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The Catster Debates: Or, I inadvertently bring MRAs to an innocent cat website

From that other blog of mine
From that other blog of mine

So I did an interview about my Confused Cats Against Feminism blog with, a site that devotes itself to collecting “helpful and hilarious information for the worldly but still infatuated Cat aficionado.” Alas, as a result of publishing this interview with me yesterday, they now seem to be collecting angry MRA commenters as well.

Here are some highlights of the, er, debate so far, which I’ve waded into myself, perhaps unwisely. (These are selections, with a bunch missing, though the comments that look obviously like they are responses to other comments, are.) Maeve Connor is the author of the post about me.






Here, by the way, are some of the not-belittling, all-inclusive, non-mocking contributors to Women Against Feminism.

From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism

I’m just taking a wild guess here, but I’m pretty sure none of these gals are “tweens.”

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10 years ago

@brooked: gah, I just looked at Martin’s feed. The ignorance of the man is just stunning. ROFL at the sidebar bit about how he sued the Gender Studies department, love the way that’s still there even though the case was thrown out as being without merit.

10 years ago

Heeeey I just discovered that giant banner on the right linking to CCAF!!!

Anyone else simles at te thought having such a refreshing brain bleach just one click away?

I hope these Confused Furrinati live long and prosper <3

10 years ago

“*As opposed to the maggots, who are in dead Ernest.*As opposed to the maggots, who are in dead Ernest.”

Robert, I know where you stole that one. Even when fresh it was a putrid pun.

10 years ago

I’ve been chuckling to myself at work over those poor cats being indoctrinated into feminism. I can’t even teach my cats to use the toilet instead of the litterbox, and David’s teaching them philosophy, social justice, and politics?! That is next-level stuff, I tell you what.

Also, in reference to emilygoddess’s comment about MRAs parroting words without understanding what they mean, I immediately thought of this:


10 years ago

Let us all express our awe and wonder at David’s next-level cat training skills. I have trained my cat to understand that an annoyed tone of voice means “stop doing that”, but teaching her what feminism is? Hats off to you, sir.

10 years ago

Wait, what’s Tom going on about now? He should apply for a masters in grudge-holding, he might actually make it through more than a couple of terms of that one before flunking out.

10 years ago

Is Tom actually accusing David of “saying that child prostitutes have personal agency”? (except being an MRA he doesn’t use “prostitutes”) Really? That is some ridiculous hypocrisy there.

10 years ago

What is “patriarchal reversal”, class?

10 years ago

The latest tweet was a retweet of a claim that the Indian budget for the current financial year has allocated money to women and children but not men. I found a summary of the budget here, but I have no idea what Plan and Unplan expenditure is for a prospective budget:

Clearly, all those monies going to government organisations, which will include employee salaries and wages, plus the pensions money (let alone dollars allocated to healthcare, etc) will not include a single rupee spent on men as there are no male police officers, defence force staff, doctors, and no males who use healthcare services or collect pensions.

How the hell did Tom Martin ever get accepted into a postgraduate program at the LSE? How did he pass his undergraduate degree?

10 years ago

* Sorry, terms used are “Non-Plan” and “Plan”.

10 years ago

Thanks, David, I resubmitted them earlier today.

10 years ago

So, all of the government programs that don’t specifically say they’re about women and children are not about men and will not benefit men, and we know this because, um, hard chairs?

10 years ago

It’s the whore penguins I tell you, because (in a whisper) they wrote the budget.

10 years ago

Patriarchal reversal: is that when the magnetic poles reverse and all our electronics stuff stops working? Or is it simply when men can’t come home to a wife-cooked dinner?

10 years ago

Through you would be great, this being the internet and a feminist blog and such.

10 years ago

Anyone else think its odd that K Pow sounded almost like a radfem (no, not quite…but still)? Are the TERFs merging with the MRAs? We’re doomed!

10 years ago

No, K Pow does not sound like a radfem. You sure do sound like a dumbass, though.

10 years ago

It’s still misogyny if it’s coming from a woman.

10 years ago

Other women can disagree, but I’ve never been dogmatic about who in the movement is allowed to say or do what. I find those kind of hard and fast rules unhelpful.

10 years ago

It’s a silly rabbithole. Do we criticise male-run organisations that sell website space to feminists because the website space is not being purchased from feminists? Do we criticise male publishers for publishing feminist books?

While you’re obviously doing some vetting of submissions (and two from me haven’t made it /sob), it sounds like most of that is to prevent offensive content coming through.

You’re also not preventing any female from going out and doing something similar.

Also, the point is mockery.

So I don’t think the criticism is fair. But then I’m not Dawkins or a Dawkins acolyte so obviously I can’t logic.

10 years ago

If it was a site full of only male comments on why women need feminism then I’d see their point, but most of the submissions are coming from women, so David is basically just curating and posting them.