alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill reddit vaginas

You won't believe what Reddit's Red Pill ALPHA DOGS are saying about the stolen JLaw nudes. Or maybe you will.


Well, the denizens of Reddit’s TOTALLY ALPHA Red Pill subreddit have weighed in on the stolen celebrity nude pics that have so many Redditors — and other skeezballs — so excited. And they have some, well, intriguing explanations for why feminists are troubled by the widespread dissemination of stolen nude pictures that were never supposed to be seen by the general public.

In a thread with the lovely title Why are the feminazis so buttdevastated about the leaked nude pics?, a RedPill dude with the lovely handle trpmdsrfggts explains that said feminazis are angry because the pics — some of which show the celebrity women looking like, you know, actual women — are driving down the “price of pussy.”

I’ll let him explain, because his logic is obviously more sophisticated than anything I learned in my pussy economics classes in college:

Why are the feminazis so buttdevastated about the leaked nude pics? (self.TheRedPill)  submitted 2 days ago by trpmdsrfggts  Is it because the fig leaf has fallen only to reveal... something quite forgettable and boring?  I have the feeling that they are disappointed because all of the guys have been choking their chickens to pictures of those celebs, heavily photoshopped pictures, pictures which took a looot of make up and a whole crew of professional photographers to find the most flattering poses imaginable but now that we've finally seen them naked naked we just don't care a whole lot.  Honestly, if you had no idea who any of those women were and came across their pics online would you even give them a second glance?  I think that this is the reason for this huge outrage. Slightly saggy tits, shave burn, small fat rolls around their necks, asses that are kinda flat. They are no longer the women on the podium, the women which represent all others. They are just ordinary, boring and forgettable.  There's been a bunch of leaked photos before, Scarlet Johanson is a perfect example, and there was not even a peep. Why? When her photos leaked she just looked OK, just as we all expected, she wasn't disappointing to look at.  However now we have all of those sex-symbols to truly look at and we are told screeched at that this is (of course) rape and a hideous violation of their human rights.  I think that we just witnessed the price of pussy being dropped because of a blunder in advertising and those ungodly screeches are simply cries of protest, of anger that men have one less reason to think that the average woman hides a supermodel underneath her clothes.

Wow. That seems completely ass-backwards to me, but what do I know? I’m just a beta or gamma or epsilon or pi or whatever Greek letter it is that dudes like me are.

Others in the thread expand upon this, er, argument. I’m just going to paste some of their comments in, because, honestly, trying to parse their “logic” in order to think of funny things to say about them hurts my brain. (Clicking on any of these pics will get you to the original quote in context.)


Flaye2 186 points 2 days ago   You see, a woman unconsciously feel bad when sex is associated with a low price, or when the price of sex is lowered.  In the case of these pictures, the men across the internet had gain access to these famous women. Even if it is just their pictures, it drives the price of sex down (no matter how slight), and it annoys them. That's why women are opposed to porn and prostitution.  If a woman can refuse you sex but you have other options, she couldn't use sex as a bargaining tool as much.

trialByException 57 points 2 days ago*   Yep. Two reasons.      As you said, the male sexual gratification market was just flooded with goods. Brings down the price of their own pussy.      But it also gives them a chance to rant on about the horrors of leaked/published nude pics on principle. They hate leaked / published pictures because it lowers the value of their pussy (would a high value man want to be with a girl whose snatch will always be available for the rest of the world to see?) and reveals some truth about their sexual history. Buyers having outside, actual information about your product is gonna hurt your sale price.  Really, their biggest problem with posted pictures is that because it can lower the value of their pussy, the ability to post them gives beta bux boyfriends any leverage over them. It means that they can't be as sadistic as they'd like with BB, even on leaving! Real tragedy for them that they don't get ever get to vent to the beta their actual hatred and resentment of them.

SkorchZang 24 points 2 days ago*   The typical femicunt fully believes that unworthy men looking at her without her permission is a crime against humanity.

