Now that he’s taken the Red Pill, the Reddittor who calls himself F9R recently announced, he’s “started seeing women as people rather than as magical beautiful goddess creatures.” That’s a good thing, right? Seeing women as actual human beings rather than some imaginary construct?
Well, not so much. Because it turns out that women are just terrible as human beings. No, it’s true! In a rambling comment in the Red Pill subreddit with more than 100 upvotes, F9R reports his scientific findings on the ladies of the world.
Now I’m disillusioned with them because women, for the most part, are boring people. 95% of them spend more time on their appearance than anything else, so as a result they never really have interesting hobbies or develop respectable skill in any particular area. This, in my opinion, could be one of the reasons that women have historically under-performed in almost every activity/industry.
Ah, that explains it! There haven’t been any women presidents, or Popes, or Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because the ladies are spending way too much time fussing with their lipstick and trying to find the exact right shade of eyeshadow.
There haven’t been more women inventors, not because women were denied education for thousands of years or because STEM fields are filled with angry manbabies who cry oppression whenever a woman comes near, but because women don’t have any fascinating, mentally stimulating hobbies like the Red Pillers of the world have. You know, like weight-lifting, or “Game,” or “saying terrible things about women online.”
So you swallow the pill, look around you, and see two groups of people. The first group, men, generally have no innate value and have had to work for everything in life. This is why the loser-winner spectrum is so broad for men; don’t work at all and you’ll end up homeless, work your ass off and you could make millions. The second group, women, have considerable innate value and don’t spend nearly as much time fighting to stay respectable, because they can always fall back on their female safety net; this is why there are almost no homeless women, but it’s rare to find a female CEO.
Ah, the old “female safety net.” You know, the free reserve of rent money and bon bons that all women have access to. Or does he mean “well, if worse comes to worst, you can always become a prostitute”
Not quite as easy to understand as the concept of an oppressive patriarchy, but demonstrably more accurate.
He’s got that right: it’s definitely not as easy to understand.
Tying this in with sex drive: an RP’er will have a hard time respecting plates or women they meet at the bar, because when looking at these women as people rather than as magical, mysterious women, the man will be underwhelmed by her bland personality and/or her obnoxious attempts to seem less bland by being a loud annoying cunt.
Still, if she’s got a nice pair of tits and a round ass, you can forgive her personality and lack of emotional development.
Gosh, I am shocked that a whiny manchild who refers to women as “plates” can’t find anything interesting about them besides their sexy bits.
But then let’s say you get her in bed, and you fuck her, and you’re having a good time. As soon as you finish and are in that refractory period, you look over at the person next to you and see them differently. The tits and ass lose a bit of their appeal since you just finished, and now you see the person next to you for the immature person they really are, and it’s like you’re lying in bed with a child.
Huh. Just a thought, but if you want to date mature women you might want to start by dating, you know, mature women, instead of creepily fixating on women and girls much younger than you are?
Or maybe what’s really happening is that when you look over at the woman you just had sex with, she’s looking at you with disgust, wondering how the hell she ended up in bed with such an asshole, and you rationalize away her disdain towards you as her being “immature.”
It’s weird as fuck and you start to question your life choices. Next time you go out to the bar, you remember that moment, and decide to raise your maturity standards a little. To your dismay, no women measure up.
I hate to tell you this, but I’m pretty sure there aren’t a lot of mature women who see your bitter, immature ass as much of a prize.
That’s the Catch-22 of the Red Pill. It gives you all the women you could ever want, but you see them for what they really are.
Yeah, I’m sure that’s the problem. You’re dizzy with success.
So you’ve got two choices: work on your game and improve yourself in order to keep fucking barely-sentient organic sex toys, or go your own way and focus on your life instead because the game just isn’t worth it to you.
The grapes barely-sentient organic sex toys are definitely sour.
Men who choose the former are Red Pill alphas, and men who choose the latter are MGTOW. Blue Pillers just ignore the game and continue to get screwed over because they have no idea what they’re doing.
Keep telling yourself that.
And seriously, go your own fucking way already. Just do it. The further away, the better. If you think of women as barely sentient organic sex toys, stick with the non-organic, non-sentient variety of sex toy and leave the actual human beings alone.
Oh, and speaking of needlepoint, here’s my favorite song about crocheting. I know I’ve posted it before, but I don’t care. It’s not every day I have such a good excuse to post Julie Ruin.
Actually I think persecutednerdspeak may be the most irritating of the manosphere dialects, though not the most horrifying (that would be wannabealphaspeak, Roosh in the other thread providing a perfect example).
