a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? cuteness dawgies divorce doubling down evil sexy ladies evil ugly women evil wives girl germs kitties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA

MRA Graphix Challenge! Design a meme more misogynistic than this one from A Voice for Men

Real AVFM meme

Here’s a meme posted recently to A Voice for Men’s Facebook page. I know, a graphic suggesting that any man who enters into a relationship with a woman is bound to end up “miserable, or divorced and broke” is pretty darn misogynistic.

The creator of this graphic, who has imaginatively picked “John Galt” as his pseudonym, explained his thinking thusly in several comments on the Facebook page:

In making it I was in fact thinking of the Nash Equilibrium in Game Theory, popularized by Russell Crowe in the Movie ‘A beautiful mind’. In a society where the hypergamous instincts of many women are driven to cruel extremes by feminism It is ever more relevant to highlight to men that being shamed or encouraged to compete for something that is repeatedly demonstrated as worthless is not only important but very healthy. …

[I]t is in fact Marriage I had in mind but these days cohabitation is the same as marriage under the law. Effectively it is impossible for men to trust even a purportedly good woman simply because of the law, but then it is up to women to change that – all we can do is defend our own freedoms and rights and that is what is most important to me. Of course competing for the right to be treated like garbage is the main point and intentions mean nothing without actions…for men that action must needs be self interest first – ironically the one thing we have been trained and bred to ignore.

So, yeah, in addition to being nearly incoherent, this is pretty much misogyny turned up to 11.

But I think we can do better. Let’s consider this graphic a challenge. I invite any readers here who have graphic talent — and those completely lacking graphic talent whatsoever — to come up with a fake AVFM meme that’s MORE misogynistic than this. BONUS POINTS if you can incorporate an actual quote from an AVFMer in the graphic.

To inspire you, here are some completely unrelated gifs of tiny animals being adorable. (I found them all here.)

If you don’t want to make a graphic, you can always post some more cute animal gifs. It’s been a long week.


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10 years ago

Huh. The more you know! Thanks, Tessa. (I never had cable, so didn’t know that.)

10 years ago

Observe my mighty ms paint skills!
Recalling all ebil wimens
I’m so sorry. Also, no authentic mra quotes.

10 years ago

Okay, let’s try that again, shall we? The link is this:

I have failed in proper link posting and the Feminist High Council must now punish me.

Broken Butterfly
Broken Butterfly
10 years ago

I don’t even… what?!

I mean, I’ve been stalking this for a while, but I’ve finally had to cave and post, because this is just… this is something. Not even getting into that meme, just… the sheer abuse and torture of the English language there.

I’m honestly impressed at how… utterly confusing and “words do not go together this way” it is.

10 years ago

All these guys should just expatriate to maybe South America. They’ll be happier and so will American women. A win win.

10 years ago


An hour on the hard chair for you. NO mercy.

10 years ago

All these guys should just expatriate to maybe South America. They’ll be happier and so will American women. A win win.

So they can harass women in South America, but with creepy expat bonus? No, thanks. I hear Jupiter is nice this time of year.

10 years ago

I have no graphic arts skills what so ever so here is a non-gif that still features cats

10 years ago

Why does the BabyMGTOW video have a bunch of panning photos of a grocery store?

10 years ago

MRA harassment?…will anyone get it if they post anything? Commentary, pics, gifs, memes, etc….?

ai’m new here, so please excuse mai ignorance.

10 years ago

What did the women of South America ever do to deserve these guys? I vote for Alpha Centauri. It’s far away from all women and it has their favorite word “alpha” in it so they might willingly and eagerly go there voluntarily.


I love that “my cats hate you” shirt! David, is there any chance that shirt can someday make an appearance in the forthcoming WHTM store? I would buy it.

Mr. Nick
Mr. Nick
10 years ago

Regarding the 14-year-old MGTOW…

Nearly all of the comments are MRAs and MGTOWs praising his “brilliance” and “clarity”. Has the internet been overrun by the manosphere? Or have the normal people just not found it yet? Please tell me it’s the latter…

10 years ago

For whatever it’s worth I had a radical feminist teacher (gender essentialist edition) in high school drama back in the early 90’s. She kind of soured me on the idea of “feminism”, mostly because she was the only one I knew, and was a bit of an idiot about it.

The one that stuck in my mind: Girl is doing a rape poem on stage, her male actor simulates the rape, pretends to spit on her then laughs and walks away. Teacher LOVED it, but “don’t spit, that’s degrading”. So… what was the rape and mocking laughter? Empowering? :/

10 years ago

In more related topics. Watermelon nap:

10 years ago

That panel is from Batman 66. The entire storyline is all about boners. Look at the beauty of the dialoh here:

10 years ago

All these guys should just expatriate to maybe South America.

Fuck you. We are not your trash bin, mate.

10 years ago

At first I wanted to send these guys to Antarctica but someone reminded me that there are people so I rather send these guys to a different planet.

10 years ago

Yeah she’s an idiot.

10 years ago

My high school English teacher (back in the late 1980s) was a radical feminist and was awesome.

10 years ago

Wow, it’s almost as if radical feminists are not a monolithic hivemind. Huh.


Shut up, Woody.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Not even getting into that meme, just… the sheer abuse and torture of the English language there.

…Hey, English didn’t didn’t use the safeword.
English could have stopped the scene at any time, it was all pre-discussed and consensual…

…Seriously, BB, I believe littlekatze was mocking a general tendency of some of the MRA’s to have problems with grammar and spelling.

10 years ago

That panel is from Batman 66.

No it’s not. The Dial B for Blog link you supplied makes it clear it’s from a 1951 Batman comic.

That said, it’d be very funny if Batman ’66 did a riff on it!

10 years ago

Yikes, sorry that embedded so big!! New to image hosts.

10 years ago

Yes, it’s from a Batman comic published in 1951. Specifically, it’s from Batman #66. Published in 1951.