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#FreeWarMachine: A hashtag for the worst people on planet earth

War Machine, thinking positive thoughts about himself.
War Machine, thinking positive thoughts about himself.

If you’re worried that your view of humanity is excessively sunny, well, here’s one way to fix that: take a look at the hashtag #FreeWarMachine on Twitter, full of people who seem to honestly believe that mixed martial arts fighter and sometime porn actor War Machine either didn’t beat his ex-girlfriend nearly to death, or that, if he did, she probably deserved it anyway.

In other words it’s a virtual parade of the very worst people currently living on planet earth. I’m posting some of the, well, milder tweets below, but even though I’m avoiding the worst you should seriously consider heeding this TRIGGER WARNING and visit @CuteEmergency instead.






So here are the sorts of people in War Machine has in his corner:

Oh, but it gets worse. The most active commenter in the hashtag is a hyperbolically racist troll (in all senses of the word) whose name contains a racial slur. You’ll have to go through his history to see the terrible, terrible things he’s saying; there’s no way I’m posting them here. Be WARNED: His Twitter page is illustrated with a giant photograph of the severely injured Christy Mack.

What’s stranger than this outpouring of support from foul misogynistic shitheads is that War Machine is also getting what appears to be utterly sincere fans who think that he is the real victim here.

Meanwhile, this woman, whose thoughts proved too expansive for Twitter, gave the whole situation a New Age spin. Citing the so-called “Law of Attraction,” she argued that War Machine had only turned bad because he’d brought a bad person with bad energy into his life. That person being the woman he (allegedly) nearly killed.

I would sic a hardcore curriculum of LAW OF ATTRACTION on his ass.

I almost did… he read a book I sent him when he was in jail… and he seemed to turn things around for a while. But the material didn’t stick. It requires almost the same level of dedication and practice that MMA itself requires.

And Mack was just a huge fucking wrong turn for him.

“You are who you hang out with.”

“You become the thoughts you most repeatedly have.”

Mack gets fucked all the time = WM is now fucked. Big-time.



I pray that the judge hates the porn industry…maybe her husband left her for a porn star… and maybe hence, the judge will have some sympathy for WM…lol.

I suppose I have to give this woman credit for originality. Victim blaming is more an art than a science, and this is artful indeed.

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10 years ago

If there is a hell, there has to be a special place for these people.

10 years ago

Walking on Legos is too good for these monsters

10 years ago

This is fucking terrible.

10 years ago

Ah yes, Miss Mack, charged of the crimes of… being a woman, being a woman with sexual agency, being hittable, being plastic, being capable of making mistakes, being… well, just being.

We find her guilty of being a person, I guess?

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

It’s moments like these that I sense that the hatred I have for large swaths of humanity is inadequate.

10 years ago

Mack gets fucked all the time = WM is now fucked. Big-time.

Oh god I just felt something pop inside my brain
this isn’t happening
this can’t be happening

10 years ago

I hope they throw his repugnant ass in prison for a long time. They probably won’t and he’ll prosper while Mack’s life is altered forever.

You know, after reading this blog for over two years, it’s hard to shock me to the point where I just want to curl up in bed and not come out for the rest of the day. This did it. Everything is awful.


Johanna Roberts
10 years ago

The only time “FreeWarMachine” should be a hastag is if Rhodey from Iron Man gets captured or something or to get him his own movie, not to defend this shitbag.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

The “law of attraction” is one of the worst bits of woo to ever woo, and the people who promote it are horrible people.

10 years ago

Words….failing….people….just so terrible….so terrible…

10 years ago

You know what else bothers me? Apparently one can’t report a Twitter user named Diedie whose handle is @diejewdiejew. I mean SERIOUSLY. WTF, Twitter?

10 years ago

That last one really put the finger on why I’m so uncomfortable with the positivity/law of attraction stuff. There’s always an element of victim blaming with it. Usually it’s not laid quite so bare though.

10 years ago

Law of Attraction Lady reminds me of that chick who married Charlie Manson, only way viler and dumber

10 years ago

Who knew that a law of the universe was dependent upon a specific double-meaning in english.

10 years ago

I also notice that “Law of attraction” apparently doesn’t apply to WM’s MMA career. Constant violent thoughts in the ring surely would transfer outside of the ring, right? Surely WM has to own his own violence, right?

It’s like evopsych seems a lot of the time; tell a creative enough story and you can justify anything.

10 years ago

Off topic: I found a great meme to use on the many trolls that come here not realizing it’s a mockery blog

10 years ago

@ theladyzombie – FWIW, the professional MMA leagues want nothing to do with him. One way or another, I think his prospering days are over.

10 years ago

footnotegirl: I know, right? As soon as I saw that, I wondered why that guy hadn’t been banned a long time ago just because of his username and title.

Blue Collar Nerd
Blue Collar Nerd
10 years ago

Sometimes I look at people and say “what a sad waste of food and oxygen”.

10 years ago

Agreeing with Johanna Roberts here. “FreeWarMachine” should only exist as a hashtag in conjunction with Rhodes and Marvel Comics. This horrible excuse for a human being is besmirching the good name of James Rhodes, even if he is a fictional character.

10 years ago

I reported the user @diejewdiejew to Twitter for his abusive @replies to Christy Mack. Perhaps if everyone does it…

10 years ago

If Twitter cared at all about having a safe environment, Twitter wouldn’t be as bad as it is now. Twitter is not a safe environment, and the horse has bolted.

10 years ago

I don’t think that this dumbfuck will prosper in any way, shape or form. His MMA days are over and the porn community wants nothing to do with him either, after he lost his shit and beat up several people, including his girlfriend at the time, as well as his agent. Aside from finding a fighter to train, I don’t see many avenues for the guy.

I did hear someone cite the fact that she finds him attractive, as justification for her belief that he didn’t do it. The world never ceases to disappoint me.

The Law of Attraction? Seriously?

10 years ago

The problem is wider than just him though. Do you think the porn industry and the MMA industry will now have a permanent clean out of other guys similar to him?

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