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Open Thread for Personal Stuff: August 2014 Suspended Kitty Edition


An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no arguments.

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10 years ago

There’s a profile of Mary Beard in the New Yorker that came to me in the mail today! That’s cool. I like Mary Beard.

A little thing that made me happy. I am having a stressful time employment-wise right now.

10 years ago

Best of luck, grumpycatisagirl!

10 years ago

I know I’m a relative n00b here but I hope it’s not too soon to be making a withdrawal from the Hug Box.

Without going into too much detail, being a carer is hard. That doesn’t mean I’m not more than happy to do it, or that I want to offload the responsibility, it’s just … sometimes it’s hard. And draining. And it’s hard to find support resources that aren’t all pitched at the “caring for an elderly relative” end of the market.

Just going through a bit of compassion fatigue right now.

10 years ago

It’s never too soon for hugs, strivingally. Being a carer is probably the hardest job there is. If you want help tracking down resources, give us a hint about what you’re looking for, and things might turn up.

10 years ago

My younger son is back in the adolescent crisis center (psychiatric facility). The voices had been getting him down, and he was starting to dissociate to deal with them. Much less stressful this time – no ambulance, no multiple trips to multiple ERs, my husband took him (with his informed consent). We’ll be checking in with him tomorrow morning and see how he’s feeling.

And my husband may actually get a full night’s sleep without worrying about him.

10 years ago

Hugs Strivingally and hugs for you too Robert.

10 years ago

All the hugs for strivingally and Robert. It’s hard.

My kitties Buster and Hazel send nose boops and cuddles too, if you’re not allergic.

10 years ago

Sending hugs too. And my dogs send doggie cuddles.

10 years ago

Hugs for all of you.

Things are going well, up here. I’ve got hugs to spare, so I’ll make a big donation to the hug bucket.

Also, have three minutes of dogs and cats getting along fine:

10 years ago

@Contrapangloss: Yeah, I totally second you! I don’t know either what it would “feel like” to either feel like a woman, or feel like a man, or feel like I’m genderqueer, or feel like I’m agender, or… 😀 So how can you tell what you are? At the end of the day, I go with “woman” since that is what I was assigned, so it’s sort of default for me. But I actually have no idea, because I don’t know how you’re supposed to tell.

10 years ago

strivingally, Robert, extra hugs from here.

strivingally, I’m a carer too, for my mother, and with her it’s low-level, as yet, but still draining, so I totally sympathise. Having fewer resources available for your needs sucks.

Robert, I hope they can help your son at hospital.

contrapangloss, doggies and kitties, squeee!

10 years ago

So, my blog was suspended for an unspecified TOS violation. Anybody here have experience with the appeals process WordPress has in place? I’ve gone over their TOS multiple times and I can’t for the life of me figure out what part of it I apparently violated.

10 years ago

@maistrechat, someone could have reported you for something (whether you did it or not is often beside the point), so it can be hard to figure out. Fingers crossed for you!

10 years ago

Still abroad (but at least on my “home” continent).

It’s been a trip. This is country number three (I don’t think a train trip, and an ale in Wales, counts as a separate country, nor the short layover in Frankfurt), and bed number 5/6 (depending on how one thinks of sleeping for two (freezing) hours on a banquette on the Ferry across the Irish Sea, from Holyhead to Dublin). I feel oddly liminal. I want to be back in Ireland, or England. I also want to be home.

Toronto is hella familiar, to the point of being homey; but the past month has made some things which are different quite familiar. I like some of them better (not paying to withdraw money, a better attitude toward alcohol, more readily available street food of good quality, etc). Others (the quality of the coffee, the power outlets matching my plugs, the money being worth about what I expect, and the price of things being in keeping with what I’m used to paying, etc.) are nice to come back to.

So I am neither away from home, nor at home.

In the highlights of the trip we took a walk on The Downs (in Devon, just above the town of Brighton). I did some woolgathering. I also found a worked flint. It was lying on the grass. It was going to be stepped on by a sheep, or a cow, or run over by a cyclist, or taken by someone else. There was no context for it. It was on the surface. It had zero stratigraphy.

