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The Book of Laughter and Castration

Some gals are afraid that people are going to laugh at them.
Actually, some gals are afraid that people are going to laugh at them.

Listening in on conversations amongst Men’s Rights Activists is often like taking a brief journey into an alternate universe, where cats are dogs and water is dry and men are the most oppressed creatures on planet earth.

Over in the Men’s Rights subreddit the other day, some of the regulars seem to have just discovered a famous feminist quotation, a paraphrase of something Margaret Atwood once wrote:

Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.

A number of the Men’s Rights Redditors were indignant that anyone could possibly suggest that women have more to fear from men than the other way around. And so, collectively, they came up with a rebuttal of sorts.

OneBigCosmicHorror began by suggesting that the real fear men have of women is much more primal:

OneBigCosmicHorror 17 points 6 days ago  I don't know who first said this, but that person is obviously an idiot. The biggest male fear is not a fear that women will laugh at us. Fear of castration will always be the most primal male-specific fear.

Ah, but isn’t being laughed at basically the same as castration?

indigoanasazi 2 points 6 days ago  Being laughed at is -social- castration.

Indigoanasazi explained:

indigoanasazi 3 points 6 days ago  Well, it's more like...the psychological fear of castration is a fear of loss of social status.  After all, women are afforded social status by default due to their value to society as childbearers.  Men have to compete to gain any status, so when approaching a woman, there is a risk of status loss.  The fear of castration is a metaphor for male status. Men have to fight to be considered men. And it can be lost and taken away by something as trivial as a woman spreading rumors or humiliating you.

Oh, you silly ladies with your fears of being killed by men. We men face an even greater peril — the ever-present threat of laugh-castration!





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10 years ago

@GrumpyOldMan – Also TW:
Mutilation of the genitalia is incredibly common when a woman is murdered, rape with a foreign object included. This again isn’t the same as the occasional Bobbit case.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

This fear of castration probably explains the reluctance some men exhibit at the thought of having their dog neutered. Maybe they’re afraid that they will be next? (Sarcasm)

The anxiety over neutering dogs is so weird to me. They even make prosthetic testicles so your dog can look like he wasn’t neutered!

There’s something odd about the way men see their genitalia that I’m clearly not getting here that they’d think that removing it would be the first thing women would think of when we’re pissed off.

Eh, I mean, enough men have used their penis as a weapon that it wouldn’t be completely ridiculous, in some fevered revenge nightmare scenario where women are punishing men en masse for being male. Or maybe they think we share their belief that the penis is the seat of their manhood.

10 years ago

If someone reaches 40 and is still willing to hold their breath until they die if they don’t get their pony then, well…


10 years ago

@Michelle C Young – Hello! Congratulations on your new kitten overlord and sorry to hear about your sister. Hopefully things are ok. The other day someone was talking about how we suspend our disbelief when watching films etc and I brought up something you’d said on here once, that you had taken pain medication and went to the theatre and proceed to shout at the baddie that he was lying. I laughed when I first read it and I was laughing again when I was talking about it. Then everyone was laughing. So…I guess thank you for sharing. That probably made no sense.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


some studies that showed that the two most common nightmares among men regarding women were either castration scenarios or cannibalism scenarios.

I have a confession to make. Years ago, I had a very vivid dream in which I was a super heroine, and in order to save the world, I had to get some information from a male prisoner. In front of him, I took a banana, some ice cream and a blender, and made myself a banana milkshake, which I sucked happily, as he watched, sneering at me that I could never make him talk. Then, I forced a funnel into his mouth, brandished a knife, and asked my assistants to pull down his pants.

He talked immediately, at that point, and my assistant took it all down, while I finished my banana milkshake.

I had forgotten about that dream until reminded about it just now, but apparently, I had tapped into the commonest male nightmares. Wow.

So, any psychologists out there want to tell me what this says about me? I’m sure the MRAs would say I’m definitely a monster who wants to castrate them and worse, and the fact that I relished the milkshake means that I would relish their suffering, and something about a slut on a cock-carousel/vampire/gold-digger/cupcake. Me, I just think I want to be an effective super heroine and save the world. Or maybe I just really like banana milkshakes.

Truly, though, just the thought of the threat of the act seems to be worse, in these men’s minds, than the actual murder of women?

And now, I want to go out for a milkshake. For reals. Later!

10 years ago

@Michelle C Young:

You’re back! Yay! I was wondering where you went. Sorry to hear about your sister. Hope things are better now!

Also, not to be that guy, but…


Pics or it didn’t happen.

