
Prostate Cancer Foundation to Reddit "fappers": We don't want your tainted money

Redditor conducts prostate research
Redditor conducts prostate research

A prostate cancer charity has returned $6000 to donors from Reddit because it doesn’t want to be associated with their toxic money. Chalk this up as another proud day for Reddit.

So here’s the story: With Reddit emerging, over the past several days, as one of the central distribution hubs for a vast cache of stolen nude pictures of assorted celebrities – including not only an adult Jennifer Lawrence but at least two celebs who were underage when their photos were taken – one Redditor thought he saw a way for the newly created TheFappening subreddit to spin itself as a public-minded enterprise rather than as a large-scale enabler of criminal activity: why not take a few minutes off from frantic masturbation to raise a few bucks for charity?

The charity chosen for this PR stunt was the Prostate Cancer Foundation – the joke being that Jennifer Lawrence is already supporting prostate health as the unwitting supplier of nude pics of herself, because masturbation can help to reduce prostate cancer. Hilarious. So one Redditor set up a page on the Prostate Cancer Foundation’s website in the name of TheFappening, to raise money in her “honor.”

In less than a day, the subreddit had raised $6000, which might sound impressive at first glance, but which sounds decidedly less so when you consider that TheFappening has signed up more than 100,000 subscribers and generated millions of page views since being founded only a few days ago. This was enough to get TheFappening listed as the top fundraiser on the PCF’s home page.

At least until the Foundation, not wanting to be used for propaganda purposes by a bunch of skeezy assholes, shut down TheFappening’s fundraising page and returned the tainted cash, declaring that “[w]e would never condone raising funds for cancer research in this manner.”

Naturally, Redditor’s fappers were outraged.

CaptainDogeSparrow 2356 points 18 hours ago*   So they rather watch people with cancer die than to take reddit money?  They are literally saying that Jennifer Lawrence is more important than cure for cancer.  Disgusting.  Edit: Source for OP's pic:      permalink     save     report     give gold     reply  [–]BonsaiGoat 720 points 18 hours ago*   I would love it if JLaw herself called out this bullshit.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]Jon_Snows_Dad 561 points 18 hours ago   I am willing to guarantee she won't say anything.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]mm1234565 400 points 18 hours ago   Yeah despite Reddit's infatuation with the woman they think is just like them, she's as fake-realperson PR-trained celebrified as they come.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]krazykellen 253 points 17 hours ago   Tits are real and that's what matters here.

Meanwhile, another Redditor put up a petition on begging the CEO of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation to take their money:

Our donations were refused due that it was being raised in an inappropiate manner. Which is not the case. We wanted to give back and are willing to donate if you will let us. We want consent so we are not wasting our time. Even though the donations were first formed out of humor the number of donations kept coming in and were about to trend even more. This is due to us wanting to show the community that we care and will put our money where our mouths are. So please “TAKE OUR MONEY!!!”.

The top comment on the petition page:

 Bobby Guzman WEST COVINA, CA      about 12 hours ago     Liked 1  So that JLaws TaTas may rest peacefully.

Oh, Redditors, will you ever understand how terrible you are? There are things worth more than your $6000. Like, for example, not being associated with your bullshit. Indeed, had the Foundation taken the money, the resulting PR disaster of being connected with you assholes would have likely cost them a lot more than $6000 in donations. As it stands, the Foundation’s reputation remains intact, and it’s likely to get some extra donations for taking a principled stand.

Indeed, if you would like to donate to the foundation to help fund prostate cancer research and reward the charity for its stand, the donation page is here.

Over on TheFappening, some of the regulars decided to move on to a new charity,, which has also reportedly refused their money.

But before caught on to what the Redditors were doing, the “fappers” celebrated the fact that an anonymous Redditor was briefly honored as a “featured donor” on’s website. One Redditor posted this meme, with the comment “that’s right buddy.”


