antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking creepy drama kings dramatic reading entitled babies grandiosity homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA narcissism reddit sarkeesian! vaginas

Dramatic Reading Friday: A brave Reddit warrior takes on the "Sarkeesian feminists."

Marlene Dietrich is not impressed with your bullshit
Marlene Dietrich is not impressed

Over in the Men’s Right’s subreddit, one new Social Injustice Warrior is weary, worn down by fighting the Bad Fight against the “Sarkeesian feminists” on Twitter. And what better way to convey one’s weariness than with a melodramatic monologue?

So he posted this:

Can we win? (self.MensRights)  submitted 1 day ago * by Maring_  First off, I've always been anti-feminist, but it is important to note that I've only been fighting social justice warriors for a couple of months. Before this I have only attacked feminism when it had confronted me head-on, never putting myself in that orgy of racist, sexist propaganda from which they direct their hordes of mindless drones. This is not a rant. It's a desperate cry for help from someone who just doesn't see the point of continuing to resist.  I posted over in the LGBT subreddit earlier today. I asked if they considered the fathers' rights movement something of interest, having an overlap in interests on issues concerning gay parents. My logic was that it would discredit the myth that children need a female parent if fathers were treated equally in custody battles. This seems to be something which we both want. I was told that, although they didn't necessarily disagree with me, that the fathers' rights movement is commonly associated with MRA activities and the men's rights movement has serious problems in regard to homophobes and transphobes in their ranks.  I had conversations with numerous Sarkeesian feminists on Twitter today. Their obsession with gender-baiting, their acceptance of bullying (when it's directed at their enemies, ofc), their ability to twist all issues into "us vs white, cis, heterosexual men" no matter which culture they're actually talking about and their general unwillingness to engage in open, civil and rational debate ALL LEAVE ME COMPLETELY TERRIFIED.  It has been a particularly sad day today and I've sunken into an emotional state of complete submission. I can't take it any more. I've felt a duty to reply to all the bullshit they've been spewing, but what's the fucking point? They're more organised, they are bigger in numbers, they get a shitload of media attention, there's a general fear of feminist backlash ingrained in those who are stuck in the middle of the shitstorm and what have we achieved? We have no support outside of men's rights activists, whereas everyone feminism seems to be the only acceptable ideology in popular culture and is the default alignment people associate themselves with.  Why do we fight?  I am tired.

In the AgainstMensRights subreddit, one of the regulars felt that Maring_’s  existential lament was good enough to deserve a dramatic reading. Two AMRistas responded to the challenge. Here’s one of their readings, complete with swelling music at the end:

Stirring indeed!

I went back over Maring_’s Reddit history to see what kind of heroic work he has been doing to fight the Sarkeesian feminists of the world. I would report on some of that, but I found his insights into sexuality to be far more interesting.

For example, he shared these thoughts about his sexual prowess with the regulars in r/celebs:

Maring_ -15 points 3 days ago   I wish. I bring quite the ruckus to the ladies. I leave their hole feeling raw after minutes of intensive use.

And these thoughts about his multicultural sexual preferences:

Maring_ -44 points 2 days ago   Whatever. Obviously I'd fuck either of them (hole is a hole). If I had a choice, Jennifer Lopez will always win out over them all. I fucking love Latina pussy.

As well as these observations about the redoubtable Marlene Dietrich:

Maring_ 2 points 4 days ago   what a colossal babe. I'd bring the ruckus to that bitch's pussy.      permalink     save     report     give gold     reply  [–]rpilek [S] 2 points 4 days ago   I agree, I also find her very sexy.      permalink     save     parent     report     give gold     reply  [–]Maring_ 2 points 4 days ago   I'd run that bitch's ass into the ground

Meanwhile, in a thread in r/movies on the death of Richard Attenborough, he left these kind words:

Maring_ -1 points 4 days ago   I heard Richard slept with his housecleaner on a daily basis. Sly fuck. I hope I'll be getting my dick wet behind my wife's back at his age. I'll probably only get away with fucking a prostitute, though, which means I'll have to wear a condom :(  I'd say R.I.P. but if he's resting, that would imply an afterlife and let's face it: this fucker ain't getting into heaven.

Rest up, weary Redditor! It can be difficult to bring so much ruckus to the world.

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10 years ago

This guy makes “ruckus” sound like the name of a STI.

10 years ago

Well, if he’s so, so tired, he can climb into his secret no gurrls allowed treehouse, curl up with his favourite books and music … and never, ever emerge.

Suits him. Suits me. WIN!

Tina B
Tina B
10 years ago

The music really makes that recording. I hope this starts a trend and other people make recordings!

10 years ago

Z: Cockney rhyming slang for “the clap”?

10 years ago

I love the inflection on “Sarkeesian.”

