Now that he’s taken the Red Pill, the Reddittor who calls himself F9R recently announced, he’s “started seeing women as people rather than as magical beautiful goddess creatures.” That’s a good thing, right? Seeing women as actual human beings rather than some imaginary construct?
Well, not so much. Because it turns out that women are just terrible as human beings. No, it’s true! In a rambling comment in the Red Pill subreddit with more than 100 upvotes, F9R reports his scientific findings on the ladies of the world.
Now I’m disillusioned with them because women, for the most part, are boring people. 95% of them spend more time on their appearance than anything else, so as a result they never really have interesting hobbies or develop respectable skill in any particular area. This, in my opinion, could be one of the reasons that women have historically under-performed in almost every activity/industry.
Ah, that explains it! There haven’t been any women presidents, or Popes, or Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because the ladies are spending way too much time fussing with their lipstick and trying to find the exact right shade of eyeshadow.
There haven’t been more women inventors, not because women were denied education for thousands of years or because STEM fields are filled with angry manbabies who cry oppression whenever a woman comes near, but because women don’t have any fascinating, mentally stimulating hobbies like the Red Pillers of the world have. You know, like weight-lifting, or “Game,” or “saying terrible things about women online.”
So you swallow the pill, look around you, and see two groups of people. The first group, men, generally have no innate value and have had to work for everything in life. This is why the loser-winner spectrum is so broad for men; don’t work at all and you’ll end up homeless, work your ass off and you could make millions. The second group, women, have considerable innate value and don’t spend nearly as much time fighting to stay respectable, because they can always fall back on their female safety net; this is why there are almost no homeless women, but it’s rare to find a female CEO.
Ah, the old “female safety net.” You know, the free reserve of rent money and bon bons that all women have access to. Or does he mean “well, if worse comes to worst, you can always become a prostitute”
Not quite as easy to understand as the concept of an oppressive patriarchy, but demonstrably more accurate.
He’s got that right: it’s definitely not as easy to understand.
Tying this in with sex drive: an RP’er will have a hard time respecting plates or women they meet at the bar, because when looking at these women as people rather than as magical, mysterious women, the man will be underwhelmed by her bland personality and/or her obnoxious attempts to seem less bland by being a loud annoying cunt.
Still, if she’s got a nice pair of tits and a round ass, you can forgive her personality and lack of emotional development.
Gosh, I am shocked that a whiny manchild who refers to women as “plates” can’t find anything interesting about them besides their sexy bits.
But then let’s say you get her in bed, and you fuck her, and you’re having a good time. As soon as you finish and are in that refractory period, you look over at the person next to you and see them differently. The tits and ass lose a bit of their appeal since you just finished, and now you see the person next to you for the immature person they really are, and it’s like you’re lying in bed with a child.
Huh. Just a thought, but if you want to date mature women you might want to start by dating, you know, mature women, instead of creepily fixating on women and girls much younger than you are?
Or maybe what’s really happening is that when you look over at the woman you just had sex with, she’s looking at you with disgust, wondering how the hell she ended up in bed with such an asshole, and you rationalize away her disdain towards you as her being “immature.”
It’s weird as fuck and you start to question your life choices. Next time you go out to the bar, you remember that moment, and decide to raise your maturity standards a little. To your dismay, no women measure up.
I hate to tell you this, but I’m pretty sure there aren’t a lot of mature women who see your bitter, immature ass as much of a prize.
That’s the Catch-22 of the Red Pill. It gives you all the women you could ever want, but you see them for what they really are.
Yeah, I’m sure that’s the problem. You’re dizzy with success.
So you’ve got two choices: work on your game and improve yourself in order to keep fucking barely-sentient organic sex toys, or go your own way and focus on your life instead because the game just isn’t worth it to you.
The grapes barely-sentient organic sex toys are definitely sour.
Men who choose the former are Red Pill alphas, and men who choose the latter are MGTOW. Blue Pillers just ignore the game and continue to get screwed over because they have no idea what they’re doing.