Naturally, other Redditors responded to the meme with masturbation jokes:

kli561 85 points 14 hours ago   And theres more where thats cumming from      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]Liquid_paper_lies 19 points 10 hours ago   Let's milk it for all we got      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]Happy_Shopper 3 points 3 hours ago   That's a stroke of genius

Elsewhere in the same thread, other TheFappening regulars joked about the fact that the pictures they were all “fapping” to together included actual child porn. After one “fapper” noted that the anonymous Redditor’s donation was bigger than the donation of another “featured donor,
” a “little girl,” this edifying discussion ensued:

Fappers_Delights 24 points 14 hours ago   That girl doesn't look so little, lol. Easily at least a teenager.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]runealex007 37 points 11 hours ago   Good enough for me      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]runs_and_chews_gum 11 points 11 hours ago   nope.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]13abie 15 points 7 hours ago   She donated before she was 18. They need to remove it.

Reddit: where the terrible meet to celebrate one another’s terribleness.

[EDIT: I updated several paragraphs about to acknowledge that the charity is now reportedly refusing money from Reddit’s fappers, and added a link to PCF’s donation page.]

[EDIT 2: I corrected the bit about the petition, which is directed at the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, not the Prostate Cancer Foundation.]

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Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Uh, escorting an employee out and shipping them their shit isn’t exactly uncommon when the employee has proven themself a liability to the company. Idk about charging for the shipping costs, but yeah, the rest is totally a thing that happens, and viewing child porn, possibly on company time and tech? So very much warrants an escorting out.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Wait, how are we even discussing this? Did we get a 4chaner trying to stir shit?

10 years ago

For those of you who wish to donate to PCF, here’s their donation page.

Feel free to tell them they’re wonderful in the comment block.

10 years ago

I already donated to PCF last night. Now, I suppose maybe I will also donate to This could get to be beyond my means, though, if Reddit keeps trying new respectable charities. The KKK accepts donations. I’m sure they’d proudly accept this tainted money.

Jarred H
10 years ago


My mind just has trouble computing the twisted brain patterns that would lead them to behave this way if they have mothers or sisters that they love and respect.

I think you’re forgetting the “women as property” aspect that flavors a lot of misogyny. Mothers and sisters are “their women” and therefore worthy of their “respect” and “protection.” Other women, however, are still fair game for whatever treatment they wish to dish out.

10 years ago

My maternal grandfather died of prostate cancer. These dudes are in effect pissing on his grave. May they stumble across a floor full of Legos one drunken evening, fall, and be unable to get up.

10 years ago

We want consent so we are not wasting our time.

File under “Not clear on the concept”.

And if they want to put their money where their mouths are, then they should wash those out with carbolic soap first.

10 years ago

Glad to see that also decided that taking their money wasn’t worth it. Hopefully they and the PCF will be able to make up the loss through donations from those who appreciate their integrity.

10 years ago


Thanks. Although, I don’t think I was forgetting the property aspect of misogyny so much. It’s just that my definition of “respect” is incompatible with something someone can give to property. 🙂

Jarred H
10 years ago

@Belladonna993: Understandable. And let’s be honest, there’s a reason I put “respect” in quotes in that statement. My experience also suggests that misogynists have a pretty strange definition of the concept.

10 years ago

I looked at the fundraiser page (and emailed before the page was taken down. The comments added with the donations were full of masturbations jokes and peoples thanking JLaw. While I’m generally up for a smutty joke, I can’t imagine any legitimate charity happy to have them all over their site. The content of the page was bad enough to justify it’s removal, without even considering the motivations behind the fundraiser.

Basically, I’m amazed they’re surprised. It’s as if they don’t understand consequences at all, and that’s a bit scary.

10 years ago

^ that display name should be ‘kage’. Doh.

10 years ago

@Georgina: I can somewhat see your concern. I’d hope that any employer who would fire an employee over this would ensure that the employee really is engaging in this kind of behavior, doing it on company time, using it as a vehicle for sexual harassment, etc. Unsubstantiated watercooler rumors leading to someone losing their job… not cool.

However, depending on the state, a company can terminate an employee at will. They are not required to allow the terminated person access to their workspace, but perhaps in special situations (like leaving necessary medication in a desk drawer, for example.) If someone is suspected of using company property to commit a crime, you better believe they will not be allowed access to their workspace, lest they try to destroy evidence. As some of these women are underage, its child pornography and a serious crime. I’d throw them out of the building too. If management suspects something like this and doesn’t act on it, they shoulder a lot if potential liability. Not sure how it would work if the stolen photos are not of a minor, but photos of a minor = big fucking problems.

