Over in the Men’s Right’s subreddit, one new Social Injustice Warrior is weary, worn down by fighting the Bad Fight against the “Sarkeesian feminists” on Twitter. And what better way to convey one’s weariness than with a melodramatic monologue?
So he posted this:
In the AgainstMensRights subreddit, one of the regulars felt that Maring_’s existential lament was good enough to deserve a dramatic reading. Two AMRistas responded to the challenge. Here’s one of their readings, complete with swelling music at the end:
Stirring indeed!
I went back over Maring_’s Reddit history to see what kind of heroic work he has been doing to fight the Sarkeesian feminists of the world. I would report on some of that, but I found his insights into sexuality to be far more interesting.
For example, he shared these thoughts about his sexual prowess with the regulars in r/celebs:
And these thoughts about his multicultural sexual preferences:
As well as these observations about the redoubtable Marlene Dietrich:
Meanwhile, in a thread in r/movies on the death of Richard Attenborough, he left these kind words:
Rest up, weary Redditor! It can be difficult to bring so much ruckus to the world.
Not mention wanting browny points for not calling anyone a bitch or a c*nt.
I’m getting Pythonesque images of one of them moving the goalposts so far he falls off a cliff with them.
… which I would pay to watch.
Kitteh, will people falling off of buildings suffice?
Alais, yes, perfectly! XD
Sorry! I thought that that would just link.
How about jumping out a window?
Videos always linked on WordPress, and pictures mostly do now, too, since they rejigged it. 🙂
I once debated one who was “civil” — ish — and only to me. He was very transparently pulling a divide-and-conquer tactic with myself and another commenter. The other commenter was blunt, but certainly not abusive, and the MRA was heaping loooooads of condescension and aggressive language on them.
I thought I was also being pretty blunt, but apparently the MRA detected some difference in tone. I think he might have interpreted an incredulous rhetorical question as sincere interest. Whatever the case, he regarded what I said — which was 95%, “Um, yeah, I agree with Commenter 1, for XYZ reasons” — to be somehow so much more acceptable, so much nicer, and see, Commenter 1, this is how civil discourse SHOULD go.
I had a few more go-rounds with the MRA, essentially saying, “Dude, you are wrong, and here’s why,” every time. He continued to thank me for a polite discussion, but also continued to state the same points over and over, without so much as acknowledging the criticisms either Commenter 1 or I had raised. (But of course, Commenter 1 didn’t count, because they were too “childish” and “hostile”.)
Commenter 1 and I had each other’s backs the whole time, but Sir MRA kept talking to us as if Commenter 1 was a troll and I was some sort of mediator of proper tone — which confused me greatly and actually made me feel kinda gross. Look dude, I don’t want to have to call you names to get the point across that I THINK YOU ARE THE WRONGEST OF WRONG, but let’s not test my limits on that, m’kay?
So “civil”, kinda, but “open or rational”, not so much.
Ugh, I hate wedgers and splitters, especially when they’re blatant about it. Never more so than when they start the whole condescending “you’re not like [x], you can think for yourself, right?” garbage. As if agreeing with someone else’s views is somehow equivalent to brainwashing.