So I picked it up. I’d guess it was early neolithic. At LonCon there was an archeologist. She was there to show off some casts of skulls, and she had some exemplars of stone tools. I had my flint in my sporran, so I showed it to her, and told her where I found it.

She said it looked late mesolithic, though she did say my guess wasn’t impossible. She dated it as being somewhere between 4 and 7 thousand years old.

10 years ago

How cool is it that a 4 – 7 thousand year old human artifact is just laying around on the ground, apparently so plentiful that you get to just pick it up and keep it. Did you get to keep it?

10 years ago

@kim: if you’re going to tease about your macaron abilties, you owe us each a macaron. Make mine a strawberry one with buttercream filling. 🙂

@grumpycatisagirl: I hope things get better for you soon. I hope you have some good local support, because it feels useless just saying “I things get better soon”. Virtual hugs and virtual kitties if you want/need them.

@strivingally: yep, being a carer can be a very stressful role, especially because it’s not one that starts at Time A and finishes at Time B, but is also there between Time B and Time A. Are there are free respite services for carers so you can have a little break (assuming you want one)? Virtual hugs and virtual kitties if you want/need them because I just magic them out of thin air so they never run short!

@Robert: sorry to hear that your son is needing inpatient help again. From what you wrote, it sounds like the system you have in place now is working well. Yay! Virtual hugs and virtual kitties if you want/need them because I just magicked some more out of thin air.

@maistrechat: I hope that the blog issue is sorted soon. How weird and how frustrating if an annoying person can interfere with a blog that way. Virtual hugs and virtual kitties if you want/need them because I just magicked some more into existence.

@pecunium: you sound like you’ve all had a great time. If you’re doing photos up and are happy to share, I’ll be happy to look. I’m the sort of person who loves looking at other people’s photos and ooing and ahing over them, particularly if they come with anecdotes. Not baby photos though.

Thanks to everyone for being supportive both publicly here and behind the scenes. David also said some nice things to me in email. If you wish you can put in your flounce scores for me below, because I will laugh my arse off, particularly if you give reasons for the particular score.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Welcome back, pallygirl! 😀

10 years ago

… Well. First we have to add up the deductions for showing up again post flounce. I’ve seen 3 comments in two threads, so I’m going with standard -2 per comment, -1 for thread hopping.

So, we’ll start the tally at -7.

The flounce was executed via email, behind the scenes, which is kind of classy. So, I’ll give you a +3 for the classy behind the scenes-ness of the flounce. In the thread, Kittehs did a pretty solid job of “stand in flouncer”, so her expertise will net you another +1.

The posts leading up to the flounce were with passion, and the return was a decently sized deer of a teal color that still conned me into reading it, despite the deer part of teal deer, so I’ll be generous there. +1.

Doing some sums, I currently have you at -2. You can feel free to bump it further into the negatives by continuing to recind the flounce.

🙂 I’d be perfectly happy seeing the score drop to the -billions. 🙂

10 years ago

The flounce was better than the troll’s from earlier. The one who whined about us not paying enough attention to him.

10 years ago

I love you lot 🙂

10 years ago

I had just fallen asleep when a huge thunderclap woke me up. It caused my heart to beat really fast and I got a jolt of adrenaline. Sigh. I’m going to be tired tomorrow.

10 years ago

contrapangloss, LOL! Fascinating scoring work on flounces there. I like the term “stand-in flouncer,” I have an image of wearing a really flouncy skirt to do that, probably something like this.

10 years ago

Pallygirl, in my mind, anyone who leaves without posting anything gets a straight 10. Because in the end isn’t that what we wish trolls would do?

Of course I have no choice but to award you the standard two-point deduction every time you post from here on out, though. Hopefully your score will get so low we have to put it into scientific mission, because I want you to stick around.

10 years ago

And a cute kitten video that reminds me of you, katz:

10 years ago

Baby kitties!

Want! Want ALL the baby kitties!

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