Keep telling yourself that.
And seriously, go your own fucking way already. Just do it. The further away, the better. If you think of women as barely sentient organic sex toys, stick with the non-organic, non-sentient variety of sex toy and leave the actual human beings alone.
Oh, and speaking of needlepoint, here’s my favorite song about crocheting. I know I’ve posted it before, but I don’t care. It’s not every day I have such a good excuse to post Julie Ruin.
What’s that pizzacato music they keep playing in the background of the profile? I swear I’ve heard the same music in 30 different places, always when the subject being filmed is supposed to be comical.
Great takedown, and made so much more sense than the OP's stream of drivel, too.
OMG, you’re right! The bit about Sirhan Sirhan had me jacking my jawbone up off the floor. That dude’s been everywhere. No wonder his name looked familiar. I’ve probably read several things about him and just never made that connection until now.
And I bet he could metaphorically wipe the floor with Elam’s troll ass, too.
Re the height thing: I know a guy who’s six-eight, too. He’s a Young Communist. Could not be more UNlike Elam if he tried. Really sweet guy.
Right? Plus it’s basically just a way of excusing misogynist men, and it’s a fucking gross one, since it implies that the only reason not to hate women is because you want to fuck them. And yeah, framing gayness as a negative (aversion to the “opposite” sex) rather than a positive (attraction to your own sex) doesn’t remotely help gay people.
Those Vice and MJ pieces… trying hard to not sound biased I see… But if you are objective, how can you read MRM blogs/twitters or talk to them and not wonder why it’s named “Men’s Rights” instead of “anti-feminism”? Anyone can see it barely addresses any legit men’s issues (who cares about comforting rapists/pedophiles/abusers really) and when it does, they try to resolve it with anti-feminism.
This is the first thing any objective person would find fishy.
The second is how you can’t not notice their bias and fucked-up logic. They spend lots of time victim-blaming women, saying they should feel responsible for everything in this world, honey badgers insulting rape victims for being “dumb drunk whores” or not being careful enough (waiiit, isn’t fearing and avoiding men misandry?) and crying for rapists spending a few years in jail… And for some reason, they want you to see men as victims? But then, shouldn’t they be blaming men too for being victims? Blaming “dumb drunk rapists”, telling them to feel responsible? All of this is really dishonest.
If you write about someone implying male criminals are victims, but females (victims or criminals) are always criminals and you see nothing wrong, then you’ve already swallowed the red pill and have a problem with women.
I’d like to see how those same people who try to look objective would write about female issues after writing this… I mean, you can’t look clever if you cry over everyone but shit on women’s issues…
I actually don’t read Vice that much, but I assumed they were somehow “different” after reading some kinda feminist articles…
Lea, what’s wrong with Amanda Palmer? I love her stuff, she’s incredibly powerful. And I like that she doesn’t give a shit about shaving her underarms, nice little fuck you to the patriarchy that just makes her so much cooler in my eyes.
@ GrumpyOldMan, Howard, and Flying Mouse
That was a meatspace person rather than an online person, unfortunately, and yes, I did indeed boggle. And then he wouldn’t shut up about it and kept bugging me for reasons why not, none of which were acceptable to him. I feel like when it comes to anything even vaguely related to sex “because I don’t want to” should always be a good enough answer. I’ve encountered lots of pseudo-feminist guys like that, most of whom seem to either have drifted into feminism from other leftist movements or to have read something about sex-positive feminism and interpreted it as “this means I get to fuck whoever I want whenever I want, right?”. The latter group is the bane of so many feminist groups, and once you have one it’s really hard to get rid of him, because he has seen the shining light of a future in which every woman is sexually available to him on his terms! And now he’s chasing it like the Holy Grail, never having noticed how incompatible both the “every woman” and the “on his terms” bits are with any version of feminism.
