Now that he’s taken the Red Pill, the Reddittor who calls himself F9R recently announced, he’s “started seeing women as people rather than as magical beautiful goddess creatures.” That’s a good thing, right? Seeing women as actual human beings rather than some imaginary construct?
Well, not so much. Because it turns out that women are just terrible as human beings. No, it’s true! In a rambling comment in the Red Pill subreddit with more than 100 upvotes, F9R reports his scientific findings on the ladies of the world.
Now I’m disillusioned with them because women, for the most part, are boring people. 95% of them spend more time on their appearance than anything else, so as a result they never really have interesting hobbies or develop respectable skill in any particular area. This, in my opinion, could be one of the reasons that women have historically under-performed in almost every activity/industry.
Ah, that explains it! There haven’t been any women presidents, or Popes, or Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because the ladies are spending way too much time fussing with their lipstick and trying to find the exact right shade of eyeshadow.
There haven’t been more women inventors, not because women were denied education for thousands of years or because STEM fields are filled with angry manbabies who cry oppression whenever a woman comes near, but because women don’t have any fascinating, mentally stimulating hobbies like the Red Pillers of the world have. You know, like weight-lifting, or “Game,” or “saying terrible things about women online.”
So you swallow the pill, look around you, and see two groups of people. The first group, men, generally have no innate value and have had to work for everything in life. This is why the loser-winner spectrum is so broad for men; don’t work at all and you’ll end up homeless, work your ass off and you could make millions. The second group, women, have considerable innate value and don’t spend nearly as much time fighting to stay respectable, because they can always fall back on their female safety net; this is why there are almost no homeless women, but it’s rare to find a female CEO.
Ah, the old “female safety net.” You know, the free reserve of rent money and bon bons that all women have access to. Or does he mean “well, if worse comes to worst, you can always become a prostitute”
Not quite as easy to understand as the concept of an oppressive patriarchy, but demonstrably more accurate.
He’s got that right: it’s definitely not as easy to understand.
Tying this in with sex drive: an RP’er will have a hard time respecting plates or women they meet at the bar, because when looking at these women as people rather than as magical, mysterious women, the man will be underwhelmed by her bland personality and/or her obnoxious attempts to seem less bland by being a loud annoying cunt.
Still, if she’s got a nice pair of tits and a round ass, you can forgive her personality and lack of emotional development.
Gosh, I am shocked that a whiny manchild who refers to women as “plates” can’t find anything interesting about them besides their sexy bits.
But then let’s say you get her in bed, and you fuck her, and you’re having a good time. As soon as you finish and are in that refractory period, you look over at the person next to you and see them differently. The tits and ass lose a bit of their appeal since you just finished, and now you see the person next to you for the immature person they really are, and it’s like you’re lying in bed with a child.
Huh. Just a thought, but if you want to date mature women you might want to start by dating, you know, mature women, instead of creepily fixating on women and girls much younger than you are?
Or maybe what’s really happening is that when you look over at the woman you just had sex with, she’s looking at you with disgust, wondering how the hell she ended up in bed with such an asshole, and you rationalize away her disdain towards you as her being “immature.”
It’s weird as fuck and you start to question your life choices. Next time you go out to the bar, you remember that moment, and decide to raise your maturity standards a little. To your dismay, no women measure up.
I hate to tell you this, but I’m pretty sure there aren’t a lot of mature women who see your bitter, immature ass as much of a prize.
That’s the Catch-22 of the Red Pill. It gives you all the women you could ever want, but you see them for what they really are.
Yeah, I’m sure that’s the problem. You’re dizzy with success.
So you’ve got two choices: work on your game and improve yourself in order to keep fucking barely-sentient organic sex toys, or go your own way and focus on your life instead because the game just isn’t worth it to you.
The grapes barely-sentient organic sex toys are definitely sour.
Men who choose the former are Red Pill alphas, and men who choose the latter are MGTOW. Blue Pillers just ignore the game and continue to get screwed over because they have no idea what they’re doing.
Keep telling yourself that.
And seriously, go your own fucking way already. Just do it. The further away, the better. If you think of women as barely sentient organic sex toys, stick with the non-organic, non-sentient variety of sex toy and leave the actual human beings alone.