Whisper 16 points 2 days ago   Well put.  Men have been masturbating for far too long to the "highlight reels" of certain women. But when their uncut raw footage was exposed, they were revealed to be no more than ordinary women, if slightly on the pretty side.  There's only so pretty that women can get, and pretty much every guy alive knows, personally, at least ten or twenty women who are, in reality, just as good looking as female film stars. The only difference is that the film stars have a PR machine dedicated to making them look good.  Now, pretty is good, and it's important for male happiness. But in overvaluing it, we're created an environment where fake prettiness is shown to us from afar... look, but don't touch (because touching will reveal the illusion). We've created an environment where pretty women have too much power, because we foolishly allow them totally control over their own sexuality (something no other member of society has).  And worst of all, we've created an environment where ordinary women don't strive to be pretty, and pretty women don't make an effort to treat men right.  This is all men's fault. We should have been treating pretty girls like ordinary girls. Instead of selecting the nicest hot chick we can find, we should have been selecting the prettiest girl we can find from among the well-behaved.  Bitches, and even ordinary entitled-feeling hot women, should be invisible to us. If they were ignored in favour of their more submissive (or at least more considerate) sisters, then they'd shape up.  Ultimately, men who boast about their lives of "poppin' bottles and fuckin' models" are overvaluing pussy, because they are making the approval of pretty girls the measure of how much of a man they are. This places women in a dominant position over them,in the same way that co
mplimenting someone is an AMOG move... because he, or she, who judges is the judge.  It is not for pretty women to decide who a real man is. It is instead for real men to decide what women are worthwhile.

Oh, there’s more, so much more, but that’s about all I have time for now, as I need to get back to poppin bottles and, you know, doing whatever else I can to keep up the price of pussy, because, as a male feminist, that’s obviously job number one for me.


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10 years ago

It wasn’t Fibinachi who broke my brain. It was TRPs.

Fibinachi is more in the nature of an emergency brain resuscitator.

10 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants, as horible that might sound that what thought they were trying to get at. Now I feel dirty…

10 years ago

My favorite part of this is their complete inability to grasp the fact that no, actually, women can feel violated by the idea of being seen naked by randoms without their consent, or worried that they’ll be the next woman that will happen to, without it being part of some giant conspiracy where we somehow hoard our own body parts for fun and profit like Scrooge McDuck.

10 years ago

Where can I get an assessment? I need to know the current value of my pussy, thanks.

10 years ago

Tracy, I do think they realize it and they are seriously pissed off about it.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

justabrowngirl – Well, that’s basically what they’re saying…”Neener neener, we got to see boobies for free! Not so special and unattainable now, are you, ladies?”

So, I guess we’re supposed to band together and form a cartel or something.

10 years ago

You see, women unconsciously feel bad when the price of sex is lowered

Oh! I just now caught sight of that handy little trick.

See, I’ve been under the impression that I’ve knowingly (ever since I was a child) despised seeing people publicly humiliated. Felt massively uncomfortable with female bodies being objectified on tv, in movies, in ads, in offhand comments I wasn’t supposed to hear- long before ever coming across the word “objectification”.

But really, it’s been an unconscious reaction to the value of my pussy lowering. Sorry, guys, I thought I actually knew what my own feelings were for a second.

10 years ago

Part of the problem here is that since they don’t feel any empathy for women they don’t understand that most other women, and a fair number of men, actually do.

steampunked (@steampunked)

If I were these guys, I’d be hoping and praying their vaunted economic theory wasn’t true.

Because: Women can live independently, and there has been a scadload of research done on how much better off people are without a partner that upsets them. Regular sex is not much of a pay off if you have to put up with bad treatment in response – we know that the best thing to do is to clear off if you can manage to. We know that regular sex with someone you hate is actually horrific and something people try to avoid.

Which means, that what they ‘bring’ to the equation is…nothing. No affection, no companionship, no fun – no fun _sex_, no added value, no nothing. There is nothing compelling me to put up with crap in order to invest in the tiny amount of added security – and NOTHING else – these people provide. They are a very, very poor investment.

God, I just realised – their model is spec work. In their heads, women provide speculative work and they get to choose who they ‘reward’. No wonder they’re so upset – no one even wants the reward they have.

10 years ago

I don’t get why celebrities not being perfect IRL means that men are now able to see that I am not perfect IRL.

The men I have slept with can actually see me. In person. Not airbrushed. They already know I’m not perfect.

