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Open Thread for Personal Stuff: August 2014 Suspended Kitty Edition


An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no arguments.

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kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Hugs, BreakfastMan.

10 years ago

@teacat, I am so sorry for your loss. All the hugs.

10 years ago

Well, I’m in a better mood now! Thank you, kittens and babies.

I don’t understand this grief thing sometimes..but hey, it got me participating in one of these.

Have a hug breakfastman :). Moving out is definitely a different experience for everybody.

10 years ago

@curlyfries You, too. That’s a tough position to be in and I really hope that things get better for both of you. I know that’s not much but *hug*

10 years ago

I am sorry for posting here even though I haven’t commented on the blog in a while but on a recent news item that touched me. I was stunned by the news about Robin Williams who died today of an apparent suicide. He certainly touched a lot of people not only with many actors and actresses in Hollywood but people all over the world. I’ve been reading on the internet various tributes to him. My favorite movie that he was in was” Dead Poets Society”. I also liked” Good Morning Vietnam ” and” Awakenings” in which he played with Robert Deniro. I think one of his movies he played a son of a feminist called “The World According to Garp” from the early 1980’s.

From what I have read he had been battling severe depression and sadness but I wonder what ultimately provoked him to kill himself? He had a wife to whom he married in 2011. She is of course devastated as are his fans around the world. I was having a good day enjoying the summer weather and I just turned on CNN and got the news. I am a bit bummed out not only that Mr. Williams took his life but that I will miss him in the movies. He was truly a funny entertainer. liked him in his standup act and he also did a lot of comedy shows for free to raise money for the homeless and other charities. He certainly left his legacy in giving a lot of happy smiles to millions of people. I was a little melancholy after hearing about another celebrity who took his own life I guess money and fame does not buy happiness. I just felt like venting here after hearing about the tragedy. Much healing to his family and loved ones.

10 years ago

Chevy Chase issued a statement on Robin Williams’s death mentioning that he too struggles with depression. It’s sort of ironic that the people who make us laugh have such darkness in their own heads.

10 years ago

I’m sorry, everyone. Virtual hugs and cake to all who would like them.

10 years ago


I can’t imagine how difficult that must be. Best wishes to you and your husband to get through this to some kind of peace.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Have some Furrinati playing in the snow, everyone.

10 years ago

Chevy Chase issued a statement on Robin Williams’s death mentioning that he too struggles with depression. It’s sort of ironic that the people who make us laugh have such darkness in their own heads.

I think most, if not all, humor comes from pathos. Comedians are notorious for struggling with mental health/addiction issues. It’s not even just comedians. Most people I know who are funny and witty have depression, anxiety, eating disorders, addictions or some other issue.

If you really look at humor there’s very little of it that doesn’t come from a dark place. That includes light hearted comedy which often revolves around pain, humiliation, anxiety or rejection. Slipping on a banana peel seems innocent enough but for the person who has slipped they are embarrassed and hurt.

10 years ago

Have some kitties chasing their tails too

10 years ago

So full of sad. Came here for the inevitable kitten pictures/ videos. Thank you. <3

10 years ago

All this police brutality against POC is just making me sick right now. If it’s upsetting me – a white person who likely never be a victim of this myself – this much I can’t even imagine what POC and particularly black people are going through.

When cops consider the citizens of the communities they police “animals” how can they “serve and protect” anyone? Ugh. I’m just sick of it.

I know this thread has already been pretty heavy so I’m sorry to add to it but I had to express my sorrow and shame that this kind of thing happens in my country so often in a space that I know won’t be besieged by racist trolls.

10 years ago

It’s horrible knowing someone was in a place emotionally where they believed fervently that no longer existing was ultimately in the best interests of themself and those they shared their life with.

Two months since having my heart ripped out after over a year of abuse I still cry and rage. I still feel badly. I’m not OK, not even half-OK yet. I’m not in that very, very ugly place though where I’m pretty certain me not being alive anymore would improve matters for myself and others. I’m not having fun yet but I have sufficient optimism and perspective now that I’m glad I’m still here. Even with a depressed mood and being in a shitty place in my life, I am so fortunate and grateful.

I just feel sick knowing anyone else was in that place and didn’t make it out. One can’t help but think there was a chance of recovery and this didn’t need to happen.

10 years ago

One of my biggest complaints today has been my bowels. I had a dissatisfying poop. That’s what’s wrong in my life. How lucky am I?

10 years ago

Marinerachel, we’re glad you’re still here, too! We were so worried about you.

10 years ago

Here is a munchkin kitten built for maximum cuteness for everyone who’s having a shitty day.

10 years ago

My sister has a foldy cat. Her cat a horrible asshole though. That foldy kitten looks very pleasant.

10 years ago

Foldy cat?

10 years ago

Foldy cat = Scottish fold?

10 years ago

Ah, that makes sense. I was thinking of a cat that folded at the midsection and getting confused.

10 years ago

Foldy-eared cats.

My sister’s cat is certainly not a Scottish fold. She’s a very typical Turkish angora kitty. Somewhere in her family history though there was Scottish fold. The only trait retained by she or her mother is the folded ears. She hasn’t got the round face and head or big eyes. He body and legs are long and lean, not rounded. She’s certainly not a Scottish fold. She is foldy though!

10 years ago

Ah, that makes sense. I was thinking of a cat that folded at the midsection and getting confused.

Don’t all cats do that?

10 years ago

Hugs to everyone.

Fuck cancer and fuck death and fuck jerkbrains that give people hard times.

Here’s a video of a baby snuggling with a kitten

And more more cute kitties.

10 years ago

The murder and the police brutality that followed in Ferguson is horrible. I’m so ashamed of my country.

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