antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking creepy drama kings dramatic reading entitled babies grandiosity homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA narcissism reddit sarkeesian! vaginas

Dramatic Reading Friday: A brave Reddit warrior takes on the "Sarkeesian feminists."

Marlene Dietrich is not impressed with your bullshit
Marlene Dietrich is not impressed

Over in the Men’s Right’s subreddit, one new Social Injustice Warrior is weary, worn down by fighting the Bad Fight against the “Sarkeesian feminists” on Twitter. And what better way to convey one’s weariness than with a melodramatic monologue?

So he posted this:

Can we win? (self.MensRights)  submitted 1 day ago * by Maring_  First off, I've always been anti-feminist, but it is important to note that I've only been fighting social justice warriors for a couple of months. Before this I have only attacked feminism when it had confronted me head-on, never putting myself in that orgy of racist, sexist propaganda from which they direct their hordes of mindless drones. This is not a rant. It's a desperate cry for help from someone who just doesn't see the point of continuing to resist.  I posted over in the LGBT subreddit earlier today. I asked if they considered the fathers' rights movement something of interest, having an overlap in interests on issues concerning gay parents. My logic was that it would discredit the myth that children need a female parent if fathers were treated equally in custody battles. This seems to be something which we both want. I was told that, although they didn't necessarily disagree with me, that the fathers' rights movement is commonly associated with MRA activities and the men's rights movement has serious problems in regard to homophobes and transphobes in their ranks.  I had conversations with numerous Sarkeesian feminists on Twitter today. Their obsession with gender-baiting, their acceptance of bullying (when it's directed at their enemies, ofc), their ability to twist all issues into "us vs white, cis, heterosexual men" no matter which culture they're actually talking about and their general unwillingness to engage in open, civil and rational debate ALL LEAVE ME COMPLETELY TERRIFIED.  It has been a particularly sad day today and I've sunken into an emotional state of complete submission. I can't take it any more. I've felt a duty to reply to all the bullshit they've been spewing, but what's the fucking point? They're more organised, they are bigger in numbers, they get a shitload of media attention, there's a general fear of feminist backlash ingrained in those who are stuck in the middle of the shitstorm and what have we achieved? We have no support outside of men's rights activists, whereas everyone feminism seems to be the only acceptable ideology in popular culture and is the default alignment people associate themselves with.  Why do we fight?  I am tired.

In the AgainstMensRights subreddit, one of the regulars felt that Maring_’s  existential lament was good enough to deserve a dramatic reading. Two AMRistas responded to the challenge. Here’s one of their readings, complete with swelling music at the end:

Stirring indeed!

I went back over Maring_’s Reddit history to see what kind of heroic work he has been doing to fight the Sarkeesian feminists of the world. I would report on some of that, but I found his insights into sexuality to be far more interesting.

For example, he shared these thoughts about his sexual prowess with the regulars in r/celebs:

Maring_ -15 points 3 days ago   I wish. I bring quite the ruckus to the ladies. I leave their hole feeling raw after minutes of intensive use.

And these thoughts about his multicultural sexual preferences:

Maring_ -44 points 2 days ago   Whatever. Obviously I'd fuck either of them (hole is a hole). If I had a choice, Jennifer Lopez will always win out over them all. I fucking love Latina pussy.

As well as these observations about the redoubtable Marlene Dietrich:

Maring_ 2 points 4 days ago   what a colossal babe. I'd bring the ruckus to that bitch's pussy.      permalink     save     report     give gold     reply  [–]rpilek [S] 2 points 4 days ago   I agree, I also find her very sexy.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]Maring_ 2 points 4 days ago   I'd run that bitch's ass into the ground

Meanwhile, in a thread in r/movies on the death of Richard Attenborough, he left these kind words:

Maring_ -1 points 4 days ago   I heard Richard slept with his housecleaner on a daily basis. Sly fuck. I hope I'll be getting my dick wet behind my wife's back at his age. I'll probably only get away with fucking a prostitute, though, which means I'll have to wear a condom :(  I'd say R.I.P. but if he's resting, that would imply an afterlife and let's face it: this fucker ain't getting into heaven.

Rest up, weary Redditor! It can be difficult to bring so much ruckus to the world.

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10 years ago


I also went immediately to Uncle Ruckus. Which led to a very entertaining (to me) mental image of Uncle Ruckus as a sex referee. Or maybe commentator, I’m not sure which would be better.

10 years ago

only been fighting social justice warriors for a couple of months

I bet Maring has been intensely fighting the good fight as an MRA comment board activist these past two months, so it’s not surprising he’s overextended himself complaining about SAAARKEEEEESIAN on Twtter. A man can only do so much.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

And this… individual either is married already or plans to be — along with cheating on his wife, even if “only” with a prostitute (and thus a condom), poor thing…

The moral values of MRA continue to, erm, impress.

