
In the world of fantasy writer and all-around hateful shithead Vox Day, women who are raped when they’re too drunk to consent should just suck it up, because reporting their rapes would be akin to someone calling police when they can’t remember where they’ve parked their car.
In a blog post today, Vox approvingly quotes a retiring British judge under fire for telling a newspaper that “the rape conviction statistics will not improve until women stop getting so drunk.” (This is the same judge who recently gave a teacher convicted of possessing a massive library of child porn a suspended sentence, saying that she couldn’t “criticise you for being a teacher who’s attracted to children.”)
Vox offers his take:
Perhaps women would be slower to put themselves in positions where they can be raped with impunity if they understood that they will not be taken at their word simply because they cry rape. It’s ridiculous. Can you imagine any other purported crime being investigated, much less prosecuted, on similarly vague grounds?
He follows this with an imaginary conversation between a young woman and the police in which she reports that her car is stolen because she can’t remember where she parked it.
It’s not really quite as hilarious as Vox imagines it to be.
PRO TIP: One way you can tell that forgetting where you parked your car is not actually much like rape is that no one actually calls police when they forget where they parked their car, while people do indeed report rapes, despite knowing that they will be grilled and second-guessed and called a “slut” and possibly mocked on the internet by assholes like Vox Day.
In the comments, one fellow suggests that feminists should have their right to vote taken away from them:
Feminists love to conflate the difference between saying that a drunk woman’s testimony is insufficient to establish a conviction of rape in a he/she said situation and the mythical attitude “she’s drunk so she’s asking for it even if she’s passed out on the floor.” They don’t understand that this is primary evidence for the fact that feminists should never be allowed to vote, because they’re (deliberately) too stupid to grasp the fundamental principles of civil society, or that alcohol affects men’s inhibitions as well as women’s.
Vox and his readers do indeed live in a fantasy land.
UPDATE: It’s a Vox Day twofer today! On his other blog today, Vox quotes a Daily Mail story claiming that the horrifying sexual abuse of 1400 children in Rotherham, England went unchecked in part because (as a report on the disaster notes) some social workers felt “nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist.”
Ignoring the fact that this is the self-serving claim of people who knowingly allowed this abuse to persist, and ignoring all of the other factors that contributed to this horrendous failure, Vox concludes that
the material costs of anti-racism are CONSIDERABLY worse than the material costs of racism …
Anti-racists not only actively celebrate predatory relationships, they regularly demonstrate that they have no problem whatsoever with child abuse, whether it occurs within the same race or is interracial. Moreover, what they falsely decry as “racism” is quite often nothing more than the exercise of the Constitutional right of free association. …
If you think that you possess the higher moral ground because you are anti-racist, think again. You are observably enabling widespread crime, particularly rape and child abuse, and are quite literally doing material harm to your own nation.
Astounding. Appalling. And just plain ridiculous.
It seems to mean dating a woman who has not gone to college and there is a good chance its a newly arrive immigrant woman. The MRM sites often mention such women as being saviors. Its going to be culture shock for these college guys.
@ tefo
You seem to be a little unclear on the concept here…we’re not talking about women hooking up voluntarily. We’re talking about women getting taken advantage of while very drunk.
One involves consent.
If your solution to women’s demands for respect is to go find women in some other country to treat like dirt, I have no sympathy for you. For the poor women who will fall afoul of you? Them I do.
THIS JUST IN – 99% effective method for avoiding rape accusations: don’t rape anyone!
As frustratingly obvious as it seems, the whole point of having these discussions is to change the climate that makes a lot of pretty “normal” people rapists. Obviously, rape is always the rapist’s fault, and rapists need to be held accountable, but Vox Day and those like him would have you believe that the only legitimately rapey rape is that done by psychopaths with knives in dark alleys while the victims scream “no,” preferably on record.
Vox and Friends, most recurring characters on WHTM, freakin’ Cosmopolitan Magazine, the author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, and sadly a pretty good spread of society at large are still clinging to this batshit notion that sex is a currency for women to offer men, and rape is the stealing (or even “forced repossession”) of it. The biggest, er, “criticism” of consent awareness is that consent is this mysterious, flighty will-o’-the-wisp that can be yanked away without warning and that no one could ever possibly understand without an explicit contract. But really, if you’re trying to have sex at someone and they’re observably not into it at all, unless you’re positively shitfaced, you’ll probably know. It needs to become normal for each act to be something both parties want – not just something that’s being tolerated, unless one has made it clear they’ll do it as a favor. I’m hoping that this will sink in as soon as the whole “sex is not a currency, it’s something people choose to do together” thing does. If it ever does.
This isn’t to say all bad sex is rape or assault, but we need to forever banish this stigma against talking, for the good of all parties. All people of all genders who are having sex need to be able to communicate about things, it’s part of this faddish “ongoing consent” thing the kids are all talking about, dontcha know. If I consensually starting making out with Vox Day that would not give me legal or social license to suddenly shove a rubber chicken in his ass. There’s a lot of cultural bias in deciding what the “natural progression” of sex should be, and it’s going to be different for every person. And for all I know, Vox Day was raring for a good ass-chickening at that moment, but nothing in his nonverbal language, regular language, or use of cultural shorthand had told me so. So talk, if you need to confirm. And then you’ll be able to safely date on campus without having to worry that all educated females are entrapment succubae with chastity obsession issues.
(By the way, thanks for the un-Daily-Mailed/BBC link @cloudiah!)
I’m drunk right now. I’m also not raping anyone. Wow! Go me!
How absolutely stupid this argument is can be illustrated if you put in some other crime. Stabbing, for instance. Kirbywrap already nailed how the the stolen car metaphor should go. That was awesome go you.
