a voice for men advocacy of violence bad boys bears domestic violence evil tiny women evil women excusing abuse internet tough guy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats oppressed men oppressed white men paul elam reddit violence white dudes comparing themselves to slaves

Paul Elam: "If a woman five feet tall and 110 pounds soaking wet hits me, I am going to hit her back."

Should these books be required reading for MRAs?
Should these books be required reading for MRAs?

Attention tiny ladies! Paul Elam wants you to know that if you attack him, he will totally punch you right back. And not in a satirical way, either. With his actual, non-satirical fists.

A Voice for Men’s maximum leader has long insisted that his notorious “Bash a Violent Bitch Month” post was nothing more than misunderstood “satire.” That is, when he argued that men who are abused by women would be totally justified if they “beat the living shit out of them. I don’t mean subdue them, or deliver an open handed pop on the face to get them to settle down. I mean literally to grab them by the hair and smack their face against the wall,” this was somehow a “Juvenalian” satire of some sort. There’s a famous quote from The Princess Bride that might be appropriate here.

Well, now Mr. Elam has announced to the world that every month is a potential “Bash a Violent Bitch Month” for him. Even if the “Violent Bitch” in question is less than half his size. In a post that he insists is super serious, he writes:

I want to offer a few words on this subject, and this time not in satire. I want to convey as honestly as possible, how I feel on the subject of violence between the sexes, from one man’s point of view.

I am 6’8” tall and 285 pounds. If a woman five feet tall and 110 pounds soaking wet hits me, I am going to hit her back.

Now, Elam does stop short of saying he would “beat the living shit” out of this hypothetical tiny woman, but, you know, in the heat of battle with someone less than half his size, he suggests that he might not be able to control his non-satirical fists:

I would do my best to return the violence proportionally, to just use enough force to stop the attack, but I can make no guarantees. Depending on the suddenness of the attack, the level of fear or threat I might feel, the impulse to self-defend in measured amounts is difficult, if not impossible to predict with any accuracy.

So, if there are any tiny ladies out there who might be considering jumping in a pool and then punching Paul Elam, I would suggest you not do that. Of course, I would suggest you not do that even if he weren’t going to hit back, because hitting people is generally a very bad thing.

Don’t worry, dudes – tiny or otherwise – Elam would totally punch you too!

It is the same reaction I would have to a man. No more and no less. The only way to prevent this and the consequences that may result is for people to keep their hands off me.

Presumably this would also apply to bears, giant squids, killer robots and anyone or anything else that tried to put its hands or paws or tentacles on him.

Now, if someone less than half my size were to attack me, and the situation weren’t life-threatening, I might, you know, back off and call the police instead. But apparently, this isn’t an option for men, because we’re all slaves, or something:

Most people who frequent this site know that men who call for help from police when being assaulted by female intimate partners are likely to be arrested for their troubles. … [T]here are prosecutors that will happily give the victim a criminal record and make them pay dearly for having been attacked.

This idea is completely insane on its face. Not only that, it is the closest thing we have today to the mentality of slave owners who could flog their slaves because they were property.

Never mind that women, who make up the vast majority of the victims of severe domestic violence, make up 20% of those arrested for DV. Never mind that even where there are mandatory arrest laws in effect, police still need probable or reasonable cause to show that domestic violence occurred – like physical evidence of injuries – before arresting a suspect. Never mind that even in states with “dual arrrest” policies, only about half of all domestic violence calls result in any arrests.

And never mind that if you use disproportionate force against someone less than half your size – as Elam suggests he very well might do – you deserve to go to jail, and for more than a night. “Beating the living shit” out of someone much smaller than you isn’t actually self-defense at all. It’s beating the living shit out of someone much smaller than you.

Now, Elam isn’t the only Men’s Rights Activist who seems to spend a lot of time imagining scenarios in which it would be ok for them to hit women. It’s a subject that comes up on the Men’s Rights subreddit all the time; the misogynistic douchebags who populate Reddit’s Videos subreddit are if anything even worse. And don’t ever do a Google image search for “equal rights equal lefts” unless you want to be really depressed.

The Men’s Rights movement: bravely fighting for the right of men to punch women half their size.

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10 years ago

Jesus, khamzin, stop pushing that Vice link and stop trolling.

10 years ago

OK, maybe not trolling, that’s from the vice thing, but fuck if I could tell at first.

