advocacy of violence antifeminism bullying confused cats against feminism doubling down doxing entitled babies evil women harassment hypocrisy internet tough guy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed sarkeesian! threats

I get death threats … for writing about the death threats sent to Anita Sarkeesian

A scene from my inbox
A scene from my inbox

So how much do some angry gamebros hate Anita Sarkeesian? Enough to send me death threats … for writing about the death threats sent to Anita Sarkeesian.

Shortly after my post on the threats against Sarkeesian went up on Thursday, I got these messages sent to me as anonymous “asks” on Tumblr. These were all in succession, in this order; I’m pasting each one individually instead of the whole bunch at once so you can read them in the order in which I got them. [TRIGGER WARNING: Violent threats; I’m putting them past the jump.]





Anonymous said to confusedcatsagainstfeminism: Everything about your neck is gonna be a fine red paste!

Anonymous said to confusedcatsagainstfeminism: I’m gonna blow the inside of ya head all over four counties!

Anonymous said to confusedcatsagainstfeminism: I’m gunning for ya, you mongrel!

Anonymous said to confusedcatsagainstfeminism: Your head looks bloody twelve feet tall!

Anonymous said to confusedcatsagainstfeminism: Not so tough now are ya!? Are ya!?

Anonymous said to confusedcatsagainstfeminism: This is my world. You are not welcome in my world.

Anonymous said to confusedcatsagainstfeminism: Keep talking you smug sack of shit. One day, your queen Anita will fall. And oh, what a glorious fall it will be. We’ll get to hear the cries of anguish from the SJW-douchebags like you, and hear them mourn the loss of their precious hero.

Anonymous said to confusedcatsagainstfeminism: Maggot!

Anonymous said to confusedcatsagainstfeminism: Go to hell ya pathetic loser.

Anonymous said to confusedcatsagainstfeminism: Anita faked that death threat.

There is a certain irony in that last comment, whether or not it came from the guy (and I’m pretty damn sure it was a guy) who sent all the threats that immediately preceded it. It’s pretty clear to me that Sarkeesian has no need to fake anything; obviously her haters aren’t exactly shy about sending death threats to people they don’t like.

And if this is what my inbox looks like for merely writing about Sarkeesian, I can only imagine what her inbox looks like. I suspect she gets threats like these all the time; the reason she called the police about several of the threats she got this week is that the threateners posted her personal information as well.

In the interest of full disclosure: Here and here are screenshots of these messages as they appeared in my Tumblr inbox; I’ve blurred out the personal information of the people sending me cat pics.

Needless to say, I’ve turned off anonymous asks on my Tumblr blogs.

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

That said, here’s the deal. Those aren’t real death threats, which you should well know by now.

Huh. You know, I had predicted to myself that IB22’s response to this would be another plea to think of the poor oppressed nerds and have sympathy and compassion for people who think it is acceptable to issue death threats. But she’s surprised me by using this denial tactic instead! Not sure what that says about me, or about IB22.

10 years ago

What the fuck is wrong with people? I mean seriously?

10 years ago

And once again, inanitybytes22 proves that zie can miss the point absolutely every time.

10 years ago

You know why we take all threats seriously? Because if the professionals can’t tell the difference between the real and the fake threats you sure as hell can’t tell the difference, asshat.

10 years ago

At this point I can only hope IBS is engaged in some sort of performance art meant to bring attention to the sheer stupidity and lack of critical thinking from anti-feminists. Alas, this is all probably real.

10 years ago

That said, here’s the deal. Those aren’t real death threats, which you should well know by now. Could you give us other examples of “fake” death threats that are similarily worded? Because right now I could not for the life of me tell the difference.

10 years ago


That said, here’s the deal. Those aren’t real death threats, which you should well know by now.

Could you give us other examples of “fake” death threats that are similarily worded? Because right now I could not for the life of me tell the difference and you seem to have some expertise on the topic.

10 years ago

Shut up, IB22. Just shut up. You’re not smart and you’re not clever and you’re not funny and at this point you’re openly trolling.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Incidentally, IB22, these statements would fall under the definition of terroristic threatening in the third degree (a class A misdemeanor!) in the commonwealth of Kentucky.

One can debate whether a death threat constitutes terrorism or not, and getting something like that prosecuted might be difficult even if both threatener and threatenee were both in Kentucky, but the law doesn’t actually make a distinction between “real death threats determined to IB22’s personal satisfaction” and “fake death threats as defined by IB22.”

It is KRS 508.080 in case you are interested in seeing whether or not your name appears as the arbiter of “real” versus “fake” death threats.

10 years ago
10 years ago

Dear lord gamer dudes are so embarrassing. “I’ll send him quotes from TF2, that’ll show him!” Jesus.

10 years ago

@Ophelia Benson

On the flip side, if Rebecca Watson didn’t publicize her threats, it would mean she was just making them up.

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

huh, I would have assumed TF2 would be considered misandry because the least deranged characters are women

10 years ago

“You know why we take all threats seriously? Because if the professionals can’t tell the difference between the real and the fake threats you sure as hell can’t tell the difference, asshat.”

The professionals can’t tell the real threats from the fake ones because there are people who exaggerate and dramatize every little thing, a bit like those who have worked so hard to label everything rape, until the word hardly has any meaning anymore.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Vaiyt: I demand to see the world’s manager!

Hello, miss.

Vaiyt: What do you mean “miss”?

I’m sorry, I have a cold.

Vaiyt: I wish to make a complaint!

We’re closing for lunch.

Vaiyt: Never mind that, my lad. I wish to complain about this species that you created not half an eon ago in this very universe.

Oh yes, the, uh, the Homo Sapiens…What’s,uh…What’s wrong with them?

