a new woman to hate a woman is always to blame antifeminism MRA oppressed men twitter

Harassing feminists for expressing their condolences for Robin Williams: Men’s Rights Activism at its finest

Another victory for Men’s Rights activism!

The guy who posted this was so proud of his work here that he pinned this Tweet to the top of his Twitter home page.

Naturally, he went after Jessica Valenti for the same, er, crime.

MRAs are so convinced that feminists hate men that when feminists express their genuine sorrow about a man’s suicide it doesn’t occur to MRAs to perhaps reconsider some of their beliefs about feminism. No, they’d rather use it as an excuse to attack individual feminist women.

Speaking of which, here’s how the  folks at A Voice for Men are mourning the death of Robin Williams — with a supremely nasty and opportunistic attack on Valenti.

More on Valenti in a bit.


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Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago


Their hormones would of course be covered by insurance. It’s a Real Health Problem™.

I was informed today that abortion is no longer needed for medical reasons. o_O

10 years ago

“I’m starting to wonder if there’s some sort of empathy removal surgery that one is required to undergo before becoming a full-fledged MRA.”

I believe that medical science can now do this with chemicals and, failing that, with bloodless laser procedures.

10 years ago

However, absence of the empathy gland can also be a congenital condition.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I think it’s congenital with these losers.

10 years ago

They got two copies of the asshole gene as compensation.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

They’re the goatse dude of the genetic world.

10 years ago

Estraven, what a bunch of assholes who told you all that stuff! They are completely wrong.

10 years ago

So where are all these feminists saying they don’t care about male suicide?

Oh, nobody’s saying that?

The MRAs are just inferring that shit from the fact that feminists talk about feminist issues first and foremost?

And then when feminists do express sadness over a suicide, the douchebros claim hypocrisy despite the fact that feminists are doing exactly what the MRAs claim they’re not doing?

You know what might be a better use of time and effort if you actually gave a shit about male suicide, misogynists?

Literally ANYTHING that might help reduce its prevalence or likelihood. Things like campaigning for better mental health services. Things like volunteering for suicide hotlines. Things like getting into the health care system where you can make a difference on the frontline. Things like not using “crazy” as an insult, or claiming people with a mental illness are just “trying to get attention”. Things like for the love of god trying to reduce homophobia and transphobia amongst the ranks of your friends and allies, since there’s plenty of evidence that those attitudes are directly linked to mental health issues and suicide amongst non-cis people and non-het men. Things like asking your friends if they’re okay, and letting them know you’re a non-judgmental listener who can empathise with them, even if it makes you feel “unmanly” to admit you can be sensitive.

But you know, whatevs, insulting feminists on the interwebs will also help, somehow, I’m sure.

10 years ago

I dunno about empathy removal, the surgery I’ve seen involves grafting the world’s largest chip onto each shoulder, and permanently inserting the head up the arse.

10 years ago

@estraven– I’m sorry you had to go through that shit.

What boggles my mind, is that the comments insisted that suicide was “selfish” and “cowardly.” But when you tried to explain what depression ACTUALLY is……they respond with “go kill yourself?” Not only is that awful but….logic? Anyone? Bueller?

10 years ago

The whole thing where other men are calling Williams selfish and cowardly while MRAs are attempting to use his suicide as a beatstick against feminists illustrates pretty clearly that the few legitimate issues MRAs talk about? Those are caused by the cult of toxic masculinity, which the manosphere reinforces. Why would you call a man who killed himself a coward unless you’d bought into a whole bunch of destructive crap about what it means to be a man, including the idea that men aren’t supposed to admit weakness or ask for help?

This should be an impetus for men who’re experiencing depression to reach out and help each other instead of using Williams’ death to reinforce toxic gender roles. That would be a positive and useful thing for people who’re concerned about how depressing impacts men to do. It’s a pity that the movement that claims to speak for them has no interest whatsoever in doing that.

TL;DR – You can’t help men who’re suffering from depression by shaming them for not being able to cope. Try compassion, not contempt.

10 years ago

Quelle surprise! The MRAs complain that feminists don’t care about men and men’s suicides. A famous (and well-liked man) dies at his own hands. MRAs use it to score points against feminists. How very, very sad.

10 years ago

It’s not menopause, it’s manopause.

Julie (ᴍᴄ) Galliard (@mcjulie)

I actually got all emotional with the husband over this. If you want to call suicide “selfish” then you have to admit that your grief is just as selfish. I just don’t think it’s ever a helpful way to look at the problem. I simply can’t imagine anyone who is suicidal who would be dissuaded from it by the knowledge that people will denigrate it as a “selfish” act — the LAST thing suicidal people need is a message that they are bad people.

