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Red Pill dude: Women are "barely-sentient organic sex toys," insufficiently enthusiastic hobbyists.

Why can't women take up interesting hobbies, like men? (Note: this is a real book.)
Why can’t women take up interesting hobbies, like men? (Note: this is a real book.)


Now that he’s taken the Red Pill, the Reddittor who calls himself F9R recently announced, he’s “started seeing women as people rather than as magical beautiful goddess creatures.” That’s a good thing, right? Seeing women as actual human beings rather than some imaginary construct?

Well, not so much. Because it turns out that women are just terrible as human beings. No, it’s true! In a rambling comment in the Red Pill subreddit with more than 100 upvotes, F9R reports his scientific findings on the ladies of the world.

Now I’m disillusioned with them because women, for the most part, are boring people. 95% of them spend more time on their appearance than anything else, so as a result they never really have interesting hobbies or develop respectable skill in any particular area. This, in my opinion, could be one of the reasons that women have historically under-performed in almost every activity/industry.

Ah, that explains it! There haven’t been any women presidents, or Popes, or Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because the ladies are spending way too much time fussing with their lipstick and trying to find the exact right shade of eyeshadow.

There haven’t been more women inventors, not because women were denied education for thousands of years or because STEM fields are filled with angry manbabies who cry oppression whenever a woman comes near, but because women don’t have any fascinating, mentally stimulating hobbies like the Red Pillers of the world have. You know, like weight-lifting, or “Game,” or “saying terrible things about women online.”

So you swallow the pill, look around you, and see two groups of people. The first group, men, generally have no innate value and have had to work for everything in life. This is why the loser-winner spectrum is so broad for men; don’t work at all and you’ll end up homeless, work your ass off and you could make millions. The second group, women, have considerable innate value and don’t spend nearly as much time fighting to stay respectable, because they can always fall back on their female safety net; this is why there are almost no homeless women, but it’s rare to find a female CEO.

Ah, the old “female safety net.” You know, the free reserve of rent money and bon bons that all women have access to. Or does he mean “well, if worse comes to worst, you can always become a prostitute”

Not quite as easy to understand as the concept of an oppressive patriarchy, but demonstrably more accurate.

He’s got that right: it’s definitely not as easy to understand.

Tying this in with sex drive: an RP’er will have a hard time respecting plates or women they meet at the bar, because when looking at these women as people rather than as magical, mysterious women, the man will be underwhelmed by her bland personality and/or her obnoxious attempts to seem less bland by being a loud annoying cunt.

Still, if she’s got a nice pair of tits and a round ass, you can forgive her personality and lack of emotional development.

Gosh, I am shocked that a whiny manchild who refers to women as “plates” can’t find anything interesting about them besides their sexy bits.

But then let’s say you get her in bed, and you fuck her, and you’re having a good time. As soon as you finish and are in that refractory period, you look over at the person next to you and see them differently. The tits and ass lose a bit of their appeal since you just finished, and now you see the person next to you for the immature person they really are, and it’s like you’re lying in bed with a child.

Huh. Just a thought, but if you want to date mature women you might want to start by dating, you know, mature women, instead of creepily fixating on women and girls much younger than you are?

Or maybe what’s really happening is that when you look over at the woman you just had sex with, she’s looking at you with disgust, wondering how the hell she ended up in bed with such an asshole, and you rationalize away her disdain towards you as her being “immature.”

It’s weird as fuck and you start to question your life choices. Next time you go out to the bar, you remember that moment, and decide to raise your maturity standards a little. To your dismay, no women measure up.

I hate to tell you this, but I’m pretty sure there aren’t a lot of mature women who see your bitter, immature ass as much of a prize.

That’s the Catch-22 of the Red Pill. It gives you all the women you could ever want, but you see them for what they really are.

Yeah, I’m sure that’s the problem. You’re dizzy with success.

So you’ve got two choices: work on your game and improve yourself in order to keep fucking barely-sentient organic sex toys, or go your own way and focus on your life instead because the game just isn’t worth it to you.

The grapes barely-sentient organic sex toys are definitely sour.

Men who choose the former are Red Pill alphas, and men who choose the latter are MGTOW. Blue Pillers just ignore the game and continue to get screwed over because they have no idea what they’re doing.

Keep telling yourself that.

And seriously, go your own fucking way already. Just do it. The further away, the better. If you think of women as barely sentient organic sex toys, stick with the non-organic, non-sentient variety of sex toy and leave the actual human beings alone.

Oh, and speaking of needlepoint, here’s my favorite song about crocheting. I know I’ve posted it before, but I don’t care. It’s not every day I have such a good excuse to post Julie Ruin.

