all about the menz alpha asshole cock carousel are these guys 12 years old? citation needed disgusting women evil old ladies evil sexy ladies mansplaining marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny post contains sarcasm sex

Men Going Their Own Way agree: "The economic of Sex for women is at 0%"

The price of ladies is plummeting!
The price of ladies is plummeting!

Some thoughts on the economics of sex from the fellas over at

It’s not looking good for the ladies, at least according to the guys who’ve decided they’re totally over women, honest, but who somehow can’t stop talking about how totally over women they are, honest.

A fellow called TheShaman offers some thoughts on the complete worthlessness of women after they hit the proverbial “wall” somewhere shy of age 40 and are suddenly transformed from swans back into ugly ducklings. He starts off with an idea cribbed directly from good old Warren Farrell before moving on to more advanced Cock Carousel Theory (CCT):

A woman, traditionally, would have used her youth and beauty as a down-payment to a man, to secure his loyalty so that he would stay with her for what could be as long as 50 years of Post-Wall woman.

Nowadays women squander their SMV wealth on bad boys, giving away all their value to Alpha Fucks, and then expect that Beta’s to provide the bucks to settle their massive debts. Especially women in the West- all of the sweetness once expected from women is gone- no ability to cook, no desire to please, no willingness to make a man’s life better. These cock carousel riders only feel like settling down and getting married when they have maybe 1-3 years of decent youth left to her.

A woman truly only has, maybe, 20 good years to her. Afterward, she becomes an aging monster, increasingly bitter over the fact that her best years are behind her.


Not all of the assembled MGTOWers are willing to agree with TheShaman’s radical proposition – that is, that women ever have any value.

As Hank Moody sees it, women are worthless long before they hit the wall:

The economic of Sex for women is at 0%. Its over for cunts, the cat is out of the bag. No sane man will pay for some used slut.

Wallkeeper, meanwhile, reminds the fellas that they’re the real prize. Hooray for fellas!

men must realize that we’re the prize, women are just a sexual fantasy, an accessory, a luxury.
a man can live without sex and without women, a woman cannot live without men.

In return for these valuable insights, I would like to offer all Men Going Their Own Way some concrete suggestions on where exactly they might go. How about one of these lovely islands, all conveniently devoid of women and other humans?


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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

What the actual fuck to these hateful people want? Seriously, what would make them happy? Nothing, I guess.

My guess would be that they want to be pursued, specifically so that they can refuse, and remain unmarried while simultaneously feeling like everyone wants them.

In other words, it’s not about women at all, but about their own precious egos.

That’s my guess anyway.

10 years ago

Men like this seem to want an idealized version of a woman that they’ve made up in their heads and this woman doesn’t exist. So, when they can’t find her, they complain about how they are being treated unfairly and tell themselves lies about being a “prize” to make themselves feel better. Amazingly enough, they could probably have a chance at being happy if they chose to see women as real people instead of comparing us to the idealized version in their heads.

10 years ago

David, those are good suggestions but I still want to send them to a different planet, where there is no life whatsoever.

These men think that we need them but I guess the truth is that they need us.

10 years ago

You’re right. They do need us, but they can’t have us because they refuse to see us as anything other than tools to achieve their own happiness. They can’t reconcile their desire to have someone fawn over them with the reality that women have other goals besides catering to the whims of men and so they complain. It reminds me of a Vlogbrothers video where John talks about reconciling yourself to the fact that not everyone is going to want to kiss you and if you can’t do that, you will end up living “a weird, miserable life of narcissism.”

Miserable? Narcissistic? That sounds familiar.

10 years ago

I always wonder when I read these things whether MGTOW/MRAs wander around with their eyes shut*. I mean, looking around my company I see multiple women who are making enough money to support themselves, with or without a husband. And multiple men who are doing the same. How many people do you have to ignore on a daily basis to get to “women can’t support themselves!!eleventyone!!”. I mean, from bus drivers to teachers, to pretty much every single profession I see people of all genders working to support themselves.

It’s such a facile argument that disproving it takes all of “well what about that one there?”

*and if so, how they’ve managed to not wander out into oncoming traffic!

10 years ago

Only you can make yourself happy, if you can’t do that then how in the world are you going to make other people happy?

10 years ago

I think that they do know that women are capable of taking care of themselves and that ticks them off.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

The price of Ladies is plummeting! We have unprecedented opportunities for profit! BUY! BUY! BUY!

I would, but I lost everything in the great Lady Bubble of 2008.

It’s interesting how, given that more and more women are beginning to side-eye the traditional marriage arrangement, MRAs think the problem lies with women, not marriage. It’s not that rigid gender roles are outdated and harmful, it’s that women are way too uppity and demanding and noticing of unequal treatment. So let’s not fix marriage! Let’s make women less aware and more dependent so they quit complaining!

It’s like putting a piece of duct tape over the “Check Engine” light on your car. Sure, the constant reminder of the problem goes away, but eventually there’s going to be an ominous CLUNK, followed by even bigger problems.