No, but seriously, kitty pics? Pwetty pwease?

10 years ago

Isn’t there some sort of Manboobz bylaw that if you currently have a kitten in your home you must post pictures of said kitten?

10 years ago

Or maybe…paid caternity leave?

10 years ago

If it came down to losing my balls or my right arm — I need my right arm, it earns me money! And I’ve already reproduced. As for quality of life, I don’t think I need balls for a boner. And no, I’m not going to Google to find out.

10 years ago

According to the FBI, from 1993 to 2007, about 1500 women a year are killed by intimate male partners, compared with a little over 500 men a year killed by female partners. So, it’s about a 3:1 ratio and has been pretty consistently over the years.

I quoted those figures to some MRA troll, can’t remember if it was here or on Reddit, and he assured me the numbers are false. More women kill their male intimate partners than the other way around, but the FBI can’t catch them because they use untraceable poisons so their deaths aren’t treated as homicides. Also, apparently most women murderers aren’t ever charged because of the “pussy pass.”

He was totally serious.

10 years ago

So castration means removal of balls? I always have it in my head that its the peen as well the way people carry on (not that ball removal would be a fun occasion). Past puberty ball removal would what? Lower testosterone? I dunno. The projection onto dogs is mildly hilarious. My bestie’s bro has a staffy that he’s always refused to have neutered, trouble is, its his elderly parents who have to walk him so they’re the ones that deal his his carrying on. (the dog, not the brother).

10 years ago

If the poisons are untraceable then how do we know what happened? I like trying to get these guys to elaborate on their theories, they get flustered.

10 years ago

Obviously, cassandrakitty, we KNOW what happened because women are vicious, man-killing harpies. Once you start from that conclusion and work your way backward, the FBI’s numbers are clearly false. I believe his untraceable poisons is the most sensible explanation for the huge numbers of women murderers who remain uncaught and uncounted.

One of his citations was Lifetime movies. Apparently those feature a lot of lady murderers, as does Law & Order and its spinoffs.

Does this sound at all familiar? I can’t remember if it was here.

10 years ago

Lifetime is pretty much the same thing as The Discovery Channel, right? It’s where you can observe murderous females in their natural environment (the nail salon).

10 years ago

the FBI can’t catch them

The absence of any evidence is itself evidence! Brilliant.

10 years ago

What are the poisoner women getting out of it?

10 years ago

Other documentaries include Sex and the City, and the entire Real Housewives franchise.

Actually, I would love to hear episodes of those narrated by David Attenborough.

10 years ago


If the poisons are untraceable then how do we know what happened? I like trying to get these guys to elaborate on their theories, they get flustered.

I remember reading on this very site about some manosphere jackass (yeah, yeah, redundant, I know) who said evidence and peer reviews and all that shit is for women, which is why the academic world is an unreliable cesspool of corrupt feminist propaganda. Real men sit by themselves, ponder on the state of the universe, and arrive at the correct solution through the sheer power of ManlogicTM. I’m paraphrasing, of course. I can’t remember who wrote it and where it was referenced.

Who needs evidence and support for their theories, when you have ManlogicTM*? Makes things so much easier!

*Here, we just call them Assfax.

10 years ago

I have to wonder, if a man is that convinced that all women secretly want to kill men as vengeance…what exactly has he done to women in the past? Sure sounds as if he feels like he’s done something to piss us off.

10 years ago

@daintydougal, Some do it for money, some for the pure joy of murdering. Remember when some women on the view laughed about a man being castrated? Women love violence.

10 years ago

^ The View ^

10 years ago

Ah yes, because Freud is a person that everyone takes seriously. He also said that castration anxiety is what causes homosexuality, because “dicks”.

10 years ago

daintydougal: “Castration”, technically, refers solely to the removal of the balls. In fact, it usually means removal of the balls and nothing else–the shaft of the penis is left intact. Remember, the procedure is either used on animals to keep them from breeding–you don’t need to deal with the potential surgical complications of removing the shaft in order to achieve that, so why bother? I’m not sure Lorena Bobbit even castrated her hubby under this definition–I’m pretty sure she took only the shaft.

However, common usage covers removal of pretty much either the balls, the shaft, or both.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Yuummmmmmmm. Banana and chocolate ice cream milk shake! Mmmmmmmm…

I feel much happier now.

10 years ago

Ah ok, fanks freemage. How many poisons are undetectable? And obviously I understand about the pussypass(?) but why else would the police etc turn a blind eye to murder? I suppose it’s just one of those unanswerable questions.