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10 years ago

Don’t forget the guy who felt betrayed because he thought women were perfect and “All that is good in the world” and when they turned out to be people, they had collectively deceived him and it was the worst thing ever.

They want a perfect (but not too proud of herself) women who lives to serve them, but has interests of her own. She needs to be mature, but no older than 22. She needs to be properly, stereotypically feminine, but not too feminine to not enjoy the films and hobbies they like, which are totes the Alpha-manliest. She needs to be pretty, but not too interested in fashion and style else she’s vain and materialistic. She needs to be submissive and stay in her traditional gender role, but still self sufficient and expecting nothing at all from a male partner, especially not respect. She also needs to be OK with getting abused and used for sex by men who brag about what shitty lovers they are.

Why a woman would want to be what these douchebags want them to be, even if it were possible, I’m not sure. I think that’s the “red piller’s” primary gripe. Women just don’t want to live their lives with the goal of making random, entitled, sexist, dimwitted, abusive, assholes happy and that’s so unfair. Boo-to the -hoo.

Oh, how I love to bathe in their tears.

10 years ago

The second group, women, have considerable innate value and don’t spend nearly as much time fighting to stay respectable, because they can always fall back on their female safety net

Is this guy implying that women just don’t have jobs? Because you don’t even have to leave your house to notice that that isn’t quite the case. So.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

The dream girl must also have steady employment and a disposable income, but she must also place no importance on her job because her real career is being a lovely lady who’s there for her man. She must have no objectionable friends, because they are a drain on her time and they might start planting bad ideas in her head (this often translates into having no friends, period). And she must be sexually inexperienced, but also be proficient in all ways of pleasing a man in bed.

Yup, this is totally healthy and attainable. Why, oh why, can’t women measure up to these completely reasonable expectations?

10 years ago

“And I’ve been told flat-out by male feminists before that I’m not allowed to call myself a feminist unless I’m willing to do sex work.”

It may take me the rest of my life to parse out this bit of bizarro. I would say that if a man told you that, in the first place he’s no feminist and in the second place — well, I’m not sure what to say (boggle!) because it sounds strangely like MRA crap to me.

10 years ago

Ohh myyyy. So much asinine:

The second group, women, have considerable innate value and don’t spend nearly as much time fighting to stay respectable, because they can always fall back on their female safety net; this is why there are almost no homeless women, but it’s rare to find a female CEO.

If there are “almost no homeless women”, then why are the streets of all the world’s major cities teeming with them?

If women “don’t spend nearly as much time fighting to stay respectable”, why is slut-shaming so godfuckingawfully commonplace? And why do women routinely get the shit beat out of them, if not outright KILLED, for not being sufficiently “respectable”? And why do I get men telling me I should be raped just because I uttered a few words that they themselves throw around with casual impunity?

And what the fuck is a “female safety net”? Is it a raft of maxipads, stitched together with tampons? How the hell does it work, and if it is real, where do I go to buy one?

Ken L.
10 years ago

The Men’s rights idiot carnival presents: F9R the stupidest man in the world. Yes, fellow fighters of misogyny. Here is a man so dumb that he got exactly what his red pill dream was and was unhappy.

F9R, Maybe if you did’t want, force, and manipulate the woman you meet into be an “organic sex toy” you might find out that their are many interesting, hard working, smart and general better then you woman there are on this planet their are.

10 years ago

@FM: It seems to me that what this guy really wants is a woman who exists only to please him and has absolutely no wishes or needs of her own. Basically what he wants is a Fembot that he can program that can pass the Turing test.
I think you have to be careful reading these rants because if you try really hard to make sense of them you can sprain your brain.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

“And I’ve been told flat-out by male feminists before that I’m not allowed to call myself a feminist unless I’m willing to do sex work.”

It may take me the rest of my life to parse out this bit of bizarro. I would say that if a man told you that, in the first place he’s no feminist and in the second place — well, I’m not sure what to say (boggle!) because it sounds strangely like MRA crap to me.

It’s got a certain H**o S**yzer sort of air of almost-logic to it, doesn’t it?

Feminists think we shouldn’t demonize sex workers, right?

Saying you would never do sex work is a form of demonizing sex work, right?

It’s like watch Male Feminists(tm) discover sex-positive feminism. And it’s all UGH from there.

I mean, sex-positive feminism is important. Because women’s sexuality has been demonized for a long time.

But by the very same light, men’s sexuality has always been lionized, so Male Feminists(tm) seem to just see it as one more area of feminism that they ought to own. Because they’re men; they own everything.

