a voice for men advocacy of violence bad boys bears domestic violence evil tiny women evil women excusing abuse internet tough guy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats oppressed men oppressed white men paul elam reddit violence white dudes comparing themselves to slaves

Paul Elam: "If a woman five feet tall and 110 pounds soaking wet hits me, I am going to hit her back."

Should these books be required reading for MRAs?
Should these books be required reading for MRAs?

Attention tiny ladies! Paul Elam wants you to know that if you attack him, he will totally punch you right back. And not in a satirical way, either. With his actual, non-satirical fists.

A Voice for Men’s maximum leader has long insisted that his notorious “Bash a Violent Bitch Month” post was nothing more than misunderstood “satire.” That is, when he argued that men who are abused by women would be totally justified if they “beat the living shit out of them. I don’t mean subdue them, or deliver an open handed pop on the face to get them to settle down. I mean literally to grab them by the hair and smack their face against the wall,” this was somehow a “Juvenalian” satire of some sort. There’s a famous quote from The Princess Bride that might be appropriate here.

Well, now Mr. Elam has announced to the world that every month is a potential “Bash a Violent Bitch Month” for him. Even if the “Violent Bitch” in question is less than half his size. In a post that he insists is super serious, he writes:

I want to offer a few words on this subject, and this time not in satire. I want to convey as honestly as possible, how I feel on the subject of violence between the sexes, from one man’s point of view.

I am 6’8” tall and 285 pounds. If a woman five feet tall and 110 pounds soaking wet hits me, I am going to hit her back.

Now, Elam does stop short of saying he would “beat the living shit” out of this hypothetical tiny woman, but, you know, in the heat of battle with someone less than half his size, he suggests that he might not be able to control his non-satirical fists:

I would do my best to return the violence proportionally, to just use enough force to stop the attack, but I can make no guarantees. Depending on the suddenness of the attack, the level of fear or threat I might feel, the impulse to self-defend in measured amounts is difficult, if not impossible to predict with any accuracy.

So, if there are any tiny ladies out there who might be considering jumping in a pool and then punching Paul Elam, I would suggest you not do that. Of course, I would suggest you not do that even if he weren’t going to hit back, because hitting people is generally a very bad thing.

Don’t worry, dudes – tiny or otherwise – Elam would totally punch you too!

It is the same reaction I would have to a man. No more and no less. The only way to prevent this and the consequences that may result is for people to keep their hands off me.

Presumably this would also apply to bears, giant squids, killer robots and anyone or anything else that tried to put its hands or paws or tentacles on him.

Now, if someone less than half my size were to attack me, and the situation weren’t life-threatening, I might, you know, back off and call the police instead. But apparently, this isn’t an option for men, because we’re all slaves, or something:

Most people who frequent this site know that men who call for help from police when being assaulted by female intimate partners are likely to be arrested for their troubles. … [T]here are prosecutors that will happily give the victim a criminal record and make them pay dearly for having been attacked.

This idea is completely insane on its face. Not only that, it is the closest thing we have today to the mentality of slave owners who could flog their slaves because they were property.

Never mind that women, who make up the vast majority of the victims of severe domestic violence, make up 20% of those arrested for DV. Never mind that even where there are mandatory arrest laws in effect, police still need probable or reasonable cause to show that domestic violence occurred – like physical evidence of injuries – before arresting a suspect. Never mind that even in states with “dual arrrest” policies, only about half of all domestic violence calls result in any arrests.

And never mind that if you use disproportionate force against someone less than half your size – as Elam suggests he very well might do – you deserve to go to jail, and for more than a night. “Beating the living shit” out of someone much smaller than you isn’t actually self-defense at all. It’s beating the living shit out of someone much smaller than you.

Now, Elam isn’t the only Men’s Rights Activist who seems to spend a lot of time imagining scenarios in which it would be ok for them to hit women. It’s a subject that comes up on the Men’s Rights subreddit all the time; the misogynistic douchebags who populate Reddit’s Videos subreddit are if anything even worse. And don’t ever do a Google image search for “equal rights equal lefts” unless you want to be really depressed.

The Men’s Rights movement: bravely fighting for the right of men to punch women half their size.

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10 years ago

Dumb contrapangloss question:

What does ofc mean?

Old Fart’s Coffee?
Off Flying Cars?
Ornery Furballs Coming?

I should probably just google…

10 years ago

of course?

10 years ago


Of Frikken Course? That’s my best guess… Doesn’t really work when you expand it though.

10 years ago

[blockquote]And yes, Paul Bernardo’s attitude is very emblematic of abusive psychopaths in general, as well as strikingly similar to the MRAs, who all seem to think they’re so much smarter than the rest of us. [/blockquote]

True. Narcissism seems to abound in the manosphere, whether it be PUA or MRA. However, I have noticed that Red Pill pick-up artist types like Roosh and company are, or appear to be, more overtly psychopathic.

10 years ago

I have actually been harassed by a tween-ish child, though given that I am pretty short we were probably fairly physically matched. I was in my apartment pool, and she kept trying to steal my goggles off my face. No, I don’t understand it either.

So I left. If the apartment manager had been in, I might have reported her, but I didn’t get her name and frankly all I wanted to do was get the hell away from her.

And then I told my family and they made fun of me.

10 years ago

@ryeash- It’s true! Kitties know when you’re sad. My old Siamese from when I was little would always curl up with me on the couch. She was so loving. She would lick me, lay on me, drool on me, purr and talk like crazy. I miss her so much. Kitties are awesome.

10 years ago

One of my parent’s cats knows when I’m sick, and always comes for cuddles. (TMI) It is really nice when I’m stuck in bed with hellcramps… cat-food powered heating pad!

