alpha males domestic violence excusing abuse men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

MMA fighter and accused woman-beater War Machine gets an endorsement from a prominent Men's Rights Activist

While over on Reddit the regulars are highly offended that anyone would point out the striking similarities between their ideas and the crackpot “men’s oppression is worse than slavery” rants of War Machine, the mixed martial arts fighter and accused woman-beater is getting support from one prominent Indian MRA, Rajesh Kumar, known on Twitter as @MensMrm:

Kumar’s Twitter account, with roughly 1600 followers including numerous well-known names in the MRM, looks to be the official account for the Men’s Rights Movement group on Facebook, a public group that boasts some 14,000 members, among them AVFM’s Paul Elam and British MRA/child prostitution apologist Tom Martin.

The link in his tweet is to a story that details the charges against War Machine, as well as his hyperbolic MRA-eqsue views, so there’s no question that Kumar knows just who he’s endorsing here.


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10 years ago

War Machine said that “Men’s Oppression is worse than slavery”…… I said on twitter that Many men are realizing this……. Allegations against War Machine may or may not be correct, he may or may not be an ideal human being- nothing stops his right to think like a Man, express his view like a Man, realize slavery of a Man…… and I endorse his views on slavery of Men.

Well, good. That makes two complete idiots right there.

10 years ago

Really? This was important enough to be pasted onto two old threads?

10 years ago

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

The comment so nice*, he posted it twice!

*Comment is not actually nice.

10 years ago

The Men’s Men’s rights Movement strikes again!

7 years ago
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

I’ll remain cautious. Ain’t over until sentencing