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Open Thread for Personal Stuff: August 2014 Suspended Kitty Edition


An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no MRAs, no arguments.

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10 years ago

I have a terrible problem. There Are No Piccies, but daughter now has 2, count them TWO, pug dogs.

The one she got first was an absolute pest, at least for me. Getting under my feet and all the rest of it – I thought he’d improve as he got older, he did, but not enough for my taste. He also drove the cat to distraction always wanting to “play” in his awkward, pestiferous way. He’d only calmed down a bit after they’d concentrated on training and obedience. But the conclusion was that his real problem was anxiety.

So they went back to the breeder and got a female dog who’s two years older than him and no longer being bred. (They restrict the number of pregnancies for the dog’s sake. I presume there are also vet issues and expenses that make it less desirable as well.) He’s no longer pestering the much more relaxed cat and he’s got a permanent doggy friend. The household is a much, much happier place for everyone.

10 years ago

Sorry. The problem was No Piccies.

(I changed what I wrote a bit and it doesn’t make sense any more.)

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Glad to hear Pestiferous Pug has settled down, mildlymagnificent!

Mads was Teh Evil again this morning, shooting out the front door the minute I went to get the paper. I let her have a wander around the front yard – it’s fun watching her turn into mega-fluff cat while she’s out there – but then she had to do a bolt for the side fence and leap onto it. Luckily I caught her, but that was the end of that little expedition, and boy did I get some filthy looks for it!

10 years ago

opium4themasses – First world problem or not, job hunting suuuuuuuuuucks. Good luck!

Ally S – Kind thoughts! I’m sorry you’re dealing with all this, and I hope things get dramatically better for you soon.

A year or so ago, I went to a Cinematic Titanic live broadcast thing of Vincent Price’s “House on Haunted Hill.” Which I’m pretty sure was based on the same source material as “The Haunting” (1963) which was made into the abhorrent mess referred to in the first post on this thread. So it all ties together! Yay! Anyway, the Cinematic Titanic version was great.

10 years ago

Does Mads have a harness? I used to take mine to the park in London with one of those on, since it was the only way to let him outside without having him run into traffic, try to pick fights with dogs, and so on.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

She does. I use it occasionally for taking her into the back yard. The little rat dashed out the other morning into the front, but was a good girl while she was out there with me. This morning, though – naughty!

10 years ago

Wish me luck.

For one week, I’m going to be the sole volunteer at my station, due to the other volunteers having vacations, work travel, or moving to a new job.

I’m just an EMT and scene support person, but there are entry qualified firefighters at the next station over who are only about a 12 minute travel time away from here. Still, it’s kind of uncool to know I’m going to be it for a little bit, especially because my paid job is also starting this week. So, I’m it, but I’m not going to be there 24/7.

It’s a little disconcerting.

We need more volunteers, darn it! Hoping to con one of the other station’s volunteers into becoming a live in out here.

“We have the comfier bunks! And you wouldn’t have to share a room anymore! Pretty please be one of our people?! Please?”

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Best of luck, contrapangloss!

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Mads is defintely channelling Basement Cat today. I’m trying out the Cat’s Paw knitting stitch, and what do I find? My knitting on the floor and a certain torbie someone thinking the name means she gets to knit it.

10 years ago

toujoursgai: To the best of my knowledge, The House on Haunted Hill is an original work. The good version of The Haunting is based on Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House (which is very good reading); this site makes a pretty good case for the 1999 film being a shitty remake not of The Haunting but of the 1973 film The Legend of Hell House (a pretty good, if more lurid, haunted house film based on Richard Matheson’s Hell House— also worth reading).

10 years ago

@Ally: I hope the milk and cookies were nice. Rewarding yourself after a shitty time with people is always good – it means you have something to really look forward at the end.

@contrapangloss: gratz, they’ve clearly (and rightly so) got confidence in your abilities. What a pity it’s a volunteer job – I assume this as I don’t remember you writing that you were on pay – because you seem to be taking a real shine to it.

Me – last week of radiation. Breast was a mess over the weekend, registrar prescribed me stronger strength hydrocortisone cream to try to get the itchy bumps down, and it seems to be working, but back to it again with two days’ respite. Not sure how it’s going to go, the registrar, nurse, and radiation therapists are all saying it takes up to two weeks post treatment for all the *acute* side effects to show up. I’ve got some wound cream from the nurse this morning and disposable soft gauzes, so I can treat the delicate area. I tried to use dressings with the honey antibacterial cream, but my skin is really not taking to having any plaster stick on it at all. I’m also now resorting to using a ?silk cravat type thing down my bra, over the gauze to try to keep it in place, attract the friction, and also pull it up higher so that seat belts – for example – as well as bra straps don’t rub my itchy area.

Fuck cancer.

10 years ago

Sending good vibes to anyone who wants them.

I’m having a bad day. My anxiety levels/stress tolerance or whatever seem to work thusly: after a certain point, it takes longer and longer (and may not even be possible) to recharge to the point of basic function. So this year I’ve had to deal with getting a flat for myself and my partner and having to maintain it alone unexpectedly for 8 months … my partner finally moving in and promptly spending a summer’s worth of money in one month … my stepson’s mother dictating my schedule according to her whims at all times and berating and insulting me if I object … and then my stepson’s mother dabbling in borderline child abuse when it came to toilet training.

