kitties off topic open thread

Cats at Work: A Labor Day tribute

Another busy dat at cat central headquarters
Another busy dat at cat central headquarters

Well, it’s labor day, at least here in the US, so while we all enjoy a day without labor in honor of labor, I thought I would offer this photographic tribute to our nation’s hard-working cats.

37361-cats-cat-in-computer office-cat Cat-site-under-construction CatOffice cats-fixing-computer-251110 h73C3F25C

Of course, some cats find ways to goof off while on the clock, and we salute them as well!


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10 years ago

Hey guys… I know I don’t post often, but here seems as good a place as any to inquire…

Is it just me, or are comments sections of web stories / videos getting more and more deranged? Maybe I’m more keen to the amount of bigotry, misogyny, and racism present now than before…. But it just seems like the world is sick or something. And the things that get upvotes are atrocious. I like this site’s comments, but anyplace else is a cesspool.

I find myself thinking “Does this really reflect humanity? Is the world this depraved?”

I mostly avoid them, but every now and then I look out of curiousity… For frink’s sake, on an article about child brides in Ethiopia, the most upvoted comments were things like “Age of consent law is bogus. A girl is mature at 12-13.” or “Child brides have been ongoing for centuries–just because the “West” declares it wrong with arbitrary laws doesn’t mean it’s not the natural order of things.”

Yeah, go ahead, frinkhead. Marry a 12-year-old YOU FUCK. They’re just soooooo perfect for fuckheads like you to impregnate, FUCK YOU!!!

Woah… Sorry about that. Just needed to vent. 🙁

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

My kitten labored hard at her kittehness today. We had kids over, so she had to be EXTRA adorable.

Now she’s all tuckered out.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


I don’t think it’s the natural order of things, although it is the nature of crowds that the loudest voice is the one you’re going to hear first (and possibly the only voice you’re going to hear). The loudest voice often belongs to an asshole, because assholes don’t mind it when they shout over everyone else.

But I had a hard time with your comment because I am sometimes deranged, but I’m not a bigot, misogynist, or racist (to the best of my ability) because those words are not actually synonyms for “deranged.”

10 years ago

@Shadow Nirvana, sorry you’re feeling so down :(, a kitty for you. I didn’t mean to come across as preachy earlier – it’s obviously fine if commenters take it upon themselves to bring up a topic for discussion. I didn’t know about the iCloud hacks until you brought it up in this thread. Plus a post is being done about it now anyway 🙂

@Sparky, gladly! It’s a foodie sensation I came across just a couple of months ago and I haven’t looked back.

Cauliflower is really versatile when food-processed and dried out – it becomes a kind of cauliflower ‘flour’ that can be used to replace different types of stodgy carbs in recipes. Great if you experience wheat or gluten intolerance/digestion difficulties or just want a healthy all-veg alternative to rice and wheat. The cauliflower rice is really easy – just take one head of cauliflower, cut it up, stick it all in a blender until it resembles fine breadcrumbs and then place in an oven until all the moisture has been baked out. Fry as desired with whatever floats your food boat. Egg-fried cauliflower rice … phew!

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

leocigale – You’re not wrong.

I was just talking about that, earlier. That, according to some, my niece is an “adult,” because she hit puberty.

So, according to these folk who say that “nature” decrees that the age of consent should be 11 or 12, because of puberty, they are ALSO saying that 11 and 12 year olds should be allowed to:

Drink alcohol
Purchase and smoke cigarettes
Serve in the military
Buy or rent a home
Work full-time
Enter into legally binding contracts
Get married
Have sex with older people.

Oh, no, wait. They’re just saying they should be able to get married and have sex with older people. If these little “adults” are female, it would appear that they NEVER want them to do all those other things.

Now, if it’s an 11 or 12 year old BOY, I suppose they’d want that kid behind the wheel of a semi? Getting drunk? Smoking? Helping to choose who should represent them in local and federal politics? Buying a house? Signing a contract? Working 40+ hours per week? HUNTING A MAMMOTH?!

Well, gee, no. That takes physical strength and stamina, brains and maturity. We couldn’t have that. Kids that young are just kids, and their brains aren’t fully formed, yet. That’s why insurance companies charge such high rates for teen drivers, and they are at least 16! 15 for a learner’s permit.

But sex? That requires no brain cells, and has absolutely no effect on your psyche. There could not possibly be unwholesome, or unwanted consequences to having sex. STD? Pregnancy? Fatal attraction? Broken heart? “Shoulda thought of that before hand, you SLUT!”

This for kids who are still young enough to believe in Santa Claus.

Yeah. The logic of these people is so darned broken, it hurts.

And when you call them on it, like JudgyBitch was called on it, they make comparisons about middle-aged women with young MEN (who are age 18 or 19), and complain that no one is freaking about that “age difference.”

It’s not the age difference. It’s the complete lack of maturity, both mental and emotional, on one side of the equation. They’re comparing ADULTS with CHILDREN, and think that’s fine? Noooooo.

David, remember that post JudgyBitch did about how you don’t know that 13 is greater than 9? And she proceeded to list 18 and 19 year olds as her examples, completely ignoring that 18 and 19 are greater than 13? It’s like she forgot her own argument, in her rush to excuse and promote pedophilia.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Policy of Madness – for some reason, as soon as I read that, I got an ear bug of “Home on the Range.”

