antifeminism antifeminist women confused cats against feminism cuteness false accusations irony alert lying liars misogyny MRA straw feminists straw futrelle ugly feminists

The Catster Debates: Or, I inadvertently bring MRAs to an innocent cat website

From that other blog of mine
From that other blog of mine

So I did an interview about my Confused Cats Against Feminism blog with, a site that devotes itself to collecting “helpful and hilarious information for the worldly but still infatuated Cat aficionado.” Alas, as a result of publishing this interview with me yesterday, they now seem to be collecting angry MRA commenters as well.

Here are some highlights of the, er, debate so far, which I’ve waded into myself, perhaps unwisely. (These are selections, with a bunch missing, though the comments that look obviously like they are responses to other comments, are.) Maeve Connor is the author of the post about me.






Here, by the way, are some of the not-belittling, all-inclusive, non-mocking contributors to Women Against Feminism.

From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism
From Women Against Feminism

I’m just taking a wild guess here, but I’m pretty sure none of these gals are “tweens.”

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10 years ago

I love when kitties cover their eyes to sleep. One of the cats I grew up with tucked her face into the carpet to sleep. It was great.

10 years ago

I picked up the cat arm-over-face-while-sleeping thing from the family cat when I was a kid. I still do it.

10 years ago

Someone should tell K Pow that “Portlandia” wasn’t supposed to be a documentary.

10 years ago

I’m just high enough to wonder if some of these MRAs are simply performance artists. It’s an explanation that requires a minimum of additional questions.

The idea that they are in dead earnest* is too dreary to consider.

*As opposed to the maggots, who are in dead Ernest.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Look, I haven’t got anything against cats, but who’s giving dogs a voice in this debate?

Where were all these animal rights people when dogs were being shamed (e.g. What do these people have against dogs?

I guess it was only a matter of time until the cries of “what about teh muttz?” began.

10 years ago

I guess it was only a matter of time until the cries of “what about teh muttz?” began.

I guffawed.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: Kittehs

Portland, Oregon, I wouldn’t mind seeing, though. Oregon sounds nice.

I’ve heard it’s nice, but also Hipsterland, Land of the Hipsters. Also a lot of comics folks apparently live there. (Seriously, it’s like all the queers move to San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, or New York. I don’t know how they afford the rent.)

Forgot to add I loved the touristy end of Chicago I stayed at.

Still mad my health wrecked before I could meet you. 🙁

10 years ago

I need to make a kitteh meme promoting dawgz rightz.

Also, any man who tells a woman to get raped is the opposite of a feminist. In short, an MRA.

10 years ago

Also, an Amy Winehouse lookalike calling me slutty? Irony, thy name is WAF. (Or maybe that should just be WTF?)

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Hey, now, less hate on big hair and lots of eyeliner! If my little ones would let me have more than five minutes to do my makeup, I’d rock that look every day (the big hair takes care of itself, thanks to genetics and humidity).

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

Er, some of my comments are still awaiting moderation?

I swear, I need to find an easier way to advertise my writeathons without getting modded for the first day or two of them.

10 years ago

They got et by the spam monster. Dunno why, apart from the standard answer of “WordPress is stoopud.”

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

Eesh. I wish I knew what it was I was doing that keeps getting me spammed. I know I add the “with an open writeathon!” and change my URL, but the email is still the same! *spreads hands* HOW DO WORDPRESS

10 years ago

David Futrelle is full of lies and opportunist.

Maybe David ought to let the opportunist go.

10 years ago

He can’t. The opportunist is a cat (or cats).

LBT (with an open writeathon!)


10 years ago

As an experiment, I tried to indoctrinate my cats in feminism. One fell asleep and the other wandered off to look out the window.

10 years ago

@Robert and @Flying Mouse: I chortled.

10 years ago

Like he’s really concerned about women being compared to animals like mras and anti feminists already do. He probably turns around and does the same thing.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

They’re doing the Furby thing again: they’ve hear these arguments (“you’re comparing women to animals”, “those poor girls are tweens”) before and can repeat them pretty convincingly, but they don’t understand what the words actually mean or how to use them properly.

Or maybe silly, inept movie aliens would be a better analogy: when human feminists use these arguments, people agree with them, so I will use the same arguments against human feminists and people will agree with me! Fortunately, like silly movie aliens, their inability to understand how the words work prevents them from convincing anyone.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Bina, why are you calling a woman slutty based just on her photo? For that matter, why are you calling a woan slutty at all?

10 years ago

Also, Winehouse is dead, and it wasn’t that long ago, so can we maybe let her settle into her grave before we start using her as an illustration of what’s wrong with Girls These Days? In other words, yeah, my eyebrows shot right up to my hairline when I read that comment too.

10 years ago

I’m not well versed or educated in feminism, I know what I’ve heard and read in articles that I pass by online. but In my life, feminism is how me and my friend will try to compliment each other on something other than our looks or how we do the walk for rape relief. we have a new rape relief shelter for men in our city which we though was cool. Now maybe feminism has become about demeaning men or negatively affecting others rights. But to me, it’s when my friend says that girls can’t do business and I respond by saying that “just because you can’t do business doesn’t mean all girls can’t”. I don’t like when my family says that my guy cousin should play the field, but that my girlfriend is slutty because she dated 2 guys in the same year only a few months apart from each other.

I don’t know why we can’t try to fight against inequality in both genders without putting the other gender down. It’s like with my little brothers, if I compliment one and the other is in earshot, it’s as if I’m putting the other one down & complains that I don’t like him. This may be simplified, but from my little knowledge of the topic, I get this feelings from different comments I’ve read. Like I said, I’m not an expert on feminism, this is just my limited view & it’s just frustrating to see all this negativity, when what I think most of us are wanting to do is just live in a world where we can behave and dress the way that we enjoy, without being limited or rejected based on our gender.

10 years ago

Also this brings to mind how some people will treat gay or lesbian couples badly or in hateful manner and say they are doing it in the name of Jesus or Christianity when all the Christians I know would be appalled at such behavior. Does this mean that Christianity calls for homophobia? Or does it mean that some assholes are trying to justify their hatred. Honestly, I’d have to know way more about feminism to say what it is or isn’t, but in my personal life it has encouraged me and my girlfriends to treat each other and ourselves better & to be there for people that have been hurt & blamed for things that aren’t their fault because of distorted society views

10 years ago

David better hope the old saw that you can judge a man by the quality of his enemies isn’t true, at least on Twitter. There was JudgyB’s drunken thrashing, Esmay’s hatemongering bigoted hatemongers, Vox’s imaginary debate and Attila hiring Google, PI, and now Tom Martin has managed to make less sense the the rest of the clown crew combined. You’d think one of these doofuses would manage to tweet a functioning insult or criticism, but nope.