10 years ago

The hate fantasy echo chamber he’s been supping from and the reactions of average people when they see MRA “activism” (hate/harassment) are not matching up…a MRA existential crisis…

Robin Lionheart
10 years ago

I thought Hoobsher’s reading was more captivating, but the music on this one was a nice touch.

10 years ago

Is “Social Injustice Warrior” a new term? It seems like a good parody, and I’d kind of like it to catch on.

10 years ago

I suspect he’s only been “bringing quite the ruckus” to his left hand – which, incidentally, is nothing to be ashamed of and certainly preferable to him being anywhere near a woman. Also, I really don’t think he needs to worry about cheating on a wife because well… some fantasies are more realistic than others.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

But why does he think this community would be interested in custody battles between heterosexual parents? Or backing heterosexual fathers to successfully secure custody of children within the context of heteronormative marriage/relationship breakdown?

Probably for the same reason MRAs think feminists need to drop everything and devote all of their energies toward solving the problems of men in Western society. More than likely he can’t see beyond the tip of his own nose, and doesn’t comprehend that movements exist to address specific problems, and not Every Problem In the Universe, Ever, Especially the Ones That Affect Straight Cisgender White Able-bodied Men.

If he cared about doing something about inequality in custody awards in divorce, he would research the roots of that problem and try to change them in society so that the inequality would reduce or resolve. Instead he expects everyone who isn’t him to do that work for him, while he sits back and reaps the rewards.

10 years ago

I have to agree the defeat this guy is feeling has some moments of clarity (along with projection and self-pity).

Namely, yes, the “Men’s Right Movement/Anti-Feminist Movements” really does have support inside it’s tiny little echo chamber (even far-right organizations that may share some of their views probably find them distasteful). The larger culture is becoming more femminist, albeit slowly and painfully.

What he misses is that the MRAs have no support as, essentially, they’re a group of misogynists. They’re basically an ill-defined hate group.

He even notes that the association of father’s rights with MRAs hurts that issue.

I wonder how/if this guy will evolve, if at some point he’ll realize (as have other people) that he was living inside an echo chamber, exploited by it’s leadership, and it achieved nothing. I wonder how many MRAs facing reality might feel like this guy and wonder.

What can I say, sometimes I get hopeful.

10 years ago

@AcidTrial I’m totally with you.

And may I add, what a class act this gentleman is.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Why would you come out and say “I suck in bed” so publicly? Does he realize that’s what he did?

Men like this don’t want to be good in bed. For them, an optimal sexual encounter is one where the man gets off and the woman not only doesn’t, but experiences discomfort or pain.

10 years ago

Men like this don’t want to be good in bed. For them, an optimal sexual encounter is one where the man gets off and the woman not only doesn’t, but experiences discomfort or pain.

And then they laugh and point and generally mock the woman for getting fooled.

Probably no one wants to know this, but Beloved and I had lubrication trouble one time and it was no fun for anyone. I don’t get how anyone would enjoy that kind of thing.

10 years ago

I checked out his brief outreach to the LGBT subreddit. This charmer did as well as you might expect.

(note: The comments in quotes is a poster Maring I’d responding to.)

]Maring_[S] -2 points 1 day ago

“Exactly, these complaints are never based on statistics, they are always based on anecdotes about “my friend”. Don’t you think you might be a little bit biased in your friend’s favour? Have you heard the mother’s side of the story?”

I have heard the mother’s side of the story. I don’t see why you’re so shocked that I’d mention an example of gender discrimination in action. I can’t think of a better example, and I’m friends with the guy.

“I’m not convinced that lesbian parents are any more accepted than gay male parents are. A lot of conservatives seem to be particularly worried about boys growing up without a father.”

I don’t have anything to back it up (surveys and such) but I’d assume that a couple of lesbians adopting a baby would be much less controversial than a couple of gay men doing the same thing.

“Straight cis men pretty much run the whole world. If there really is a problem here, I think you can sort it out without our help.”

I don’t “run the whole world”. It’s completely backwards that you’d accuse all straight men of being your oppressors. I’m finding it difficult to respond to this. I have already said it to armchar-traveller, and I’ll say it again as I’m not sure if that post was before or after you posted this. The LGBT movement is one of the most influential lobbying forces in Ireland at the moment. You are a self-righteous, obnoxious jerk and I demand an apology.

Two responses from a meany pants gay man.

armchair-traveller 5 points 2 days ago*
At the moment most of fathers’ rights activists are closely tied to MRA groups, which are quite trans- and homophobic (and problematic on plenty of other levels), so I would assume most of LGBTs would rather keep distance for now.

armchair-traveller 5 points 2 days ago
Another major obstacle is, of course, the fact that MRA movement is strongly anti-feminist, and LGBT rights organizations historically has been aligned with feminist groups and would not consider supporting ideology that’s aggressive towards feminism*.
Similarly, a lot of LGBT people “on the ground” share these values and have first-hand experience what’s it like to live in predominantly patriarchal, heteronormative (and heterosexist) society and will shy from people who want to strengthen these values.
Some people will simply object piggybacking MRAs to legitimacy.
(* At least in my opinion – I don’t speak for every LGBT group, or even for majority of them.)

