One of the odder folk beliefs of the pickup artist subculture is that women become worn down and used up and even a bit addled if they have sex with too many men. Men, by contrast, are said to be able to handle an equal number of female lovers with grace and aplomb.
In a recent post, our old friend Heartiste offers what he sees as decisive photographic evidence illustrating the different effects of promiscuity on men and women. One bit of this evidence: a picture of a young woman used to advertise some sort of singles event. Reflections from the photographer’s lights obscure her pupils, an offputting effect that gives her a slightly deranged look.
Heartiste, apparently not curious enough to wonder why the woman seems to have no pupils, sees this as clear photographic evidence of the tell-tale “thousand cock stare” that he believes women develop after exposure to more than the lifetime recommended allotment of penises.
To underscore his claim that promiscuous men are “more emotionally stable and contented” than their female counterparts, Heartiste offers this photographic evidence:
I think we can all see the problem here. Aside from the fact that a single photograph of someone smiling offers no real clue to that person’s relative stability or degree of happiness with their life – there are plenty of people who can put a good face on all sorts of troubles – this is not actually a picture of a promiscuous man.
It’s a picture of actor John Hamm playing the character of Don Draper, a promiscuous ad exec on Mad Men, in full costume and makeup and doing his best to act the part of a contented man.
As regular viewers of the show are well aware, Don Draper is not always so contented. Indeed, the character is a near-constant drinker with a troubled past who ruins two marriages through his compulsive womanizing.
Here are pictures of Don Draper in some less-happy moments.
Can we conclude therefore that excess promiscuity will turn smiling, confident men into puking emotional wrecks? Well, no, because, again, Draper is a CHARACTER, not a person. He’s NOT REAL.
But don’t try telling Heartiste that, because he seems to prefer to live in an imaginary world.
A man can sample the slits and furrows of outrageous fortune and survive the whirlwind of passion to mark a day in the future when he contentedly and without pathological second-guessing slips into a stabler, longer term commitment.
Women who have sampled a poo poo platter of penes accumulate emotional scars that never heal; promiscuous women have a mental storage closet filled with five minute montages of alpha male love, and these exciting, prurient memories rob the female id of something important. Call it purity or innocence or self-worth or ability to appreciate romantic idealism, the slut with ass chafing from riding the cock carousel is never the same as she was before she let herself get pummeled by dick.
Uh, just so you know, Heartiste, the Chinese menu item you evidently have in mind is actually called a Pu Pu Platter. A Poo Poo Platter is something, well, a bit different.
Then again, I suspect that most of those women who’ve “sampled” Heartiste’s alleged charms would have, in hindsight, rather spent the evening cleaning shit out of a toilet tank.
And precisely why are women who have had sex not “girlfriend material”? Why do these dudes have to hope for a girlfriend who hasn’t slept around, rather than forging a connection with women who do? I think you need to interrogate your reasons for devaluing women with sexual experience.
Single men demand that women have no sex, then complain about the lack of sex. Story at eleven.
Is he telling us his dong…is DOODY? Okay, I’ll go along with that. I wouldn’t touch it with even a hazmat suit on, anyway.
And yes, the mental picture of Fartiste as a puking emotional wreck pleases me very much. Mostly because that’s exactly how I picture him when he’s hunched over his keyboard, trying to convince all the other wankers out there that he somehow wanks less hard than they.
BarnBurner, what in your mind is wrong with women who’ve had sex with many guys?
BarnBurner, if all the single ladies are having tons of sex but most of the single dudes aren’t, with whom are most of the single ladies sleeping? I know that you’re probably assuming that the Alfafas are snapping them all up, but I thought that the single ladies were sleeping around with many men. Are all of the Alfafas in an area screwing all of these women? Are their libidos even high enough to accommodate all of these women? Inquiring minds want to know.
The whole notion that women shouldn’t be easy to have sex with skeeves me out completely because it goes part and parcel with the notion that “date rape isn’t real rape”. Breaking it down:
– the argument is not that women shouldn’t have any sex, they should just have less sex
– they should have less sex by being more picky (i.e. only Game users should be able to have sex with them)
– women who are viewed as more picky are viewed as more desirable
– women who are viewed as more picky are therefore the honey pot for the PUA flies to swarm to
– the PUAs use their date rape techniques on these women
– some of these women will be raped, but it isn’t rape, it’s the fact that Game is a fantastic method for having sex with women who are resisting
No matter what way I look at this, requiring women to be less interested in sex is always going to result in more rape. Not because women having sex are promiscuous and therefore cannot be raped, but because it is driven by the number of PUAs and how often they use Game. The PUAs are attracted to women they are going to try to rape (because that’s how Game works) and therefore the number of PUAs using Game is the rate-limiting factor.
“How does a so-called ‘beta male’ avoid being ‘settled for?’”
If you — you as in Red Pillers and their ilk — stop reducing complex human beings to artificial and meaningless labels (and numbers, and marketplace transactions), you may notice that the world of interpersonal relationships is a less hostile place than you imagine it to be.
Where I live — in reality blessedly free from the Red Pill nonsense — those so-called “beta males” are our, women’s, wonderful husbands and partners (and fathers, sons, friends, and colleagues).
And that “settling” you speak of is how normal and healthy relationships between normal and healthy human beings are forged: through acceptance, respect, and mutual compromise.
