alpha males domestic violence excusing abuse men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

MMA fighter and accused woman-beater War Machine gets an endorsement from a prominent Men's Rights Activist

While over on Reddit the regulars are highly offended that anyone would point out the striking similarities between their ideas and the crackpot “men’s oppression is worse than slavery” rants of War Machine, the mixed martial arts fighter and accused woman-beater is getting support from one prominent Indian MRA, Rajesh Kumar, known on Twitter as @MensMrm:

Kumar’s Twitter account, with roughly 1600 followers including numerous well-known names in the MRM, looks to be the official account for the Men’s Rights Movement group on Facebook, a public group that boasts some 14,000 members, among them AVFM’s Paul Elam and British MRA/child prostitution apologist Tom Martin.

The link in his tweet is to a story that details the charges against War Machine, as well as his hyperbolic MRA-eqsue views, so there’s no question that Kumar knows just who he’s endorsing here.


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10 years ago

I’m enjoying how Kumar’s facebook group has an article a few screenlengths down about how War Machine’s got nothing to do with the MRAs.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

A poster on the reddit notes:

We should be aware, however, that if the MRM doesn’t denounce War Machine and his ideas, then we can be sure that:
a.) he will be used as a poster child for the MRM by anti-MRAs.
b.) people who think similarly to War machine will be attracted to the MRM…

Methinks that horse is out of the barn already.

They also claim people are trying to blame MRA’s for the Zoe Quinn harassment. I wasn’t aware there was ant talk of attributing the harassment to the MRM…the 4chan butthole brigade’s a somewhat different demographic.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

any…I have no idea what the ants are talking about.

10 years ago

His handle is “MensMRM?”

What does the other M stand for?

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

What does the other M stand for?

Mens. So he’s mensmens rights movement…he apparently only stands up for the rights of men’s men, you know, the real manly ones.
Betas who perform oral sex on women and have feelings deserve no rights.

10 years ago

Maybe he fancies himself a Quentin Tarantino character. Men’s motherfucking rights movement!

10 years ago

They do love their No True MRA “defence”. He walked their talk, and probably will in the future as well.

MRAs: still not “owning their shit”.

10 years ago

Shut up Woody.

10 years ago

David, I did a donotlink amendment to your link in your comment above:

I just read it. It isn’t the “not an MRA” defence that people might think it is from the url. Quelle surprise.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

It isn’t the “not an MRA” defence that people might think it is from the url.

It’s a defense by obfuscation, I thought.
However, I can’t load the video

10 years ago

“I know (person who did really bad things) sounds exactly like us, but they totally aren’t like us! You can tell by the bad things they do! We don’t do anything, so they can’t be part of our movement!”

10 years ago

The only movement Koppenhaver is spokesman for is the Violent Psychopaths of the World Movement. It’s a movement everyone needs to help stop.

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

And GWW showing up in comment sections of anti-zoe YouTube videos with praise undermines any claim the MRA make about that. (She does realize that the nanosecond she screws up they’ll be on her like flies on shit right? Or does her need for ass kissing outweigh that? )

And the 4chan butthole brigade is just as connected to the mra as the redpillers

10 years ago

Ah, yes. “Because some terrorists sometimes use phrases that, out of context, appear similar to mainstream political thought, you cannot compare our extreme misogyny and weird-ass opinions on sexual politics to a violent abuser’s extreme misogyny and nearly identical weird-ass opinions on sexual politics, despite it being the defining feature of both our worldviews.” Because that totally isn’t a false analogy.

My favorite comment, though, is from Angry Harry:

When anybody tries to blame the MRM for these appalling incidents, I remind them that most paedophiles vote Democrat (because Democrats promote family breakdown).

They don’t like that. It shuts them up. Because, no matter whether they are leftists or rightists, they can see where such an argument might lead; i.e. somewhere in their direction.

