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Misogyny Theater: Roosh vs. the Lady MRAs

In this edition of Misogyny Theater, we hear from pickup guru Roosh V, who has some thoughts about the female Men’s Rights Activists – FeMRAs – that we’ve seen so much of in the media of late.

He doesn’t much like them. Not because they’re hateful nitwits like their male comrades in the Men’s Rights movement. But because, you know, they’re women, representatives of what Roosh so memorably calls “a gender who has no loyalty to men.”

He accuses them of pandering to men for attention, and accuses male MRAs, in turn, of being too easily ensnared by their feminine wiles. It’s a mirror image of the accusations that MRAs like to throw at male feminists, and likely to infuriate more than a few MRAs, both male and female.

All of Roosh’s bits in this video come from his recent video “The Men’s Rights Movement Is Making A Huge Mistake.” I’ve indicated all my edits with beeps.

We may be seeing more from Roosh in Misogyny Theater in the future. For the dating-guru-cum-reactionary philosopher, from his secret lair located somewhere in Siberia – no, really, he has literally exiled himself to Siberia — has announced in another video his plans to take over YouTube over the course of the next year or so.

Will he be able to do it? On the one hand, he’s a reactionary woman-hating piece of shit, which means that he should be able to appeal to YouTube’s vast reactionary woman-hating piece of shit demographic. And he has managed to build up his Return of Kings blog into a must-read site for terrible people; a quick check with web traffic monitor Alexa shows that, trafficwise, ROK is trouncing the most popular Men’s Rights site, A Voice for Men.

On the other, as you may have gathered from this video, he has about as much charisma as a sack of potatoes. Stay tuned.


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10 years ago

He’s right that FeMRAs like the attention/validation, but wrong about them moving on. They’ll be booted out of the boy’s club the minute they say something PaulE and the gang don’t like. Also, they only have the “power” that Paul allows them to have.

The cats creeping up slowly are my favorite part of this.

10 years ago

Ah yes, Siberia, known for it’s overabundance of sexy, young, single ladies.

I, for one, am completely in favor of Roosh moving further and further away from women, and all humans. Maybe this is the first step towards his eventual retirement into self-inflicted poverty and hermit like existence in a shack in rural Russia. He’s unemployable, alone, and getting older. I just hope that one day, long after he has stopped living with electricity and indoor plumbing, someone goes looking for him so that we can all see the inevitable conclusion of his lifestyle.

10 years ago

So this reminds me of something: yesterday after reading the post about Roosh’s opinion of unmarried women living alone, I sort of fell down a Roosh-hole and ended up reading a ton of articles on (yeah, I was bored at work and angergasms help for some reason). It got me wondering; given his attitude toward women, that they are bad people in all circumstances and that the problem with Western Culture is that it allows them an unnatural amount of license, what does he think about queer people? If he were logically consistent he would seem to be compelled to view gay men as uniquely manly/good, in that they don’t have to have any interaction with evil women at all in order to pursue sex, and conversely to view lesbian women as uniquely feminine/bad. Of course, logical consistency isn’t exactly his strong suit, so I imagine that he’s equally grossed out by both gays and lesbians, and probably sees bisexuals as dangerous traitors to the cause of Gender Essentialism, but I don’t want to do any more slogging through his archive to find out. Can anyone confirm?

10 years ago

Okay, so does anyone else get a classic ’80s Thundercats vibe every time they hear the term “FeMRA”?

10 years ago

I do now. 😀

10 years ago

RE: magnesium

Maybe this is the first step towards his eventual retirement into self-inflicted poverty and hermit like existence in a shack in rural Russia.

Not far enough. I say Antarctica or bust. There, he will only be able to irritate the local penguins and seals. (And I suppose scientists at the research base.)

10 years ago

Isn’t there a D&D monster called the femora? Isn’t it a skeleton full of giant parasitic worms?

10 years ago

This is random but has anyone heard from that commenter Just Give Up yet? I’m really worried about her. I hope she talks to us soon.

And I don’t think I’v seen Marie either.

