It’s rare that they come out and say it this explicitly, but here’s Heartiste, arguing that unless society treats women badly they won’t give him a boner. In a brief post about “Dread Game” — his term for manipulatively gaslighting women to prey on their insecurities — he offers up this bit of shitbag philosophy:
Dread game on a societal scale keeps women in line, always working hard to please men lest they be cast to the icy wastelands with the rest of the anti-feminine rejects. The opposite of Dread Game — Coddle Game — relaxes selective pressures on women to stay feminine and thin and agreeable. And so what you see now in the decadent, coddling West is what we get: Ballbusting fat feminist cunts and careerist androgynes.
So brave, Heartiste, so brave.
I wanna be a careerist androgyne too. Is there a club I can join?
The elements of a game include
– An artificial (i.e. rule-bounded)
– interactive (i.e. players can interfere with each other)
– conflict (i.e. between competing agendas)
– between players (i.e. active agents seeking their own agendas)
– with a quantifiable outcome (i.e. who “wins” and how much can be calculated)
– usually zero-sum (i.e. if someone wins, others have to lose)
By calling it “Game”, they’re reducing dating and sex into a matter of winners and scores – a male player gets to win if he bangs lots of chicks and gets away clean, a female player gets to win if she ensnares some poor shlub in exchange for (limited) access to her pussy.
It’s a way of avoiding criticism by deliberately seeing the subject only through one set of blinkers which preclude argument from other perspectives. Of course, it makes them look like sociopathic morons, but they can live with that.
There are not enough words in the English language to express how very happy I am that there is no way in hell that I will EVER be able to attract a “man” like Heartiste.
Talk about dodging a bullet! May every woman on this green Earth NEVER “measure up” to this drelb and his compatriots.
Re “bitch”: I always thought it was sort of funny when Animal Planet would air the Crufts Dog Show and the British announcers use “bitch” in its legit “female dog” sense… which makes you realize how pretty much every American dog show shies away from using the word.
Of course, then I watched that “Pedigree Dogs Exposed” documentary and never could watch a dog show again without feeling a bit sad.
I said this in another thread but it bears repeating. I’m very happy to make the boners of misogynists sad. It makes my inner Grumpy Cat say “good!”
Off ropic: If any horror fans want to watch something that misogynists would get upset with, I recommend the Italian horror pulp series MenRapist. It’s about a demon that targets rapists. It can be found on YouTube. It’s pretty dark and disturbing though. Don’t watch if you’re not into violent movies.
I dunno if it was mentioned yet as I need to catch up, but, what about “Fartiste?” I suspect that, perhaps, farts are too well liked to use that as an alternate name for Fuckface McGee.
“I will not play at tug o’ war
I’d rather play at hug o’ war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses
And everyone grins
And everyone cuddles
And everyone wins.”
-Shel Silverstein
WWTH – making misogynist boners sad makes my outer Grumpy Nurse say “good!”.
katz – 🙂
Sarkeesian’s new video is pretty dark. Curious to know what people think, if they’ve seen it.
I’ll watch it now Cloudiah and comment in little while. Part 1 was great.
I just watched it. Kind of wanted to punch the game developers involved through my laptop screen. 😛
[blockquote] We should turn this into a thing. The careerist androgyne selfie. Pants suits, lady blazers, pixie cuts and/or bowties. We should be holding up a promotion letter and have a suited man in the background crying into his hands. [/blockquote]
I have a pansuit and am scheduled for a pixie cut. We can make this happen.
Watching Anita’s video now, and am I ever excited to have something to watch. It’s been a long couple of days for my androgyne pansexual is-forever-battling-the-agenda-of-the-catholic-half-of-the-family self. UUUUUGH.
I’ve always been on the more feminine side of ball-busting feminist careerite, but if it pisses Fart-eats off, I’ll happily make a conscious effort to be less feminine 🙂
(though the baby face kind of has me stuck as the office cutie – in the “I’m pretty sure some of the accountants would pinch my cheeks and give me candy if that were even remotely appropriate” sense, not the flirtatious sense – no matter what look I go for :()
Well, I’m going to go ahead and never play any of these games that Anita is talking about. *shudders*
Oh, thanks for putting that post up, cloudiah. I’m behind.