10 years ago

Left it raw after MINUTES of use, eh? Apart from the collective “ouch” all people with vaginas just thought (let alone how violent and disturbing that sounded) I think we can all glean her level of arousal and his, um, longevity in the sack. Why would you come out and say “I suck in bed” so publicly? Does he realize that’s what he did?

10 years ago

As far as I can tell, his complaints are that MRAs are correctly identified as monsters, by people who already share the social goal he thought he could “bait” feminists into accepting.

10 years ago

I don’t think these dudes can find the ruckus, much less bring it.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

There’s someone with a vivid fantasy life.

10 years ago

Oy vey, the fail is strong with this one. No wonder he got a mental beatdown.

Lousy sex? Check. No wonder women dismiss him. Nobody on this side of the fence thinks being “raw” in the genitals = had a great time in bed. NOBODY.

The reason gay rights and men’s rights don’t mix on the parenthood issue? Gay guys don’t hate women. They just don’t have sex with — oh, I’m sorry, “bring the ruckus to” — the ladies. But they like us just fine. I guess that since my best friend just happens to be one, I’m biased, but whatever!

And yeah, “Latina pussy”. And this dude calls feminists racist? Projection, yeronner!

10 years ago

Every time I read “ruckus” all I could think of was Uncle Ruckus.

Ruckus? Raw? 5 mins? Run into the ground?

He sounds 15 and sharp as a bowling ball.

10 years ago

I’m also pretty sure that “bitch” ≠ the sort of thing one wants to hear during foreplay. Or EVER.

10 years ago

“…feminism seems to be the only acceptable idealogy in pop culture…”

Uh, yeah. Is he saying that because you can’t threaten rape in polite society without some people disapproving?

“Why do we fight?”

I dunno, because you have to shout down women with a strong voice? Because you don’t like to have your entitlement challenged? Because the idea of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is too hard and uncomfortable — and hey, who needs empathy anyway, right?
Maybe you’re fighting to be the center of the universe again.

10 years ago

Marlene Dietrich would have torn Maring_ to shreds – and not in a nice way, one of her hobbies was boxing. She was incredibly tough, highly intelligent and very independent.

10 years ago

This is probably one of the most uplifting articles on the sight, I think. The MRA are beginning to realize that they will never, ever win, and they are getting despondent because of it. And I think that is a damn good thing. Three cheers for things improving! 😀

10 years ago

There’s someone with a vivid fantasy life.

Not even that. Having racist porn fantasies is as dull and common as it gets.

10 years ago

Bina: I wouldn’t go that far, but it definitely goes in the box marked: “Things you don’t say/do/use unless you know your partner likes it”.

10 years ago

Hm, well, when I think of MRA’s feeling defeated, I think Elliot Rodger. They’re not exactly a bunch likely to react in a good way when frustrated. So as for things improving, I just don’t see it at this point-

10 years ago

Feminism as “default alignment people associate themselves with”?* This guy either posts from bizarro land or is yet another asshole, who thinks we all live in some kind of feminist utopia and next comes the “kill all men” phase of the great master plan. *EVIL LAUGH*

* I’m guessing most people actually align themselves with the “it doesn’t concern me so I don’t care” side.

/goes back to lurking.

10 years ago

… after minutes of intensive use.

Well, there are disadvantages in that not so wonderful raw feeling this clown boasts about. But maybe they’ll be offset by not risking falling off the couch, table, bed or getting a knee, foot, elbow trapped in some uncomfortable spot when there’s barely any time to do anything at all.

10 years ago

I’m trying to wrap my head around why this Maring_ wondered over to the LGBT subreddit to rally support…?

Raising awareness of the rights of gay men and couples to be parents, awesome, no problems understanding that. But why does he think this community would be interested in custody battles between heterosexual parents? Or backing heterosexual fathers to successfully secure custody of children within the context of heteronormative marriage/relationship breakdown?

Sorry if I haven’t worded that very well. It just seems damn presumptious to me to wander into this community and declare, “Hey, you’re men! Who want to be parents! SURELY you must be interested in the rights of these men who want to be parents!”.

10 years ago

Uh… so I made my own dramatic reading of this. Go easy on me, I’ve not done anything of the sort before!

Also I didn’t know where to upload it and didn’t want to create an account, so I just uploaded it to a regular filesharing site:

10 years ago

Raw after 5 minutes: not only are you doing it wrong, but your partner is going to make you stop and not ever let you do it again. And if a potential partner knows that in advance, you’re never even going to get to try. Good grief. Does this person not realize that he’s bragging about how very bad he is in bed?

Pugg Fuggly
Pugg Fuggly
10 years ago

[Can you describe the ruckus, sir?

Or, on second thought … maybe it’s best you don’t.

10 years ago

“Intensive use”? That sounds like something you’d say about a cleaning rag, not another person.

But what am I saying…this dude literally thinks we’re just HOLES.

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