a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking creepy dark enlightenment evil women irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed white men playing the victim post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit red pill women in tech YouTube

A proposed new anti-Anita Sarkeesian "documentary" promises to give voice to the loudest "silent majority" the world has ever known

I don’t usually post raw videos from the insufferable assholes I write about on this site because, well, they’re insufferable assholes, and listening to them smugly opine about shit they’re completely ignorant about is generally about as entertaining as, you know, GirlWritesWhat videos. (I know, that’s a bit circular, but I really couldn’t come up with anything more insufferable than that.)

Anyhoo, I’ve broken my rule and posted this video because the two guys who made this video — the would-be filmmaking duo of jordanowen42 and Davis Aurini — are so over-the-top in their insufferable assholism that it’s actually kind of perversely charming.

You see, these two woman-hating YouTube blabbers — the first a belligerent doofus whose apartment is nearly as unkempt as mine, the other a sort of PUA version of Anton LaVey — are pitching what they claim will be an important new documentary exposing the evil “Social Justice Warrior” agenda of evil women and traitor men like Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn, and, well, I can’t remember the names of any of the men. It’s called The Sarkeesian Effect. And they want your money to fund it.

Their promised “feature-length documentary” will be a powerful work of investigative journalism that will give a voice to the voiceless — to the “silent majority” of, well, angry white dudes who spend whatever time they don’t spend playing video games posting obnoxious and abusive comments about Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn to YouTube and Reddit and eleven zillion other websites that cater to them.

In other words, this is the loudest “silent majority” I’ve ever run across.

But these are guys who love to pretend that their bold thoughts are being silenced, and PUA Anton LaVey Davis Aurini happily panders to their persecution complex:

Don’t let these people silence us. Your contribution will be a defiant strike against the degeneration and corruption that is going on in this world.

The word “degeneration” helps remind us that Aurini considers himself a part of the neo-Nazi-lite “Dark Enlightenment.”

Anyway, they argue that you should send them lots of money, because PUA Anton LaVey’s suits can’t be cheap you’ll be striking a blow for every dude who’s ever called Anita Sarkeesian a “whore” in a YouTube comment. Well, they don’t literally put it that way, but, you know, come on. That’s what they mean.

And hey, who wouldn’t trust this dude with their hard-earned cash?

Send me your money! Heh heh heh heh heh.
Send me your money! Heh heh heh heh heh.

I found this video hilarious from start to finish. Stick with it at least until, a little after 6 minutes in, PUA Anton LaVey Aurini lights up his second cigarette, showing what a devil-may-care attitude he has by mumbling his lines with a cigarette in his mouth as he fiddles with his lighter.

Yep, that’s the kind of quality investigative  journalism you can expect from these two.

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10 years ago

Poyo… <(- . -)>

[Dang, I saw that one. *sigh* Gettin my hopes up and everything.]

M. Shiranui
10 years ago

@Nurse You’re so funny, but I can assure you that your little Lyudmila could not kick my ass. I’m a trained kunoichi, she’s a sniper. It would not be that hard.
[image removed -EmilyGoddess]

10 years ago

Very true, Jarred H.

Perhaps zie comes from an alternate universe? That would explain why zir reality seems so different than the one with which I am familiar.

10 years ago

I doubt that much is strong with this one, WWTH. Except, perhaps, the stench.

I’m thinking Cheetos and basement mildew. Or is that too trite? Maybe it’s microwaveable burritos and stale cigarette smoke clinging to 1970s shag carpet.

10 years ago

You wouldn’t see the sniper coming, silly. Because sniper…

But, you’re right, dear, cartoons trump real life. Every. Single. Time.

10 years ago

WWTH – I don’t think trite is a consideration in this conversation, anymore. Trite has totes jumped the shark.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

I love how you refute their points and their criticisms instead of building up strawmen and insulting them based on their looks. Oh… wait…

I love how you think refuting the “arguments” against Sarkeesian hasn’t been done 39853860 times already.

