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Red Pill dude: Women are "barely-sentient organic sex toys," insufficiently enthusiastic hobbyists.

Why can't women take up interesting hobbies, like men? (Note: this is a real book.)
Why can’t women take up interesting hobbies, like men? (Note: this is a real book.)


Now that he’s taken the Red Pill, the Reddittor who calls himself F9R recently announced, he’s “started seeing women as people rather than as magical beautiful goddess creatures.” That’s a good thing, right? Seeing women as actual human beings rather than some imaginary construct?

Well, not so much. Because it turns out that women are just terrible as human beings. No, it’s true! In a rambling comment in the Red Pill subreddit with more than 100 upvotes, F9R reports his scientific findings on the ladies of the world.

Now I’m disillusioned with them because women, for the most part, are boring people. 95% of them spend more time on their appearance than anything else, so as a result they never really have interesting hobbies or develop respectable skill in any particular area. This, in my opinion, could be one of the reasons that women have historically under-performed in almost every activity/industry.

Ah, that explains it! There haven’t been any women presidents, or Popes, or Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because the ladies are spending way too much time fussing with their lipstick and trying to find the exact right shade of eyeshadow.

There haven’t been more women inventors, not because women were denied education for thousands of years or because STEM fields are filled with angry manbabies who cry oppression whenever a woman comes near, but because women don’t have any fascinating, mentally stimulating hobbies like the Red Pillers of the world have. You know, like weight-lifting, or “Game,” or “saying terrible things about women online.”

So you swallow the pill, look around you, and see two groups of people. The first group, men, generally have no innate value and have had to work for everything in life. This is why the loser-winner spectrum is so broad for men; don’t work at all and you’ll end up homeless, work your ass off and you could make millions. The second group, women, have considerable innate value and don’t spend nearly as much time fighting to stay respectable, because they can always fall back on their female safety net; this is why there are almost no homeless women, but it’s rare to find a female CEO.

Ah, the old “female safety net.” You know, the free reserve of rent money and bon bons that all women have access to. Or does he mean “well, if worse comes to worst, you can always become a prostitute”

Not quite as easy to understand as the concept of an oppressive patriarchy, but demonstrably more accurate.

He’s got that right: it’s definitely not as easy to understand.

Tying this in with sex drive: an RP’er will have a hard time respecting plates or women they meet at the bar, because when looking at these women as people rather than as magical, mysterious women, the man will be underwhelmed by her bland personality and/or her obnoxious attempts to seem less bland by being a loud annoying cunt.

Still, if she’s got a nice pair of tits and a round ass, you can forgive her personality and lack of emotional development.

Gosh, I am shocked that a whiny manchild who refers to women as “plates” can’t find anything interesting about them besides their sexy bits.

But then let’s say you get her in bed, and you fuck her, and you’re having a good time. As soon as you finish and are in that refractory period, you look over at the person next to you and see them differently. The tits and ass lose a bit of their appeal since you just finished, and now you see the person next to you for the immature person they really are, and it’s like you’re lying in bed with a child.

Huh. Just a thought, but if you want to date mature women you might want to start by dating, you know, mature women, instead of creepily fixating on women and girls much younger than you are?

Or maybe what’s really happening is that when you look over at the woman you just had sex with, she’s looking at you with disgust, wondering how the hell she ended up in bed with such an asshole, and you rationalize away her disdain towards you as her being “immature.”

It’s weird as fuck and you start to question your life choices. Next time you go out to the bar, you remember that moment, and decide to raise your maturity standards a little. To your dismay, no women measure up.

I hate to tell you this, but I’m pretty sure there aren’t a lot of mature women who see your bitter, immature ass as much of a prize.

That’s the Catch-22 of the Red Pill. It gives you all the women you could ever want, but you see them for what they really are.

Yeah, I’m sure that’s the problem. You’re dizzy with success.

So you’ve got two choices: work on your game and improve yourself in order to keep fucking barely-sentient organic sex toys, or go your own way and focus on your life instead because the game just isn’t worth it to you.

The grapes barely-sentient organic sex toys are definitely sour.

Men who choose the former are Red Pill alphas, and men who choose the latter are MGTOW. Blue Pillers just ignore the game and continue to get screwed over because they have no idea what they’re doing.

Keep telling yourself that.

