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Pickup guru Roosh V: Unmarried women who don't live with their parents are sluts

Evil slut in her den of depravity
Evil slut in her den of depravity

I‘ve been trying to avoid reading, much less writing about, the human stain and pickup guru who calls himself Roosh V. But I couldn’t keep myself away from his most recent post, an appalling little exercise called The Most Reliable Way To Tell If A Girl Is A Slut,which turns out to be even more appalling than its title.

Roosh, you see, has figured out a simple one-question test to determine the sluttiness of any woman. Let’s let him explain:

Many girls go to great lengths to hide their slutty past, knowing deep down the low value it conveys for being a suitable long-term partner, but there is one easy indicator that should tell you beyond a reasonable doubt whether she is a slut or not.

Has she lived on her own?

I believe my response to this is best illustrated by the following video of Don Draper saying “what?”

Let me just add:


Are you exclusively dating high school girls?

If she’s an adult, or at least an adult somewhere in the vicinity of your own age, OF COURSE SHE’S LIVED ON HER OWN.

Yes, yes, I know, given this economy it’s true that some young people – mostly young men – are living at home a little longer these days than in the past, but the overwhelming majority have moved out by their mid-twenties. You’re 35 years old, dude.

Roosh continues:

If she has lived away from her parents for more than a year, she has—at the minimum—slept with many men whose last names she did not know, including one-night stands that did not involve condoms.

Dude, do you even know the first names of the women you sleep with? And haven’t you bragged endlessly about how you “raw dog it” with women? Weren’t you “raw dogging it” even when you were afraid you had AIDS? (Those are rhetorical questions; I already know that the answers are yes, and yes.)

An “independent” girl, removed from the constraints of a nuclear family home and its rules, curfew, and the concern of good parents, will allow the slutty dick gobbler within her to be released.

Women engaging in consensual sex that they enjoy … with someone else? THE END OF THE WORLD. Raping women who are too drunk to consent? According to Roosh himself, it’s “what I do.”

In other words, a natural-born slut who lives on her own will have far more sexual partners than if she lives with parents of average skill who require their daughter to be home by midnight.

Amazing deduction, Sherlock. And if she’s a nun, she’ll probably be having even less sex. The question is: why are you, as 35 year old man, regularly pursuing women young enough to live with their parents?

Give a man leeway in living life and he does great things, but give a woman this same freedom and she fully embraces the whore lifestyle, unable to stop from getting her fill of cock.

Really? Here are some young men who have recently started living on their own; I’m not sure that what they are doing could really be described as a “great thing.” (Content Warning: Drunk dudes hitting each other in the head with boards.)

If you want to estimate a girl’s notch count, simply multiple the number of years she has lived on her own by the number 3. If she has lived on campus in college for four years and then moved to a large city for two more, you can rest assured she’s had over 15 cocks in her vagina, and god knows how many more in her mouth.

Not that anyone’s worth is determined by how many penises they’ve had in their vagina, or anywhere else, but I feel I should note that these figures, clearly pulled from the  Journal of Roosh’s Own Ass, are completely wrong.

According to people who’ve actually studied human sexuality, his number is just a teensy bit high. And by “teensy” I mean they’re off by an order of magnitude. According to one 2005 study, women in their 30s and early 40s report that they’ve had only 4 male sexual partners, on average, not the 36 to 78 that Roosh’s formula would predict for women who move out on their own at the age of 18 to go to college.

There are definite exceptions for girls who are relationship minded and had boyfriends of more than one year in length, but unless she mentions this, you’re interacting with a slut and should proceed accordingly by escorting her home and asking if you can use her bathroom. Then you must fornicate with her like so many other men.

Yeah, that’s really … creepy. You lie to get into her home, then proceed as if, as a slut, she’s already consented to sex?

You may be thinking the following: “Many Western girls live alone, at least 50%. Does that mean that over 50% of American girls are sluts?” That’s exactly what it means. Independence in women drives them to disempowering sexual behaviors that oppose motherly or wife behaviors. You must be skeptical of girls who have lived alone if you want a serious relationship.

At least if you want a relationship with a creepy, judgmental asshole who thinks like Roosh.