In fact, the men who I haven’t slept with but have actually seen in real life have also seen me, and probably noticed that I’m fat, have pores on my face, and don’t do anything with my hair besides brush it. They already know I’m not perfect, too.

Even if they’ve never seen an illegal naked picture of Jennifer Lawrence.

10 years ago


Fibinachi is more in the nature of an emergency brain resuscitator.

We Hunted The Mammoth: Positively Shocking Reality Checks?

From that same reddit:

[–]1 Endorsed ContributorMeatclap 2 points 2 days ago
Good analyses! Market depreciation in this case hurts the market and not the consumer. The porn and prostitution would be direct competition against their own market, which is why they rally against something that would be readily welcomed by men, offered affordably, and would destroy the marriage/divorce market as well as shelf nearly every woman that has hit the wall but lives under the delusion that they are as new and exciting as they were at 18 years old and pre-carousel.

I… I… I try to live a good life. Experience happiness. Joy. Avoid anger. I’ve read the philosophical works of Stoics and Zen Buddhists and Cynics and Nihilists and New Age folks and they all, more or less, say that anger is something that generally poisons your mind and erodes your joy in life. I meditate. I go for runs. I smile and laugh and sometimes stick a pen in my mouth and hold my teeth together because that’s supposed to induce a neuro-muscular feedback cycle that results in a raised endorphine and serotonin level.

I think a part of my brain just flashfried itself in a perfect, beautiful rage-flare of anger.

You can’t do that, redditor. You just can’t.

Porn and prostitution isn’t in direct competition with their own market, they’re in direct competition with other people in the porn and prostitution market and indirect competition with the rest of the market that provides entertainment services, depending on whatever utilities consumers derive from these services. A market depreciation means a shrinking of a market from loss or wear or tear or acts of God, there is no way a market depreciation could happen because of a supply shock, that’s just not economically possible within the realm of classical economics. You can’t make your market WORSE OFF by discovering MORE OF THE STUFF YOU’RE SELLING, because at worst you just end up lowering the total price per unit of your good, which is assumed a priori to be a good thing for any market because it makes the consumers better off and sort of avoids the terrible price gouging no one wants.

“Destroy the marriage/divorce market”? What does that mean? I don’t know what means. It’s not a meaningful phrase that imparts information to anyone reading it. Are divorces a thing you’re selling or buying in bulk? Can you ship divorces cross country? Can I buy one and import it? Is it possible for me to invest in divorces? Is there a monopoly structure for the divorce market place? Isn’t it an annullment of a previously agreed agreement?

Why do these people all think they know what economics is?

“market depreciation hurts the market” has got to be the dumbest phrase I’ve ever read. Not because it’s stupid, but because it’s that specific brand of stupid that thinks it’s being clever and meaningful and funny and has read enough to use a term but not enough to use that term correctly.

(See everything I’ve ever written ever :b)

destroy the shell life of woman… so women are both the product, supplier, consumer and regulatory body of the marriage divorce market? That’s such a profound confusion of terms that I kind of have to just sit here in awe and stare at my screen as parts of my neuronal set-up burns out.

Well at least the rest of the thread can’t be that bad. That was just misunderstood economics and condenced idiocy. It’s not like it’s going to get worse.

Wait, what’s this?

oh no.

[–]2BurgundyCarpet 133 points 2 days ago*
This is absolutely correct.

Like many other scenarios, the only lens through which this scenario makes sense is the lens of economics. Here is a brief explanation of what is happening right now in economic terms.


oh god no

Popping Dat Pussy: SMV in the Digital Age
A brief essay by BurgundyCarpet

First, the basics:

Oh sweet merciful d20s rolling three ones in a row for a petrification saving throw please stop talking please stop talking please stop talking

A woman’s reproductive potential is her value to society.

I feel pain. Reading this is causing me actual physical pain. I think I might be having a stroke.

Female bodies are an asset that all women possess.

I’m actually starting to experience both dizziness and a profound sense of existential angst, coupled with acute retinal hemorrhages.

Yet. I can’t stop. I can’t look away.

This asset – the female body – represents a woman’s reproductive potential in the same way that a logo represents a company’s business.