The problem with the MRA types really seems to be that they don’t see people as people — not women, obviously, but not really men either — and the fact that feminists do see people as people confuses and angers them.

10 years ago

Some of Elam’s most unhinged, and most blatant, masturbatory fantasies are centered around Jessica Valenti. Probably his first “victory” was when she wanted to take her personal details off the ‘net, following AVFM posting her on their “registry”.

It’s fairly easy to see why she gets under his skin so much. She’s everything he isn’t: successful, educated, happy, a committed activist and universally respected.

10 years ago

It’s also notable, given how many prominent middle aged and older feminists there are whose beliefs are far less man-friendly than Valenti’s, that it’s her he’s fixated on. It’s always young women who MRAs fixate on. Someone like, say, Catherine McKinnon? She’s been around for years, and says a lot of stuff they’d presumably find offensive, but they don’t care. What they’re actually fixated on is women who they want to fuck who’re non-compliant.

Everything comes down to sex with these guys.

10 years ago

Thank you for the sympathy and support. I considered the source and didn’t let it bother me personally that much when the blogger replied to me in that way. It bothered me on behalf of depressed/suicidal people, though. I feel so much empathy for people suffering depression. People who haven’t experienced it could at least educate themselves a bit before judging others. I understand people’s anger to an extent; I felt anger when my sister tried repeatedly to do away with herself. But in a way, that was my own selfishness and fear of losing her. I now understand how much pain she was in. She once swallowed 98 phenobarbitol capsules. leaving two for her boyfriend whose prescription it was and who needed them to control seizures. How she lived through that no one could explain. This morning on FB a blogger posted that a commenter on his blog was talking suicide and several people went there to offer help and to let him know they cared. So there’s that.

10 years ago

Oh and redpoppy, so right about the lack of logic!

10 years ago

What they’re actually fixated on is women who they want to fuck who’re non-compliant.

Given the really large number of women who fit into this category, they’re doomed to repeated disappointment.

And it is *creepy* given the age differences. MRAs, don’t do that.

10 years ago

And just when I thought they’d be hard pressed to find a new low. This is just… I can’t even.

10 years ago

The Toxoplasmotics are a shitty band.

Not as shitty as AVfM and the other mister on this subject, however.

10 years ago

Wow. Seems like cosmicrays is another one of those “white cishet men should be allowed to do and say what the everloving fuck they want no matter how much they might hurt other groups, but if a member of an underprivileged group dares to make an ironic joke about about the imagined oppression of the white cishet man, well then it’s exactly like institutionalized bigotry, only in reverse!”

If you think there is a widespread problem in our society that affects primarily white cishet men with misogynistic attitudes, and which manifests itself in such everyday horrors as friendzoning and people not finding your rape joke funny, then I can see why you’d think something called “misandry” might be a problem. No, I’m not feeling very charitable towards self-centered, entitled, misogynistic, hateful, empathically challenged assholes today.

10 years ago

I’ve only recently began looking at the whole MRA thing and, in that light, may I ask if you ever get used to the pure toxic levels of bullshit exuded by these knuckle-draggers? I mean, they have to produce, what, two thousands tons of pure glowing crap every day? Horrors never cease.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

I love how cosmicrays is all “I’ll leave you time to reflect”, as though posting nonsense and running away like a whiny little coward wasn’t his usual behavior here.

One of the leading causes of Depression in men is hormonal degradation. At about forty-five males, as females do; go through a menopausal period.

Yeah, no. Andropause is possibly a thing, or group of things, but it’s not the same as menopause.

It’s also notable, given how many prominent middle aged and older feminists there are whose beliefs are far less man-friendly than Valenti’s, that it’s her he’s fixated on. It’s always young women who MRAs fixate on. Someone like, say, Catherine McKinnon? She’s been around for years, and says a lot of stuff they’d presumably find offensive, but they don’t care. What they’re actually fixated on is women who they want to fuck who’re non-compliant.

I think the fact that the MRM is primarily an online movement may also be a factor. The older feminists don’t seem to have much of an online presence. Those of us who get most of our news and politics from the Internet are more likely to run across Valenti or Marcotte than McKinnon or Steinem. It’s why can get so het up about RadFemHub while having no idea about Audre Lorde or even Andrea Dworkin.

10 years ago

I’ve been following this shit train for the better part of two years and I’m still not used to the toxicity and periodically need to remove myself from the parts of the internet where they can be found in order to continue functioning as a human being with hope for humanity…so no I don’t think you get used to it.