I keep making the mistake of thinking you can just point out the holes in their logic to these guys, but that’s never good enough. They have a deep-seated need to control and own. It’s got to be dealt with at the root first, at that entitlement.

10 years ago


Thanks for sharing, it’s always better to have a sex worker involved in any discussion of sex work.

Speaking of Australian sex work, have you (or anyone else in the thread, actually) read Kate Holden’s ‘In My Skin’? It’s a really beautiful memoir about her experiences in the Australian sex industry and it’s written with so much warmth and humanity, and none of the “Oh I’m ashamed of my wanton ways” themes people usually want to read in ex-sex-worker stories. She’s just so gloriously human about it all, it’s a wonderful book.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Next time you go out to the bar, you remember that moment, and decide to raise your maturity standards a little. To your dismay, no women measure up.

So go to different bars? Or try meeting women in other places – perhaps even while pursuing one of the hobbies you consider so important? What is it with these wannabe PUA types thinking that bars are the be-all and end-all of our culture?

Also, dude, the amount of makeup and general appearance-crafting one does for a night at the club is probably not the same as what she does for work or for chilling at home. Since some clubs won’t even let women in if they’re not dressed and painted like Barbie dolls. And also, some women like dressing up.

Still, if she’s got a nice pair of tits and a round ass, you can forgive her personality and lack of emotional development.

Her lack of emotional development?

He’s either finding women younger than him and being shocked – shocked! – when they’re less mature than him his peer group, or he’s finding women his age and demanding they be more mature than he is, in which case, here’s yet another man who expects his lover to also be his mommy.

LBT, you should do a Google image search for aquascaping. There’s some really amazing stuff!

God, sex work must have the WORST stories ever. Can you imagine how awful this guy would be as a customer?

Not the same kind of sex worker, but there was a woman in one of LiveJournal’s “customers suck” communities who ended up starting her own blog because her tales of working as a topless dancer were so popular (and so far beyond what most of the folks in that comm had to deal with).

Not to mention that makeup and fashion are hobbies–at least if you put in the time and effort into them to look really, really good.

THANK YOU. My sister-out-law is an artsy type and one of her outlets is makeup. She experiments with colors and styles, she watches and even makes tutorial videos, etc. I get that makeup has a lot of patriarchal baggage, but in her case it’s clearly not just something she’s doing because she feels obligated – she definitely finds it stimulating and rewarding.

Oh dear, they’re reverting to the belief that everywhere outside their own country is a giant scary undifferentiated blob known as Foreign (or sometimes There Be Dragons) again.

Sorry (not really) for bringing Terry Pratchett into yet another thread, but I’m reminded of Granny Weatherwax and her very vague ideas about people and life in “foreign parts” (which is anywhere but her native Lancre).

I think the only good reason to legalize sex work is that people will be more likely to report violations of the law if they don’t have to worry about being arrested themselves. That’s a good reason. Making it easier for asshats like the OP to abuse vulnerable women is not a good reason.

Swedish Model all the way: doing sex work is legal but buying it, or profiting off someone else’s sex work (brothels, pimps, etc), is not. It protects the workers in a way that making it all legal does not.

10 years ago

I wonder if capitalism is unable to or just doesn’t want to provide living-wage work for all? I know zip about economics




emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

all in an effort to cultivate a bigger democratic base (… they can’t even vote, they’re children) to steal all elections forever (because 500 people can influence elections in a country of 240 million voters)

Few things make me madder than people who think minorities voting for whom they like is unfair somehow, that they’re being robbed of something when the “demographics” vote for the other candidate. They might as well just come out and say that the SWM vote is the only one that should matter.

I’m already disgusted that only USians (or probably western Europeans, etc.) who get the disease are worthy of heroic measures

I’ve been wondering how to ask this question, because I don’t want to downplay the very likely element of racism in that decision, but is it possible that there were legal or ethical reasons why they couldn’t give an untested drug to non-Americans?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

@GrumpyOldMan – Oh, these online jokers don’t get me anywhere near brain breakage. I gave up trying to reason my way around “why would somebody think like this?” about six months after I discovered the manosphere. It’s too depressing to try to figure out why they don’t want to embrace the whole “women are people” idea. So instead I just enjoy myself by ridiculing them or poking holes in their ludicrous opinions. 🙂

10 years ago

It’s my understanding that the serum, in addition to being largely untested, degrades quickly and requires refrigeration.

Liz Baker (@wizardofliz)

where genetic testing proved the skeleton buried with the weapon was a woman and the one with a necklace was a man? Previously just assumed to be the other way around for no goddamned reason beyond sexism)

Not only that, but when the mixup was discovered, the sword that was interred “with” the man as a symbol of power suddenly was now “between” them as a symbol of union.