[T]here is absolutely no need for a girl to be independent by living alone without a husband unless you want her holes to be used as a real-life enactment of 50 Shades Of Grey by many strange men.

Well, that is, if you assume that 1) all women can magically find men, whether their father or a husband, who will pay all their bills and  2) Roosh’s opinions about any given woman’s sexual life matter more than the opinions of the woman herself.

If you end up having a daughter of your own, I highly recommend you limit her financial independence before she finds a husband. Refrain from giving her Think & Grow Rich advice that would be better suited for your son. Otherwise, she’ll become a slut who gives it up to any man who dances a good clown jig.

So: prepare your daughter to be dependent for her very existence on dudes who think like Roosh.

That may be the worst parenting advice I’ve ever heard. Then again, it’s from Roosh.

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10 years ago

@kittehserf: I did not know that. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks!

10 years ago

So apparently I became a slut when I got a job in another state. Then moved back and stopped being a slut, and am on the way to being a slut again with 2 jobs.

Go ahead and call them dick gobblers or whatever, dudes. They’re sluts who take dozens of cocks into their holes…and they STILL won’t touch you with a 10 foot spiked pole. You poor pathetic things.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Ya welcome, Anarchonist! 🙂

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

You see this kind of sour-grapes “they’re all worthless sluts” rationalization all the time on PUA blogs. Roosh is trying to justify to his audience why he never has sex. It’s not that the low-hanging fruit find him repulsive and won’t have anything to do with him, it’s that being a high-value dude, naturally he only goes after rare, high-value (and therefore unattainable) women. So it really isn’t his fault that he keeps striking out. Laid in NYC’s “liquid gold” schtick amounted to the same thing. It’s all a public performance for the benefit of their followers.

By the way, Laid in NYC appears to have hung up his blog, stating that the quality of writing was going downhill (AH HA HA HA HA HA) and, with too much manuresphere competition, he was having trouble monetizing it.

Maybe he could sell shares in his liquid goldmine.

10 years ago

Okay, now I’m really confused. If the game (LOL) thing worked, and they’re chasing “sluts”* then doesn’t that indicate that the “game” gives the dude *worse than chance* odds? Anything that reduces your odds to below chance, for a desired outcome, should be avoided. It’s like they see “game” as a gambit – do it enough times and they’ll “luck” onto sex. But the thing is, “game” is so repulsive that it actually *increases* the number of approaches they have to do.

If they worked on their personalities, their attitudes, and their expectations, they would be happier people and more likely to find a suitable partner(s). But no, they approach this as though they are leveling a D&D character where putting more points into charisma means less points into intellect.

* apparently defined as women who have sex with at least 3 guys a year, but this definition changes depending on which astrological sign is in the ascendent, the phase of the moon, and how many days since payday.

10 years ago

@pallygirl: I keep trying to decide what their dump stat is and failing.

You could argue for intelligence, wisdom or charisma. I’m leaning towards charisma.

Or in WoD terms, they seem to have sunk a bunch of points into Manipulation and Resolve, and skimped on Wits and Composure.

10 years ago

I like how Doosh’s slutty girls give him exactly what he says his Game is made for – easy, commitment-free sex – but he still finds a reason to complain. Maybe because the women he wants are logically impossible to exist: virgins who easily open up their legs and are also his exclusive-use sex slaves. Dude, pick one.

10 years ago

“Give a man leeway in living life and he does great things, but give a woman this same freedom and she fully embraces the whore lifestyle, unable to stop from getting her fill of cock.”

About that… what does this statement do for the assertion that men NEED sex ALL THE TIME and women are all but sexless which is why these guys have to work so hard at their Pickup Games to get them in the sack? Do they not see even the tiniest little flaw in their thought stream of ‘women are abominably terrible, we deserve to stick our dicks in them, but they don’t want us to so they must be sluts/whores who spend all their time chasing cock which prevents them from doing anything useful, while we spend all our time on the worthwhile pastime of trying to stick our dicks in them because they are such sluts/whores that they won’t have sex with us…’ wait, what? The hypocritical double-standard contradiction conundrum hurts my brain.

10 years ago

@StrivingAlly: It’s definitely Wisdom. They have enough Charisma to use Intimidate and Bluff on vulnerable characters, but suck at Sense Motive and Listen.

