boobs creepy evil fat fatties heartiste men who should not ever be with deer ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA vaginas whaaaaa?

D'oh! A deer, a female deer

I don't even ... what?
I don’t even … what?

I don’t usually bother to read the comments on Chateau Heartiste; making it through Heartiste’s own florid yet turgid prose is exhausting enough. But after skimming a recent post of his on the increasing historical fatness of British women, I happened to glance down at the comments, only to see a discussion of the comparative anatomy of female humans and deer that was so odd and creepy I felt obligated to bring it to you all.

Brace yourself, because the following might just ruin your breakfast:


FuriousFerret  Well at least tits are bigger now. That’s one silver lining.      on August 26, 2014 at 12:12 pm | Reply CH      not even. big tits on fat women aren’t attractive. they hang like deerskin fur canteen bladders and are about as flat.          on August 26, 2014 at 12:20 pm prevailtolegend          One time I was skinning a doe deer in the field and when cutting out the rectum and thus the entrails, my finger accidentally slipped into the vagina. I sell home consumer goods and there are women I encounter every day, spending their husbands money, that are so large they would have me less aroused.


I’m pretty sure that guy’s hunting license should be taken away from him. And if there were sex licenses for human beings, well, all three of these guys should lose those as well.



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10 years ago

Greg- SMV = Sexual Market Value. It’s even more terrible than it sounds.

10 years ago

SMV = sexual market value. It’s a stupid pseudoscientific way to rate a woman’s fuckability (and maybe long term prospects? I’m not sure.) Fertility – or perceived fertility – is part of it.

10 years ago

Oh, I just realized that I am now completely and utterly without value to MRAs! Not only am I fat and feminist, I no longer possess reproductive organs of any kind! My SMV is probably in the negative millions!

Kathleen B, and isn’t it a wonderful feeling? 😀

Everyone else, if I’m way off base or policing here, let me know and I’ll back off.

Not at all – have at it! Greg’s … not trolling, but hmmm … talking about weight loss when the thread’s mocking a wannabe animal abuser?

10 years ago

Noadi- I’m in a similar weight range boat as you. I was about 205 but I lost 10lbs over the past few months and my overall goal is to hover between 140-150ish. I am fine with weight loss as I simply prefer it for my own well being and I need to anyway because of my shitty lipids panel. However, I’m going to ask my doctor if any of my meds cause weight gain as a side effect. Just in case. 😛

10 years ago


No I am M.D, License #0981-001-8328-1
Hospital – Anna-Laberge. Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada – J6K 4W8.
Dr. Greg Boisvert

If you’re within the area you know the rest of the phone number.

10 years ago

kitteh, yeah it was a hell of a derail so back to it, I guess. Seriously, who the fuck “accidentally” fingers the carcass of a dead deer?

10 years ago

SMV = “Sexual Market Value”

I’m dumbfounded. Wow…

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

An animal carcass molester…

10 years ago

SMV makes sense to these assholes because, to them, women aren’t people. It’s always SO nice to be viewed as non-human…..

10 years ago

It was easy for me to figure out because my doctor actually told me when she put the IUD in that I might start losing weight in 6 months to a year as my body got rid of the effects of depo provera and that’s exactly what happened. I actually switched for a different reason, I’d been on it for quite a while and one of the other side effects can be decreased bone density so after I broke my ankle I wanted to switch to something safer for my bones (my ankle breaking probably had nothing to do with it, I took a really bad fall but I didn’t want to risk something worse happening later on).

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

@ Greg…if you view other people as objects, it makes perfect sense.

10 years ago

Noadi: I try very hard to ignore my weight (I’ve never had an eating disorder, but comments about my weight have triggered episodes of disordered eating), but I’m curious to see if the hysterectomy will have any effect. My lady bits were really, really fucked up and I know hormones can have a huge effect on so many systems. Hells, the Provera the GYN gave me to get as much out of the uterus as possible turned me into a stereotypical PMS monster, maybe fewer will be better!

10 years ago

SMV makes sense to these assholes because, to them, women aren’t people. It’s always SO nice to be viewed as non-human…..