Vaiyt: I’ll tell you what’s wrong with them, my lad. They’re stupid, that’s what’s wrong with them!

No, no, They’re uh,…they’re joking.

Vaiyt: Look, matey, I know a stupid species when I see one, and I’m looking at one right now.

No no they’re not stupid, they’re ironic! Remarkable primate, the Homo Sapien, idn’it, ay? Beautiful thumbs!

Vaiyt: The thumbs don’t enter into it. They’re stone thick.

Nononono, no, no! They’re just trying to be funny!

Vaiyt: All right then, if they’re trying to be funny, I’ll test their humor!

(shouting at the Internet)

Vaiyt: ‘Ello, Mister Funny Monkey! I’ve got a lovely fresh feminist video for you if you show…(owner bashes the keyboard)

There, they showed signs of intelligence!

Vaiyt: No, they didn’t, that was you bashing the keyboard!

I never!!

Vaiyt: Yes, you did!

I never, never did anything…

Vaiyt: (yelling and spamming the Internet repeatedly) ‘ELLO MONKEYS!!!!! Testing! Testing! Testing! Testing! This is your nine o’clock alarm call!

(Takes humans off the Internet and gives them proof of global warming. Throws them up into space and watches them plummet back to watching reality TV)

Vaiyt: Now that’s what I call a stupid species.

No, no…..No, they’re contemplative!


Yeah! You blew their minds, just as they were getting into science! Homo Sapiens get freaked out easily, major.

Vaiyt: Um…now look…now look, mate, I’ve definitely ‘ad enough of this. That species is definitely dimwitted, and when I ordered them not ‘alf an eon ago, you assured me that their total lack of intelligence was due to them bein’ tired and shagged out following a prolonged evolution of bipedalism.

Well, they’re.. they’re, ah…probably pining for the Serengeti.

Vaiyt: PININ’ for the SERENGETI?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?, look, why did they fall flat on burning witches the moment I got them into cities?

The Homo Sapiens prefers heat from burning witches! Remarkable primate, id’nit, squire? Lovely theology!

Vaiyt: Look, I took the liberty of examining that species when I got them settled in, and I discovered the only reason that they’d developed agriculture in the first place was that they’d EXTERMINATED the hunting prey they relied on.


Well, o’course they’d exterminated their hunting prey! If they hadn’t exterminated their prey, they’d have trained them, taught them to talk, and used them as auxiliary brains – VOOM! Feeweeweewee!

Vaiyt: “VOOM”?!? Mate, this species cerebral cortex wouldn’t “voom” if you put four million volts through it! They’re bleedin’ morons!

No no! They’re contemplative!

Vaiyt: They’re not contemplative! They’re complete idiots! These monkeys cannot think! They have ceased to cogitate! They’ve vegetated and gone to watch TV!

They’re twits! Bereft of culture, they worship the Kardashians! If you hadn’t given them bloody fruit trees, they’d have starved to death! Their neural processes are now ‘istory! They’re off their rockers! They’ve turned Australian! They’re shuffled off their pretensions to reason, run out of logic and sanity, and joined the bleedin’ Scientologists!



Well, I’d better replace them, then.

(Takes a quick peek behind the counter)

Sorry squire, I’ve had a look ’round the back of the shop, and uh, we’re right out of primates.

Vaiyt: I see. I see, I get the picture.

I got an octopus


Vaiyt: (sweet as sugar) Pray, does it talk?

Nnnnot really.


Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

there are people who exaggerate and dramatize every little thing

Death threats are “drama.” Got it. We should just ignore them. NBD.

a bit like those who have worked so hard to label everything rape, until the word hardly has any meaning anymore.

LOL just for shits and giggles, why don’t you share your One Definition To Rule Them All for the word “rape.”

10 years ago

a bit like those who have worked so hard to label everything rape

You mean MRAs?

Here’s a cute kitty story, with a very cuddly ending, for David or anyone who needs some brain bleach.

10 years ago

Shut up and go away. You’re the worst.

10 years ago

*drags over crate of kitties

There’s hugs and glitter and Fruit Pastilles in there too. Hope you’re ok David.

Shut up, IB22

10 years ago

Wow. So willful ignorance! Much clueless!

Shut up, Inanity.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

The professionals can’t tell the real threats from the fake ones because there are people who exaggerate and dramatize every little thing, a bit like those who have worked so hard to label everything rape, until the word hardly has any meaning anymore.

oh you

you’re just trying to get responses now, aren’t you?

10 years ago


10 years ago

Insanitybytes: Fuck you. Fuck you very much. Go to hell.

Those are real death threats. I don’t give a shit if someone is plagiarising the language they used, being told you are going to be shot in the head is a death threat.

Unless you know who made the threat (do you?) you are in no position to say what is, or isn’t real.

God damn, but you’re thick: that or evil.

Having been on the receiving end of death threats (some more plausible than others), I can tell you, straight up, that you are full of shit (not, from reading other comments of yours, and some blog posts, that this is news to me).

Fuck off.

10 years ago

The professionals can’t tell the real threats from the fake ones because there are people who exaggerate and dramatize every little thing, a bit like those who have worked so hard to label everything rape, until the word hardly has any meaning anymore.

Professionals can’t tell serious threats from non serious ones (they are all “real” threats) because assholes on the internet think threatening to kill people isn’t a big deal, or is funny.

They’re wrong.

There are also people who think that the only sexual assault that is a big deal is Bill Napoli’s famous virgin: go here for the quote, I won’t reproduce it here as it is so vile.

Anyway, these people are also wrong.

10 years ago

@Phoenician in a time of romans

Welp, that’s it. My life’s purpose is fulfilled! I can finally ascend to a higher plane of existence. FWOOOSH!