Yes, I’m sure that’s why people quit talking to you when you say unsubstantiated bullshit like that. Sure. Whatever you say.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

And GWW showing up in comment sections of anti-zoe YouTube videos with praise undermines any claim the MRA make about that.

Weel shee-ut… So while they might not be the ones directly responsible, that’s one of their leading lights endorsing it.

She does realize that the nanosecond she screws up they’ll be on her like flies on shit right?

… I think KS believes she won’t screw up. We’ll see if she’s right, yeah?

10 years ago

>Ah, I see that AVFM has a ridiculous piece up complaining about how unfair it is to suggest that War Machine is like MRAs in any way

It’s telling that he doesn’t actually quote anything the MMA guy said in order to contrast it with their stance on the same topic. That’d be the usual strategy to refute any connection.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

That article written by Dean Esmay was a rambling mess and that video: ugh. I hope that guy doesn’t think he’s another Russell Brand.

The cognitive dissonance is profound. They’re calling War Machine violent and crazy (or brain-damaged) but their very own Paul Elam talks like that. Then in the comments Elam calls Cenk Uygur “a fucking terrorist.” Look in the mirror, asshole.

It’s going to be hard to distance themselves from WM’s claims that men are oppressed like slaves and the Jews.

10 years ago

So I read the Esmay piece and one thought came to mind… quite the quote-miner.

Which is the real difference between the two pieces: the piece cited here is given in some length, and the context of it is fairly complete. That it matches, in tone and tenor, much MRA rhetoric, and the “refutation” requires snippets absent context, is telling.

10 years ago

If War Machine hadn’t assaulted anyone, his comments would probably be reposted to the MRA sites. To a certain extent, this is a fair distinction — MRAs at least understand that domestic violence is seen as wrong and would not want to link themselves to someone like that. It ain’t much, but it’s more than some people.

Where they are struggling is the fact that, while they might not advocate DV like what this guy committed (allegedly!!), their rhetoric is more or less the same. This is because MRAs — or at least the ones covered on this site — are filled with the same petulant hostility towards women and frustration with the world for not being given ‘their due’. They might not be as personally violent as this guy, and they might not be responsible for his actions, but they still have to deal with the fact that the same angry, poorly-thought out rationalizations that Koppenhaver spewed are identical in content to MRA screeds.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

To a certain extent, this is a fair distinction — MRAs at least understand that domestic violence is seen as wrong and would not want to link themselves to someone like that.

Yes, they know that it is seen as wrong, but they’ve given little to no indication that they think it is wrong. It’s not about morals to them, but about optics.

It ain’t much, but it’s more than some people.

I would disagree with that. I prefer the KKK over the folks who believe what the KKK does but won’t say it out loud. At least with the KKK we know where everyone stands, and nobody has to waste time quibbling over whether the members are racists.

The only movement Koppenhaver is spokesman for is the Violent Psychopaths of the World Movement.

As usual, whenever someone commits some kind of violence, there are plenty of people willing to say that he must be A PSYCHOPATH, or in some way other than neurotypical. As though a neurotypical person is innately incapable of doing something like this. That is completely ahistorical and fact-free. Don’t tar mad people with this violent asshole’s brush.

10 years ago

AVFM has a ridiculous piece up complaining about how unfair it is to suggest that War Machine is like MRAs in any way

Meh, they’re just mad because he’s stolen their Abusers’ Lobby spotlight.

10 years ago

Called it.

Also I’d like to know what their argument actually is. In the comments to the avfm piece someone says

He believed the world is a sphere and the sky is blue. MRAs believe that too. Conclusion. He must be an MRA. 🙂

So do they hold that all the things ‘Some violent psychotic’* wrote to be self evident? That of course men are worse off than slaves?
If so, how can they be upset at people pointing out the similarities? What he wrote is what they actually believe! That’s not nasty feminists trying to link them to ‘Some violent psychotic’* to try and make them look bad. They literally believe the same things. Perhaps if they don’t like sharing the views of a violent criminal they should sort themselves out.

*esmays words

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