Yes but we don’t want our cover as lizard people giant cats deadly bloodsucking moths blown!

10 years ago

khittehs: It will be much more wonderful once everything is healed. The da vinci surgery was much, much, MUCH less invasive than the alternatives, but I’m still feeling the burn. And the itch – it’s actually a good thing, means things are healing, but annoying.

10 years ago

kittehserf- True! They cannot find out. In fact, they may already be in too deep. We may have to use the memoray gun to erase their memories!

10 years ago

I swear, almost every woman I talked to at the various doctor’s offices told me that they’d had a hysterectomy, that I’d made the right decision, that everything is going to be so much better. I was kinda gobsmacked, but very encouraged.

10 years ago


kitteh, yeah it was a hell of a derail so back to it, I guess. Seriously, who the fuck “accidentally” fingers the carcass of a dead deer?

Whenever somebody uses scare quotes around “accidentally” (those are quote quotes… honest) in these comments, I think of the line in the Chicago song Cell Block Tango: “And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times!”

10 years ago

Kathleen B, glad to hear it’s looking good – bar the pain and itching, aaaaah itching! 🙁

We may have to use the memoray gun to erase their memories!

::nods seriously: I think we may need to contact the Feminist High Council.

10 years ago

You’re eating healthy. That’s what matters at the end of the day. But, regardless of what a person eats… Humans need exercise.

So Dr Greg, does fucking a dead deer qualify as exercise? Also, did prevailtolegend actually bang that deer corpse, I does he just fantasize about banging dead deer copses while selling home consumer goods?

Just trying to keep on topic.

10 years ago

Kittehs: That is one cute moth.

10 years ago

Isn’t it? I can’t figure out if it’s real or photoshopped. I can’t imagine such real cat’s eyes on a real moth, but these tricksy insects … 😀

10 years ago

Augh, of course it’s photoshopped, I’ve just looked again and seen the reflections in the kitty eyes.

… I blame it on brain fuzz.

10 years ago

Things I missed in this thread but wanted to chime in on anyway:

The Little Mermaid – I was so glad Disney had an animated series where Ariel is always a mermaid and has undersea adventures. I was like yeah, that’s the stuff! THAT was what I wanted to see in a story about a mermaid.

Venus of Willendorf – I heard of a theory that the Venus of Willendorf might have actually been made by a woman as a self-portrait. If you view the statue from the top down rather than from the front, it looks the same as if a woman looked down toward her own feet. Keep in mind there were no mirrors at the time.

Anita Sarkeesian – Holy shit. I don’t even agree with everything she says, but threatening to rape and kill her and her family members until she has to leave home?! All for their precious little video games? These guys don’t seem to realize that if life was a video game or movie, what they’re doing would make them the villains, not heroes or even anti-heroes.

Kittens – always on topic

10 years ago

OK. I’ve just caught up. Not to derail back to the fattie issue, but to bookmark and keep ready for the fools who say stupid stuff about obesity. I’ve only put the link to the 1st of the two episodes. Anyone who’s interested can watch or read the transcript of both.

1. It’s a bit of an eye-opener for those who think a low fat, high muscle body like that of a gymnast is likely to be healthy – the very fit, young bloke in this program was well on the path to diabetes and other problems.
2. It’s not about exercise.
3. It is about the contents of the gut – the bacteria – and how to change them.
4. Some people will find some of it pretty icky. Which is a bit of a bonus when dealing with all the fools who don’t know anything about how childbirth works. (A lot of other people will also get a bit of a surprise – I’d already heard these ideas about the value of vaginal flora in childbirth from other sources years ago.)

10 years ago

Anita Sarkeesian – Holy shit. I don’t even agree with everything she says, but threatening to rape and kill her and her family members until she has to leave home?! All for their precious little video games? These guys don’t seem to realize that if life was a video game or movie, what they’re doing would make them the villains, not heroes or even anti-heroes.

QFT. These guys seem to think they’re the rogue iconoclasts mounting a grassroots resistance movement, not realising that they’re Wrong Genre Savvy and in this story they are in fact the assholes trying to destroy the life of someone whose only offence is analysing sexism. Maybe they should pay attention to these tropes. 😛