And seriously, go your own fucking way already. Just do it. The further away, the better. If you think of women as barely sentient organic sex toys, stick with the non-organic, non-sentient variety of sex toy and leave the actual human beings alone.

Oh, and speaking of needlepoint, here’s my favorite song about crocheting. I know I’ve posted it before, but I don’t care. It’s not every day I have such a good excuse to post Julie Ruin.

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kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

It has to be that way because it’s what he uses to communicate with the mother ship.


GrumpyOldMan wins the thread.

10 years ago

Excuse the crassness, but selling my skills as a cook doesn’t involve letting either the food or the customers penetrate me or otherwise touch my body in an intimate manner. I’m quite happy to support the people who choose to be in the sex industry of their own free will, but can we please not just brush aside the visceral horror that a lot of women feel about the idea of being penetrated by someone who they aren’t attracted to and would really prefer not to be having sex with? For some people sex may be just like cooking, but for an awful lot of us it is not, and I’m particularly not thrilled with the “well it’s just like cooking” analogy coming from people whose sex lives have never involved being penetrated and never will.

10 years ago

Yeah, CK, it seems like there are some important differences between sex and cooking. I don’t want to bash Shadow, but I think the analogy was rather clueless.

10 years ago

In a capitalist system, all workers are commodities, but they are not commodities in the same way.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Excuse the crassness, but selling my skills as a cook doesn’t involve letting either the food or the customers penetrate me or otherwise touch my body in an intimate manner. I’m quite happy to support the people who choose to be in the sex industry of their own free will, but can we please not just brush aside the visceral horror that a lot of women feel about the idea of being penetrated by someone who they aren’t attracted to and would really prefer not to be having sex with? For some people sex may be just like cooking, but for an awful lot of us it is not, and I’m particularly not thrilled with the “well it’s just like cooking” analogy coming from people whose sex lives have never involved being penetrated and never will.


Emphasis mine, because this gets left out far too often.

10 years ago

Pardon me.

I don’t need to let people penetrate me when I’m paid to cook for them….?

10 years ago

I’ve obviously started a conversation/argument that I did not think I would be starting, and definitely didn’t intend to start. I don’t want an argument with you guys, but I also don’t want you guys to feel that I’m not responding to your criticisms. You guys both know me relatively well and know my background (straight male) as well as how knowledgeable I am (not completely ignorant, but I’m certainly nowhere close to an expert). Would you like me to continue this conversation, or is this something you would like dropped?

10 years ago

A Wall Street trader and a meatpacking plant worker both have their labor commodified in a capitalist system. However, the banker’s job involves being paid very well to sit at a desk wearing a suit, and the meatpacking worker’s job is dirty, dangerous, potentially emotionally traumatic, and poorly paid. See why this is a silly rhetorical game to play?

10 years ago

Hey, maybe they’ve hired JB! That would explain a lot.

Idk, has anyone called the kids “whores” or made up fake quotes and attributed them to the kids yet?

Ally S
10 years ago

Yeah, of course all work involves commodification, but that one commonality doesn’t make all work exactly the same in other respects.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I’d be happy to see it dropped, Shadow.

10 years ago

And, yes, I suppose there are some high-end prostitutes who don’t object to their work all that much, but at the other end there are the girls as young as 14 who are imported from Mexico and Central America and kept in literal slavery and forced to service up to 60 men a day. I support legalization and regulation, but I would be more enthusiastic if I had any faith that it would eliminate horrors like that.

10 years ago

@ Shadow

I would like you to stop for a moment and consider how your male privilege may be influencing your attitude towards this, and also consider why, if sex work is a job like any other, so few people seem to want to do it. Hint – it’s not just because of the stigma. There’s stigma against dealing drugs too, but that business is never short of willing applicants.

Ally S
10 years ago

And let’s also not forget the fact that many women who do sex work aren’t straight and cis. I know trans lesbians of color who used to be sex workers, and do this day they are coping with the aftermath of the abuse at the hands of violent men. Yet I hear dudes all the time joke about “Thai ladyboys” being murdered by male customers after being outed as trans and about lesbian sex workers being turned straight. Fucking disgusting.

10 years ago


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if someone has. Not on a nationally public stage, mind you, but I’ve long lost any pretense that there is a low to which those clowns won’t stoop.

