In this edition of Misogyny Theater, we hear from pickup guru Roosh V, who has some thoughts about the female Men’s Rights Activists – FeMRAs – that we’ve seen so much of in the media of late.
He doesn’t much like them. Not because they’re hateful nitwits like their male comrades in the Men’s Rights movement. But because, you know, they’re women, representatives of what Roosh so memorably calls “a gender who has no loyalty to men.”
He accuses them of pandering to men for attention, and accuses male MRAs, in turn, of being too easily ensnared by their feminine wiles. It’s a mirror image of the accusations that MRAs like to throw at male feminists, and likely to infuriate more than a few MRAs, both male and female.
All of Roosh’s bits in this video come from his recent video “The Men’s Rights Movement Is Making A Huge Mistake.” I’ve indicated all my edits with beeps.
We may be seeing more from Roosh in Misogyny Theater in the future. For the dating-guru-cum-reactionary philosopher, from his secret lair located somewhere in Siberia – no, really, he has literally exiled himself to Siberia — has announced in another video his plans to take over YouTube over the course of the next year or so.
Will he be able to do it? On the one hand, he’s a reactionary woman-hating piece of shit, which means that he should be able to appeal to YouTube’s vast reactionary woman-hating piece of shit demographic. And he has managed to build up his Return of Kings blog into a must-read site for terrible people; a quick check with web traffic monitor Alexa shows that, trafficwise, ROK is trouncing the most popular Men’s Rights site, A Voice for Men.
On the other, as you may have gathered from this video, he has about as much charisma as a sack of potatoes. Stay tuned.
This is the first time I’ve actually watched one of the misogyny theater skits. Most of the time I can handle reading the manosphere garbage. Hearing human beings earnestly say the same trash is a little too much, even with the clever visuals to distract me. But I had to hear what Roosh sounded like. And now I think my sack of sweet potatoes in the pantry is owed an apology. They are much more magnetic and engaging.
Me, too. Though I can also see the appeal of the fem-rah pronunciation.
I have this sudden image of him desperately spitting game at Baba Yaga. Siiighh, makes my day
ROK gets more traffic than AVFM? Heh. That must stick in Elam’s craw.
AVfM has some women. No doubt that takes away from the appeal for many Manosphereans.
I’m hugely looking forward to his video of himself “taking a dump”, mentioned oh-too-briefly in his “taking over YT” video. That could arguably be every video he’s ever made, so that would be redundant; but some things bear repeating.
I don’t want to boost his arbitrary, yet magical, number-of-views goal, but if I find myself on any of his pages in the future (or in Siberia), I will comment on the redundancy.
Also, thank you for the cats.
Hasn’t rok published several trollish articles that went viral? That’s probably why they get a lot of traffic.
Lea, you aren’t getting a femora mixed up with a Mohrg, are you? Because they look like skeletons full of large, purple worms.
Then there is the irony of a PUA whining about how women aren’t loyal. Not that anyone in the manosphere judges women by anything but a double standard.
I did the same thing!
Re: Antartica
That would actually be too close to me… can’t he retire to… the inner core of the planet?
And also re: penguins, our Presidenta’s late husband and former Presidente was nicknamed “El Pingüino” (lovingly by his followers and hatefully by his enemies). The followers also began calling themselves penguins to some extent (and using penguin cartoons to identify themselves). Much like the pet of a sport team, I guess?
So that would make her a total Penguin Super [insert gendered slur]! And this place is a Total Gynocracy!What a great time for oppressing teh menz!
Hey, they even depicted her as a penguin!
(And yes, putting her head in animal bodies is just a tiny example of the loads of misogyny thrown at her regularly, shame on all those assholes)
Roosh does have a point about women in this particular movement – it never ends well. The men get jealous of the success of the women and turn on them viciously. These are very volatile personalities that are prone to rages and flounces, so it’s going to happen sooner or later.
On the other hand, Karen Straughan might develop enough of a following that she can finally kick off the losers at AvFM. That would be a good and bad thing. Good because the fallout would be she’d fragment the movement further. Very bad, because she sounds reasonable, if you don’t listen too hard, and she could pick up mainstream traction. Either way, Roosh is right that she will do something that leaves the MRAs for dust (he mentioned her in a tweet).
It’s getting cold out here, so put on all your clothes,
I am getting so cold, I’m gonna put my clothes on!
Although technically I think it should be “all the taiga ladies.”
You know, I thought it might be taiga, but the Wikipedia article I scanned only mentioned pine forests and tundra.
Pine forests = taiga.
There are ladies out there but they’re all looking for crashed airplanes. (Cloudiah will get that joke.)
Well, wiki says much of Siberia is taiga. Oh well.
Oh hey, those Oblivion graphics are pretty good for an eight-year-old game.
I get that joke!
Yup, second that. That’s the Mohrgs. Never heard of the Femora. I know there’s Fomorian, based on the Irish folklore (giant mishapen giants). Giants, neutral evil, cave dwellers.
Mohrgs are some of my favorite enemies, because as a DM, the the animated bones of a murderer that came back to life because the bastard was too much of a hardass to quit their murdering spree is sort of gleefully over the top.
‘Course the create spawn and paralyses abilities help too. I remember one once that for some godawful reason had Whirlwind Attack (Attack everyone around you) and hit every character in melee range… and proceeded to paralyze all of them. I was less than thrilled, because it meant the entire party was brutally murdered by the unrepentant skeleton of a mass murderer.
Never mind, I went ahead and answered my own question: not a big fan of the gays, our Roosh. I don’t know what I was expecting, to be honest; if you’re capable of having empathy for others to the extent of being respectful of gay people, you can most likely extend that respect to women, and that’s the opposite of Roosh’s niche. It’s almost too bad, really, because I bet a more nuanced, or at least not explicitly hateful, take on Casual Sex in Foreign Lands could be an interesting read.
Fibs, you must be a brutal gm
I made a joke about ushankas at our last RPG session and the GM offered to double the fate points of anyone who drew zir character wearing an ushanka.
Foolish man.
Yep. Those are the things.
I don’t play. My husband did and My oldest daughter used to like us to read the monsters manuals to her.
Or rather, there were Fomorians. The Tuatha Dé Danann kinda killed ’em all off (or drove them into the sea, depending on which source you prefer).
I’ve always found it interesting that Irish mythology is so heavily grounded in an ancient version of colonialism; the locals are always getting conquered or ousted by newcomers “from across the sea,” only to get ousted or conquered in turn a few generations later. It oddly mirrors certain aspects of both the iron-age Celtic expansion and much of the history of the British isles themselves.
That said, Balor was a bad-ass….
@Gaebolga: Well, D&D helped itself to the fomorians.
Not to be confused with the formians, large ant-centaurs that, for some reason, are immune to poison and cold and ignore the first 10 points of electricity, fire and cold damage.
Which knowledge would have benefited me before I had my wizard drop that fireball on them. Between their saving throws and resistances, they ended up only taking 5 points each….