a new woman to hate a woman is always to blame antifeminism MRA oppressed men twitter

Harassing feminists for expressing their condolences for Robin Williams: Men’s Rights Activism at its finest

Another victory for Men’s Rights activism!

The guy who posted this was so proud of his work here that he pinned this Tweet to the top of his Twitter home page.

Naturally, he went after Jessica Valenti for the same, er, crime.

MRAs are so convinced that feminists hate men that when feminists express their genuine sorrow about a man’s suicide it doesn’t occur to MRAs to perhaps reconsider some of their beliefs about feminism. No, they’d rather use it as an excuse to attack individual feminist women.

Speaking of which, here’s how the  folks at A Voice for Men are mourning the death of Robin Williams — with a supremely nasty and opportunistic attack on Valenti.

More on Valenti in a bit.


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10 years ago

Ah the true definition of activism: trolling people who express dismay at the deaths of others. Truly, MenOnStrike has helped change the world for the better through a witty display worthy of an adverserial child.

Good god…my four year old niece can muster a better argument. Granted, her topics are limited to defending why ice cream is an acceptable dinner option and why Elsa and Ana are the best princesses ever.

10 years ago

I would refer to them as tantrum-throwing toddlers, except most toddlers I have met are more articulate and better behaved.

Shut up Woody.

10 years ago

That’s the problem with “Ironic Misandry” too many dummies out there can’t tell it from Misandry.

Valenti made her bed.

10 years ago

This could be a learning moment for Jessica. And for you and your toxoplasmotics.

I’ll give you all sometime to reflect…

10 years ago

And if feminists said nothing about Robin Williams, they’d be accusing us of ignoring a prominent man who commited suicide because “men are disposable” and “feminists hate men.”

It doesn’t really matter what feminists say.

10 years ago

Wow, that link for the AVfM image of Valenti is disgusting. What a bunch of suicide trivializing shitbags.

10 years ago

Misandry don’t real, cosmicrays.

What’s your movement doing about the epidemic of violent racism and demonization of Black men in the US, by the way?

Jenny (@dontgiveah00t)
10 years ago

It doesn’t seem to have actually occurred to them that maybe feminists actually do care about mental illness issues, that some feminists may actually struggle with depression themselves or have similarly lost someone close to them when that person lost their battle with depression. Nor does it occur to them that feminists may have actually enjoyed Robin WIlliams’ work and be sad that such a talented and compassionate man was lost.

Jenny (@dontgiveah00t)
10 years ago

And if feminists said nothing about Robin Williams, they’d be accusing us of ignoring a prominent man who commited suicide because “men are disposable” and “feminists hate men.”

Exactly. As sparky says, it’s less about genuinely calling someone out and more about using this as an excuse to hate on feminists. It’s hard to take them seriously when you know that no matter how these feminists had reacted they’d have found a way to make it wrong.

10 years ago

Except misandry is not really a thing, try again.

10 years ago


I find it so cute when trolls try to do Science!

My cats are more intelligent than you will ever be, have more friends than you will ever have, and while I may have antibodies to toxoplasmosis, I’m also in the majority of people who have had no ill-effects.

That’s the problem with “Ironic Misandry” too many dummies out there can’t tell it from Misandry.

Thanks for confirming that the MRAs are idiots.

10 years ago


Lol. Except that MenOnStrike’s replies are proof of why MRA’s have no right to complain about the “Male Tears” ironic misandry jokes. Antifeminists have already condemned all feminists of hating men without any actual evidence, so why should we bother to keep trying to convince them otherwise?

10 years ago

A feminist is the director of the UK’s male suicide prevention organization, CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably). How do you think they process that in their bigoted little MRA brains?

Johanna Roberts
10 years ago

@cosmicrays Contemplate what? The amount of sense you didn’t make? You made negative sense there. Are you even aware of what toxoplasmosis is and what it does to people?

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Ah, another troll sitting up begging to be modded or banned.

How original.

10 years ago

Toxoplasmosis is actually a really, really cool parasite.

It’s primary mission in life is to get the non-primary host eaten by a cat, by doing risky behaviors.

I would totally be fine with that name.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

IMO, men are offing themselves so much for two main reasons:
Increased economic pressure and not getting help.

The former is caused by systemic changes in the economy.

That latter is due to men being socialized to not talk about their problems, to not ask for help and to look at weakness as shameful. They are supposed to be tough, rugged, independent, yadda-yadda.
That is the traditional male social model, the ‘macho’ model.
It hurts men, and shortens their lifespan.

I don’t want men to be shoved into those hurtful, isolating male gender roles anymore.

10 years ago

This could be a learning moment for Jessica. And for you and your toxoplasmotics.

I doubt my cats will take much time to reflect on this, as they don’t speak English, cannot read these tweets or anything else, and have no sense of human genders, who Robin Williams was, or what suicide means.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

It doesn’t really matter what feminists say.

Nope. The fact that we say anything at all is the problem, because we aren’t being obedient fembots.
The MRM engages in crazymaking on a group level:

10 years ago

It’s astounding with what ingenuity these ill-made sheep’s goiters come up with new ways to be revoltingly inappropriate. But, from their spavined and vomitous point of view, it is consistent – since they loathe and despise all things Woman, their enemies must, as a corollary, do the same to all things Man.

The fact that this is orthogonal to objective reality does not disturb them.

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

these ill-made sheep’s goiters … their spavined and vomitous point of view…

*Applauds Robert’s admirable and colorful use of English*

10 years ago

Lol. Except that MenOnStrike’s replies are proof of why MRA’s have no right to complain about the “Male Tears” ironic misandry jokes. Antifeminists have already condemned all feminists of hating men without any actual evidence, so why should we bother to keep trying to convince them otherwise?

This is right on the money. I’m so sick of anything feminists say being twisted to “OMG MISANDRY” rather than accepted at face value, and anything MRAs say being twisted by them to supposedly not mean what it says at face value. It’s not even a dog whistle – it’s straight up bashing at strawfeminism and trying to disguise the hate in their own allies.

(And FWIW, troll, feminists don’t hate men – they hate social structures, cultural norms and trasitions that perpetuate the idea that women are inferior to men. To men who are heavily invested in maintaining those phenomena, and have easily bruised egos and no humility, that looks a lot like being attacked.)

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

And FWIW, troll, feminists don’t hate men – they hate social structures, cultural norms and traditions that perpetuate the idea that women are inferior to men.

*Nods* seconding Striving.
…Wanted to add that the cultural norms and traditions that we find fault with are perpetuated and enforced by people of all genders.

10 years ago

Who is using the MenOnStrike Twitter account?

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