So, to avoid future ableist language, would you please give us a quick definition of deranged, so posters here don’t make that mistake again?

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

Shadow, it appears that this outed “I’m an idiot”* engineer is just one of several (or at least two) people involved, and not the main character at that.

So much for hope that the 4channers may actually have something resembling a conscience.

*Yes, he is. But that’s still no excuse.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I love mashed cauliflower – steam it, and then mash it, just like you would potatoes! It has a great texture and flavor, and unless your family has really discerning palates, they probably won’t be able to tell the difference.

Unless, of course, you mash your potatoes with the skins, like I do. Then it’s pretty much a dead giveaway.

OH! If you are concerned about the potassium or phosphorous in potatoes (such as if you are on dialysis), you can mitigate that by either boiling the potatoes, or soaking them for a couple of hours, before you prepare them. Cut them up before you soak/boil, to get the maximum surface area. If you’re going for baked potatoes, cut them in half, with a few slices in the middle (so they fan out, but are still part of a larger whole), and then bake the halves.

I love tossing them with olive oil and parsley and baking them. Very tasty.

Hmmm, now I want to toss cauliflower with olive oil and parsley and bake that, just to see how it would work. Too bad I don’t have any cauliflower in the house.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Maybe I’m just too sheltered, but I literally cannot remember ever hearing anything actually good about 4chan. I’ve never used it, myself, and feel no urge to go there, at all.

Like Policy of Madness said – the loud ones are the ones people hear, and they tend to be real jerks. I’m sure there are some very nice people on 4chan, but I’ve never heard any report of them.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

@Michelle C Young

I don’t think anyone needs a definition of “deranged.” I think we all have a mental picture of what a deranged person looks like (I have been that person at times). Ableism is hard. It’s hard for me, too. I fall down on it, a lot. I’m not putting anyone in the pillory; I’d spend a lot of time there myself. Just pointing it out.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

OK, thanks, Policy of Madness.

10 years ago

Sorry for using abliest language, guys…. I didn’t mean anything ableist about it; a better word there would be probably “depraved.”

I’m lucky to live in a small town with lots of wonderful people, so to see all the crap in online comments is just jarring. Sure, at my job there are those who are a tad sexist, but at least they tend to mean well and aren’t advocates for friggin child marriage…. It boggles my mind that voices like that exist in such numbers on teh internets. It makes me think, “Am I just sheltered in this small town? Are people in big cities like this?”

Errgh, I need to stop looking at comments—every time I do my faith in humanity dies a bit inside.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@leocigale – I get you. I have to take “sanity breaks,” especially if I click the links to the originals, and even more if I read comments there! Arrgh!

The comments here are good, though. I like this site very much.

Still, I feel an urge to whack something, so I’m going to load up one of my favorite games. Now, should I torture my Sims, or should I kill kobolds in Baldur’s Gate?

Both of these games are pretty good on the feminist front. See, they don’t single out women for violence. Anita Sarkeesian would be proud. Right?

Actually, I’ll probably play to make my Sim insufferably happy, and see if I can’t adopt a unicorn. Yeah. Much better gaming karma that way.

Later, all!

10 years ago

@katz: Eggplant masala, maybe? It’s simple: brown some sliced onions and garlic (as much as you like) in vegetable oil. Then add a couple of cubed eggplant, and a shot of water to get the steam going. Season with salt, black pepper, and garam masala to taste. Cook until the eggplant is soft and mushy. Delicious, and couldn’t be easier!

10 years ago

(Forgot to add: Use a large pot, and cover while the eggplant steams. Stir occasionally to prevent burning and ensure even cooking.)

10 years ago

My apologies. Someone posted a link to that here yesterday, but I didn’t see that it was an iCloud thing. You’re definitely right that it’s relevant here

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

@ Katz: vegan tabbouleh with chickpeas?
Or just buy a watermelon and section it.

Deranged: mentally out of order.

4chan…I don’t go there, but I’m given to understand it’s the Mos Eisley of the Internet.

10 years ago

@katz, here are some side-dish suggestions from one of my favourite food bloggers. Paleo is everything-you-listed-free except for eggs, so just skip the mayo if you choose that recipe.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

So many adorable kitties!

First time I saw the Farmer Cat pic was with the joke about reintarnation: being reincarnated as a hillbilly. I laughed twice as hard at the combination. 🙂

Matthew Cline
Matthew Cline
10 years ago

Amusingly, if you take GamerGate and make it all lowercase, it becomes an already existing word, gamergate: “a worker ant which is able to reproduce with mature males without a queen present in its colony.”

10 years ago

I laboured today. It sucked. I am going to look for a new job now…

LBT: glad to hear that you’re doing better. Many, many kitty hugs, if you want them.

10 years ago

LBT! Good luck with everything. Hope it gets better soon. Any cyber hugs you want, I am happy to provide. 🙂

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Not tabbouleh. Same thing using micro milled and cooked rice would work…rice dish, basically. I forgot about the gluten thing.

I’m deranged….range fees are really high, and then when you factor in the cost of ammo these days, it’s too costly to go.

10 years ago

I’m working today! I’m even getting to lead today, even though I’m riding with a MICP and I’m but a lowly EMT-1.

Well, I get to lead when things are BLSy and not ALSy. Making sure an ALS patient lives remains a higher priority than making sure the BLS folks get practice.

As it should be.

Need to catch a nap, now.