10 years ago

@Georgina Hale

What the hell?

Save The Queen
Save The Queen
10 years ago

“I’m not on board with this thing about throwing employees out of the building, and shipping their personal possessions on to them minus expenses. It seems to me that in doing that you’re committing theft. I think that in fighting monsters we must be careful that we don’t become monsters ourselves.”

During my undergrad days, I did security in a large corporate office building. If I would have had it my way from the start, no employee that was going to be let go would have been allowed in the building once the decision was made. However, I live in Canada and my bosses felt that was an “American” approach they felt was unnecessary. I’ve seen too many (that is, more than zero) people assault other employees or destroy equipment once they were fired and allowed to gather their belongings. Although the ideal is to call police and let them deal with incidences like that, when you’re security people kind of expect you to do something when somebody’s on a rampage. I’ve had coffee cups, big metal staplers, and even computer monitors thrown at me in the four years I did that job. After three or four instances, it was decided that all firings would be handled offsite, like at a restaurant or a coffee shop. Their access cards were deactivated, security packed up their office, and we had extra officers on that day (when possible, firings were coordinated with HR a week or so in advance). We shipped their stuff to them at the company’s expense so they had no legitimate reason to be on the premises. It took too,long to implement the policy and it should have been done after the first incident.

If you think that’s “committing theft,” that’s fine. You’re entitled to your wack-ass opinion, even if it’s wrong. Security’s job is to protect the physical well-being and property of other individuals and the company, first and foremost. I get that firing is traumatic, but so is getting assaulted or having to witness a furious tantrum in what is supposed to be a safe place – or being suddenly thrust into a situation where you must try to defuse it (some guys who do security like physical confrontations during the course of their jobs but I’m not one of them). I’ve fought enough “monsters” to know that the way that most companies deal with terminations is the most reasonable way. Other employees don’t get hurt, equipment doesn’t get destroyed or stolen, and the individual who just got fired doesn’t have to get clocked over the head with a maglight, tazed, maced, or end up with a criminal charge on top of what is already a pretty crappy day.

10 years ago

I’m not sure why we’re talking about this, but even in a union environment employees can be immediately escorted off the premises and proceedings begun to terminate their employment if there is evidence of serious misconduct. But usually the contract will provide some time period during which the employee/union steward can find out exactly what s/he is charged with, what the evidence is, and have a chance to respond before the termination is official.

But most places aren’t union environments, and firing at will employees for something serious like theft or looking at child porn at work is very defensible both legally and ethically.

Redditors who are actually upset at PCF and/or JLaw over this are terrible people. I encourage anyone who makes a donation to PCF to include a comment thanking them for returning the money. Not sure if that’s an option on

10 years ago

No, didn’t give me the option to comment. 🙁

10 years ago

Can someone explain Georgina’s babble to me? Either there’s a context that I’m missing or that was pretty random.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

I think Georgina is replying to Kevin K upthread.

10 years ago

Thank you. Having seen that, yeah, I’m more in favor of having an employee gather their own stuff and leave with a bit more dignity, but if you think they’re breaking the law (ie something like child porn may be on their work computer) then locking it down and throwing them out asap is a reasonable way to proceed.

A company I used to work for fired a VP-level employee for watching porn at work (the legal variety), and he was allowed to gather his own stuff and leave, which I’m not sure was any kinder, since it just meant that he got to do the walk of shame past the rest of the staff, who by then all knew why he was being fired.

10 years ago

I think the allegation is that charging to ship someone’s property back to them is theft.

I think it’s cheap-assed, and petty, but that’s not the same as theft.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Having to escort a very upset just-fired employee out is very unfun, and I really rather would have them hear the news offsite and be delivered their things…potential for things getting violent is mostly eliminated that way.

10 years ago

“So they’d rather watch people die than take Reddit money?”

My response to this is simple: Why don’t you anonymously donate the money you were already planning to give? Would you rather watch people die than not get credit for your charity?

10 years ago

Seriously, if all they wanted to do was give money to a charity, then they could do that, but for them it’s all about drawing attention to themselves and pretending that what they’re doing isn’t horrible.