antifeminism confused cats against feminism

In which I get an email from Women Against Feminism [CORRECTION: THE EMAIL WAS FROM A COPYCAT SITE]

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Just posted this on Confused Cats Against Feminism, but it was too good not to post here as well:

So I just got this curiously impersonal email from the admin at Women Against Feminism. (Gosh! Could it be a form letter?)

Hi David Futrelle,

I wanted to say thanks for writing the article about Women Against Feminism.

Whilst it’s clear that we don’t agree on all points, hearing both sides of the argument will get more people thinking about what they believe in and which set of points they feel aligned with more closely.

This can only be a positive step forward, not only for women, but for society as a whole.

To help get more people thinking about what they really believe, I was wondering if you could make add a link to our new website in your article?

We’re trying to create a centrally located hub where the discussion about Women and Feminism can flourish, with everyone getting a chance to share their opinions, and we believe that a website is the best place to do it.

Would you be able to help facilitate that conversation by adding a link to the site?

The URL is

Once again, thanks for furthering the discussion about women and feminism through your article. Even though we don’t agree on all the same points, we really appreciate getting these concepts heard and empowering people to make up their own mind.

Many thanks,

[name and email redacted]

So I wrote back:

There already is a central hub for this discussion:

Could you redirect all of your traffic there? Thanks!

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10 years ago

Carodwen Nightwillow: What the hell makes you think feminism has done something wrong? What exactly has feminism done to drive people away? What horrible things are radicals doing in feminsim’s name?

And are you actually trying to say that feminists can’t criticize other women? That women can’t be stupid? We’re calling their stupid because they are stupid. “I’m against feminism because I don’t want to grow out my underarm hair” is in no way, shape or form an intelligent or rational criticism of feminism.

You got women on that site saying conservative woman are not woman enough to be protected.

Who said that? Cause, I haven’t heard anyone here make that argument. And I haven’t seen it on the Confised Cat tumblr, either.

Cause I’ll tell ya what the Radicals are writing the laws winning the office seats running the board rooms and getting shit done. The non radicals (excuse me the ones who aren’t all like that. They are on tumblr making fun of 17 thousand women turning into the misogynists they claim to hate.

What? What laws? And I thought the radicals were bad. None of this makes a bit of sense.

So with all due respect, maybe a tumblr meant to mock these women isn’t the exact way to handle this situation.

No, actually, a tumbr mocking anti-feminist women for saying things like, “I’m not a feminist because feminists are mean and ugly and hate men and I’m pretty and like to cook,” is exactly the way to handle the situation.

10 years ago

Speaking of food, there’s this place in Santa Cruz called Surfrider Cafe, and it’s absolutely wonderful. They have avocado fries served with a spicy mayo sauce. Avocado fries! I didn’t eat them because I don’t like avocadoes in anything except guacamole, but they smelled delicious.

Huh, curious. There’s a place in Seal Beach called Beachwood BBQ that has portobello mushroom fries, which are quite good (they have a lot of unusual dishes along with their basically excellent brisket and pulled pork, including a wild mushroom stew bedded on blue cheese grits and a lamb burger that has *strawberries* on it– and that’s a better mix than you might think at first glance!).

10 years ago

Carodwen, misogyny refers to a hatred of women as a whole, simply for the fact that they are women. It does not mean that criticizing any woman is misogyny. Showing dislike for a woman or disagreeing with a group of women based on their opinions and ideologies != misogyny.

10 years ago

Concern trolls are always deeply concerned when they see instances of women, particularly feminists, going round acting like people. It is a violation of the “global accords governing the fair use of women”.

10 years ago

katz, we need you to score that flounce.

Meh, 3/10. Classic mistake: Failing to wait long enough to convince anyone that you actually changed your mind.

10 years ago

Enjoy your ideology.

Well, thanks, Carodwen, I certainly shall enjoy my feminism here.

Jarred H
10 years ago

I have learned all I need to know.