If this redditor includes the phrase “signal” or “signifier” or starts talking about semiotic pragmatism, I’m going to find out how to build a doomsday ray and hack Reddit datastreams to find the geospatial data markers of the home address of this person just so I can long-range fry his internet connection in his home and any home he ever goes to, visits, walks near or so much as looks at for more than a few seconds.

Not try. Not attempt. I will do this, so help me god.

A bitch’s body is like a logo. It is the visual signifier of a woman’s value – her reproductive potential. A woman’s value rises and falls based on public perception of the value of her logo – by which I mean, her body.

Look everybody! I can arrive at conclusions that only barely follow my stated assumptions if I disregard any other meaningful inference of my own stated premises. I can totally do logic! This is how you logic, right? If I say women are only valuable because of their potential then that means their bodies are like logos! Because the visual perception of their logo causes a collapse of the quantum wave probability flux and causes a distinct change in her actual reproductive potential, which means that merely observing changes the subject status! Sweetcakes and sugarplums, it’s the Heisenberg Principle Of Uncertain Fertility States; we can know this redditor is bullshitting, or that he is completely wrong, but never both at the same time!

Here’s a logo for you – the logo of, a women’s fashion ecommerce business that was revered back in 1999.There was a time when men and women alike looked at this logo and admired the sensuous curves of its letterforms. In 1999, this logo represented a company whose valuation was skyrocketing – and their logo was considered to be classy and tastefully designed. No one had seen’s actual business plan, but no matter – look at that beautiful logo! Anyone with a logo that beautiful must have an amazing business plan to back it up.

The sensous curves of its letterforms? Boos business plan was fashion and selling thereof. As far as I understand it, they failed because they opened in multiple countries at the same time and ran out of cash to keep operating because sales wasn’t matching operation costs. Are you suggesting that women who try to open multiple stores at the same time in different locales are somehow to blame for the nudity leaks on the internet? Or that their reproductive value is tied in with their logos which is changed by public perception of their reproductive value? What?

Now let’s talk about Jennifer Lawrence, a young actress whose career is exploding. Men and women alike look at her and admire the sensuous curves of her body. Her hips, her long flowing hair, her soft pouty lips – all visual signifiers of her reproductive potential. In 2014, these curves represent a woman whose valuation is skyrocketing – and her body is considered to be beautiful and alluring. No one’s seen her actual pussy, but no matter – look at that beautiful body! Anyone with a body that beautiful must have an amazing pussy to back it up.

Oh. Oh I see where this is going. Except it’s not where the redditor think it’s going, and it’s not going to be anywhere pleasant. It’s going to be just like the dot com crash, brought on by entirely different things than boo dot com and also, just one more time, reproductive value dependent on perception of body dependent on curve dependent on pussy? That’s not where babies come from. That’s not what that means. You can’t just say those words and wave your hands like magic as if your amazing ability to turn kilobytes on the internet into festering caltrops of the brain is somehow the same as an understanding of biology.

Jennifer Lawrence’s stock has been rising in hollywood for several years now – but no one’s seen her pussy. Instead, they’ve seen her frame her pussy in all sorts of appealing ways, by wearing attractive clothing that signifies fertility. In fact, one of her latest big hits – The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, can be seen as one big vehicle to raise the value of Jennifer Lawrence’s pussy. That movie could have been named Jennifer Lawrence’s Vagina: Now Fertile and Ready for Reproduction. “Catching fire” is a pretty fucking obvious metaphor for a girl getting her first period – and the entire movie was about how Jennifer Lawrence, having caught fire (become fertile), is now fully awakened and ready to contribute to the world (by having children – watch the movie and see her societal value skyrocket when Peeta announces that she is pregnant).

I’m hearing a faint humming sound. I think it’s the bees trying to break through the barriers of reality to eat my soul. Catching fire? Catching fire is… fertility? I was under the impression the autocratic and despotic government of Panen was causing the rebellion to catch fire and spread like wildfire with their constant aggravating assaults on personal freedom, but then again, I’m not a genius redditor who can cause quantum waves to collapse with my mind.

The notion of someone watching a movie meant for teenagers and young souls and coming away with the impression that this was all a way for someone to brand their private parts is mind-poison of the purest, highest grade.

Jennifer Lawrence has entire movies dedicated to raising the valuation of her pussy. So JLaw’s stock is on the rise in Hollywood, just like’s stock was on the rise in the dot-com world in 1999.