WTF is going on with Mother Jones? Since when do they publish puff pieces for anyone, much less a group of misogynists who just happen to all be women?
Yeah, the reason I brought up meatpacking earlier is that’s a job that I really shouldn’t ever attempt to do. Even if we could make it safer (which we should do, like we should do with all jobs) I would still hate every second of it and find it really traumatizing (and employees who curl up in the corner crying aren’t great for productivity either), and I can’t imagine that the average vegan would cope with it any better than I would. So yeah, I could never do this job does not equal I hate or look down on the people who do this job.
In terms of what dudebro in the OP wants, he wants a woman who doesn’t exist. Or rather, a teenage girl who doesn’t exist. In the extremely unlikely event that such a woman/girl did exist she certainly wouldn’t want his creepy ass, so…
9/15 on the sex toy quiz. I expected to do better. *shrugs*
Elam being six foot eight only makes him look creepier, with that ogrish face and perpetual apopletic grimace of his.
For the same reason Focus on The Family is not named Focus on Hating Any Family That Doesn’t Fit Our Model.
There should be a rule for dudes who think feminism is the sexual revolution aka. women being shamed for No as much as for Yes: if they want to play that game, they have to dress in 60s gear, including the haircuts – preferably something at least Sgt Pepperish if not outright hippie clothes. That way they’ll at least be decorative, and women will be warned what to expect from them.
It all comes down to “do what you like as long as I get to shove my dick into who I want, when I want” with too many guys.
I love these takedowns.
@Aunt Edna:
Misandry! Delicious, delicious misandry…
Seriously, that was perfect.
Somebody had to say it. I am truly sorry.
Don’t be. I was desperately hoping someone would vocalize what I was saying out loud to myself as I was writing that.
@Casssandrakitty: So it’s all about I think feminism means I’m gonna get laid, just like it was with guys who were cheerleading for sexual freedom back in the 60s. My fellow keepers of the Y chromosome are sooooo depressingly predictable.
Brain bleach! Let’s have another round of Elvis the Siamese.
Thanks, y’all. F9R’s rant turns out to be strangely inspirational (though instead of moral standards, I should have said “maturity standards” — those things one finds and raises in bars).
Misandree, misantree, oh, how alike are thee.
Which brings me to the philosophical problem of the day:
If a man falls in the forest* and there is no woman around to blame for it, is it misandree or misantree?
*Quite possibly because he did not see the forest for the trees, so preoccupied he was with pursuing his most interesting hobby: whining about the evil wimminz.
Amanda Palmer has done thing like request musicians work for free at her shows and she agreed to do the Flaming Lips video after the dispute with Erykah Badu. Generally, I really like her, but she’s not without flaws.
Speaking of wisdom that is not limited to only sex (or lack of it, to be precise), there is so much one can learn from Teh (ir)Rational Menz of the ‘sphere.
For example, stuff about the evolution of democracy (courtesy of Dalrock’s most recent thread “What’s modern marriage for?” Nothing, as it turns out; or more accurately, a destruction of democracy because feewings):
TFH says:
August 11, 2014 at 9:05 pm
‘But the meme of the woman working to put her husband through medical school, only to have him dump her on the streets and marry his hot young nurse as soon as he’s making good money? Vanishingly rare, even in patriarchal times, as far as I can tell; and yet the fear of that scenario happening to some woman somewhere requires an entire system of punitive damages against virtually any man who winds up in divorce court.’
Another reason why democracy has a life-cycle, after which is is invariably followed by a ‘feminist’ police state + goddess cult. There is no other possible outcome of democracy given enough time.
jf12 says:
August 11, 2014 at 10:39 pm
Modern marriage is for the final solution of the canonization of women’s feewings. All of Western society for the past half-century has been dedicated to the proposition that a woman’s fickle feewings define what is good, what is right, what is true for *everyone*.
A man is doing it right, if a woman likes what he is doing. Otherwise, he’s doing it wrong, even if he’s still doing what she usually likes.
