so the word vanished and it made no sense.

Try again …

::applauds:: @POM @kittehs & @titanblue

… crosses fingers …

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

AL3H, thanks! 🙂

scarletpipistrelle – isn’t it bizarre? Even when theft is part of the conversation, they show they don’t even grasp that most basic concept. Oy.

10 years ago

This will create a deflationary boner spiral.

There you have a great name for the debut album of a misandrist rock band!

10 years ago


I have no other articulable comment.

10 years ago

Dear Misters,

Women don’t wonder about what’s underneath your clothing — by that I don’t mean all men, just you rage nerd, duder guys. We don’t want you to take you clothes off, we want you to keep them on, then we can keep on ignoring you.
You know this, and it pisses you off.
It’s evident from just about everything you post that you’ve never had a healthy relationship/fling with a woman ever. You advertize this like absolute mofos. Whenever you attempt to reduce a women to a sexual object or a fertility object — we all know what you’re really trying to communicate, which is, “I SHALL HAVE MY REVENGE ON ALL WOMANKIND!” and “My pee-pee is ever so lonely. **Sniff**”

You guys are so jealous over any attention ANY woman gets (even if it’s negative — remember the asshole who complained that he wasn’t getting the same kind of press as Anita S.?) that you rage wank in forums discussing the obvious invasion of privacy angle of the JL story. Remeber all those Anthony Weiner dick pics? He sent those out, unsolicited, but someone had to steal those actresses’ password protected images.

Anyway, nice going on showing your asses. I even heard CNN commentators referring to 4Chan and Reddit as one of the circles of hell and a dirtbag paradise for bitter pervs. Good work, boys! And remember — keep your clothes ON!

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

One time I thought I had chlamydia but it turned out to be stagflation.

10 years ago

They don’t see women as human beings who have rights that should be respected and they cannot conceive of anyone, even other women, thinking of us that way either.

Ya know why JLaw is so popular? It has nothing to do with what losers on Reddit think of her genitals. It’s because she’s a talented actress who is so cool you wish you knew her. She’s unashamedly enjoying the success she’s earned so much that people can’t help but want to cheer her on. She’s been real and not at all worried what people will think when she admits to getting drunk at the Oscars or being start struck when she meets other actors. She’s so humble and likable despite her wealth and celebrity. She’s getting kick-ass roles and that’s not going to stop. As much as these shitweasels want this violation to have harmed her (and other women) irreparably, she’s successful and well liked as ever. This Halloween, little girls will be dressed as Katniss and soooo many people will flock to she her in the theaters when the next Hunger Games comes out. On the other hand, these sad creeps are still as scummy and without respect or admiration as they were before they started spreading stolen private photos for other scum to ragewank to. If it’s possible, people think less of them, not of the women they hope they have hurt.

I’m left wondering why these assbites think their opinions determine the value of anything? Other human being’s value doesn’t rise and fall with their boners. Women don’t want them. Men do not want to be them. They can think highly of any given set of genitals or not. No one is going to care either way because no one is hoping that these jerks will take notice of and desire contact with their junk. No one asked them. No one cares. They pretend to each other that they matter, but they just don’t. They are men who are happy to disregard a woman’s rights and eagerly wank to stolen pics that include kiddie porn. They’re just foul. There are no accolades in their future. There will be no increase in respect over what they’ve done. They aren’t heroes. They haven’t shook up the world. They have not improve their worth in anyone’s estimation. Women won’t suddenly become interested in them because of this awful thing they’ve done. They’re just criminals who are sad and gross. The only people they made less valuable members of society are themselves. Seeing them look up their butts for reasons why anything other than that is the truth would be kinda funny if it wasn’t in the context of real people’s privacy being violated and their bodies treated like they were public property.

Please don’t be ableist here. They aren’t crazy. They’re misogynists.

10 years ago


I’d offer to lead those tours, but I don’t think there is enough hand sanitizer and brain bleach on Earth.

10 years ago

OMG! Those grapes are soooo sour today!

10 years ago

Even when theft is part of the conversation, they show they don’t even grasp that most basic concept.

It’s not theft if it’s from a woman, because women aren’t people. Only men get to be that…

(Gawd. It reminds me of that awful series of tweets the other day from Cee Lo Green, in which he basically said that if she can’t remember how she got naked and wound up in his bed, it ain’t rape.)

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