“LGBT rights organizations historically has been aligned with feminist groups “, OMG Sarkeesian Feminists have brainwashed gay men! Damn those all-powerful SJWs!

10 years ago

This fellow who provides ruckus,
Knows not where to train focus.
His over exuberance
With his protuberance
Makes women say “Keep off my tucus!”

10 years ago

Probably for the same reason MRAs think feminists need to drop everything and devote all of their energies toward solving the problems of men in Western society. More than likely he can’t see beyond the tip of his own nose, and doesn’t comprehend that movements exist to address specific problems, and not Every Problem In the Universe, Ever, Especially the Ones That Affect Straight Cisgender White Able-bodied Men.

That’s exactly what I was thinking. The MRM will never be able to do intersectionality because they think being an ally means “I get to expect a marginalized group with their own injustices to fight needs to stop and focus on me and do all my work while I continue to do nothing but harass women on twitter.”

Next up, Maring asks black activists to quit fighting against police brutality and prosecutorial racial biases because occasionally the criminal justice system oppresses rapists by punishing them.

10 years ago

The “raw in five minutes” caused me pain of remembrance for the time I tried to pleasure myself without being properly lubricated. Ouch. This guy is so gross.

Sadly… its really not just guys who want women to not enjoy sex who think this way. I’ve heard cis guys who think they’re the tops in the sack and think they can get women off with just their Manly Wonder Meat™ say that kind of shit. They think its good and proof that thet were good in bed and rocked the woman’s world.

10 years ago

Oh my furrinati. What an idiot.

I don’t “run the whole world”. It’s completely backwards that you’d accuse all straight men of being your oppressors.

Solipsist much? No one said he personally runs the whole world. The poster straight cis men as a group do. Not the same thing.

I’m finding it difficult to respond to this. I have already said it to armchar-traveller, and I’ll say it again as I’m not sure if that post was before or after you posted this. The LGBT movement is one of the most influential lobbying forces in Ireland at the moment. You are a self-righteous, obnoxious jerk and I demand an apology.

He charged into a space that wasn’t intended for him to demand that they stop and focus on his pet issues and then he demands an apology when the people there understandably didn’t bite. Wow. No wonder he’s tired. I’ve seen toddlers post tantrum. They often need a nap. Tantrums are exhausting.

10 years ago

The “hole is hole” post had some humorous responses.

batsdx 17 points 2 days ago
Something tells me you wouldnt even speak to or make eye contact with a regular girl, let alone a famous one.

Maring_ -24 points 2 days ago
Believe me, I’m direct with women. No jumping around the issue. I straight up ask them for pussy. I fucked literally 20+ women last year.


batsdx 20 points 2 days ago
Sure you did, tiger.

Maring_ -19 points 2 days ago
I don’t need to prove anything to you. It’s the internet, why would I lie? I don’t know you. I don’t care if you think I’ve never had my dick wet.
I think he meant, “it’s reddit, why not lie?”.

batsdx 11 points 2 days ago
You don’t need to prove anything. Your confidence and numbers speak for themselves.

As does the charming “straight up ask them up for pussy” courting technique.

splintersmaster 5 points 2 days ago
So on average, how much do you normally pay for sex?

10 years ago

Blockquote Monster got me twice in one thread. Much shame.

10 years ago

One more try.

batsdx 17 points 2 days ago
Something tells me you wouldnt even speak to or make eye contact with a regular girl, let alone a famous one.

Maring_ -24 points 2 days ago
Believe me, I’m direct with women. No jumping around the issue. I straight up ask them for pussy. I fucked literally 20+ women last year.

Maring_ -19 points 2 days ago
I don’t need to prove anything to you. It’s the internet, why would I lie? I don’t know you. I don’t care if you think I’ve never had my dick wet.

I think he meant, “it’s reddit, why not lie?”.

batsdx 11 points 2 days ago
You don’t need to prove anything. Your confidence and numbers speak for themselves.

As does the charming “straight up ask them up for pussy” courting technique.

splintersmaster 5 points 2 days ago
So on average, how much do you normally pay for sex?

10 years ago

Why would anyone lie on the internet? No one has ever done that before!

10 years ago

Believe me, I’m direct with women. No jumping around the issue. I straight up ask them for pussy. I fucked literally 20+ women last year.

Meaning, “I rudely demanded, they naturally rejected, and so I broke out the ol’ Fleshlight.”

10 years ago

Wow, 5 minutes of what sounds like incredibly unpleasant sex. Sounds…. no, sorry, I can’t manage the sarcasm today.

It’s astounding to me how many men think so highly of their penis and, consequently over estimate its ability to please a woman and also it’s desirability. I’ve also found that those who overstate said desirability or base their woman pleasing tactics off porn are incredibly awful in bed. I mean… watching tv or playing Candy Crush while they thrust away in futility, grunting pathetic porn dialogue, because he thinks it turns women on. Yeah…