I just watched it with my husband. Fortunately, they were games neither of us have played. Unfortunately, we had to witness just how *awful* that shit was. I really enjoy Anita Sarkeesian’s analyses. But it’s sometimes really hard to stomach this shit. This shit isn’t edgy. It’s disgusting and wrong.
I’m pretty sure the opposite of Dread Game is “no game at all, just being nice to women like you would be to men.”
@redpoppy, That’s how I felt but I’ve never played those kinds of games. (Like, I play pinball and solitaire and angry birds and that’s kind of it.) The Reddit gamers act like this is normal, men are treated just as badly, and I feel like I just don’t have the information to refute. It looks terrible to me.
I know the point of many games is to kill people. Some of these rabid gamers act like we’re terrible for bringing up the sexual abuse of female NPCs in that context, but I feel like Sarkeesian made a pretty good argument.
:: waves at katz ::
:: kind of frantically waves at everyone who is still behaving like a normal, kind human being ::
:: thinks maybe I should get off the internet for a while ::
*waves back*
That video just brought up so many things that I’ve been battling in the gamer/geek circles I run in. Which means that, as angry and frustrated as that video made me, I also feel vindicated. I argue with people most frequently about Game of Thrones, which I can’t even watch after being thoroughly traumatized by the first season. I think the level of objectification of women for the sexual gratification of men found in that series is just above and beyond anything reasonable. Of course, every fan of the show I’ve spoken to just says “well, that’s what it was like back then. It wouldn’t be realistic to pretend that women were respected in history when they weren’t.” At which point I just want to yell “DAMN IT THERE ARE F*CKING DRAGONS INVOLVED!!! Don’t even TALK to me about ‘realism’ being a thing in that show!!!” I even had a Professor who wasn’t a particular fan of the show say the exact same thing about honest to me while I was having that conversation with a student after class. It makes me feel like I’m the only one who expects more of this world than the sexual objectification of my sex.
Now, I just cringe when people talk about Game of Thrones around me, because I don’t even want to think about it anymore.
I know I’m somewhat new here (I wrote a few posts as plain ol’ Pabu) so let me clarify: i’m very easily triggered by stuff like this because I’ve been though a great deal of abuse as a child, followed by the abuse and/or manipulative sexual tendencies of my straight boyfriends. I tend to date for a couple months, flee like a bat out of hell, and stay single for years. While single, I butt heads with entitled straight men like a rival buck deer because when I was young, I thought being ‘masculine’ and ‘strong’ had nothing to do with the parts of you were born with. As a scrawny girl, I was the toughest most fierce person in my large family. I have dealt with so much abuse, but I have absolutely NO REASON to think any of it was ever excusable! I have also learned that abusers exist in plain sight and tend to think of themselves as good people. Those violent strangers seen in video games are so exceedingly rare that they hardly make a blip on the statistics.
That said, I have also seen some of the videogames in Anita’s video praised by my gamer friends. I had friends who loved God of War and got pissy with me when I refused to play the game because I have absolutely no tolerance for the aggressively hyper masculine character trope. One of my feminist friends was very excited over Thief, and that same friend (plus on article on a geek website aimed toward women) was very supportive of the Dishonored game because of the way it looked into the motives and ill treatment of women. Yet, for me, those scraps have never been enough. Give me another Papo and Yo or another American McGee’s Alice in Wonderland. Those games are the empowering ones, yet they are also they type of game that is rarely seen.
Right now, I have a PS3 but very few games have been released on it that I have enjoyed, unlike the PS2. On the PS4, there has been absolutely nothing I’m interested in so far. I’m a hardcore Sony fan (or was), but I’m thinking that if I buy a new system I’m going to go for the WiiU.
cloudiah, yeah I don’t think I’ve ever played a “gritty” game before. I played a lot of the Mario games and then got a Playstation in high school and played a lot of RPGs like the Final Fantasy series as well as Spyro! I love Spyro. So cute. So fun. I’ve just never found the grittier games to be all that appealing. I also didn’t like first person shooters. I preferred games like Spyro and most RPGs.