At this point, I think if I had a nice peaceful 12 months, my coping abilities would recharge. I had a mostly stress-free fortnight, but it isn’t good enough. Last night I felt tentatively able to get out and do some exercise, but the glow wore off really quickly when I discovered my allergy medications have been accidentally thrown out so I was up all night ill. When I finally got to sleep, it was at the cat’s breakfast time so she started climbing on my head and triggered me all over again. Then my partner, who was staying at his mum’s last night and today to give me time to do coursework (which is due on Friday and still has quite a way to go), texts me to tell me that yet again our schedule of having my stepson has changed, and we have him three extra days this week. I ask why, and he says actually this time it was his decision, because it is changing to weekdays at his mum’s/weekends with us soon (in theory) and he didn’t want to be travelling to and fro with him three times this week because of the change. In my opinion it would have made more sense to pick him up later this week and keep him through to Sunday, or keep it to the usual time this week and just swallow the extra train fare because I somehow don’t think it’s going to be much more expensive than three extra days of feeding and amusing him. But my opinion wasn’t consulted, I only live here…

Also after the rent and bills I’m down to my last couple hundred for the next month, and this life is just more expensive than that no matter how I try, not least because of the constant changing schedules, unexpected extra meals to make, unplanned train fares…

Three extra days wouldn’t seem like that much if they weren’t the n hundredth unplanned extra days. I’m considering going to stay at my mum’s this week so I can focus on getting my assignments in, but I’m embarrassed because it will be the second time I’ve bailed and gone to hide there to attempt to recharge and I just feel like it is so unnecessary. This massive amount of stress is not necessary. When mum had cancer, it was; when my mental illnesses were really bad, it was; when my parents split up, it was… I’m trying to get past and deal with a good few years of unavoidable stress, anxiety, and hardship and I just don’t need everyone adding to my plate for no good fucking reason.

10 years ago

mildlymagnificent, glad to hear your pug situation is fixed. Our pug only gets anxious around mealtime and walk time. He pretty much naps straight through the rest of the day if we let him.

Speaking of cats and pugs, there is a cat in our neighborhood that loves dogs, and comes out to greet everyone walking their dogs. When we’re out walking our pug Kirby, the cat comes running out to the street, meowing, and nuzzles Kirby. Then it starts rolling around on the ground and Kirby freaks out and starts running around it, whining. The cat doesn’t care at all. It just keeps on rolling. I have never met a more relaxed cat in my life.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago


These things go in spurts and fits. Everybody I know is in a recruiting mindset right now… more firefighters, more medical, more everybody!

Good luck!

10 years ago


But my opinion wasn’t consulted, I only live here…

No, honey. You are a rent and bill paying member of that household, and you should be respected as such and get a vote.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Lots of hugs to anyone who wants or needs them. Cancer, abusive family, and having your time and effort taken for granted are all rotten. 🙁

10 years ago

Yeah hellkell, that’s the worst of it. I am THE rent and bill paying member of the household, which was never the plan. That’s bad enough in and of itself without being left out of every decision concerning my money, my home, my shopping, my cleaning, my role as step-parent, my assignments, my schedule…

10 years ago

K, hugs. I don’t know what to say without sounding like I’m “shoulding” all over you, and I don’t want to do that. I will say you deserve better than this, and this is not the only relationship out there for you.

10 years ago

K, have you sat down and calmly told him how you feel? If he doesn’t care, could you be financially abused? There’s lots of good resources online.

I’m not telling you what to do, but my partner is financially controlling. Trust me, the longer you two live together the deeper in trouble you will get.
I’m not suggesting that you break up with him if you don’t want to, but I would think long and hard about combining your lives right now.

10 years ago

He’s more irresponsible/inconsiderate than controlling. If I point it all out, he doesn’t turn it back on me or deny it or anything, but neither have I seen lasting change. I’ll patiently explain how I need to know my schedule ahead of time, how being the only person keeping us all in the flat, fed, warm etc. is so draining on me and I just need some acknowledgement of it. And he will acknowledge it, and check in from time to time and take it into consideration for like, a couple of weeks. Then I just feel like he has forgotten. Nothing he does seems malicious, but just…he can’t/won’t see things from my perspective for more than short stretches, and explaining it over and over is draining in and of itself.

I could definitely do with some time off, but when there’s a toddler involved it’s difficult.

10 years ago

Hi,everybody, long time lurker here. I thought I’d introduce myself here, rather than on one of the regular posts.
I’m 22, law student from Germany. Currently, there are no furrinati overlords gracing me with their presence but my roommate has three awesome rats and a very furry spider so I hope that counts.

10 years ago

Just adding to the pile of hugs available for anyone who wants one!

And a welcome package for littlekatze!

10 years ago

Rats are definitely a member of the furrinati. I just noticed that I’ve typed the word furrinati into my phone enough times that it pops up in the dictionary and I can just select it instead of typing the whole thing out. 😀

10 years ago


Obviously not the same situation, but I’ve had to separate my finances from my roommates, food-wise, for the sake of my mental health. When we had joint finance, they’d blow through my share within a couple weeks, which would set me off, ED-wise. I can only imagine how much more stressful it would be if it was all freaking rent! D:

10 years ago

For those who had asked: Life has leveled out again and I’ve been able to update Ohai Uruk-hai ( more regularly. 🙂

Many, many internet hugs to those who need them.