10 years ago

@jodiethalegend: There’s no contradiction. Their logic goes as follows:

Everything about women is terrible.
Women are doing something.
Whatever women are doing, it must be terrible.
Rationalizations follow from here.

10 years ago

@Grumpy/coffee – Judging by my young friends, the new thing, at least for comments directed at relatively inexperienced gay men, is that they are DISCRIMINATING AGAINST WOMEN. I want to blame Christina Ricci; who knew that The Opposite of Sex would linger in this way?

At second hand, it’s impossible to tell if it’s mostly sour grapes or if the women playing the D card have bought into the idea that one’s moral worth is directly proportional to the number of genders to which one is attracted. I’m up to about five different comebacks, but I don’t know how many of them would actually do to be uttered.

10 years ago

Oh, and I’m glad WHO apparently meant the World Health Organization (which reminds me of one of the jokes in the novelized version of Clue that wasn’t in the film) rather than that Doctor.

10 years ago

@vaiyt Oh… you summed that up very neatly. So according to these guys everything women do is terrible, even if they are doing two things that directly oppose each other. It is only sensible people who find MRA ‘logic’ confusing.

10 years ago

@Jodie, I get into the double standard conundrum myself, but I think these men actually see some logic in it. If you read the “Community Beliefs” which are about half way down the Roosh “About” page, they theorize that men and women are not equal, and that the double standard has a biological reason to exist.

So I guess their reasoning goes more or less like this:

1. Women should not sleep around, they should try to get married and raise families.
2. Men need an incentive to get married and raise families: said incentive is provided by meek, humble, devoted women.
3. In the absence of such incentives, men will do all they can to avoid marriage and children, and sleep around themselves, with “sluts”, which are horrible entities, but they do serve the purpose of giving a man sexual satisfaction.

So, you see, everything falls into place. Women who sleep around are refusing their role of “moderators” of male sexuality, they don’t give incentive to men to settle down and raise families, and are the main culprits for the fall of the western civilization.

It kind of has its own terrifying internal logic, if you regard sex as an inescapable biological imperative, and not a wonderful activity meant to give happiness and joy to the people who do it.

10 years ago

Hope the babies return to maximum health & energy levels ASAP, Falconer!

Well, S seemed like she felt as good as ever last night, but A was certainly not feeling well.

He woke up at 4 this morning, fell asleep by 6 but woke up when I put him down.

So I spent the last bit of the night asleep on the couch with him stretched out on top of me, so deeply asleep that his dream-twitches drummed on my belly.

He didn’t seem to want to drink milk this morning but he did nibble an apple.

10 years ago

Wow, that’s a lot of extrarelational/marital sex I’ve been completely missing out on for a combined equivalent of two years, the past few months of which I’ve been long distance married!

Not like my husband and I didn’t work this out years in advance so that I could get a start on my career while my husband is doing military training and switching bases multiple times in a year. Career, shcreer! It’s all about the penis.

Guess my primarily male coworkers and clients were all just too beta to catch my interest, because clearly I’m a slut-in-waiting and can’t think of anything but the penis I don’t have right now.

(OK, that last statement kind of made me puke in my mouth a bit. More because I like my coworkers than because I dislike them)

Seriously, though, this is so far out of left field that I can’t do anything but laugh at how bizarre and blatantly misogynistic his line of thinking is.

…realistically, though, he’s probably trying to make up yet another justification for targeting teenagers. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

(speaking of my long distance husband, he is formally coming home next week and will be here for a few weeks before his final, short round of training – after that we can finally make plans to live together when he’s on his base! So excited! Hope I get over this damn cold by then…)

10 years ago

@jodiethalegend You put your finger right on the part that confused me about his screed. It’s a non sequitor even when mixed with MRA logic!