Please tell me you invested all your money in a odd internet scheme in 1999 and lost it all in the ensuring NASQAD crash. It’s going to be less painful than this walk through of semiotic signals in relation to logos and bodies and reproductive value and sex appeal being mistaken for fertility being mistaken for children being mistaken for some kind of price and value signifier.

But something weird happened to The world had been waiting with bated breath to see’s business plan – but when they finally showed the world their business plan, the world turned its back. Turns out that business plan, which was predicated on the assumption that investors would continue to pump money into their company for its first few years of existence, wasn’t so smart after all. They were “following an extremely aggressive growth plan,” and investors thought it was fucking stupid. All of a sudden their stock – once a highly-valued, hotly-traded commodity – began to plummet. Seemingly overnight, their value was… nothing. Nada. Thin air. CNET has referred to them as one of the greatest dot-com busts in history. Turns out that wasn’t an awesome new company that was gonna be super-successful – it was just a big ‘ole bubble, and that bubble popped.

Wikipedia causes so much damage. People read their articles, lift bits of it, and sound smart to people who don’t know that they just lift bits of it from Wikipedia. Boo dot com wasn’t a bubble. Boo dot com was a product of the internet bubble of 1999, with several of their business decisions predicated on the fact that endless investors were more than willing to invest in booming internet businesses. They were a big part of the crash, sure, but they were not the sole reason for the crash. This is sort of like saying that Jennifer Lawrence, an actor, is somehow singlehandedly responsible for the price of all women somewhere falling.

Whoops – her nude pics just leaked, and the entire world saw her pussy. Turns out it’s just a normal pussy, exactly like any other. Uh-oh.

So… bodies are like logos, and boo dot com having a super aggressive business plan is exactly like Jennifer Lawrence being human and not some kind of magical wonder creature unicorn that shoots healing rainbows from her eyes and cures cancer by twitching her resplendent ethereal wings of everlasting beauty?

I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who seriously complained that a human being looked like a human being before. What were people expecting? That underneath the clothes Jennifer Lawrence was encrusted with precious diamonds and had the secrets of cold fusion tattooed across her belly?

The world has seen that her true SMV – which they have been furiously inflating for several years – is pretty much the same as the SMV of any other bitch. And now her body – which was once seen as beautiful and classy and elegant – now looks pretty god-damn normal and frankly disappointing.

How does this relate to economics? I was promised economics. What I got was stupidoconics. Who complains that a human looks like a human? Who sees a star and thinks she’s a perfect immaterial being of joysparkles, and upon realizing she is human, becomes angry at her lack of perfection and not ones own problematic embellishments of nature?

And how does this relate to reproductive potential? And logos? And the net crash? And economics? This is gobbleydook of such profound magnitude my mind reels.

Misogynists must spend all their time being so angry at those magical angel fairies that flitter around them, entirely unreasonable, unreal and irrational, incapable of doing the kind of wonderful deeds their frantic observations constantly tell them they can and instead they’re left with bitter disappointment that perfectly normal people didn’t turn out to be magical superheroic god creatures who could fix all their issues with a touch.

How sad. This reading of history and economics and people only works if you assume everyone is a predatory asshole waiting for someone to show them their naked bodies. Empathy really isn’t a thing for these people, is it?

10 years ago

@ Tracy

Also, don’t most people know that Photoshop and flattering lighting is a thing? If anyone is telling themselves that celebs look exactly how they do in PR pics then that person is choosing to fool themselves at this point.

10 years ago

I’ve seen a surprising amount of disagreement with the article in the comments there. I get the sense that some of the more-established redpillers have actually matured a bit.

10 years ago

Yep. Two reasons.

As you said, the male sexual gratification market was just flooded with goods. Brings down the price of their own pussy.

But it also gives them a chance to rant on about the horrors of leaked/published nude pics on principle. They hate leaked / published pictures because it lowers the value of their pussy (would a high value man want to be with a girl whose snatch will always be available for the rest of the world to see?) and reveals some truth about their sexual history. Buyers having outside, actual information about your product is gonna hurt your sale price.

So, to summarize, he says there are two reasons:

It brings down the price of their pussy.
BUT, it lowers the price of their pussy.