10 years ago

To write TheShaman’s nugget of wisdom into a more general form:
Seriously, mgtows. Don’t buy people.

10 years ago

These sad pathetic assholes aren’t unhappy because women these days are trading sex for financial security in the wrong way. They’re mad that we aren’t trading sex for financial security at all. They know they have nothing to offer when it comes to personality and appeal and a return to the days of women being economically dependent is the only chance they have of landing a woman.

10 years ago

The fact that people think changing your surname should be required is absolutely mindboggling to me. Neither my spouse nor I changed our name. We discussed it before getting married, (Pro: spouse has actively severed contact with abusive family who shares their legal last name; Con: spouse is highly upwardly mobile and has built a national reputation in their company under their original name), but then when at a friend’s wedding, when the DJ made a big deal about announcing “Mr. and Mrs. BLANKENFELD!” We were both so creeped out that we decided not to. We later learned that the couple in question was also so creeped out that she ended up not changing her name after all, even though she originally intended to.

In Japan, it is a requirement for somebody to change their name when getting married. The justification is that for public records purposes everyone in a legally-defined household must have the same surname. (Of course, to get Japanese citizenship you also have to change your name. Japan: both sexist AND racist!)

10 years ago

It is not apparent that these guys pose any negative effect on or to American women. Is there a reason beyond some fun mockery to write about them?

10 years ago

It is not apparent that these guys pose any negative effect on or to American women. Is there a reason beyond some fun mockery to write about them?

The entire purpose of this blog is mocking misogyny. What’s your point? If you don’t think the blog is interesting or valuable, you don’t have to read or comment. Although, since you ask; this is indicative of the fact that we still live in a sexist culture. Men not seeing women as human being does hurt us. How do you know that none of these guys employ women, work in the criminal justice system or are otherwise in a position of power?

10 years ago


Even if they personally don’t hold much power, they are still a reflection of a misogynistic society. Not many people think sex is actually a marketplace, but far too many believe that women are only worth their sex, or that sex is a transaction rather than a mutual activity.

10 years ago

Ooh, ninja’d!

10 years ago

The fact that people think changing your surname should be required is absolutely mindboggling to me. Neither my spouse nor I changed our name.

My wife did change her name, but it was totally her choice and I didn’t sway her in either direction. And this was her fourth surname (after her birth name, her first married name and the made-up name described below), so it was clearly no big deal for her – I think she liked the fact that my name was much easier to spell and pronounce than the ostentatiously exotic one she’d adopted post-divorce because she didn’t want to go back to her birth name.

In fact, I suspect if a name change had been required, she’d either have refused to do it point blank or I’d have changed my name in order to subvert expectations.

Oh, and I love trying to gauge the gulf between MGTOW’s flailing impressions of what fortysomething women must be like and the actual fortysomething woman that I spend most waking hours with and who is still just as intensely desirable she was when I married her well over a decade ago (rather more so, in fact). It makes the journey travelled by the Pioneer 10 probe seem like a short hop across the road.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

I need advice, OT. Does anyone know how to stop dogs from eating every book I own?

10 years ago

It takes bitter, ignorant individuals in deep self-delusion to write crap like this. I guess the only good take-away is that people like this are still in a small minority. We can only be continually vigilant and educational about crap like this to keep ourselves and our friends from going down such a slope.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

The following offtopic video is very important.

I… have to go reevaluate my life choices now.
Perhaps buy a hat.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

What the actual fuck to these hateful people want? Seriously, what would make them happy? Nothing, I guess.

I’d guess they mostly want you to marry while young and virgin* so that your husband can get the full lifetime sexual value out of you. Then you just have to hope he’ll stay with you when you’re old and not sexy any more.

* Technically, you can have sex before marriage if you eventually marry your boyfriend. Don’t ever break up or divorce or have casual sex or get raped, because having sexual history spoils your value if you aren’t too old already. On the other hand, don’t be too selective on who you date or have sex with, because that makes you a hypergamous bitch, especially if you’re hot enough to actually catch a high value alpha husband.

10 years ago

Article ape
In other words, they just want women to be miserable like themselves.

10 years ago

It is not apparent that these guys pose any negative effect on or to American women. Is there a reason beyond some fun mockery to write about them?

Because they’re idiots walking around with their stoopid out. What more reason does anyone need?

10 years ago

And speaking of stoopid: The trilby is strong with that mangry video dude.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

@Shaun DarthBatman Day:

“I need advice, OT. Does anyone know how to stop dogs from eating every book I own?”


10 years ago

@Lea: Yes! This exactly.

Not listed in that entire screed of his is anything delineating exactly what he would bring to the relationship. It’s all about what women aren’t doing for men (or rather I should say “what women aren’t doing for him”, really.)

Ummm,yeah, I can see your problem there MR. Mgtow. What you’re actually looking to procure, is a servant or a slave. Not a marriage PARTNER. (Also you need to pick up a personality while you’re out getting one of those, cuz dayam!)