10 years ago

These guys want to use sex to hurt women because they hate women for not wanting them. The only women who will have Roosh of their own volition (if there are any women having consensual sex with him) are women he admits, are women who just want to fuck a man and any man will do. If it’s closing time and Roosh is there, he’ll do. They don’t want to talk to him, share their interests and hobbies with him, date him or even have casual sex with him more than a couple times. He’s so determined that he is harming them, taking away their worth and somehow making them less attractive so that those women will have to be as lonely as he is one day. It’s pure wish fulfillment. If she doesn’t want him for anything but a quick fuck, he’s going to tell himself that he’s somehow ruining her ability to have meaningful relationships in the future by being that quick fuck. I think he’s trying to project his feelings of rejection. He’s a rapist because even worse than a woman who will make do with what’s available by fucking Roosh is a woman who won’t. He hates those women most. How dare any woman exist independently, taking lovers when it pleases them and sometimes falling in love and having committed relationships that he cannot have? Those other men are getting attention, affection and respect that he is not, so those grapes are so sour. They have to be. If they aren’t, then Roosh would have to admit what a bitter, miserable, hate filled, lonely, unattractive man he is. I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with being lonely, unhappy or unattractive. I’m saying that his ego could not handle admitting those things to himself.

So, he keeps trying to hurt women, hating them as hard as he can, making up rationalizations for his hate and resenting men who don’t.

That’s alot of effort to put into not sorting yourself out.

10 years ago

RE: azzot

“Valizadek” means “stinky butt” and “Roosh Vorek” means “move your sack”.

My life is improved by knowing this. Because inside, I am secretly twelve.

RE: pallygirl

But no, they approach this as though they are leveling a D&D character

I believe that is the WORST kind of level-grinding.

RE: Lea

That’s alot of effort to put into not sorting yourself out.

Let’s face it, Roosh’s apparent misery could not happen to a more deserving person. That said, it’d sure be nice if he stopped being a jerk to people.

10 years ago

@LBT: would you believe I hadn’t thought of that angle? Yes, instead of “I’ve run out of quests, darn I’ll have to kill loads of things” (hello vanilla WoW, 40s-level character), it’s “there’s nothing I want to do more with my social life than meet women I never want to see again and have bad sex with them/rape* them”.

* I know people use the term “date rape” but I agree that the date word should be dropped. It’s rape, how it happened is irrelevant.

10 years ago

Okay, late to the thread and playing catch up. Odd thing about starting work… I actually have to work! And I’ll get paid!


When I’m not working at work though, It does have a lovely internet connection.

Also, I have upgraded to living alone from past living arrangements with originally 3 young lady flatmates, then one ‘guy old enough to be my dad, but not my dad’ flatmate. There were no shenanigans or shared beds with any of them.

I now live alone.

By Roosh-LogicTM, I’m trying to decide whether my slut-level has increased due to “ladies living alone must be promiscuous because reasons” or decreased due to “YOU WERE LIVING IN A BUILDING WITH A GUY YOU WEREN’T RELATED TO!

10 years ago

Also, what’s the curfew coefficient for his equation?

I still have one of those! It’s in the SOGs: I have to be in the station at midnight, with exceptions for being at work, on a ride shift, or on an active call.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Not sure if this subject has ever been breached here but does anybody know why Roosh V, being known to have traveled to Poland, wears nicknames that sound so hilarious in Polish? “Valizadek” means “stinky butt” and “Roosh Vorek” means “move your sack”.

I understand it’s short from his actual (Iranian-American) name Daryush Valizadeh. He probably doesn’t mind the Polish connotations, considering his “I’m so tough i just love it when everybody thinks I’m a clownish asshole” schtick.

10 years ago

It kind of has its own terrifying internal logic, if you regard sex as an inescapable biological imperative, and not a wonderful activity meant to give happiness and joy to the people who do it.

Yeah, this is why it’s impossible to have a conversation with these people. It’s all based on ridiculous evopsych lock and key crap, and they’re certainly not going to give that up. With that foundation, a rational discussion about sexuality is not going to happen.

10 years ago

“I feel sorry for Roosh; he could be enjoying his life so much more if he realized he was in a cage of his own making.”

This comment reminded me of Vladimir Nabokov’s comment on the genesis of his novel “Lolita”, which was mentioned a bit in a recent thread. He read about an experiment in a zoo where they gave a primate (a chimp, I think, but I’m not sure) drawing materials and what he produced was a drawing of the bars of his cage — that was the origin of his nymphet-obsessed putz Humbert Humbert.