Oh, and speaking of needlepoint, here’s my favorite song about crocheting. I know I’ve posted it before, but I don’t care. It’s not every day I have such a good excuse to post Julie Ruin.
I only got a six on the quiz.
The ones I got right were only because I had cooed over getting those toys for my pooch, back when I lived with my folks and could have a pooch.
I am now giving all dog toys a fierce side-eye.
So… For some inexplicable reason, Mother Jones ran a kind of puff piece on FeMRAs, and of course the AVfM crowd is pooping all over the comments section:
Mother Jones, WHY?
From the Mother Jones article:
Oh. Huh.
Have Feminists EVER engaged in the same kind of “activism” the Mra do?
JBs actions to protect her kids are an admission that Harasstivism isn’t OK (at least when someone important to mras is the target)
RE: Chris Nordlander
Is it possible that this guy is gay/asexual and in denial?
Who cares? We don’t. He’s a misogynist asshole.
Really not trying to insult anyone here
Too late. You did, by assuming that gay and asexual people are actually just misogynists. Gee, mister, I ain’t NEVER heard THAT bit of homophobic horseshit before!
Seriously, who cares who this asshole wants to fuck? He’s a misogynist. He deserves nothing but scorn.
Even Mother Jones fucks up occasionally …
This violates two of the most important rules for feminist men, to wit:
#4 FM do not tell a woman what her life choices should be.
#7 FM do not get to decide whether or not a woman is a feminist.
Both of these violations can get you hauled up before the Feminist High Council on suspicion of bring just another opinionated, entitled man.
Finally got up the nerve to try a blockquote and managed instead to disappear the quote:
And I’ve been told flat-out by male feminists before that I’m not allowed to call myself a feminist unless I’m willing to do sex work
Off-topic: Did anyone see this article? It’s all “I’m not saying that traditional sexual morality is the only correct way to act…but what if it is?” Made me roll my eyes out of my head.
KATZ! Surprise! Your old story about the BorgCritters got sponsored! 😀 You can read The Best Messenger here!
I saw! I love the borg animals!
Ugh. Get this horrid woman out of my country. Anyone wanna help me buy her a ticket to her very own desert island?
Also, that Rosey Grier looks like a cool dude. There really do need to be more like him.
I don’t know if this was posted anywhere else but its Vice’s documentary on the conference. It came out today.
That’s an interesting article there, Katz.
Yeah, I agree, the only real issue I have with the traditionalist approach is their thoughts on sex. Yeah. Yeah that makes sense! It’s the only thing I need to wonder about because what else could there possibly be.
Well, you know, I, for one, having an abiding interest in emotional development and moral standards, sympathize. In fact, just recently I’ve experienced an epiphany similar to F9R’s.
And now I’m disillusioned with men because they are, for the most part, excruciatingly boring. 95% of them spend more time on obsessing about sex, superficial symbols of status, and stupid things like team sports than anything else, so as a result they never really have interesting hobbies or develop respectable skill in any particular area. This, in my opinion, could be one of the reasons that men are under-performing in education and in almost every activity that requires internally-driven, sustained efforts.
So you swallow the Bitter Pill of Reality (BPR)*, look around you, and see two groups of people. The first group, women, generally have value only as sex objects and learn early that they have to work for everything really important in life against great odds this objectification creates for them. This is why the loser-winner spectrum is so narrow for women; no matter how hard they try, they end up judged based on their looks and value as sex objects, damn their innate abilities and drive. The second group, men, have considerable value as human persons right off the bat and don’t need to spend nearly as much time and effort fighting to be respected for their humanity. They can always fall back on their good ol’ boys clubs, which are guaranteed to show them preferential treatment in any endeavor; this is why it’s rare to find a female CEO.
Not quite as easy to understand as the Red Pill nonsense, but demonstrably more accurate.
Tying this in with sex drive: an BPRer will have a hard time respecting bozos or men they meet at the bar, because when looking at these men as people, the woman will be underwhelmed by his bland personality and/or his obnoxious attempts to seem less bland by being a loud annoying dick.