10 years ago

And before anyone starts in with the oh you’re a horrible person who doesn’t care about sex workers stuff, of course we should try to improve safety, working conditions, and so on for the people who’re currently in the sex industry. We should do that for every industry. Doing that wouldn’t solve the problem of the vast majority of people in that industry wanting out, though, or get around the fact that most people just plain don’t want to do the job, which means that demand is always greater than supply, which leads right back into the trafficking issue.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Yes, if a job description of “be paid to risk your life with a total stranger who expects you to do any sex act he demands, and at the very least will be penetrating your body, possibly while refusing to wear a condom,” is just another job, why aren’t, I dunno, straight men lining up to do it?

10 years ago

And, at the end of it all, it comes down to the fact that Western Capitalism has proved that it is unable to provide meaningful jobs paying a living wage for everyone, so that nobody has to do sex work to survive.
There is a nineteenth-century Utopian novel called Looking Backward: 2000-1887. Among other things, in this Utopia the highest-paid workers were garbage collectors, to compensate for the fact that this is a not very pleasant and not very rewarding job. Not, perhaps, a practical program, but food for thought.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I’ve always thought the crappier jobs should get the higher pay. Cleaners, garbage collecters, all the hard, dirty or dangerous stuff.

I wonder if capitalism is unable to or just doesn’t want to provide living-wage work for all? I know zip about economics (DON’T TELL ME) but it always seems it suits the power groups very well to have a lot of people powerless at the bottom of the heap and to make labour a buyer’s market.

10 years ago

I think it’s about 70% could care less, 30% making labor a buyer’s market.

10 years ago

If I had my way we’d be paying teachers more than bankers, but hey, if you want to see who society actually values then follow the money.

10 years ago

To make it simple, a laissez-faire Capitalist system will always tend to produce a small number of very rich people and a vast number of miserably poor people, simply because the people at the top have more power to claim a disproportionate share of the money. Therefore, if you have any interest in fairness, you have to take some of the money from the people at the top and give it to the people on the bottom, and take even more from the rich for public goods like schools and highways. The rich will then howl, “You’re stealing the money I earned!” No. We are claiming back part of the money you got in excess of your share to partly compensate the people who got less than their share.

10 years ago

To hell with it, I’m going to bed before I get any angrier. I just want to leave any man who’s reading along and agreeing with the school of thought that in this particular conversation is represented by Shadow with these thoughts.

Do you have any idea how violating it feels to women who want to see you as our allies to have you frame not just our sexuality but our bodies – you know, the ones that we live in, that we ideally don’t want to disassociate from – as being something separate from our mental/emotional selves to such an extent that allowing those bodies to be penetrated by strangers is the same thing as selling a skill, like cooking or sewing or whatever? Have you ever tried to imagine what penetrative sex feels like from the perspective of the person being penetrated? If so, how exactly did you come to the conclusion that it’s basically the same sort of thing as making a bowl of salad? Do you understand that penetration that the person on the receiving end doesn’t want, where they aren’t aroused, can really hurt? Do you realize that for many women the idea of having sex with someone they aren’t attracted to is revolting? Have you thought about how misogynistic it is, to just kind of assume that every woman would in theory be OK with allowing herself to be penetrated by someone she isn’t attracted to, and how that assumption ties in to all kinds of other misogynistic ideas about sex being a thing that exists for the enjoyment of men and women’s sexuality being responsive rather than something that’s innate to us? Do you see the WTF reactions from women here to the “hey it’s just like cooking” analogy, and are you taking in what those reactions reveal about how women’s sexuality generally works as opposed to how you might have assumed that it works?

There are some women who feel differently about this stuff, obviously, and some women who go into the sex industry willingly and even like their jobs. I’m happy to support those women, and to help to make their lives safer and easier. But the stuff you’re seeing here from me, from Kittehs, from marinerachel? These are not outlier responses. This is how a lot of women feel. So that stuff about how it’s anti-feminist not to be all rah-rah-it’s-so-empowering about the sex industry? Stop and think about just how many women you’re talking over before you say something like that again.

10 years ago

I thought the sex work thing was on the informal “nopetopus” list, given that there are quite a few Mammotheers (many of whom are female) who favor legalization and, IIRC, a couple who are sex workers themselves.

10 years ago

If so someone forgot to tell me. In any case, I’m not going to pretend that the restaurant comment didn’t make me spitting mad, or that I think sex work is a job that all women would be happy to do if we could just make it safer than it is now.

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