Ughhhh yes. Thank you for the addendum. That was an especially gross part of it: even NOW, when we like to think we’re too enlightened for that kind of crap, we are STILL DOING IT. Even when confronted with the mistake, it was too hard to actually revisit the sexist assumption. And it’s such bullshit, it’s not between them, IT’S IN HER CRYPT, nowhere near him.

10 years ago

So you’ve got two choices: work on your game and improve yourself in order to keep fucking barely-sentient organic sex toys, or go your own way and focus on your life instead because the game just isn’t worth it to you.

So. So. What can I do to convince F9R that Option #2 there is his best bet?

Because any asshole who thinks that women are “barely-sentient organic sex toys” needs to go his own fucking way and never, ever, ever be around women again. Ever.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

The second group, women, have considerable innate value

F9R then spends the next 9,000 paragraphs demonstrating that women are utterly worthless.

don’t work at all and you’ll end up homeless, work your ass off and you could make millions.

Or don’t work at all and inherit millions, work your ass off and end up impoverished/homeless anyway. Outside the libertarian funhouse, there isn’t a 1:1 correlation between effort and wealth.

Next time you go out to the bar, you remember that moment, and decide to raise your maturity standards a little.

Instead of creeping on 15 year olds, you’re going to creep on 19 year olds.

Then, when some of them turn out to have standards and opinions, it’s back to the 15 year olds.

an RP’er will have a hard time respecting plates

Not if they’re AVFM commemorative plates!

10 years ago

@emilygoddess and @loblaw, I heard an interesting piece on the medical ethics involved on NPR this morning. The ethicist they had on pointed out that there’s also a terrible history of white folks treating dark-skinned folks with untested medicines and treatments and using them as lab rats. She didn’t think there was a great solution, but thought that the best solution was to make the serum available to governments and give them some guidelines for how to make decisions but ultimately leave the decision to them about how to make it available. (Guidelines would include informed patient consent, how to identify the best candidates for testing, how to monitor and track results so that the treatment and/or the serum itself might be improved, etc.)

It is extremely unfortunate that there are few places in the most affected countries that can provide the refrigeration needed and follow the protocols for treatment.

So there’s a big stinking pile of racism in there, as always, but even if you could surgically remove that, there would still not be any simple ethical solutions.

Not to mention that what is really needed is a massive amount of funding to support improving the overall medical infrastructure in these countries, which would do a lot more to prevent infections and save lives than this serum probably would.

Chris Nordlander
10 years ago

Is it possible that this guy is gay/asexual and in denial?

Really not trying to insult anyone here (neither gay and asexual people nor this fellow): he just seems to really, really resent the idea of a relationship with a woman.

10 years ago

RE: Kim

Man, I got 12/15 on that damn sex toy quiz. I think hubby’s a bad influence on me, eesh.

RE: cassandrakitty

There’s something deeply un-feminist about setting aside a certain group of women and making them the human sacrifices that we throw into the volcano of male rage and sexual frustration.

YUP. Really fucking skeeves me out too, since uh. I KNEW sex workers, back in NZ. One GMed for D&D and the other invited me to a party when I was new in town. I would NEVER want them to have to deal with one of these chucklefucks!

And I’ve been told flat-out by male feminists before that I’m not allowed to call myself a feminist unless I’m willing to do sex work

*shudder* Fuck that noise. Sex work would be the #1 worst job for me, with my issues. I also should never ever be a solider; that doesn’t mean I demonize soldiers. It means I have a reasonable idea of my skills, boundaries, and mental illness issues. (Seriously, would you REALLY want to be on a platoon with a guy who goes into dreamy zombie states if startled?)


One thing I haven’t seen in this comment section is an actual sex worker.

Whatever happened to hookergal, anyway? I liked her! (Not really a question directed at you, FC, you just jogged my thoughts.)

RE: emilygoddess

LBT, you should do a Google image search for aquascaping.

HOLY FUCKBALLS. I had no idea! You guys weren’t joking when you said underwater landscaping!

10 years ago

Oh, oh, cloudiah, you earned a writeathon bonus sketch! What would you like?

10 years ago

LBT, I’m too indecisive. Is there one that’s screaming out for a sketch?

10 years ago

I’ll pick one once I finish my other postings, cloudiah! Sorry, I saw that you had already responded, but got to it too late. Curse you, sprawling Mammoth comments section! *shakes fist*

10 years ago

The title of asshole’s screed could be:
“Women Seem to Hate Me — So, I’m Gonna HATE Them Back!”

10 years ago

Translation: I don’t hate women! They’re just gross and stupid and probably have cooties!

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