Still, if he’s got a nice six pack and a firm ass, you can forgive his lack of personality and emotional development.
But then let’s say you get him in bed, and you fuck him, and you’re having somewhat of a good time. As soon as you finish and are in that refractory period, you look over at the person next to you and see them differently. The six-pack and ass lose a bit of their appeal since you just finished, the dick is limp and as unimpressive as its owner, and now you see the person next to you for the immature person they really are, and it’s like you’re lying in bed with a child.
It’s weird as fuck and you start to question your life choices. Next time you go out to the bar, you remember that moment, and decide to raise your maturity standards a little. To your dismay, no men measure up.
That’s the Catch-22 of the Bitter Pill of Reality. It gives you all the men you could ever want, but you see them for what they really are.
So you’ve got two choices: keep developing yourself with an understanding that when it comes to men, the best you can expect is fucking barely-sentient organic sex toys, or just swear off men altogether — the drama and distractions are not worth it. You did not want to believe it at first, but you are better off with your cats and vibrators.
Women who choose the former are BPRealists, and women who choose the latter are WGTOW. The rest are the naive ones who continue to get screwed over because they have no idea what they’re doing and still believe men are worth anything as people.
*A book is in the works.
That’s an understatement and a half! He’s basically the original Dos Equis man
That MJ piece reads like lifted it directly from Vice.
RE: Fibinachi
Yeah, I agree, the only real issue I have with the traditionalist approach is their thoughts on sex. Yeah. Yeah that makes sense! It’s the only thing I need to wonder about because what else could there possibly be.
I always just find the idea of “traditionalist” so lulzy. I don’t see many Christian fundamentalists leaving the corners of their field to the beggars, or cursing figs as Jesus did. They’re always very picky about exactly what traditions they keep.
Well, that’s all well and good, but I, for one, symphatize with your general positions and have just had an epiphany similar to Aunt Edna’s or F9R’s.
And now? Now I’m disillusioned with trees because they are, for the most part, excruciatingly boring. 95% of them spend more time on obsessing about photosynthesis, superficial water movement , and stupid things like soil nutrition levels than anything else! As a result they never really have interesting hobbies or develop respectable skill in any particular area, they just spend their time phototropping. This, in my opinion, could be one of the reasons that trees are under-performing in education and in almost every activity that requires locomotive-driven, externally efforts.
They’re pretty good at internally driven, sustained efforts though. That water movement ain’t easy.
So you swallow the Bitter, Dry Pill of Lumberjacking (BDPL)*, look around you, and see two groups of people standing under a tree.The first group, the lumberjacks, generally have value only as objects of woodcutting and learn early that they have to work for everything really important in life, like good logs, timber and a nice looking flannel shirt, against great odds this lumberjacking enterprise creates for them. This is why the flannel shirt to beaver cap divide is so large amount lumberjacks, they end up having to work their entire life trying to masterfully sculpt new wood into a replacement shirt or cap but are inevitably prone to failing. The second group, ecologically minded anti logging activists, have considerable value as underground grass roots organizers right off the axe and don’t need to spend nearly as much time and effort fighting to be respected for their humanity because they spend most of that time fighting against deforestation. They can always fall back on their good morally superior in tune with nature way of life which is why it’s rather rare to find an ecologist in charge of a frakking business..
Not quite as easy to understand as the astrophysics nonsense, but demonstrably more accurate.
Huh. Watching part of that vice piece, I now believe Paul Elam is actually 6′ 8″. Who’d a thunk.
Hearing these people speak the words they write online out loud… that’s a special experience.
Whoa, dude’s that tall? Eesh. I had no idea. I guess all the pictures I’ve seen, he’s always sitting down and alone, so it’s not like there’s anything to compare him to…
He also seems hunched over to me. Like the angry, little troll he is. In this case, a 6’8″ troll.
All the applause.
There is so much problematic about this artist and the song, but it does remind me of the gender flipped versions of the red pill rant. Sorry if you hate it.
I like it.
It’s weird. As a fellow 6’8″ giant, I somehow feel even more betrayed than by the fact that Elam is male.
That vice profile was kinda awesome though.