10 years ago

trolling? My curiosity on people heres responses to this article are genuine. Ive long followd this blogg and now I found something I would like to talk about, or atleast share in some way. If no one is interested, fine, but to quote it 2 times and link 2 it is not trolling (¤)

10 years ago

lol its his fucking words! 😉 no harm done

10 years ago

? I found the article shallow on the border of ignorant and the paul elam quote – well let me just say I am a survivor of both sorts.

10 years ago

Sorry, khamzin, your formatting was fucked.

But just as a handy thing, if you post a link and no one wants to talk about it, let it lie.

10 years ago

what i rly wanted was for u to use ur sharpness on the article (or at the very least 😉 and i didnt send it to u personaly cause im scared of ma email ^^

10 years ago

well that is good advice but I do notice that the topic of the day is where the communication usualy happens and I found this article to fit so very well into today

10 years ago

Once again, they just can’t WAIT to hit women. Any excuse at all. Perhaps even none. But for their public face, they try to “reach” for reasons. It seems to me that all these Internet Tough Guys here would also beat the crap out of children if one even DARED to touch them. It is EXACTLY as Save the Queen said. Reestablishing dominance over someone who needs to be subservient at all times. Talk about wounded pride. I snort every time they accuse women having the most fragile of egos. Go look in a mirror and promptly step on some legos.

10 years ago

Personally, I prefer this to Elam’s tee-hee, I was just kidding about that last article I wrote, it’s just satire of a twenty-line article those MONSTERS AT JEZEBEL WROTE!!! I prefer him to Farrell also. He comes right out and tells you that he’s a terrible person you should avoid at all costs.

It does make me worry a bit for his girlfriend. :/

10 years ago

Rule of Linking:

In a week’s span, the correct number of times to link to an article is not twice, not thrice, but once.

If it is a kitty picture, exceptions can be made.

Or a nopetopus gif.

10 years ago

@contrapangloss Excellent! That means I can post Bootsy again for no reason! Praise be to Bootsy.

10 years ago

khamzin, I didn’t get your purpose from what you were posting either. If you want to see the mamotheers take down that particular post of Elam’s do your own research in the blog history, there was stuff about it when it happened.

Also, prefacing your comments with “spam spam” is a good way to make everyone think that you’re a troll who enjoys spamming threads trying to move things off-topic. So y’know, maybe don’t do that. Instead, put your questions up front, with a link and a snippet and see if the commentariat want to contribute.

10 years ago

…is that so… there was no where where this rule was stated so I could not possibly know 😉 but more serious if I only posted the quote would it have made sense to anyone…!?

10 years ago

Is Elam really 6’8″? I didn’t get that impression from pics of the Toronto protest.

I didn’t either. I think Paulie tacked a full foot onto his height because he needs to look like a truly big man. Either that, or to make his weight look like less of something some other MRA could razz him about and call him a fat-fat-fatty.

10 years ago

Also, as people said, once is enough. If you don’t get the response you were looking for then it’s up to you to deal with your feelings on that. You aren’t entitled to a response.

10 years ago

ok well in conversations I tend to write more like I talk it is unfortunate that it got misinterpreted (english is not ma nativelang) – – – research? well is there anything you are wondering about? it is not about this perticular elam post but about the … well

“it is wierd to me that anyone could have missed the male circumcision debate (btw the answer is ofc YES wtf NO it is not ok ^^) but ok some people just…do other stuff; but why is a person with lacking knowledge (interest??) to the subject(s!) writing for the “pop-journalist-blog” vice about it? (the form of it would feel more … relevant — if the person writing the article would participate as a real person)” – Khamzin

its about the article and how why so YES I got my question !

10 years ago

This kitty is no Bootsy, but this is exactly my reaction to reading about Paul Elam publicly fantasizing about beating up women. Again.

10 years ago

It does make me worry a bit for his girlfriend.

…assuming that he didn’t just make her up. He doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy women are actively lining up to date.

10 years ago

dude lol omg wtf ok im not entitled to conversations with ma peers? but sure no one is obligated to answer.

“well that is good advice but I do notice that the topic of the day is where the communication usualy happens and I found this article to fit so very well into today” – me again…

10 years ago

@Auntie Alias:

Is Elam really 6’8″? I didn’t get that impression from pics of the Toronto protest.

I am literally 6’8″ and in the vicinity of 285lbs. From what I’ve seen of Elam, I don’t believe he’s that tall. If he is, then his body shape is completely different from mine.

10 years ago

@sparky Still a Siamese! So, still super adorable in my book. But I’m pretty sure most people here don’t discriminate when it comes to cats.

10 years ago

Just curious if anyone can post a link to the original Jezebel article that Paul’s first article was supposedly satirizing?