a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? dark enlightenment drama kings entitled babies evil women funny ha ha I tricked you harassment I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men red pill sarkeesian! YouTube

Hilarious video: Anita Sarkeesian vs The Legion of Doom

The saga of that still-just-hypothetical “documentary” about Anita Sarkeesian and other evil Social Justice Warriors just got a little stranger.

The dogmatic duo behind the project — lady hating YouTube blabbers jordanowen42 and Davis Aurini — are still having a bit of trouble raising the necessary funds (so much so that Aurini wrote an angry, rambling blog post aimed at those who think he and his pal are too inept and biased to make a decent film).

But a new video  — put together by Kav P and a friend, and posted above  — reveals that the dogmatic duo has found some surprising new allies.


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10 years ago

Another hero kitteh – yea for hero kittehs (suppresses suspicion that own kittehs would abandon me to any danger whilst running for the hills themselves).

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

(suppresses suspicion that own kittehs would abandon me to any danger whilst running for the hills themselves)

I don’t think I could summon up that much suppression! 😛

Hannah in Iceland
10 years ago

Haha of course they are having trouble. They are asking for twice the amount the total amount she asked for…..each month….to make a documentary saying why her documentary is wrong. Talk about unnecessary.

10 years ago

kittehserf: Aha, I see. XD And yay, hero kitty!

10 years ago

@ theladyzombie

“Jordan Owen was in the core group of individuals who started hounding VFX both online and eventually offline. It got to the point where VFX’s parents had to get involved as Thunderf00t was screaming for blood and lawsuits.”

I was subscribed to his channel when that happened, so I feel the need to add that it was not just the DMCA-issue that got VFX’s parents involved, also that his “ministry” was defrauding the Toronto Sick Kids Hospital. Fortunately Jordan, VFX’s parents, and some others on youtube ended up holding an intervention for him. Apparently it worked and last I recall Jordan and VFX were on good terms.

10 years ago

BTW: How do you guys make that quotation box appear when you post comments?

10 years ago

followed by

but without the spaces

10 years ago

Crap….the spaces didn’t work as I had hoped.
That was not as helpful as I had hoped.

10 years ago


A white smile? What like, she has clean teeth?

…or does he mean white as in Caucasian because…

what the fuck does that even mean?

10 years ago

@hellboy <blockquote>Text</blockquote>

Kav P
10 years ago

Heh heh, my partner just posted some insightful comments on Aurini’s blog post, asking how Sarkeesian was relevant to the twaddle he was spouting. Aurini linked him to proof: one of his own videos.

This is why I love my partner. <3

10 years ago

Something seems off about this video. It *looks* legit, but I was *at* that meeting and I don’t remember seeing those guys there. One moment…

Okay, I contacted The Legion. They say this guy is not a member and never has been. In their own words:

“… yes, with our combined power we are undoubtedly the greatest force of evil the world has ever known, secretly responsible for the torment of millions, but seriously? You thought *these guys* were associated with us? C’mon dude, give us *some* credit.”

10 years ago

This was funny and all, but I’m just not buying the guy ranting in his apartment as a supervillian. I mean, MRA Anton LeVey is bringing his cheesy supervillian a-game, what with the funny lighting and cigarette smoking and all, but what’s the other guy doing? He could at least wear a cape or something.

10 years ago

I also vote for a cape.

10 years ago

Lol, I opened up Paint to do add a scribbled in cape to screencap, but it looked way too good, so I deleted it. Instead I think he should have an Elvis cape.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Read Aurini’s blog entry regarding the project and the funding that has yet to appear.
…the cigs and booze are not as potent as his sense of self-importance.

Nor does he do something like, say, talk about his own qualifications for doing an investigative documentary. Anywhere, ever. I mean, if I were going to fund someone’s documentary in part, I’d kind of like them to have done a little video journalism, or maybe some investigative work of some sort.

@ puddle. Jordan needs an Elvis cape… Or Liberace. Lotsa rhinestones. Aurini needs an old- school Dracula cape.

10 years ago


“A white smile? What like, she has clean teeth?

…or does he mean white as in Caucasian because…

what the fuck does that even mean?”

If you think that’s a doozy, he also thinks that Sarkeesian tired to use Neurolinguistic Programming mind-control tricks in her Kickstarter video because she said the words “donate what you can” and used to work for a PR company that set up some conferences and a guy who spoke at a few of them went on to write a book on NLP that is used by pickup artists.

I’m not a fan of Sarkeesian, but I think that if Jordan Owen ever came across video footage of Anita making a tuna-melt, he would upload it to his channel as an expose and comment on the sinister motives of how much mayonnaise she used or how the direction in which she sliced the sandwich.

Oh, and the recent threats that caused Sarkeesian and family to leave their home, Jordan thinks they are bullshit…

…despite that the whole Sarkie-truther movement being started by someone dropping docs about her *and her family* (0:00 to 2:14. Important to note that Jordan makes it explicitly clear that he will not nor has any intention to release said information about her family and only focuses on what he deems “relevant” about Anita herself).

Kav P
10 years ago

Hey, guess what everyone! I just got an attempted doxxing here ( ) for having a voice on the Internet about gaming! And, out of all the commentators on the article, they chose a woman to doxx!

Are you surprised? I’m surprised.


Kav P
10 years ago

I should probably point out that the Badass Digest is the first film/game site I’d been do where the majority of people were genuinely supportive and inclusive, which is the only reason why I had actually said that I was female on there in the first place (after 10 years of being anonymous online).

10 years ago

I am so sorry they did that to you. Asshats/