alpha males domestic violence excusing abuse men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

MMA fighter and accused woman-beater War Machine gets an endorsement from a prominent Men's Rights Activist

While over on Reddit the regulars are highly offended that anyone would point out the striking similarities between their ideas and the crackpot “men’s oppression is worse than slavery” rants of War Machine, the mixed martial arts fighter and accused woman-beater is getting support from one prominent Indian MRA, Rajesh Kumar, known on Twitter as @MensMrm:

Kumar’s Twitter account, with roughly 1600 followers including numerous well-known names in the MRM, looks to be the official account for the Men’s Rights Movement group on Facebook, a public group that boasts some 14,000 members, among them AVFM’s Paul Elam and British MRA/child prostitution apologist Tom Martin.

The link in his tweet is to a story that details the charges against War Machine, as well as his hyperbolic MRA-eqsue views, so there’s no question that Kumar knows just who he’s endorsing here.


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10 years ago

I should add that the views they share will inevitably lead to the type of violence we’ve seen. If war machine was particularly fond of kittens (I doubt it) that similarity would not be relevant.

10 years ago

He believed the world is a sphere and the sky is blue. MRAs believe that too. Conclusion. He must be an MRA.

Why do they all write those annoying thud sentences? There should be a colon after “Conclusion”. It’s like the period is the only punctuation they know…unless it’s the double-dot ellipsis, which just looks like they’re trying to out-period us period-having feeeeemales.

10 years ago

Also from the comments

Hey everyone, I’m sure Elliot Rodgers ate at McDonalds at some point, McDonalds promotes hate! Whenever someone does something horrible, people look for something to blame to remove the perpetrators agency, unfortunately, the MRM movement is a very easy target.

I didn’t know mcdonalds promoted raging misogyny and entitlement? Obviously haven’t studied their menus carefully enough.

10 years ago

-looks at McDonald menu-

Hmmmm. Big Alpha Mac and Female Privilege Fries. Ah, and the McMisandry Blizzards.


10 years ago

Whenever someone does something horrible, people look for something to blame to remove the perpetrators agency, unfortunately, the MRM movement is a very easy target.

Yeah? Well, if all you do is provide a fertile petri dish for every festering human boil who thinks half the human race is comprised entirely of bitches, sluts, cunts and whores, and who thinks said half should be severely smacked down at every opportunity, it’s kind of easy to see how that would happen. If you don’t want to get blamed, don’t do blameworthy shit. It’s hardly rocket science, fellas.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Why on earth would anyone believe that this dude was an MRA??? I mean, he puts his pants on left-leg-first. We all know that MRAs put their pants on right-leg-first, or both legs at the same time. THEY ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

10 years ago

After a while, one starts to think that the MRAs are the world’s most organized group of trolls.

10 years ago

Whenever someone does something horrible, people look for something to blame to remove the perpetrators agency, unfortunately, the MRM movement is a very easy target.

First the Men’s MRM, now the MRM movement? So, is it then the Men’s Men’s Rights Movement Movement?

Also, this might be the first time a MRA has ever said anything remotely relevant. People do look for reasons to remove a violent bully’s agency. Like, the people calling him “a psychopath”, or “crazy”. Anything to deflect attention from the fact that this man is the epitome of male entitlement, and the violence that follows when macho men like him don’t get their way.

And really, MRAs, be honest. You really wish this was legal, don’t you? You really wish War Machine would have gotten away with it, don’t you? You just don’t like that people who hold your views and act accordingly “make you feel bad” by getting caught, don’t you? Deep down, what bothers you is the fact that by locking up this “alpha male” for hospitalizing a woman, society has shown that “political correctness has gone mad”, right?

It’s too late to feign innocence, MRAs. Everybody knows what kind of people you are, and you’re not fooling anyone with all that flailing and hand-wringing. The universe is not bending according to your will, and it’s high time you stopped believing it ever will.

10 years ago

Men’s MRM (Men’s McDonald Rights Menu)

10 years ago

“make you feel bad”

Or “make you look bad”, even.

Go home, Anarchonist, you’re drunk.

10 years ago

I think at least some of the denialism and ‘denouncing’ of assholes like War Machine is motivated not just by the urge to spin, but also a natural consequence of their viciousness and misanthropy. They hate women the most, but it’s a solid fact that most of the visible manosphere also harbours diverse flavours of bigotry and a wide-reaching general gloss of contempt for all of humanity. They tend to world views where everyone but their own selves are some combination of evil, worthless, stupid, disgusting, weak and so on. Hence they tend to be so violent and insulting.

10 years ago

No, see, War Machine thinks men’s oppression is worse than slavery. AVFM thinks that women enclave men.*

Two totally different philosophical stances, there.


* link

10 years ago

“Enclave” = “enslave.”

Today is not my day for spelling. I think I need some more coffee.

10 years ago

Enclave kinda makes sense in context, like women forcing men to live in seperate areas.
Not that we do, but we don’t enslave them either, so…

10 years ago

TW for MRA violence: The rage-fantasy Elam writes in his “Bash a Violent Bitch” piece would quite likely result in injuries much like Mack received. And hey, at some point during what sounds like a lengthy assault, she may well have raised a hand in self defense, which in Elam’s world would make her a violent bitch deserving to be bashed.

So yeah, I don’t have any problem laying the actions of WM at their feet, even without the explicit endorsement. They create and enable guys like him every day.

10 years ago

It’s a classic strategy – promote things with violent rhetoric, then deny any connection to people who act on it while condoning their actions anyway.

10 years ago

@sparky Everyone needs more coffee.

10 years ago

Everyone needs McCafe Iced Misandry Mocha.

10 years ago

I just need Maru.

10 years ago

10 years ago

It’s a classic strategy – promote things with violent rhetoric, then deny any connection to people who act on it while condoning their actions anyway.

Bingo. For all their violent “I am a man!” rhetoric, MRAs are quick to distance themselves from men who actually engage in violence. Despite the fact that their wordview is strikingly similar. Some of them would probably like to do exactly what War Machine did, but are afraid of the consequences.

Guys like Paul Elam are such a cowardly lot. “Bash the violent b****! Oh, I meant it as satire…”

On a related note, this is also why privilege is so insidious. You don’t need to be actively participating in oppressive violence towards an oppressed group to be part of the oppressive group, all it takes is look in the other direction when the violence happens, and deny the one-sided nature of that violence. And then benefit from it, along with others in the oppressive group.

10 years ago

10 years ago



For all their violent “I am a man!” rhetoric, MRAs are quick to distance themselves from men who actually engage in violence. Despite the fact that their wordview is strikingly similar. Some of them would probably like to do exactly what War Machine did, but are afraid of the consequences.

Yup. If it weren’t for the pesky laws against domestic (and other) violence, these guys would all be doing just what he did. Assuming they were built like trucks on ‘roids, that is, and not like walking jellybabies, as most of them are. (But they’re steroided trucks on the inside, make no mistake about that.)

And that is why the Abusers’ Lobby is working so hard to discredit all rape claims, pretend that fathers are totally devoid of rights, etc. It’s all in order to change the laws so that they CAN do all this, with impunity.

The cowardly bullies.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

AVFM’s mission statement contains this line: “We oppose all state authority over or interference in the private lives of consenting adults engaged in any form of interpersonal relationship.”

That sounds like a free pass for domestic violence to me.

10 years ago

It is an interesting argument for them to make. That they are all bloviators and only bloviators and have nothing in common with d00dz who walk the MRA talk.