Here’s a meme posted recently to A Voice for Men’s Facebook page. I know, a graphic suggesting that any man who enters into a relationship with a woman is bound to end up “miserable, or divorced and broke” is pretty darn misogynistic.
The creator of this graphic, who has imaginatively picked “John Galt” as his pseudonym, explained his thinking thusly in several comments on the Facebook page:
In making it I was in fact thinking of the Nash Equilibrium in Game Theory, popularized by Russell Crowe in the Movie ‘A beautiful mind’. In a society where the hypergamous instincts of many women are driven to cruel extremes by feminism It is ever more relevant to highlight to men that being shamed or encouraged to compete for something that is repeatedly demonstrated as worthless is not only important but very healthy. …
[I]t is in fact Marriage I had in mind but these days cohabitation is the same as marriage under the law. Effectively it is impossible for men to trust even a purportedly good woman simply because of the law, but then it is up to women to change that – all we can do is defend our own freedoms and rights and that is what is most important to me. Of course competing for the right to be treated like garbage is the main point and intentions mean nothing without actions…for men that action must needs be self interest first – ironically the one thing we have been trained and bred to ignore.
So, yeah, in addition to being nearly incoherent, this is pretty much misogyny turned up to 11.
But I think we can do better. Let’s consider this graphic a challenge. I invite any readers here who have graphic talent — and those completely lacking graphic talent whatsoever — to come up with a fake AVFM meme that’s MORE misogynistic than this. BONUS POINTS if you can incorporate an actual quote from an AVFMer in the graphic.
To inspire you, here are some completely unrelated gifs of tiny animals being adorable. (I found them all here.)
If you don’t want to make a graphic, you can always post some more cute animal gifs. It’s been a long week.
Phoenician: Money? Remember that a woman’s goal in life is to marry a man and live off of his money. If these men refuse to even date women then the poor gals will have to do he unthinkable and get jobs of their own! That’ll teach them.
sunnysombrera, What? Get jobs? Those selfish, career-driven women are getting jobs? When will it end? Women trying to be more like men! It’s SHAMEFUL. They should get married and have kids and settle down at home- wait…….
Oh, so it’s up to us feeeemales to change that? Very well…none of us will ever marry, cohabit, or even just move in platonically with you, onaccounta you’re a miserable fuckin’ git. Problem solved!
“Trained and bred to ignore”? HA! Practically every guy I’ve ever gone with has shown just the opposite to be true. And if you wanna talk about being treated like garbage, please allow me to introduce you to all those guys who trampled my self-esteem, pouting like entitled toddlers about how mean I was to them just by sticking up for myself.
In short, Mr. Galt, you can go to your gulch now. Preferably barefoot over a blazing hot salt plain strewn thickly with Legos from one end to the next.
RE: sparky
I like how the penis in LBT’s plate seems to apologizing.
It is a very sorry boner.
And Legos made of vitreous china, no less.
Phoenician: Money? Remember that a woman’s goal in life is to marry a man and live off of his money.
Money? My wife’s goal is to get footrubs on demand. Perhaps she’s just unambitious.
I was looking into signing up for Imgur. Wouldn’t misogynistic images violate the TOS?
Among a group of titles for assorted novels I might or might not ever get around to writing is *How Quinn Morgendorffer Came to Rule the World* – and a lot of this MRA stuff is almost enough to make me think that I’ve written the novel and they take it as absolutely true. Getting boys/men to compete for her (including even the officiant at her cousin’s wedding) was certainly one of Quinn’s great talents, while she just sat back with a huge smile saying how “awful” it was that they were fighting over her.
Come to think of it, quite a few characters from *Daria* fit or nearly fit MRA/MGTOW-vs-Feminist conversations. We have Quinn (with the Fashion Club as backup), the Joey-Jeffy-Jamie trio, Helen and Jake, Jody, Jody’s parents, Kevin, Ms Barch, Mr O’Neill, Mr DeMartino, Upchuck, and a few others to a lesser extent – in one way or another, maybe almost everyone but Ms Li.
Much MRA time and effort, particularly amongst PUAs, is devoted to manipulating women into doubting their own judgement and ignoring their needs, cutting other women down, and catering to a man’s every preference, visually and behaviourally. Of course competing for the right to be treated like garbage is the main point and intentions mean nothing without actions…for women that action must needs be self interest first – ironically the one thing we have been trained and socialised to ignore.
Since I’m not a graphic artist, I will post an animal gif!
Aw, Daria. I finally got to see that cartoon recently and I really liked it!
I will make no secret of this. I am a HUGE Daria fan.
OMG, it’s a 14-year-old MGTOW who says he became a MGTOW because “i had a radical feminist teacher and was in the friend zone.”
Um…okaaaay, David wants actual over the top sexism…Apologies in advance….*looks sheepish*
RE: blahlistic
ALIENS ARE DISOBEDIENT WOMEN! It all becomes clear to me now…
I preferred the googly-eyed Siamese. At least that one’s daffy expression was funny.
(Not that weird alien dude isn’t funny also, just that…aargh…MGTOWness makes me graaaahrg.)
RE: The 14 yo MGTOW
“I’m generalizing, okay? So don’t get upset”
… Kiddo, that’s the problem in a nutshell. You’re generalizing.
Really, at 14…oh boy, this poor kid is warped already. Assuming he grows up as a different person, he will be SO embarrassed. But if he doesn’t…he is doomed to be Forever Alone.
And so’s that other 14-year-old he cites. Oy.
The 14-year old MGTOW is the saddest thing.
Hey, if that guy thinks relationships with women are not worth it, he’s of course perfectly entitled to that opinion and hence free to not seek relationships with women anymore. I might be wrong, but somehow I think this won’t be a great loss to womankind, anyway. It’s really that simple; that’s all he needs to do.
But of course, that is not what those kinds of guys do. They bitch and they whine and they complain – and moreover, they harass women, try to slut-shame them and so on. They’re not saying “You’re free to behave as you want, and I’m free to react as I see fit.” No, what they’re really saying is: “You have to behave like I say you should!”
Which, really, is the problem with “MGOTW” in general: Them not actually GOTW.
Also, John Galt. *Of course*.
And those two buff arms are part of the original design? Yeah, way to help men there, by further bounding them to toxic notions of what a man oughta be like.
Fourteen? Well, that’s creepy. Also, where the hell did he find a “radical feminist” teacher? At my schools, teachers were pretty strictly held to certain “moral standards” which meant good luck doing anything unusual or slightly scandalous. But then, maybe there’s some secret cabal of radical feminist teachers I just don’t know about.
This is a really bad contest idea, Dave.