Oh hold on, cassandrakitty: I have to disagree with you on something of utmost importance! Leggings ARE pants! (Well unless you’re using British English in which case, I guess they aren’t.) Now I firmly believed they weren’t pants for a long time but I have seen the light. Join us in the stretchy, comfy future of leggings as pants!
But yes, persecutednerdspeak is very annoying.
Nope, if you have to wear something to cover your bum lest everyone in the world be able to read the label on your knickers, what you are wearing is not pants.
(I was once able to literally do just that when walking behind a young woman. That was awkward.)
Admittedly this has partly to do with what may be a local problem where people don’t seem to be able to distinguish between leggings and footless tights. As a hint, if you stick your hand in the leg and can see whether or not you’re wearing nail polish through the fabric, those are tights.
Okay, point taken. Leggings that you can’t see through though? Garments of the gods!
I took that dog toy or sex toy quiz and got 9 out of 15.
I’m not sure how you make a yellow rubber ducky into a sex toy beyond the general principle that if I rub that on my joybits, it’s a sex toy.
Ah yes, that makes sense because … no, wait, it doesn’t. What does Katy Perry have to do with Prop 8? I am unwilling to follow your link, which probably explains it all, preferring to remain in the land of befuddled ignorance.
Counterpoint – aren’t leggings that you can’t see through basically pajamas?
RE Palmer, there was also the EvelynEvelyn thing which, seriously, why did anyone think that was a good idea?
Um..I took that dog toy or sex toy quiz, and got 12/15.
I know nothing of either dog toys or sex toys, but clearly have good instincts! 😛
Counter-counterpoint: PJs are equally awesome and I would wear my super girl jammies to work, if I could.
I think Howard Bannister might have been referring to the “fake geek girl” controversy. A lot of people (including publishers, sadly) still see superhero comics and video games as a thing for exclusively the young male demographic, and it is often expected that the products reflect the mind of a misogynistic young man.
Still, the video game market has seen positive development lately, probably due to developers slowly starting to realize that women and girls make up around half of the potential customer base, and that ignoring them and their voices might just be a frickin’ stupid idea. The misogynistic dudebros are freaking out because the “safe space for men”
(meaning a treehouse where boys may freely talk about how icky girls are) fantasy is falling apart.
Sure, a lot of the stuff that comes out still make use of the male gaze (a particular problem is the objectification and pointless sexualization of female characters), the prevalence of the (white) male power fantasy, and so forth, but with games like The Last of Us and particularly its DLC, Left Behind (which focuses completely on Ellie), we are shown actually strong and well-developed female characters as actually playable characters. One of my personal favorites is Telltale Games’s story-driven, ongoing The Walking Dead game series, whose protagonists have so far both been POC. Season 2 even focuses on an African-American girl surviving in the zombie apocalypse.
And that’s terrible. “You mean to say that an entire medium no longer exists to serve exclusively my needs? Pandering! Misandry! Political correctness gone mad!”
When you whitewash a character of color, it’s colorblindness. When you racebend a white character, it’s tokenism.
Not me. Love wearing them, but I have too much stretchy, comfy bum to want it on display. Leggings are definitely the “way better than tights, tights” for me.
Only when they’ve got seriously saggy.
Tight clothes are always a no-no for me. I’m content with maintaining a careless-butch-dyke-with-oversized-clothes look forever, even after the hormones do all of their work.
I’ve met plenty of stylishly dressed butches whose look is anything but careless.
I guess careless isn’t how I’d personally describe it. It’s mainly a self-depreciating descriptor of how a lot of other people have berated my appearance, like my dad. Maybe carefree is better? IDK.
I’d never have thought of oversized clothes as a butch-dyke look at all – more just a thing men wear.
“There haven’t been any women presidents, or Popes, or Chairmen of the Federal Reserve”
The current Chair of the Federal Reserve is a woman named Janet Yellen.
I think the more dapper butches probably spend more time on their hair alone than I spend all my preparations to go out combined.
They vibrate, they’re waterproof and can be kept in plain view in the bathroom.
Rubber duckies vibrate now? I guess technology really has moved on since I was a kid.
I didn’t even have a rubber ducky. I had a hand-me-down rubber seal! ::cries::
Well, the leggings I wear are either running pants or yoga pants. They go better I think when worn as part of an exercise outfit than as a fashion thing, but leggings are definitely pants.
I had a rubber Jaws, because my parents had a weird sense of humor. And yes, both they and I would make the Jaws music while playing with it.
Neil, oops, of course you’re right, not sure what I was thinking, fixed.