10 years ago

According to urban dictionary, “of course” is ofc.

I cannot find (#) though. Google failed me. 🙁

10 years ago


I’d go for “Old Flying Cow”.

Also, can I ask what your nick means?

10 years ago

Shoot, I just realized I got your name wrong! Really really sorry about that :S

10 years ago


It’s the Khamzin Seal of Approval™! It’s the stamp you put at the end of a particularly long (over 1500 words) and particularly confusing rant.

Khamzin: If it ain’t Khamzin, it ain’t confuzin

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Gosh, I’m so surprised that this thread is attracting so many trolls (/sarcasm). “Abusers’ lobby”, indeed.

Attention, MRAs: the issue is not us wanting to dish it out but not to take it. If someone is a threat to your safety, you have a right to defend yourself. The issue here is how fixated you guys are on it, and how you appear to fantasize about not only hitting a woman back, but hitting her harder than she hit you. Hell, I’m uncomfortable with anyone who fantasizes about “thumping someone’s skull”, even for good reason – I can’t imagine looking forward to hurting someone, or looking forward to needing to.

Was Mythago a regular commenter or troll (or regular turned troll)? I’ve seen the name before.

He used to have a black and white icon with, like, a woman’s silhouette or something? He’s been here for a while, but apparently he was banned (and yet he keeps commenting. I bet he doesn’t even read the comments enough to notice that his aren’t showing up).

David, can we put Haribo Lector on moderation until they explain whether they’re trolling or just really sarcastic? I honestly can’t tell and that alone should warrant modding IMO

A few months back some guy set up an elaborate trap where he hid in his own house with the lights off and left the garage door open with valuables visible. When two people did try to steal some stuff he killed them, coldly, with dehumanising comments and almost supervillian-level detachment…

I’m horrified, but not surprised. I’ve waded into some gun debates online, and there’s always that one guy (and it’s almost always a guy) who seems like he can’t wait to get a chance to shoot somebody.

Interestingly, I rarely hear women making the “we need guns to prevent rape” argument. That’s mostly men, too.

You know, if a woman slaps a man, and he slaps her back with the same level of force — I’m not going to praise him, but that’s at least an understandable, human reaction. But it is really fucking clear that is not what Elam is talking about.

Yeah, the kind of guy who openly fantasizes about hitting a woman back is not going to respond in a proportional manner.

@Phoenecian, that link will never not be funny. Thanks!

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

If the child was an older child, say 9 or 10, I probably would hit back.


10 years ago

@ emilygoddess

Scroll back. Apparently it’s also patronizing to tell men not to hit women, because we live in a Mortal Kombat game or some shit like that.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Protip to Khamzin if you’re allowed back (I for one hope you’re not): write in English if you want anyone reading. Writing the way you have here makes your walls of text well-nigh unreadable.

10 years ago

One thing that occurred to me on the “appropriate” level of violence in response to a didn’t-hurt-me-at-all slap from a smaller person. At least, it occurred to me after the various comments pointing out that this looks to be more about maintaining dominance rather than self-defence against physical aggression.

Does Paulie’s approach apply in reverse?

If a smaller, weaker man slaps a bigger, stronger woman anywhere on her face or body or grabs/gropes her breasts or her groin without hurting her significantly, would Paulie say she was justified or entitled or within her rights to respond with an equivalent level of violence/violation with no guarantee of staying within that limit?

Or has the idea never occurred to him that a woman might think or react the same way.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Cassandra, I saw the comment. I just didn’t think it needed any more comment, because seriously, what is that shit?

10 years ago

Beegee isn’t new apparently. Not sure if she’s always this WTF.

10 years ago

Hitting children? Absolutely not.

The only exception is toddler’s fingers going for the fire or the saucepan handle for the fortieth time. A child older than three or four shouldn’t need even that.

10 years ago

Yeah, my mum smacked my hand away from things a few times when I was a toddler. We were not, however, reenacting Streetfighter on the front lawn.

10 years ago


The key to keep in mind is that Paulie’s rant is all about this bullshit notion that MRAs have: that feminists and society dictate that women can hit men as much as they want, but men can’t touch a woman without going to prison.

This is just him saying “You know what, I’ll hit whoever I want as long as I do some bullshit reframing of assault as self-defense, neener neener.”

He already thinks stronger women can beat up weaker men with no consequence.

10 years ago

Sure! It’s kind of a dual meaning thing.

In Greek, pangloss means “all languages”. I speak but one, and have a hellish time learning and retaining snippets of others. Two years of Japanese, and all I can recall is “I really like dogs”. Thus, I am the walking opposite of all languages. Someday, I will be less contra to the pangloss, hopefully.

The nym doubles by reminding me of the character Pangloss from Candide, who is kind of insufferable. He pretends to know everything and is a doctor of a ridiculously long form of astrotheologicalsomethingythatsoundsimpressiveism. In the face of badness, he says “Everything happens for the best in this best of all possible worlds” then proceeds to talk in circles to justify said horrible, horrible thing.

He also never dies. Seriously. He dies like four times in this tiny little book, and keeps coming back.

So, I’m against being Pangloss, although I’m all for being optimistic. Just not to the point of saying “This terrible thing happened to you for a reason and let me tell you all about it!”

So, yeah, not Pangloss.

Also, I kind of just like the sound.

Long enough explanation for a silly nym?

10 years ago

Long post addressed to Lulzbelitx, sorry anyone who was expecting that to be on topic!


Lulzbelitx, can I return the curiosity?

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Cassandra, she’s more OK than not, but she’s said not-OK things before. She’s the same person who argued that it didn’t “do addicts any favors” to give them welfare benefits, so…

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago


Thank you.

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