10 years ago

All the tundra ladies (all the tundra ladies)
All the tundra ladies (all the tundra ladies)
All the tundra ladies (all the tundra ladies)
Now wrap yourselves up!

(I’m sorry, I’m so sorry)

andrea harris
10 years ago

I wonder if the FeMRA’s will pick up on this and realize that being “one of the boys” is always conditional. I doubt it, though.

10 years ago

Let them eat their own, I say.

10 years ago

@fruitloopsie: Marie hasn’t been around for a while, but she and Fade come and go.

I haven’t heard from Just Give Up lately, and I’m ashamed that I haven’t thought about them recently. 🙁

10 years ago

after reading through some of the comments on Roosh the Douches’ posts, I found this gem:

“Roosh, your problem is that you have a huge blind spot.

1.You don’t seem to inherently enjoy life very much. Things like learning a difficult language or exercising or dancing don’t seem to register as fun for you.
2. You are average in terms of your physical appearance and below average in terms of economic power.
3. You frequently display a low level of energy as a result of number 1.

When an attractive woman has casual sex (i.e. she is not looking to use sex as a means to her ultimate goal of marriage/children/stability), she wants to have fun. For her to have fun, there needs to be a high level of physical attraction or an above average level of physical attraction combined with something unusual that captures her interest.

Your strong point is coldly evaluating the motives and physical attractiveness of women based on your desires. Your weakness (ie blind spot) is failing to realize that they do the same to you.

Vibe, energy, optimism, non verbal communication, that’s what happens in social interactions, and something you seem to miss.”

I found it particularly hilarious because this guy is right on the Money. Women looking for one night stands wants to meet fun, positive Guys and Roosh (as most other MRA’s, PUA) is anything but that. They always negative, always complaining about something. It’s no Wonder they’re unable to bond with women.

10 years ago

“Not far enough. I say Antarctica or bust. There, he will only be able to irritate the local penguins and seals. (And I suppose scientists at the research base.)”

NO! Not them! Nobody should be around him!

I don’t think this is a Femora

10 years ago

To be fair, there are some pretty charismatic sacks of potatoes out there, though. The one in my kitchen is pretty cool.

10 years ago

Holy carp, Siberia is 77% of Russia, like the entirety of Russia in Asia except for the Pacific coast.

THE NICE NECROMANCER: *tips femora* m’lady.

10 years ago

RE: fruitloopsie

NO! Not them! Nobody should be around him!

The moon, maybe?

10 years ago


“The moon, maybe?”

Hmmm… ::rubs chin:: sounds good I like it.

10 years ago

How horrible do you have to be to not find the MRM sufficiently misogynistic?

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

I’m gobsmacked that ROK is beating out AVFM in traffic.

David, doesn’t recognize the variables in the link.

10 years ago

I was rooting for him to stay in Siberia. Where all those mysterious methane-produced holes in the ground are opening up.


10 years ago

I’ve always pronounced FeMRA as fem-are-ay rather than Femra, don’t know why.


Women looking for one night stands wants to meet fun, positive Guys…

Truth. As a former (hmm, how shall I put this? Oh! I know!!) Single Girl Who Lived On Her Own for many years (if you know what I mean), I met many fun, positive guys that I thought I’d like to have teh sexy times with. There had to be a connection, though, even if it wasn’t a deep, lasting one and nothing like that could be forged without fun and positivity. Not with me, anyway. I think it was at least in part because this was back in the 80’s and in the U.S. Military and I had to keep my um, hobby on the down-low and I needed to feel I could trust the guys I had happy fun times with.


10 years ago

I say Antarctica or bust. There, he will only be able to irritate the local penguins and seals.

And we all know what female penguins are like.

10 years ago

Oh crap, I’m in the same country as Roosh! (Fortunately it’s a big one.)

10 years ago

RE: “Not far enough. I say Antarctica or bust. There, he will only be able to irritate the local penguins and seals. (And I suppose scientists at the research base.)”

And if he maybe disturbs a few of the local shogoths in the mountains there, I don’t think anyone would mind…

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