These guys are critical of Sarkeesian and her supporters, so therefore they MUST be evil rapist misogynist stupid-heads

Weren’t you just complaining about straw men? Like, wasn’t that literally your first comment on this thread?

I’m sure this will go just as well as the Misandry in Video Games series.

And when it doesn’t, that itself will be misandry.

theatrical release

Oh lord, do they really think Anita Sarkeesian is a big enough deal to warrant a theatrical release debunking her? They really don’t ever stick their heads out of their echo chambers, do they?

10 years ago

@ WWTH – Tetris flip off!!! LOL!!!!!

M. Shiranui
10 years ago

Cartoon? What are you talking about? You people are so strange.
[image removed -EmilyGoddess]

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

I’m a trained kunoichi, she’s a sniper. It would not be that hard.

…Connection to reality is not strong with this one.
…Maybe that’s part of the issue-we have a lot of people who’ve mentally inhabited their games for so long that any criticism of said games reads as an attack on their self-concept.

…O.o…Wow, there but for the grace of dog go I…I’m glad I got disciplined about not letting myself game all freaking day.

10 years ago

Hey, at least I got you to Google Lyudmila Pavlichenko…

10 years ago

Boring. Post sarcastic message, post image of video game character.

Try changing it up a bit; maybe if you can be just a tad more interesting, you can avoid the mod-hammer a little longer.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

You wouldn’t see the sniper coming, silly.

The sniper doesn’t so much come, as they sit somewhere, as still and invisibly as possible, awake for several days.
Not in video games, though, because that would not be entertaining at all.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

MOD NOTE: Shiranui, stop posting gifs. Use your words, like grown-ups do.

10 years ago

Very good factual point, blahlistic. But just saying “you wouldn’t see the sniper” didn’t seem quite ominous enough.

Clearly, I am taking this far too seriously.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Sorry, all caught up now. I get why Shiranui is so mad about people like Anita Sarkeesian: he’s afraid they’re going to take away his big-titted, barely-dressed, tough-but-pretty vidya game characters.

As for their Patreon page, did you see that both of these guys are “published” authors? One is real mad about anti-porn feminists, and the other wants you to know that Traditional White Men will save us from the apocalypse. LOL forever.

10 years ago

Waiting? For days?

Please tell me that snipers still take breaks for breakfast! Second breakfast? Elevensies? Tea?

That’s… Horrifying!

Catherine von Überwald
Catherine von Überwald
10 years ago

You know, I really hope that this is just “Ha, ha, I’ll pick a perfect example of misogyny and over-sexualization of women in video games and troll people by pretending to be her! That will make them angry! Muahaha!” kind of troll.

Because if he’s really convinced that this character isn’t a “perfect” example of what the tropes against women in video games are about?
Well, that’s just sad.

I’m a trained kunoichi, she’s a sniper. It would not be that hard.

Meh, I think that “trained kunoichi” is going to be taken out by a banhammer soon.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Sadly, this is not M Shiranui’s first visit to WHTM (though it is the first time as this character).

M. Shiranui
10 years ago

Gosh, you people are so mean. Do you treat all pretty ladies like this? Anyway, I’m going now. For real this time. You guys have fun, I’ll be going off doing more exciting things than argue with you all. Goodbye!

[image removed, just like the last six. How are you not getting this? -EmilyGoddess]

10 years ago

Boring troll is booooooooring, Sheer Ennui.

10 years ago

In their defense, I don’t like the anti-porn feminists either.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Coffee, I suspect your reasons and his are slightly different.

10 years ago

[image removed, just like the last six. How are you not getting this? -EmilyGoddess]

:: huge happy face!!!! ::

Yay for mods!

10 years ago

Yay for mods, indeed!

@Contrapangloss – Silly Bilbo! That’s why Hobbits don’t get to be snipers! Now, now! Don’t you fret your sweet little head about it, you have big, strong Men to protect you! Just go and warm your sweet, little, err… I mean big feet by the stove and whip us up some pies! It’s not mishobbitry, it’s evopsych. After all, Hobbits are small and soft and weak, and have never, ever, in the history of Middle Earth done anything of note.

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