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Harassing feminists for expressing their condolences for Robin Williams: Men’s Rights Activism at its finest

Another victory for Men’s Rights activism!

The guy who posted this was so proud of his work here that he pinned this Tweet to the top of his Twitter home page.

Naturally, he went after Jessica Valenti for the same, er, crime.

MRAs are so convinced that feminists hate men that when feminists express their genuine sorrow about a man’s suicide it doesn’t occur to MRAs to perhaps reconsider some of their beliefs about feminism. No, they’d rather use it as an excuse to attack individual feminist women.

Speaking of which, here’s how the  folks at A Voice for Men are mourning the death of Robin Williams — with a supremely nasty and opportunistic attack on Valenti.

More on Valenti in a bit.


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10 years ago

I was going to contemplate whose sock cosmicrays was, and then I realized that I didn’t care.

Robin Williams, otoh, will be much missed. Did you know that he used to make it part of his rider for events that the people putting on the event had to employ a certain percentage of homeless people if they wanted him to attend? He was a good person.

10 years ago

“IMO, men are offing themselves so much for two main reasons:
Increased economic pressure and not getting help.”

Also, fantasies of violence is woven into our identities–pretty much all of us to one degree or another. Understandably a larger number of us would employ violence against ourselves.

10 years ago

“I’ll made sheep’s goiters”…????

10 years ago

Robert is indulging in a Scottish tradition that was called a “flyting” (though normally it was an insult competition between two poets).

10 years ago
It’s beyond sad and disgusting that, quoting Robert “ill-made sheep’s goiters”, have to use his death against the Evvviiils of Femnisim. May he rest in peace.

10 years ago

That AVFM meme is disgusting. Putting an image of a hung man right next to Robin Williams like that is so inappropriate. That is not exactly a show of compassion for depressed and/or suicidal men there. Ick. I need a shower.

Usually their terrible memes just crack my shit up because they’re so full of bad design and non sequiturs but this one is just sick and wrong IMO.

10 years ago

Their full on attacks against feminists like Valenti and others just shows how little THEY actually care about male suicide. This gross behavior is not only dishonorable but insulting to Robin William’s memory. Way to class shit up once again, MRAs.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Some poor guy posted on a news article about depression in middle-aged men. He’s tried pretty much everything and nothing worked. In spite of mentioning he has a loving wife, one asshat recommended he look into MGTOW for a solution. Argh!

I read some MRA commentary about that horrible Valenti image. It doesn’t occur to them that the reason Facebook forced them to take it down probably had nothing to do with Valenti but because of the depiction of the suicide method that Robin Williams used. They’re so fucking devoid of empathy. This takes their exploitation to a new low.

10 years ago

MRA logic:
Feminists hate all men.
Robin Williams was a man.
Therefore Feminists hate Robin Williams.
Therefore any Feminist expressions of grief and loss are totally insincere, hypocritical, and detestable. QED.
Unfortunately for them, no syllogism is better than its premises.

10 years ago

You know, this really is extra disturbing in that normally even the most empathy-deficient people can sum up some small shred of empathy for people who’re a lot like them. Robin Williams was a middle aged straight white guy, just like half the MRM (the ones who aren’t teenaged or 20-something straight white guys). Divorced more than once, depressed, middle aged guy. That’s who they claim to be fighting for, right? That’s their exact demographic. But can they empathize with him? Nah, he’s just another useful tool to bash feminists with.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

Also, fantasies of violence is woven into our identities–pretty much all of us to one degree or another. Understandably a larger number of us would employ violence against ourselves.

Yeah. I guess so. 🙁 That’s a usual male socialization thing too.
Attempting/completing suicide and self-injury are violence against the self, but self-injury’s much more of a not-good coping tool.

I suspect men self-injure way more than advertised…and just hide it like they are encouraged to.

10 years ago

Aunti alias
“Some poor guy posted on a news article about depression in middle-aged men. He’s tried pretty much everything and nothing worked. In spite of mentioning he has a loving wife, one asshat recommended he look into MGTOW for a solution. Argh!”

Something bad happened how can I blame a woman for this!? Seriously I hope that guy finds help and not go to a place where all they talk about is blaming all their misery on women and femnisim. Because that’s all they’re going to be… Miserable.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago


Fortunately, his reply began with, “Thank you for the suggestion, but when the first word I see is “Manosphere” I tend to become quite wary.” At least the misters posting there were nice to him even if their suggestions were misguided.

I replied to him, too. I guess that makes me a #feminist and a #hypocrite.

10 years ago

Auntie alias
That’s good to hear.

“I replied to him, too. I guess that makes me a #feminist and a #hypocrite.”

Sorry could you explain to me? I’m pretty stupid, what did you say to him?

10 years ago

Presumably she said something pleasant and empathic, which according to the MRA women cannot do sincerely.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago


You got it!

10 years ago

I always picture their faces turning into a blank blue screen when that happens. Does not compute, emergency shutdown commencing.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago


That’s what MenOnStrike said.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Oops, I also meant to put “sorry that you went through that and I still hope that the man will find help”

10 years ago

If I already mentioned this on another thread, I apologize for the repetition. Just wanted to say that I have read some nasty stuff by men on how selfish Robin Williams was and that he was a coward for committing suicide. When I replied that they didn’t have a clue what depression is like and added that I had suffered clinical depression I was told to just stop whining and go kill myself then. Also on one blog a guy suggested that Williams killed himself because of having financial problems due to two ex-wives to whom he owed alimony. Sigh.

10 years ago

I’m starting to wonder if there’s some sort of empathy removal surgery that one is required to undergo before becoming a full-fledged MRA.

10 years ago

estraven I’m so sorry ::hugs::

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

@ fruitloopsie

Thanks. 🙂 I didn’t have any problems. It was just very sad to see someone feeling so hopeless. Hopefully the MRAs who recognize my user name will have the decency not to insult me in that guy’s thread.

The article touched on Robin Williams’ suicide and experts were interviewed. Some predictable comments:

It’s simple really. The cost of divorce is killing men. Trial. Outrageous alimony payments. Loss of visitation. Loneliness. Fighting a court system poisoned by extreme feminism.

Headline: “More middle-aged men committing suicide, and experts don’t know why”. Then common sense says they’re aren’t really experts.

Men and boys are disposable in todays society, we have been relegated to the trash bin of the human race.

One of the leading causes of Depression in men is hormonal degradation. At about forty-five males, as females do; go through a menopausal period.


“More middle-aged men committing suicide, and experts don’t know why.”
Because we have to live with middle-aged women?

10 years ago

If they say they have menopause can we start using that to dismiss them the same way they do with women and menstruation? Oh, sorry dude, I know you’re frothingly angry and all but it’s just those menopause hormones, take a nap and you’ll feel better tomorrow.