The Red Pillers / PUAs / etc. who see the world through the prism of their adolescent sexual fantasies — a place where they should live happily ever after with a virginal HB10 who behaves sexually like a porn star, has domestic skills of Martha Stewart, and a puppy-like uncritical devotion to her man — are doomed to disappointment and unhappiness. People who want to succeed at relationships have to shed their immature expectations and false beliefs (e.g. Red Pill, etc.). There is no way around it.
Unsupported premise, assumed conclusion. Try again.
Once I thought I had found the One True Cock but it turns out they sell a lot of those at Sex World.
Me too! There’s an antique wooden carousel in a little hamlet a few miles north of here, but it only has horses. And it’s only open during the Fall Fair, so far as I know.
That’s a good analysis. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that “Game” is just rape, and sometimes by accident a PUA will wind up having sex with a woman who also wants to have sex, but that’s not the intended result.
By simply being worth being WITH. How else?
Also, LBT — if you’re still reading this, hang in there and take the best damn care of yourself you can. Hope you get your feet back under you soon.
This is confusing to me:
“Single men who struggle to get laid (probably the majority of single men relative to single women)…”
How would you know? What about women who are not conventionally attractive? What about women who are too afraid to just ask for sex because they don’t know a guy too well and don’t know if they can trust him not to get weird during the act? We have to worry about that kind of shit, you know.
And then:
” (Single men who struggle to get laid) could only hope for a girlfriend who did not sleep around…”
You’re insecure? Why do you want a woman who has never had sex before? She might have seen another penis besides yours? She might be judging your performance against past lovers? You’re insecure. Actually, if she’s experienced, you might learn something from her. That’s beneficial. Some men are actually attracted to that.
but then:
“…could only hope for a girlfriend who did not sleep around and until then get laid with women who do.”
Wow. You really don’t get it, do you? Having sex with an experienced woman is settling until you find a woman who has no experience? That’s fucking weird, man. Jesus, you’d rather not risk damaging your fragile ego instead of enjoying sex for the sake of enjoying sex? You have to think this through, my friend. The funny thing is, you don’t sound like someone who actually has had sex with an experienced woman — if you did, you wouldn’t be complaining.
I just want to amplify the LBT love.
Take good care of you!
Cock carousels can be found at Six Cocks Great America. I think.
Bravo! You’ve just succinctly summarised everything I find wrong with that whole mindset of women who’ve had less sex supposedly being more desirable. I think these guys have seen too many pr0n movies where a “virgin” suddenly becomes a lacivious fuck-machine after a token amount of persuasion, and … I don’t know, thought they were documentaries or something?
Yeah, c’mon, Barnburner, tell us what it is about a woman having sexual experience that frightens you so much.
Isn’t it obvious? Sexual experience = basis for comparison. And duders are scared shitless that they’ll be found lacking.
Well, dang me. I’ll either have to update my passport, or build one in my own backyard. Oh wait, I never learned carpentry. Guess I’m screwed, eh?
Road trip!
At least one person has drawn a picture of the Cock Carousel, right?
LOL Bina, you know that and I know that and everyone here knows it – I want scaredyboy to actually say it.
@ Anarchonist (and I hope y’all pardon me for topic derail here…)
…I was brainwashed into hating myself by the abusive parents…I try not to give into that impulse to hate myself any more, but my mileage varies greatly upon circumstance and current ingested chemistry. The carcass is a walking chemistry project-I have a small suitcase full of pills and NONE ARE FOR FUN! grr…
…One of the more interesting tricks I’ve learned is to reply to the self-hating inner thoughts with opposite and positive statements, just by rote.
I generally don’t BELIEVE the opposite positive statements…but they shut the nasty thoughts up, oddly enough, if I keep at it.
Admittedly, I’ve got autonomous operating egos inside, so I’m actually shutting SOMEONE up, not just automatic, self-hating thoughts.
But AFAIK this does work for less fractured people.
It’s positive brainwashing, basically.
Hating myself feels right to me, appropriate…explaining why would have to be a private convo.
But actually makes me weaker, more sucked in on myself, and less effective at being the kind, loving person I want to be to others.
…Anyway, you DON’T lash out at others, you’re not an abuser. In fact you care about others, you care about the world you live in.
You could just be a selfish git, and you’re not.
…If you can think of yourself in third person, objectively, and not as YOU…do you really think that person is worth despising?
…I don’t see that from where I’m sitting. I mean, you’re just not evil, I don’t think.
But WTF do I know, I’m just some fucking looney on the internet.
An interfering asshole for getting up in your hurting business too.
So feel free to be angry at me for any and all of that, because it really isn’t my business what goes on between your ears.
I just am of the current opinion there’s not anything in there to despise, is all.
Scaredyboy will never say it. Admitting to fear is soooooo beta.
The sad thing is that BarnBurner doesn’t even realize that an experienced woman probably wouldn’t care if he wasn’t quite as good as some of her previous lovers as long as he lasted more than five minutes (unlike Heartiste), didn’t try to leave her raw (unlike Maring), put effort into making the sex enjoyable for her as well as for himself, and listened to her when she told him what she wanted. Because that’s the thing: an experienced woman, unlike a virginal one, would know what felt good for her during sex with a partner. So, really, he’d be more likely to satisfy an experienced woman who knew what she wanted and felt comfortable asking for it than he would a virgin, who’s just getting used to penetration, doesn’t have as good of an idea of what she wants from a partner (masturbation can only get you so far in that respect), and isn’t used to asking for what she wants. On the other hand, a virgin is just as capable of an experienced woman of figuring out when the sex feels bad, so he wouldn’t get any advantage there.
Except it’s not sad because he’s probably just complaining because he’s bitter that all the single ladies aren’t sleeping with him.