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Open Thread for Personal Stuff: August 2014 Suspended Kitty Edition


An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no arguments.

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10 years ago

In Ireland, means I can’t really get ahold of any of my people in Calif. to see how they are (seems there was an earthquake in the Bay Area).

10 years ago

Yeah, with the ‘hate’ about Dr Who, it was more Brits getting to watch something first for once

Well, I could have got up at 4am to watch it at the same time here in as Australia as the Brits saw it.

But I didn’t.

10 years ago

any comment missing a necessary -as- can use the superfluous one here.

10 years ago

So DotaCinema uploaded their ALS ice bucket challenge video, which included their editor, a woman. Comment’s section is naturally full of “tits lol” “girls don’t play dota” and the corresponding accusations of white knighting and SJW’ing (that’s a verb now I guess) when called out on it, because youtube is a shit community, dota is a shit community, and dota’s youtube community is distilled and purified shit.

Anybody here play dota by any chance? Besides me, obviously #winvokerforlyfe

10 years ago

Katz – thanks!

Pecunium, I’m in the Bay Area – on the Peninsula. The epicenter was further north, in Napa, but I did feel it pretty well. I haven’t heard of any injuries anywhere.

10 years ago

Oh, never mind about not hearing about any injuries. 🙁 Injuries reported in Napa.

10 years ago

OK, backscrolling the ‘hate’ seeing Dr Who first thing.
It’s all due to Bab5.
I used to have a strong online presence on MUSHes when Bab5 was being broadcast.
For most of the series, Americans saw it first and gloated about it to Brits, some people even gave spoilers (Boo!)
Then came Spring Break, and thus us Brits saw the final 3 eps of every series first.
So we gloated back. (but never did spoilers, cos ugh)

10 years ago

3 critical injuries reported, over 80 minor injuries, and lots of damage in Napa. Seems pretty localized there.

10 years ago

I mean damage was localized to there. EQ was felt as far away as Daly City, which is south of SF.

10 years ago

I’m in Mountain View, quite a bit south of Daly City, and I felt it. And I didn’t feel it just a little. Felt pretty big. Friends in Santa Cruz Mountains felt it too.

10 years ago

I have an aunt and uncle in Napa. We’re trying to get in touch with them.

10 years ago

Is there phone line down, contrapangloss? I hope they’re okay and their home is okay!

10 years ago

Finally got through! They’re okay, just some minor damage, utilities are disrupted, and a cell that was on silent.

Silent is a terrible mode for a phone to be in.

10 years ago

I’m glad there okay! yay!

10 years ago

I’m glad *they’re* okay.

How embarrassing.

10 years ago

It’s hilarious and adorable that you corrected that error 7 hours later.

10 years ago

Earthquake; I really hope all your friends and realtives are OK, guys.

10 years ago

Seconding WWTH. Your correction made me smile, because it was perfect in every way: especially in timing.

Bigger thing, Grumpycatisagirl: Thanks so much for the first hope that they were okay. I was really freaked for a bit, there, and it was nice to know someone was thinking and hoping out there with me.

Really, big thanks.

10 years ago

Ha ha. I’m glad I was able to recover from that gracefully, even belatedly.

And yeah, it’s freaky when your loved ones are at the epicenter of a natural disaster and you can’t reach them. I remember not being able to reach my mom for several hours after the 89 Loma Prieta earthquake hit. I was in high school then, and she was in San Francisco for work that day and had a hellish time getting home. And of course that was before Internet or ubiquitous cell phones (although they probably wouldn’t worked very well that day anyway).

So, just saying, I know how it is too be really freaked out by loved ones in an earthquake.

Most of my immediate family is in the Bay Area, but we are all south of Napa and are all fine. Thanks, though, GrumpyOldNurse.

10 years ago

*to* be really freaked. Sheesh.

10 years ago

So, um… Sometime within the next week or so, I am going to have to tell my aunt that my grandmother (her mother) is dying of cancer. I suspect it is going to be one of the hardest things I have ever done. Can I get some hugs n’ stuff?

10 years ago

Yes, BreakfastMan, have some hugs.

10 years ago

Oh, lawks. Hugs and kittie cuddles and doggie kisses and comfy pillows and anything else you need, BreakfastMan.

10 years ago

Hugs. All the hugs. If I had a critter here, I’d hug them and sent their wiggly furrinati kisses your way as well.

That’s rough.

Have another hug.

10 years ago

All the hugs for BreakfastMan. Also, child hugs, which are not to everyone’s taste (unlike furrinatti hugs), but are still very sweet.

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