I suppose none of us should really be shocked that the death of Michael Brown, a black teenager literally shot in the back reportedly shot six times by a white officer, has caused barely a ripple in the world of the Men’s Rightsers — there are only two small threads on the subject on the Men’s Rights subreddit at the moment, and the only active one is filled with a lot of tut-tutting about “violent” protesters. It’s hardly news that MRAs, almost all of them white men, are more interested in lamenting their own imagined oppression than they are in dealing with the real injustices faced by young men of color.
But I have to admit I was a bit surprised by the callous “logic” in the following, currently the top comment in the only thread devoted to Michael Brown’s death in the FeMRAdebates subreddit:
“Egalitarianism,” you’re doing it wrong.
The FeMRAdebates subreddit is supposed to be a neutral forum for feminists and MRAs to discuss issues, yet somehow manages to be even more cringe-inducing than the Men’s Rights subreddit.
(Thanks to diehtc0ke on Reddit for pointing out this amazing comment.)
Yeah, if he was white and homeless, no one would have cared.
Shall we get back to playing MRMorWhiteRights?
It’s not a mens rights movement. It’s a boys rights movement.
p.s. This eagleitarian’s comment is even worse:
Where it’s totally a coincidence that most police violence against unarmed civilians occurs, folks!
Poor POC = mostly criminals.
Fact: young white men are statistically more likely to use drugs, and to engage in illegal drug-related activity, but somehow young men of color are more likely to be stopped & frisked, arrested, jailed, and receive longer sentences for the same crimes. Funny how that works. But seriously, the fact that all my assumptions about young men of color are both negative and incorrect, that’s not racism.
It’s actually reverse racism. Nothing to see here, folks.
It’s a tragedy, but that black kid probably had it coming.
Right. It’s just like South Park.
I’m so mad as I’m typing that it’s going to be a minor miracle if the blockquote monster doesn’t piss all over this.
The MRM has only so many resources. They can’t focus on young men of color being constantly brutalized by the police when there’s so much important whining about sad boners, spermjacking and male tears memes to be done!
Yes, no one would have cared. Surely none of the 100s of news outlets that would have been screaming about the injustice of a white man being killed by the cops and millions of people liking a page calling to have the cop fired on facebook. Let’s be real here, dude, if Michael Brown had been white, this would be getting a helluva a lot more coverage than it is and it would have never gotten to this point lol.
Shorter MRM – we only care about murder victims if they’re men killed by women.
Ferguson is about average for crime (I found out when looking for things related to my blog post). This was the first homicide in Ferguson this year.
I’d say that redditor was full of shit, but I don’t think it’s really true… I can’t imagine there’s anything left given how much he pulled out of his ass to write that.
Holy fuck. Welcome to the Bizarro world of the MRM, where misandry is real but racism is most definitely not, unless it’s against white people.
In an effort to prove that this wasn’t about racism, but about “shitty” neighborhoods he made the very racist assumption that a town with a large black population must be crime ridden and dangerous. Fail.
Honestly, it’s just as well that the MRM don’t wish to focus on this issue due to Tumblr and Jezebel getting their icky girl germs all over it. MRAs are incapable of understanding intersectionalism (so are some straight cis white feminists of course, but at least there are many feminists who do get it). They just can’t grasp that police brutality and mass incarceration have a lot more to do with racism than with misandry. Being white I can’t speak for POC but I’m guessing most wouldn’t want the MRM as an ally anyway.
Every political site with feminist sensibilities on my reading list is covering Michael Brown and the Ferguson police state. The MRAs are dithering. Gee. What a surprise. 😐
The Men’s Rights Movement – what, do you expect us to help men or something?
White cowards. They can’t do shit for black POC.
They’ll care about it as soon as they can find a woman to blame for the whole thing. They didn’t have much to say about Trayvon Martin’s murder until after they found out he had been on the phone with a teenager girl at the time, and so they decided it must be all her fault. As soon as one of them finds out that a woman was somewhere in the vicinity of the crime, they’ll go ahead and blame her and decide that this is another act of institutionalized misanderizing.
Translation: “Sure black men and boys are being gunned down in the streets and you’d think that was a pretty big infringement on those men and boys’ rights, but SLUTS! CHILD SUPPORT! and SLUTS! Plus, they aren’t white, straight, cis dudes, so we really don’t care.”
When I read “That may be the leading cause of death in black men but…” I finished it to myself, “I’m not a black man”.
Meanwhile, they are saying that the hated feminists at Jezebel care about these men who are being murdered in the streets, so it must unimportant.
The MRM – because being friendzoned is worse than being murdered.
What are the odds of a black teen living in a predominately black neighborhood? What are the odds of a poor neighbor hood being where lots of black people live? What could the links between race, poverty and police brutality be? If only there was a word for that strange phenomenon. /s
When there’s a clear racial component to a tragedy that exposes larger issues likely to strike a nerve with the general population, such as social injustice and economic inequality, it’s news. I don’t know why that’s so hard to grasp.
Once again, the toddlers are sulking because no one’s paying any attention to them.
They’re so busy cultivating imagined injustice that they can’t possibly take time out to deal with real injustice.
@cloudiah: I applaud your veteran commenter’s ability to avoid the blockquote mammoth during times of extreme stress. Seriously, I’m so furious right now I almost broke my laptop reading that shit.
So the same cops who apparently take rape so super seriously that innocent men are being thrown into prison left and right for baseless accusations suddenly deserve the benefit of the doubt because the murdered kid was black? Can’t these dripping anal glands even keep their own twisted worldview coherent?
Victim blaming, victim blaming, victim blaming. Yeah, “what did the kid do that caused the officer to draw his weapon and fire?” Because when a white cop shoots a black kid, we should seriously stop and ponder what the kid did wrong? Did he perhaps have candy in his pocket? Or was he hugging a puppy? He was hugging a puppy, wasn’t he?
Yeah, “reverse racism” is truly an urgent problem in a society where somebody has the galls to claim, without irony, that a young victim of police brutality somehow “provoked an officer that caused the officer to respond with lethal force – the kid also just happened to be black, in a black neighborhood.” How many hours a day do you have to train to get such a record in mental gymnastics?
Holy shitballs roasting over an open fire. How? How? How can any people be this deliberately cruel and willfully ignorant? Fuck. I’m tearing my face right now, I just can’t handle this shit.
I’m out. Those corners aren’t going to be curling up and crying in themselves, you know.
The more they talk about how this isn’t a men’s rights issue, the more they reveal the MRM is just a white, middle-class, and middle-age movement.
They constantly whine about how feminists don’t do anything to help their “causes” yet when a genuine issue that’s an intersection of race, gender, and socioeconomic status rears its head, they can’t even even offer solidarity with men. Can’t even muster an unqualified statement of support. Instead, they reproduce the discourse of white pride and victim-blaming. Feminists, LGBT groups, and basically just decent people everywhere are revealing and condemning what happened in Ferguson while they hem and haw. Nice egalitarian movement there fellas.
Seriously, fuck these fools.
>It’s not a mens rights movement. It’s a boys rights movement.
So they’re going to start an awareness campaign about the dangers of the cooties? That seems to be an issue close to their hearts.
Fuck these guys. They are so far up their own asses they’re ready to disappear.
Stop speculating, you turd.
Trayvon and his family beg to differ. It’s not a men’s or boys’ rights movement. It’s simply one in a long line of Bullies’ Rights Movements
They’re racist, they’re wrong about everything, and their reasons for being wrong are just made up of MORE RACISM. It’s a shit sandwich.