It used to be said that history was written by the victors. Nowadays history is written by whims of the fashion police.
TFH says:
August 11, 2014 at 11:12 pm
‘All of Western society for the past half-century has been dedicated to the proposition that a woman’s fickle feewings define what is good, what is right, what is true for *everyone*.’
Again, this only happens due to democracy, since politicians have to get votes, and women’s votes can be bought with very well-established, simple tactics that never cease to be effective.
Democracy does good things in the early stages, but it has a life-cycle. The nature of the female mind simply makes democracy unviable after 3-4 generations.”
Yep, folks, you’ve read it on Dalrock first. The life-cycle of democracy is limited to 4 generations max, cuz female mind and those unfortunate things called feewings, which are alien to — or at least beneath — Teh (ir)Rational Menz of the ‘sphere (as is aptly demonstrated in the above exchange).
The next, and last, step, right ahead of us: the feminist police state + goddess cult (I hope they have cute uniforms). After that, darkness.
Although… there may be hope yet.
On a neighboring and equally entertaining blog, empathologism http://www.donotlink.com/b4n5, there is a melodramatic post titled “Worth it?” which illustrates, in feewings-inducing pictures, the destruction of man and civilization (yes, the wimminz are responsible — how didya know?).
Anyway, one of the commenters underneath the OP makes an astute observation on how the world turns:
Snowy on August 11, 2014 at 11:34 am said:
“(…) it makes sense that so many wars may have extreme feminism and the destruction of men’s sexuality as their root cause. I hadn’t fully comprehended till recently how sex with women was the soldier’s booty (pardon the pun). Such action certainly seems just in the overall scheme of things. I know it doesn’t fit with God’s plan for sex only within the confines of marriage, but I can understand it now. Thanks Empath and Eric for opening my eyes that much further. I wonder if Genghis Kahn’s era was a culture of extreme feminism?”‘
Now that’s some excellent wondering, innit. Because it turns out that Genghis Kahn (whose real name was Ginger Kahn-Dworzak) was Andrea Dworkin’s great-great-great-etc grandmother and creator of the largest feminist police state in the history of the world. The only reason it did not spread across the whole globe is that Ginger’s feewings got hurt when the scented candles she ordered from The World Market Online catalog did not smell misandric enough and she decided to throw in the towel* (you know how fickle wimminz are).
The moral of this history lesson is that there may be hope beyond the feminist police state yet. A tiny whiff of it, if the candle-makers get the scent just right.
Thanks, the ‘sphere, for keeping us enlightened, entertained, and ever-so-hopeful at the same time!
*Made from hair of the millions of men whose sexuality she wantonly destroyed.
As an occasional member of the fashion police (nope, sorry, leggings still aren’t pants) I’m unsure what we have to do with divorce courts and what happens in them.
Also, the bit about how armies raping women is part of some sort of extreme feminist scheme reinforces in my mind the belief that none of these men have ever actually spoken to a woman in any more depth than is required to order coffee, pick up the dry cleaning, and so on.
TIL that male soldiers raping the women of communities they’ve conquered is somehow misandry.
WTF? No matter how much time I spend here, I still can’t comprehend MRA logic.
Oh, and shut up Woody. I know you’re furiously typing bullshit even though we can’t see it.
“Also, the bit about how armies raping women is part of some sort of extreme feminist scheme reinforces in my mind the belief that none of these men have ever actually spoken to a woman in any more depth than is required to order coffee, pick up the dry cleaning, and so on.”
Also, that they are bad at brain.
I quite like the thought of Woody typing away and then screeching in frustration when yet again it isn’t published because he just can’t pass the moderation test David set him.
I suspect the fashion police is part of the feminist police state (Feminist Fashion State, or FFS for short). Frivorce is one of the means used by the FFS to maintain its hegemony.
Depends. Has he hurt a tree doing it? Is it a Manly Man Tree or a mere womantree? Did he fall because a squirrel threw nuts at him?