*That last sentence is just fucking fucked. I’m a man. I’ve been drunk a lot. I’ve never raped anyone. Or stolen anyone’s car or stabbed anyone or what the fuck ever what the fuck is wrong with you why do you think all men are monsters jesus fuck.
Regardless, “I was drunk and my inhibitions were lowered” is not a valid defense for, say, murder or drunk driving.
But rape is a special magical case that’s unlike every other crime I guess? Logic!
I’m not sure who Tefo is having a conversation with, but I’m fairly certain they’re not actually in the (virtual) room.
Me too! Fistbump! I also manage to not call anyone sugartits or make holocaust denial statements when I drink. I must be a saint!
These fuckers don’t get that most rapes happen to victims who already know the rapist or are, at the very least, acquainted. So, for them, I guess it would make sense that rape is a rare thing done by “scary” knife-wielding strangers. They also probably are the type who think anything THEY do can’t POSSIBLY be rape. Ugh, I digress.
It’s a pretty common thing for women in these situations to feel to scared or worried to say no because they know the person. They could be afraid for any number of reasons including fear of bodily harm or angering the rapist. This puts women in a position where we feel we CAN’T say no. I have experience with this as do countless other women in the world. The easiest way to know if your partner wants teh sex is through enthusiastic consent. You cannot mistake that for anything else.
I would also like to include the reason of “you may kind of like the person and may not want to disappoint them.” I hate that women and girls are brought up to be polite, sweet and accommodating.
Today I DID NOT torture any puppies. Why has my trophy not arrived yet?
Doesn’t matter how low you set that bar, these guys are just going to piss all over it anyway.
I didn’t buy or light any scented fucking candles or buy or make men sit on hard chairs, but I ate three bonbons. Fuck, does that mean the bonbons cancelled everything out and I’m chaotic neutral today or something?
I always settle with awful neutral. It’s my favorite alignment.
So in other words, women would want to get raped less (because we’re totally whatevs about it now)…
Women would less often get raped “with impunity”–in other words, rapists would less often be let off the hook–if we knew that the police wouldn’t believe us when we reported rape, e.g. would not prosecute our rapists.
So letting more rapists get away with it results in letting fewer rapists get away with it. Stellar logic there, dude.
It is stellar, it’s a black hole where no logic escapes the event horizon. Only Hawking’s radiation.
If a seat is too hard for men to sit on in comfort and too high for shortish women to sit so their feet reach the floor, is it misandry or misogyny?
Kitteh, it’s clearly misandry. Women shouldn’t be sitting at the stove or sink anyway.
For my daily act of misandry I e-mailed the employer of the asshat who was subjecting me to harassment from a construction site. And they got back to me today! So we’re e-mailing back and forth, but they actually seem concerned.
Shaun, this was even worserer – I was sitting on a train, going to a job training course! Taking a job (even though I don’t have one and might not get one) from a man!!!
Yay for response from asshat’s employer! I hope they pull that shithead into line.
You also took a man’s seat on the train, don’t forget about that. 😛
Kitteh has out misandried me.
*hangs head in shame*
I misanderize my husband everyday. He goes to work and I stay at home. Probably eating bon bons.
Clearly misandry. According to mansplain logic, short women should:
1) Give up the privilige of chairs by
2) owning their privilege of being closer to the floor
The game of Mansplain is pretty fun once you get going :). Do another!
Oooo okay, here’s one for you to mansplain:
I’m a woman in STEM. Am I (a) a demonstration of how there’s nothing wrong with women’s representation in STEM fields or (b) kicking a man out of a STEM student position?
From actress and Institute on Gender in Media founder Geena Davis:
“We just heard a fascinating and disturbing study, where they looked at the ratio of men and women in groups. And they found that if there’s 17 percent women, the men in the group think it’s 50-50. And if there’s 33 percent women, the men perceive that as there being more women in the room than men.”
(source: http://www.npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php?storyId=197390707)
I think that VD actually has said that–he’s referred to date rape as “regret sex,” that is to say, “omg I shouldn’t have slept with that guy, I’ll say it was rape so I can save my reputation.” Or something–again, the dude is just so incoherent that it’s awfully hard to figure what he’s trying to say, and I read his blogs every day. He also says stuff about how prosecuting date rape and marital rape will outlaw “wake-up sex”–so a dude who wakes up and finds the girl he picked up the night before giving him a blow job will be able to cry rape. (Goddamn, that’s so stupid. Wouldn’t two people who are in a relationship communicate to one another whether or not they enjoy “wake-up sex”?)
One of the newest tropes for VD and his crowd is that requiring consent is going to lead to written contracts explicitly spelling out what happens before, during, and after sex. He quoted somebody on a recent blog post to say that women are so stupid and child-like that they have to have all of this spelled out for them. I don’t remember if it’s been posted here, but a woman made a great video about how consent doesn’t have to be that hard–and of course there are comments on the video from dudes about how they won’t get Teh Sex they want if they get consent and comply with the other person’s preferences for what they enjoy doing and how far they want to go. http://youtu.be/TD2EooMhqRI?list=PLTXiNEUzXWKTfNYKThSk-kmJdf7AJRP5K
According to Mansplain Logic©™®: don’t be silly. Women aren’t as good as men in science, technology, engineering or math (because evopsych). Rooshe himself has noted women only study ‘easy’ subjects “like sociology, English or ‘women’s studies'” so it must be true.
In short it’s not a) or b), but c), presenting the false notion that you’re a woman in a STEM field at all is misandry. Own your privilege and accept that only men are really working in STEM.
Cor, thinking like a douchecake is hard work.
@Misha, you’re scarily good at this.