See. Two whole reasons. And he’s a guy, so he can count to two. And STEM. And do advanced economics, as Fibinachi pointed out.

10 years ago

Oh, sorry about the formatting there. I guess ol tags don’t work here.

steampunked (@steampunked)

As someone who spends all of their time designing logos, I can’t even about their logos theory, but I’m refusing to engage on that before we get into modern marketing research re: Sex. (Which is: It doesn’t actually sell as much as people think it does because our brains now recognise that as ‘advertising’ and blank it).

10 years ago

As you said, the male sexual gratification market was just flooded with goods.

Flooded with goods. Because of the photos of a couple celebrities.

On the internet.




I don’t even.

10 years ago

Also, the assumption that feminists are angry about this just because it’s porn, and not because of the violation of privacy.

10 years ago


Thank you for bravely wading through that horror of a post. I, at least, got to read your comments in between to make it slightly less painful.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

The “men trade marriage for sex and women trade sex for marriage” model is “supported” by monographs and such published by places like the Brookings Institute, and it makes sense insofar as you assume that women only want marriage (for access to money, specifically a situation of financial security in which to raise babies) and “have” sex to trade for it, and men only want sex and “have” marriage (with associated money) to trade in return. If that were the case, then the model would work fine, so the graphs and such work out in a tidy way/

The reason it’s bullshit is not because the math is bad, but because the premises are bad, but these idiots aren’t good enough at either economics or critical thinking to realize that the premises are ridiculous.

steampunked (@steampunked)

And yet, when VCruz was doxed after God knows how long of posting photos of dead female children to Reddit, it was a terrible invasion of privacy…

10 years ago


Their whole philosophy revolves around the idea that sex is a resource that women unfairly hoard, and that stealing it from us via rape or nudes that we didn’t consent to their seeing or upskirt shots or whatever is somehow striking a blow for freedom and righteousness.

Man I need to save that for future quotation, because that’s the MRM in a nutshell.

10 years ago

After reading Fibi’s last post (phew! that was EXHAUSTING! all those mental contortions those dudes do! don’t their backs hurt?), something occurred to me:

Remember how all these same guys soiled themselves in unison when J-Law showed up with a pixie cut?

Oh noes (the collective howl went up) there goes her sexual market value! The most valuable signifier of female fertility — GONE!

I make a note of this now, because that obvious boner-kill that is stylish short hair doesn’t seem to have stopped these wankers from wanking, any more than her unretouched nudity (assuming that was really her) has. And if something like that doesn’t stop these wankers from wanking, I guess I can safely surmise that any man who loves me for myself alone (and not my auburn hair) isn’t going to be bothered by all these physical “flaws” that these guys seem hell-bent on inflating to prove…SOMETHING. Bog only knows what.

These guys really should take the red pill…the one that comes from a box marked Colace. They’re so full of shit, I’m afraid they may explode.

It's A Furret (@RicksWriting)

I think it sounds like they’re attempting to apply a cartel model to woman sexuality. To stop just short of saying it is literally a closed-door conspiracy, though I’m sure they believe that’s what feminists literally do, the presumption is that “wimmins does this instinctually”. So, women NATURALLY collude to keep the price of their sex high, because that’s just how women think, because all women are gold diggers and only aim to increase their own sex value in anything they might possibly do, so they can sell when it’s at it’s highest. The problem here is that it turns out that pornography of these presumed high-value women exists, and now all women have to compete with it, which lowers the artificially inflated value, PLUS it lowers the perceived value because the high-value market is not as desirable as consumers thought it must have been, lowering consumer confidence needed to keep high cartel prices.

. . . no, it still sounds stupid. I’m not sure how they conclude that sex is somehow a rare commodity.

Oh wait, I think I know how

10 years ago

Let me get this straight. They’re basically arguing that somehow this pussy flood will reduce pussy demand. Therefore boners are more valuable than pussies. Because of this, men will henceforth horde their boners. This will create a deflationary boner spiral.

Of course, this is a ridiculous theory but these pathetic creatures seem to believe it. So I have to ask why then are they so gleeful about this? Deflationary spirals are the worst thing for the economy. They’re not good for anyone really. I guess they just hate women so much they will suffer if it means women will suffer too.