a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? creepy drama kings evil women grandiosity mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim reddit straw feminists threats white feather campaign

Men's Rights Redditor: Let's convince the world that we aren't violent by sending feminists bloody feathers

Hat of choice for the discerning Men's Rights Activist
Hat of choice for the discerning Men’s Rights Activist

Men’s Rights Activists have become known, not without reason, as belligerent assholes whose main forms of “activism” consist of harassment and threats.

One bold Men’s Rights Redditor known as El Rellok thinks he’s come up with a way to counteract this perception and deliver a powerful men’s-rightsty message at the same time.

He wants MRAs to send feminists … pictures of bloody feathers. No, really.

Now, to most people, getting a bloody feather in your email inbox would seem to be the digital equivalent of having a bloody horse’s head left in your bed. But in El Rellok’s world it is a rational and reasonable way to express “outrage” at feminist evil, and anyone who might possibly think otherwise is by definition unreasonable.

Let’s let him explain, because I certainly can’t explain how sending pictures of bloody feathers to someone you hate could be construed as anything but threatening:

The idea that men are violent, rather then the primary victims of violence, is being used to discredit men’s issues.

Well, actually, what’s being used to discredit the so-called Men’s Rights Movement is the simple fact that its members don’t seem to know how to engage in any kind of “activism” besides harassing individual women.

It is glaringly obvious that we need a method of clearly expressing unbounded outrage that cannot be construed as a threat by any reasonable person.

I don’t know that expressing “unbounded outrage” is really the most important goal for any activist movement, but the part about saying things that aren’t threatening sounds good to me.

Gentlemen (and ladies) i propose The Red Feather Campaign.

To paraphrase Groucho Marx, why a feather?

None here should be unfamiliar with the “white feather girls”.[1] , one of the most craven and deplorable pro war campaigns in human history.

In case you aren’t completely up-to-date with all Men;s Rights hobbyhorses, he’s referring to the Order of the White Feather. Founded in Britain at the start of World War I, this was a group of women that hoped to shame men into enlisting by presenting them with white feathers, a symbol of cowardice.

Though the White Feather campaign happened literally a hundred years ago, at a time when the general public in Britain and elsewhere was rabidly pro-war, and thought it hardly won universal support from the suffragettes of the day, MRAs like El Rellok have turned it into a symbol of the intrinsic evil that lurks in the hearts of feminists today.

The white feather campaign was about mens obligation to sacrifice to women, a socially imposed gender role. Feminists, while declaring their total reprobation for all gendered roles, continue to demand that men sacrifice for women by ceding anything described as privilege, regardless of whether the “Privilege” is earned, a “Privilege” at all, or whether a society without the thing described as a “Privilege” can be understood as just ….

Sorry, I nodded off in the middle of that. He finally gets to the point:

SO, I propose we return to them their feathers covered in the blood of the men mercilessly and ruinously sacrificed to their agenda.

Well, he doesn’t mean this literally – he means PICTURES of feathers that look like they’re covered in blood – but we’ll get to that in a minute.

We make this present with the following message.

“This blood is not your blood. To think it is, is a refraction only of your narcissism. This is the blood of men, sacrificed to females, by females, for generation upon generation. When you speak of sacrifice, before our eyes flash visions of bayonets, within our nostrils the waft of trenches, our ears recall the scream of artillery coming to shred our bodies. That is what sacrifice means to men; agony, suffering, death. This feather is a reminder of your inhumanity towards men, your lack of compassion and understanding, and your hypocrisy in declaring gender roles obsolete while commanding men to fulfill the most destructive of all gender roles, the gender who gets sacrificed.”

I dunno about you, but this is creepy as fuck. And more than a little threatening.

Why this tactic? First, the consistent theme seen presented by SJW/feminists is that men are “Violent oppressors who refuse to compromise.” This meme makes clear that it is not us being oppressive, and that the compromise being asked is not just.

Yeah, sending women pictures of bloody feathers accompanied by an over-the-top mini-manifesto charging them with narcissism and cruelty and blaming them for all the death and misery of war (and who knows what else) is definitely going to convince the world that you’re not violent creeps.

By turning the oppression meme around upon the feminists, it creates equal footing in the debate space.

Yes, that’s right, he thinks the way to win the debate is to quite literally argue “nuh-uh, you are!”

Second, it supplants the current “MRA send death threats” meme. MRA’s do not send death threats, MRA’s send pictures of blood covered feathers.

I’m sorry, what?

MRA’s do not send death threats, MRA’s send pictures of blood covered feathers.

That’s what I thought you said. You people really don’t understand how PR works, do you?

If your message does not include said feather, that was not an MRA, as anyone who understands the MRA position would understand the symbolism and necessity of the red feather campaign.

