
A Men's Human Rights Movement Graphix Xtravaganza of Joy!!1!

Actual "meme" from AVFM. I did not make it up or choose the font.
Actual “meme” from AVFM. I did not make it up or choose the font.

That last post was a bit, well, grim. So I thought I’d lighten the mood with some terrible, terrible memes from A Voice for Men’s Facebook page. They’re so Men’s Human Rightsy that you can practically smell the human rights wafting off of them!

Or could that be the powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity?

Either way, enjoy! For a fun game, see how many different examples of ideas that do not actually enhance human rights you can find in the memes below! For example, I found both misogyny and transphobia! See what else you can find!

avfmkillsleep avfmtransphobia avfmawesome avfmindustrev avfmmothersdayyy


This last one is kind of my favorite. Fuck you, mom! I took out the garbage last week!

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Amanda Ching
10 years ago

“The mothers of our children, we broke our backs…”

Also grammatically incorrect! Go AVFM jackasses who don’t understand modifying clauses!

10 years ago

Oh god.

I just realized something.

That M logo? It’s quite clearly a man with spread legs and a large schlong because these guys are so manly manly manly.

Oh god.

Cannot unsee.

10 years ago

Ah yes, the Industrial Revolution. Such a male innovation. With products like the dishwasher, which was of course a male inventi- oh, wait, no, that was Josephine Cochran. Ah well. But it was men who made advances in the more “industrial” sectors, right? Like petroleum? Oh wait. Edith Flanigen was a big name there. Might as well use computers to check up on the facts. Computers that wouldn’t exist in the way we know them without Ada Lovelace or Hedy Lamarr.

Maybe they should just put white-out over the mistakes in their memes. But then, that was also invented by a woman, so I guess they’re stuck.

10 years ago

Wtf…? Is that a Nazi Germany wallpic they’ve chosen? Is the circled dude a MGTOWer? What is going ON with that page??

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

All I see in that first one is a MRA engaging in a histrionic whine – while picturing themselves holding a gun. Sorta changes the tone of the complaint if someone flashes a weapon at you when they make it.

Andrew Johnston
10 years ago

If gender is a social construct, then identifying as female is a choice, not an imposed disadvantage. You cannot claim to be disadvantaged if you’re making life hard for yourself by placing unnecessary conditions on your own existence.

On a similar note, if race is a social construct, then identifying as any particular race is a choice, not an imposed disadvantage. If you really don’t like being “randomly” stopped by the police or security, you could simply opt to be white.

That’s what “social construct” means, right? Right? Please tell me I’m smart.

10 years ago

What is with the attractive women making scary faces meme?? I mean, scary-face “we can kill you in your sleep” girl looks a lot more like a sexual fantasy than a threat.

10 years ago

I have slept beside at least one woman who could be described as “card-carrying” feminist (Douglass College alum) and I can assure you she very rarely attempted to kill me in my sleep.

10 years ago

Wow, if your mom is a feminist *insert lie about feminism*. So, don’t get her anything for Mother’s Day. Men need to think twice about splurging for a card? Seriously, how much cash is a dude out for a card anyway? Really, “Think about that before you go dropping card money on you mom. What did she ever do for you, anyway?” Just screams “Men’s rights”, doesn’t it? This movement could not be about hating all women, even your mom, right? As if moms are raking in that sweet, sweet Mother’s Day cash. These people really sound just like estranged abusive fathers who hate that their kids still love their own mothers.

The difference between what feminists and the assholes of AVfM think of men is just this:

Feminists: Men are people who can control their actions and thus rapists chose to rape. Rape is not a biological imperative that men cannot control. Rape culture tells men that only a small segments of rapes are “really rapes” so that it’s OK if they commit them and if you teach them that all rapes are wrong, they are less likely to rape.

MRAs: Men can’t help but rape. Their brains and empathy shuts down at the sight of a woman’s butt. Some rapes are totally justified, in fact, women are begging to be raped by existing while female. Minors predate on child molesters. Getting groped and assaulted is just a price they pay for being in the company of well known, well off men. Street harassment is A-OK and probably women’s fault. Men gonna men. Consent is too hard to understand and makes sex boring anyway.

One of those groups does indeed hate men and treat them as subhuman monsters. The other are feminists.

Yes, I expect my children (even my sons *gasp*) to understand and respect bodily autonomy and consent. I expect them to see all people as deserving of equality, compassion and dignity. That isn’t hard to grasp. Kids can do it.

10 years ago

Cor. I thought for a wild second it was a deeply symbolic message of symbological deepness pandering to one well-known ‘Dr’ of AVfM – all hail Paul Elam!
Until I saw the lone dudemeister peering around, like a ‘Where’s MGTOW Wally’.

10 years ago

That first graphic is missing the words “WE HUNTED THE MAMMOTH FOR YOU!!!11!!”

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Fibinachi, unfortunately, I’ve been seeing that for quite awhile.

AVFMers still don’t get that rants at essay length are not memes.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago


Well done.

It may be useful to also point out that a woman, Stephanie Kwolek (who died this past June at age 90), invented Kevlar, which has been saving the menz’ lives for several decades now. Seems to me we are not doing that whole feminazi male elimination thing right.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

Feminists give us a leg up, and hold a safety net under us? Good for them!

They say it like it’s a bad thing, and that’s not the weirdest thing going on here.

10 years ago

Yeah! If gender is a social construct, you ladies can just choose to be men, and then you won’t get raped! And then you’ll all be masculine and gross and we’ll hate you for not acting like women! WIN-WIN.

10 years ago

That first picture bleeds madonna-whore complex.

10 years ago

I would like to encourage Mammotheers to make your own AVfM memes, because even when we try to make terrible, craptastic memes they still somehow turn out better than AVfM’s.

10 years ago

So, if women can’t be awesome if feminism is helping them…is the MRM trying to prevent men from being awesome?

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

Would it kill any of these guys to take a design course?

Of course, design is sort of coded as feminine, isn’t it? So maybe it would kill them.

Save The Queen
Save The Queen
10 years ago

Plus, by doing a design course, they’d have to sit next to girls and who wants that? There’s cooties and they wouldn’t escape without a false rape allegation

10 years ago

Yeah you no good feminists stop encoring women to kill men while they sleep!

I have to ask what kind of acid trip makes that meme sound reasonable?

10 years ago

@Lea that may be the most comprehensible description of rape culture I’ve ever read. Hope you don’t mind if I crib from it next time I have to explain what rape culture is and why it’s something to be opposed.

10 years ago

That “woman can be awesome” one is practically perfect. A whine blaming feminism for preventing women from being awesome, and what is awesome? An attractive young woman in a suggestive pose making sultry eyes while holding a pink guitar. Truly the woman all men want women want to be.

Silly awesome woman, that’s not how you play a guitar.

10 years ago

The MRM is “not even wrong” personified. I have a hard time understanding how they could even reach their conclusions a lot of the time.

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