I think you might have meant to say “I have found something I can point to and insist that it proves the conclusions I had already reached before entering this conversation.”

10 years ago

I think that is a pretty common concern troll tactic. Say your say and then flounce.

10 years ago

@Carodwen Nightwillow

With half of the human population being female, 17k followers of undetermined gender and a bunch of people whose only way of generating an income is uploading photos of themselves holding sings is barely a drop in the bucket.

Plus it’s not like finding literature on feminism is challenging.

What’s more, posting images of cats claiming to not care for feminism can hardly count as a personal attack.

10 years ago

Concern trolls like that make me want to somehow make them take courses on the suffragette movement, from at least Wollenstonecraft to the present, and for the final exam I’d like the concern trolls to put in order the arguments of those who denounced the movement from that day to this. If they managed to put the same statement repeated ad naseum without distinguishing characteristics in order then they are good enough at detecting tone to tone troll.

If not then I’d hope that the demonstration that the arguments against feminism haven’t changed in that whole time would help them realize that pointing out the tone of the discussion won’t move an anti- one way or the other… but then I’m a hopeless optimist!

10 years ago

drats “out in order” should have been “put in date order”

10 years ago

and with that I’m giving up on typing for the rest of the afternoon… stupid finters… durr… finGers!

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Carodwen, do you know what “trolling” means? That site may not be the original WAF, but I doubt someone went to all the effort to set it up and stock it with photos just to troll David.

As for your tl;dr: mocking women for their opinions is not misogyny. Feminism doesn’t mean supporting everything that every woman does, ever, and I don’t know why you idiots keep pretending it does.

Do you care that 17k people are so afraid of feminism that they are publicly denouncing it?

I love how you think this is new.

Blessed Be

Ew GTFO my religion.

Carodwen Nightwillow
10 years ago

“Blessed Be

Ew GTFO my religion.”

I think I’ll stay just to get on your nerves 🙂 BLESSED BE!

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Misinformation and feminism go together like peanut butter, jelly and David Futrelle.

Shit, guys! Did you know David is fat?!

She is happy for me to take passive credit. I tell the truth when actively asked, but do not volunteer it, to help keep the real owner out of the spotlight.

AHAHAHAHAHA oh my god. Never change, JB!

Cookie butter?? Mother of god, why don’t I live in the US?!

We didn’t even invent it – that honor goes to the Belgians. Do they have Speculoos where you live?

Well you don’t know what feminism is you didnt answer anything next poster?

Maybe they “didn’t answer anything” because they couldn’t find a question under all that barely-readable spew? For example, this sentence, which I can’t even parse.

you only care about one another you give no actual shits about anyone else.

Kinda like how Ally just denounced the women who were shitting on conservative women? Which I also would have done except I just got here?

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Carodwen, feel free to address any of the actual points being made.

10 years ago

Couldn’t stick the flounce…

10 years ago

What’s the standard deduction for failure to stick the flounce? 1 point? 2?

10 years ago


I have not heard of Speculoos but it will be my life’s work to learn more about them and how I can put them into my belly.

10 years ago

Yep, two point deduction. Also, “blessed be?” Are we in the Handmaid’s Tale?

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

Katz, what? Lots of Pagans and Wiccans sign off with “blessed be”. It’s also a thing we actually say in rituals and other gatherings.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Katz — it’s a fairly standard way of wishing someone well among pagans of various stripes. As a horrid analogy, picture Sunshine Mary saying what Carodwen did and ending it with, idk, “God Bless” or something.

Emilygoddess — I’m with you, she can GTFO, wtf, ending her spewing with a smilie would be less offensive >.<

10 years ago

Katz, what? Lots of Pagans and Wiccans sign off with “blessed be”. It’s also a thing we actually say in rituals and other gatherings.

I’m very sorry, I actually didn’t know that!

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

I figured it was an innocent mistake. Yay for learning new things!

10 years ago

Yay for learning new things!