Yes, that’s right, a woman getting El Rellok’s unhinged message along with a picture of a feather drenched in blood is going to say, ah, yes, this isn’t a threat. This is a Men’s Rights meme, and a perfectly rational conversation-starter on the important topic of why women deserve blame for all the wars in the world because a small number of women in Britain in World War I handed out feathers to men who weren’t enlisted.

Third, it allows us to fracture the feminist movement and more clearly identify those feminists who actually want equality and are just being blind, from those feminists who are actually misanderist (i use that term hesitantly, but as i have not had time to create a new term to describe my view of this branch of feminism, so it is necessary). If we can separate the equality feminists from the misandarists, then we can actually start working with reasonable people to begin wide scale social reform on gender issues.

Trust me, any woman who sees your message as anything but the unhinged rantings of a possibly dangerous crackpot is not any kind of feminist.

Depending upon the response I get here, the above shall be sent to AVFM with a proposal for a “Feather Drive” asking submissions of drawings of bloody feathers we can then use.

This, El Rellok’s concluding sentence, is also the first sentence of his that makes any kind of sense. This sounds right up A Voice for Men’s alley.

In a followup comment, directed at MRAs who weren’t completely convinced that sending pics of bloody feathers is the best way forward for the troubled Men’s Rights Movement, he added:

OK, There are multiple people Doxxing and sending threats to feminists (and others). We need a way to signify that this IS NOT US. We need a way to signify this IS NOT US while still sending a reply of some form. Sending death threats is not useful, and no, sending a picture of a feather with a message clearly stating it is about mens sacrafice is a threat only to people who would percieve any responce at all to be a threat. So unless you are saying we just need to grovel before our new feminist over lords, tell me what the hell else we do. DO you understand the concept that feminism is not simply going to go away if you ignore them? We need a symbol representing male disposability, to counter arguements that we are privilege defending mysoginists. And it needs to be a historically poinant one, or its not going to stick.

Yeah, good luck with that.

Also, have you ever heard of spellcheck?


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10 years ago

@marinerachel: That’s a handy substitute for lactose intolerance.

10 years ago


@marinerachel: That’s a handy substitute for lactose intolerance.

O. M. G.

(I may have laughed so hard that I sprained a rib, there)

10 years ago

What does this armchair warrior know of ‘agony, suffering and death’?

Well, he’s pretended at it in CoD (which is where I think his flashbacks are actually coming from). And some other people with penises willingly suffered agony, suffering, and death for feeeeemaaaales, so he gets to forever basque in their glory.


Is Miss Ann Dairy an archetypal evil feminist?

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily
10 years ago

Wow–for whatever reason, despite the crappiness of this guy’s writing, he achieved something I normally associate with eloquence: for just a second, I could almost feel myself in the MRA’s shoes. To imagine myself as the manly protectors of womankind everywhere, hurt at the ingratitude on every side. To have hunted the mammoth, heedless of my own life, only to have the womenfolk gobble up my mammoth-meat without, *ahem* offering to gob… No. I can’t finish.

Anyway, yup, it’s all bullshit of course. Right down to the evo-psych myth that men always hunted and women always gathered. And without any question, the myth serves not only to justify misogyny, but also to conceal it from the misogynist himself, by repackaging it as a reciprocal relationship in which women are failing to keep their end of the bargain.

But it was interesting to me that, for a second, I found myself looking through the eyes of a misogynist sincerely convinced that he’s anything but a misogynist.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

If sent a picture of a bloody feather, may I suggest you send back a picture of a live chicken, bearing the phrase ” You’re a dumbcluck”

Robin Lionheart
10 years ago

Upon forming the concept of receiving a bloody feather in the mail, the first association my mind called up was:

Killing animals is one of the early warning signs to identify a serial killer.

10 years ago

None here should be unfamiliar with the “white feather girls”.[1] , one of the most craven and deplorable pro war campaigns in human history.


Maybe this will help alleviate your Rage-plex.

Girls say…

Promises of sex agreement to invitations to go have delicious ice cream and a clear stance against the draft.

Are we done now? Can we forget about the White Feather campaign, organized as it was by a man? Seriously, come on now, Charles Fitzgerald was a fucking admiral.

I get the outrage over supposed male disposability. I’d be outrage if I was disposable, too!

But at the very least try to make it historically reasonable, in keeping with known quantities of data and not completely off the rails wrong? I mean, three seconds on google. Three seconds. I had to read a book about the historical movements of the early 20th century, so at least this new crop of angry people have it easier than I did!

10 years ago

“This blood is not your blood. To think it is, is a refraction only of your narcissism. This is the blood of men, sacrificed to females, by females, for generation upon generation. When you speak of sacrifice, before our eyes flash visions of bayonets, within our nostrils the waft of trenches, our ears recall the scream of artillery coming to shred our bodies. That is what sacrifice means to men; agony, suffering, death. This feather is a reminder of your inhumanity towards men, your lack of compassion and understanding, and your hypocrisy in declaring gender roles obsolete while commanding men to fulfill the most destructive of all gender roles, the gender who gets sacrificed.”

Oh, and another thing:

“This blood is not your blood.

To think it is[,] (is) a refractionreflection only of your narcissism. This is the blood of men, sacrificed to females[,] by femalesmen [syntax misleading], (for) generation uponafter [generation indicates chronology, not mass] generation. When you speak of sacrifice[, – possibly ;] before our eyes flash visions of bayonets[,] within our nostrils (the waft of trenches)[syntax unclear], and our ears recall the screaming [unless the artillery was actually screaming, fucking conjugate] of artillery coming to shred our bodies. That is what sacrifice means to men; agony, suffering, death. [That sentence works, but the semi-colon is not in keeping with your stylistic choice. Try “It means” instead, it preserves the bombastic streak] This feather is a reminder of your inhumanity towards men [that sentence is essentially meaningless, did you mean “man”?], your lack of compassion and understanding, and your hypocrisy in declaring gender roles obsolete while commanding men to fulfill the most destructive of all gender roles, the gender who gets sacrificed. [the last sentence needs to be re-written three thousand times. The meaning is unclear. What destructive gender role? Is it enumerating or describing? Your terms are in confusion]”

2 / 10

would not be shaken to my misandric core by

10 years ago

My great aunt has a lot of Google hits for her WWII service. In fact, most of my able bodied relatives fought the Nazis, whether they were Red Army or in an impromptu civilian militia. Men and women alike, they did whatever they could.

Funny, despite all of the direct family history, the only flashbacks I have are of the conflict that I actually, personally, fought in. Unlike these guys…

10 years ago

These must be people who view war as something men go away to do somewhere else. Not something that comes to your house. Their world view is navel gazing.
Miss Ann Dairy is very good and excellent.

10 years ago

blahlistic’s comment inspired me:

10 years ago
blahlistic (@blahlistic)


10 years ago

I believe this is the first time blahlistic and leocigale have been featured on WHTM’s parasitic Artistry blog.

10 years ago

These must be people who view war as something men go away to do somewhere else. Not something that comes to your house. Their world view is navel gazing.

Ain’t that the truth, the bewilderness? Just more evidence, to me, that they’re mostly American. When I was pondering the nature of men’s vs. women’s sacrifice in war earlier, I was actually thinking about what a bed of roses it’s been for the women in the Democratic Republic of Congo to have all those strong menfolks fighting for all of these years (for them?).

@leocigale, Beautiful! Thank you for those!

10 years ago

Misandairy is what lactose intolerant MRAs cry when they have diarrhoea.

10 years ago

I have flashbacks to the Seven Years’s War, for some reason.

Being from Seattle, I have flashbacks to the Pig War.

Which is to say, flashbacks of sitting around, passive-aggressive flag placement, and sometimes giving British soldiers the stink eye. Pretty boring flashbacks, really.

10 years ago

According to Wikipedia, the Order of the White Feather was founded by a MAN, Vice-Admiral Charles Cooper Penrose-Fitzgerald of the British Royal Navy. He recruited young ladies to hand out the feathers to any men in the streets who weren’t in uniform.The government had to issue a badge to civilians to identify them as doing war work, to spare them from this public harassment.

Ha, that makes them sound like some obnoxious religious group trying to hand out tracts. “Ugh, it’s those white feather ladies. Don’t make eye contact.”

10 years ago

Note how this was a man’s initiative. He utilised women to carry it out.

10 years ago

Um … err … *puts hand up tentatively*. Sorry to be a pain and an ungrateful little womanz bbb .. bbbbb … but as I am so very low in the pecking (pun intended) order of life … can I please …. um …. exchange your very kind and thoughtful gift for a feather duster instead.

PS If you throw in a feather boa I promise to send you pics of me naked wearing it while cleaning my hovel. And no sweetie, there’s no need to hack into my computer to see them.

Yours ever so sincerely

10 years ago

Isn’t it obvious? A blood feather is blood on a typically white, absorbent object.

Therefore it clearly is a metaphor for menstruation.

10 years ago

Of course it is. So obvious we missed it entirely.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

It’s well known that Hitler only invaded the Netherlands because Eva wanted some clogs.

“You brought me back all these pairs and NONE of them fit! What use are you to anyone?”

10 years ago

My great aunt has a lot of Google hits for her WWII service. In fact, most of my able bodied relatives fought the Nazis, whether they were Red Army or in an impromptu civilian militia. Men and women alike, they did whatever they could.

Cool, what did she do? (I wonder if she is in any of my books!)

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

So a bunch of bloody lightweights are advertising what they are by sending out bloody lightweight feathers? Why not use chickenshit instead of blood, that would bump up the accuracy of the simile considerably.

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